NIGHT 1: The Nightmare Begins

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At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 11:59pm (2359hrs)

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow is seen making himself comfortable on his desk table while spinning round and round on his office chair that he's currently sitting on, waiting for his shift to begin. While waiting, he looked at the Nightguard outfit he was given to him before he officially entered the establishment to begin his job.

(A/N: This Nightguard Outfit, include the hat. Replace the tight long pants to working long pants. Exclude the Electronic device as he is supplied in the office.)

Shadow: Hmm. This uniform doesn't look half bad. I can even wear this to work tomorrow.

He said while chuckling.

While spinning around and around still on his swivel chair, Shadow's watch soon beeped continuously until he pressed a button for the beeping to stop, for him to check to see that it already 12am in the morning, which means his shift has finally begun.

Shadow: 12am... so it seems... the Nightmare has begun...

He said.

Time - 12:00am (0000hrs)

Shadow stopped spinning around as he pushed himself towards the table by using his legs while seated on the chair. Once reached, he grabbed a tablet as he began to look at every CCTV camera panning certain areas of the Pizzeria attentively. While he was attentively looking at each camera really carefully, a telephone suddenly rang for Shadow to look at the phone as he pressed on a button for a call log to initiate for Night 1.

As the Call began, turns out it was a recorded message, for Shadow to decide that he should listen to it and probably gain certain advice in case of danger. So, Shadow left the recording on so he could listen to it carefully while forcusing on the cameras really closely at the same time.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, hello? Hello, hello? Uh, hello and welcome to your new summer job, at the new and improved, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Uh, I'm here to talk you through some of the things you can expect to see during your first week here and to help you get started down this new and exciting career path. Uh, now, I want you to forget anything you may have heard about the old location, you know. Uh, some people still have a somewhat negative impression of the company. Uh... that old restaurant was kind of left to rot for quite a while, but I want to reassure you, Fazbear Entertainment is committed to family fun and above all, safety.

Shadow: Safety? Heh! After what I was told by my Doctor-Kamen Rider Team? Safety, my Gutton's geared ass....

Shadow said while the recorded message was on.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): They've spent a small fortune on these new animatronics. Uh, facial recognition, advanced mobility, they even let them walk around during the day. Isn't that neat? clears throat 

Shadow: I'm sure there are downside to this when they let them roam freely....

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): But most importantly, they're all tied into some kind of criminal database, so they can detect a predator a mile away. Heck, we should be paying them to guard you. Uh, now that being said, no new system is without its... kinks. Uh... you're only the second guard to work at that location. Uh, the first guy finished his week but complained about... conditions. Uh, we switched him over to the day shift. So hey, lucky you, right? Uh, mainly he expressed concern that certain characters seemed to move around at night and even attempted to get into his office. Now, from what we know, that should be impossible. Uh, that restaurant should be the safest place on Earth. So while our engineers don't really have an explanation for this, the working theory is that... the robots were never given a proper "Night Mode". So when it gets quiet, they think they're in the wrong room. So then they go try to find where the people are, and in this case, that's your office. 

Shadow: I see....

Shadow hissed silently.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): So our temporary solution is this: there's a music box over by the Prize Corner, and it's rigged to be wound up remotely. So just, every once in a while, switch over to the Prize Counter video feed and wind it up for a few seconds. It doesn't seem to affect all of the animatronics, but it does affect... one of them. clears throat

(A/N: Music box music starts here.)

Upon hearing this, this caused Shadow to check the Prize Corner to see that there is a Music Box function on the tablet that needs to be wound up once the call ends, to his understanding.

Shadow: Except one of them, huh? I wonder if that certain one animatronic has something to do with that huge box right there on camera and what I saw when Fritz showed me around... apparently it is a puppet according to him.... welp,... i'm gonna find out. How, we'll see...

He said.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, and as for the rest of them, we have an even easier solution. You see, there may be a minor glitch in the system, something about robots seeing you as an endoskeleton without its costume on, and wanting to stuff you into a suit... So hey, we've given you... an empty Freddy Fazbear Head! Problem solved! 

Shadow: Huh~

Shadow exclaim in curiosity as he noticed a Freddy Head on the left side of the table, for him to put it over his head.

Shadow: Well ain't that conveinient and sweet?

