DAY 1: Help Wanted

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Two years ago before before the fateful encounter with Ruby Rose,

At C.R. in Seito University Hospital,

All the Riders from C.R. are seen relaxing after a long day fighting Bugster Viruses, attending to patients and operating on patients. It was a tiring day for everyone as we can see here. While everyone is seen resting, Shadow is however seen at the table, reading some case files as since he is still learning, he wanted to see some case files to learn on what to expect from patients and how to deal with any complications.

As he kept reading, one case file caught his eyes as the file read; 'The Bite of 83 and 87'. He then took the file, opening it as he began reading it. As he read page by page, paper by paper, Shadow's expression turned from serious to shock until-

Shadow: WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!

Shadow exclaimed.

This attracted everyone to the meeting table as they find out what's going on.

Poppy: What's up, Shadow?

Kiriya: You yelled like something happened.

Poppy and Kiriya said.

Emu: What happened?

Emu ask.

Shadow slowly look at everyone as he handed them the file, for Hirro to have a look at it, for him to look in shock at the file.

Hirro: That's-

Taiga: Hey... isn't that the kid that got bitten twice?

Hirro: Yes. He survived the first one back in 83.... but he didn't at 87.... the case known as, The Bite of 87 was too severe....

Shadow: Why is there no name being written-

Shadow asked.

Poppy: Well about that. Last I checked, his kin wanted his name confidential, you see.

Shadow: oh. But... what happened to him? W-what did this to him?

Taiga: If you have read the file.... it was said by his kin that.... back in 83, it was a prank gone wrong.... a Golden Bear bit his head... well, at the frontal lobe to what he said.

Hirro: Fortunately, it didn't bite directly to his brain. Otherwise, he won't survive.

Shadow: I see....

Taiga: That was 83. But then in 87.... some white fox bit him. So bad he never survived the bite.... Look... I know you are asking us this as this is hard to believe but....

Emu: Believe it or not.... it happened. And Hirro didn't take it well when he read it, too.... even his kin didn't take it okay that ths child didn't survive. Neither of us took it well, too.

Emu said.

Poppy: It's Poppy Pipopapo-sad.... I even take pity on the kin's son too as he said his son got blamed for it due to something gone wrong. And to top it all that,.... it happened a long time ago before you came to us.

Poppy said.

After Shadow heard everything, he nod his head in understanding about how everyone looked at this case years ago.

Shadow: I see....

He said.



It has been an hour since my Team informed me about the Bites of 83 and 87, and here I am at the same rooftop, gazing at the view to calm myself after what I just read, saw and heard.

Me: How.... how did this happen... he was just young. Too young.

I said to myself.

Then, I clenched my fists on the railings as I look up at the sky with determination.

Me: If there are other occurances like this one.... I bet you there is something they aren't telling me just yet... as judging from their facial expressions, I can tell there is more than just those two cases. I need to find out what's going on. But the good question is... how?

I said.

???: You want to know how?

A voice boomed.

Upon hearing it, I swiftly turned around while equipping Parablade in hand as I aimed my weapon whoever was behind me, only to find no one there.

Me: W-Who's there?

???: Who am I is none of your concern for the time being. But for now, I overheard you saying you want to find out what happened? Well, there's more to it than the Crying Child. 

Me: And how can I be sure that isn't a trick?

???: Trust me, it's not. Just lower your weapon and you'll be answered.

The voice said.

I was reluctant to lower Parablade but after everything I was told and what I saw and read, I decided to lower my weapon as I began to hear the voice out.

Me: Okay... whoever you are. You have my attention. So, go on.

???: The crying child isn't the only victim. There were also many others. Majority murdered and several hanged, killed by their own desires, and many more.

Me: And I take it the majority wins....

I ask.

???: Yes.

The voice said.

Me: So, where can I find this place so I can begin my search?

???: Here. But don't tell anyone about this.... unless it's too much for you... then I suppose you could.

The voice said as a gust of wind blew by from my right.

As the wind blew, a page of a newspaper flew into my face, for me to get a shock from that sheet of newspaper slapping into my face. I then removed the sheet as I took a look at the whole page and a certain topic that was being circled out by a marker.

(A/N: This page of the Newspaper.)

Me: Help Wanted. Grand Re-Opening, Vintage Pizzeria given new life... Come be a part of the New Face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. What can go wrong? Hundred dollars fifty cents a week. Apply, call; 1-888-FAZ-FAZBEAR....

I said it out.

???: That's the one. Just give them a call, and I assure and promise you, your findings will begin there.

It said.

I kept looking at the paper as I thought about the dangers I'm about to put myself into, but I still insisted in taking up for the job as this has to end, and it has to end now. So, I picked up my scroll from my pocket as I began to dial the number stated on the newspaper page.

Once dialed, I waited for the call to pick up so I could apply for the job which took a while but eventually, someone picked up.

Me: H-Hello? I'm calling regarding about the job....... yep........ okay......... uh huh........... excellent....... Cool. So uh,.... how may I address you?....... Okay,....... How do I address this other guy?....... Okay,.... Mr. Smith, got it. I'll be right over at......... okay, 11pm it is, then..... Okay, see you.

I ended the call while folding the paper, placing it in my pocket along with my scroll as I began to walk back into the hospital.

Me: So.... see you when I solved the mystery?

???: Yeah. Something like that.

Me: Alright. I'll see you.


TIME - 3:30pm (1530hrs)

At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow turned in to the parking lot as he stopped in front of the entrance of the establishment, to the person's shock at the car. After stopping, Shadow opened the doors and alighted from the car as he looked up at the board above the building, checking to see if he's at the right place as he raised his sunglasses slightly upwards to inspect.

Shadow: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, eh? Welp, this is the place.

Shadow confirmed.

???: Sweet wheels.

Someone complimented.

Shadow tilt his head down to look at the person to see that he's looking at Shadow's car, for him to remove his sunglasses while making his way towards the person.

Shadow: Thanks. And judging from the voice i'm hearing to the one on the phone, you must be, Fritz Smith, the guy that was telling me about?

He ask.

Fritz Smith: Yes, that's me.

Shadow: Nice to meet you.

Shadow said as they both shook hands.

Shadow: I believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm-

Fritz Smith: Actually, we already knew each other.

Fritz Smith interrupted.

Shadow: Eh?

Fritz Smith: Heheheh, you are so spot on at times when you need to be huh, Shadow?

Fritz Smith said.

This shocked Shadow as he began to ask more questions.

Shadow: H-How did you-?

Fritz Smith: Did you remember? Back in 1983? When we were in enjoying ourselves in this pizzeria, we always say;


Shadow: Gosh dang! Fritzy!

Fritz Smith: Shadow!

Shadow: How long has it been, dawg?

Fritz Smith: Too long, man. Too long.

Shadow: So, you work here?

Fritz Smith: Security Guard, yes. And a few others, too. I understand you'll be taking the nightshift so,.... why did you come here so early?

Fritz Smith ask.

Shadow: Ah, just want to get to know the place better so I will know my way around at night.

Fritz Smith: That's so like you, being prepared before doing something.

Fritz Smith said.

Shadow giggled at what he said. Then, it dawned upon Shadow that he heard the words; "And a few others, too." before he asked why he is here early, for him to ask out of curiosity on something.

Shadow: Lemme guess. Are Mikey and Jerry there, too?

Shadow ask.

Fritz Smith: Haha~ Yes, they are doing the Day Shift. Still surprised you still called Jeremy, Jerry. Bet he'll get teased when he hears that after so long.

Shadow: I'll bet. But why the Day shift? Is there a shift for the night in case anything happens?

Fritz Smith: Well... They wanted to do the Day Shift... well, so did I due to some disturbance in the night. We didn't have a night guard for a while until you showed up.

Shadow: I see.

Fritz Smith: Anyway, enough of that. Let's go meet them. Don't worry. I'll play along and pretend not to know you.

Shadow: AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, this again like last time but this time, in a form of a business-y kind of way.

Fritz Smith: Yup. But don't worry, I'll let you make the reveal anytime. For now, I'll show you around at the meantime.

Shadow: Cool.

And with that, both Fritz Smith and Shadow entered the establishment as he began to show Shadow around the Pizzeria, starting off with the Showstage, followed by the Game Area, the Prize Corner, Kid's Cove, Main Hall, Parts and Service, the four Party Rooms and lastly the Office where Shadow noticed two security guards talking amongst each other, for Shadow to smirk at this.

Shadow: Jerry and Mikey. Still the talkative types.

He said.

Fritz Smith: Mhm, yup. So uh, Shadow. Sit at the Empty Party Room hand gestures to point at Party Room 2 over there and I'll come call you out so you can introduce yourself.

Shadow: Okay.

Shadow went to the empty Party Room 2 as he sat on one of the chairs, waiting patiently for the call.


At the Office Room, two Security Guards are seen talking amongst each other about the establishment and their past experiences in their Night Shifts. While they were discussing about this to themselves, Fritz Smith walked in to greet them.

Fritz Smith: Hey Mike, Jeremy.

Fritz Smith called out.

The two guards look up to see their Night Shift security guard coming in to greet them.

Fritz Smith: How you two doing?

Fritz Smith ask.

Mike Schmidt: We're good. But, why did you come earlier than usual?

Mike Schmidt ask.

Fritz Smith: Well, I'll be joining you on the morning shift as someone is going to take over me, which leads me to the reason why I'm here, too. To introduce you guys our new Night Guard.

Fritz Smith replied.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay.... where is the guy?

Jeremy Fitzgerald ask.

Fritz Smith: I'll call him over.

Fritz Smith said as he walks over to Part Room 2.

Fritz Smith: Okay, you can come on out to greet them. Don't be shy.

Shadow: Oh. Alright.

Shadow said as he followed Fritz Smith out to meet the other two guards. 


Once the both of us walk inside the office, I introduced myself to the Security Guards who are taking the Day Shift.

Me: Uhm.... hey guys. I'm a Doctor-in-Training, Doctor Shadow. You can just call me Shadow for short. Nice to meet you.

I said.

Then, Mike soon went up to me as he shook my hand.

Mike Schmidt: Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Mike Schmidt. You can just call me Mike.

Mike Schmidt said.

Me: Okay. Hi, Mike.

I greeted.

After Mike introduced himself, another guard came up as he did the same.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hi. I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Fitzgerald. Just call me Jeremy.

Me: Cewl. Hi, Jeremy.

I greeted.

Once the meet and greets were in order, I began to explain why I'm here.

Me: So, anyway.... like what Mr. Fritz said here, I'll be uh... taking the Night Shift starting tonight. So, you both can rest easy for today, including Mr. Fritz.

I said.

After saying that I'll be doing the Night Shift, i noticed Mr. Jeremy and Mr. Mike's expressions turned from being nice to having shocked and worried expressions as sweat demeanors could be seen above their heads.

Mike Schmidt: You mean to say you'll be taking this Night Shift alone? 

Mike Schmidt ask.

Me: Yup.

I said.

Mike Schmidt & Jeremy Fitzgerald (Inner Thoughts): ..... crap.....


3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: After meeting Fritzy, Jerry and Mikey in that Pizzeria, everything proceeded normally while I went back to the University Hospital to prepare for my Night Shift. 

Shadow said.

Weiss: That's it?

Shadow: Nope. Far from it. This is just Day 1. The other days and the terrifying Nights awaits us when I tell you about them, which will lead to the explanation on how I got those scars on my arm.

Shadow said.

Weiss: Well, that isn't scary, at least. Since you know, it's in the day.

Weiss said.

Tenka: Oh, you say that now, Weiss.... wait till Doc tells us about the Eight Nights, despite it only being Five.

Rachel & Mitchell: Mhm.

Rachel and Mitchell nod their heads to agree on Tenka's point.

Shadow: Never judge a book by it's cover, Weiss. But when it comes to the Pizzeria-

Shadow stopped halfway while hugging Ruby tight to make her feel better and less afraid.

Ruby: T-Thanks....

Shadow nods at her.

Shadow: - you don't wanna judge it, too much.

Yang: Then, let's lay out the scare fest!

Yang said in excitment.

Shadow giggled at Yang's excitement to hear more.

Shadow: Okay okay. Sit tight. Anyway, as I was saying; After preparing for the Night Shift, I quickly returned back to the Pizzeria at 11pm sharp as I was just finished with one of my patients. They gave me entry to the Pizzeria, locked me in, informed me if there are any issues, there are spare keys in the office hidden somewhere, will only be out by 6am and that's pretty much it,.... that's when,.... evil giggle (A/N: For effects, lol.)..... that's when the scare fest begins.....

To be Continued....

Chapter 2 (NIGHT 1) begins at the next page....

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