He said.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): You can put it on anytime, and leave it on for as long as you want. Eventually, anything that wandered in, will wander back out. Uh, something else worth mentioning is kind of the quirky modern design of the building. You may have noticed there are no doors for you to close, heh. Uh, but hey, you have a light! And even though your flashlight can run out of power, the building cannot. So, don't worry about the place going dark. Well, I think that's it. Uh, you should be golden. Uh, check the lights, put on the Freddy head if you need to, uh, keep the music box wound up, piece of cake. Have a good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

As soon as the recorded message ended, it soon hung up upon itself to indicate the call has ended.

Shadow then removed the Freddy mask as he began to start his first Night Shift.

Shadow: Alright, Shadow. First Night in your Temp. Job. Let's DO THIS!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled to himself to encourage himself that he got this.

Time - 1:00am (0100hrs)

Shadow was paying attention to the Camera facing the Prize Corner as he is seen still press holding on the 'Wind Up Music Box' button, keeping whatever's inside the huge box inside for good. While winding up the music box remotely by via the tablet, he flashed his flashlight down the main corridoor in front of him to check if there is anything standing there while he's winding up the music box. So far, there was nothing.

While winding up the music box, Shadow yawned as it was getting boring around here with each second passing through like a high-speed train.

Shadow: Despite wanting to get to the bottom of this.... Still.... this.... SUCKS!!!

Shadow implied to himself.

Then, he stopped winding up the music box to check the cameras again to see that everything is in order and all the Animatronics are still where they are suppose to be in position.

Shadow: Looks like everything's in order. Baaaah! Seriously. I wonder what got Jerry, Mikey and Fritzy so spooked that they had to take the Day Shift... All I see is nothing but shut down animatronics, standing there, doing nothing.

He said while going back to the Prize Corner Camera as he kept winding up the music box.

One hour and Fifty-Five Minutes later,

Time - 2:55am (0255hrs)

It has been two over hours and nothing seemed to have happened yet so far. As time flew by, Shadow is seen sleeping while winding up the music box-

-Story pauses for a moment-

Weiss (Talking through the story): You're sleeping?!

Shadow (Talking through the story): Best I could for the time being since nothing was happening. So far no break ins and yada yada yada.

Weiss (Talking through the story): Well... fair point.

Yang: (Talking through the story): Where's the scare fest?

Blake & Ruby (Talking through the story): Yang?!/Sis?!

Shadow (Talking through the story): Oh, in due time, my friends. In due time.

-Story resumes-

- to keep the animatronic in the box at bay. While winding up the music box, Shadow began to slip to the side as he fell off his chair and off the table, causing him to wake up and hurriedly got back to his seat while checking everything to see that everything is still normal, for him to go back to winding up the music box again.

Shadow (Talking through the story): And that's when.... the scare fest begins.

Time - 3:00am (0300hrs)

While looking at the Prize Corner Footage while winding up the music box, the camera began to glitch out, to Shadow's confusion but despite that, he could still manage to wind up the music box, but what he's about to discover next, will haunt him shortly.

The glitch continued for a few seconds, only for it to clear soon after, for the animatronic in the box to still remain inside, to his relief. However, when he checked the Show Stage, his heart sank with worry to find that only Toys Freddy and Chica are on stage and Bonnie is no longer on stage. So, he frantically searched every camera to find Toy Bonnie, to finally found the bunny animatronic at Party Room 3.

(A/N: Party Room 3 footage.)

Shadow: There you are, Toy Bonnie. So, that's what the three are so worried about? Hmmm... Assuming that the rest would do the same. Well, that tears it. I got my eye on you all from now on, not just the music box alone....

Shadow said, giving himself some courage to get through his first night while looking at Toy Bonnie who is now in Party Room 3.

As said, Shadow began to toggle through every camera while repeatitively going back to the Prize Corner camera to wind up the music box constantly to keep an eye out on the animatronics located at Party Room 3, Showstage, Game Area, Prize Corner, Kid's Cove and Parts & Service Room. While he constantly checked on everyone and winding up the music box in the meantime, the cameras began to glitch again for him to go back to Part Room 3 camera.

Once the glitch cleared up, he sees that Toy Bonnie was no longer in Party Room 3, for him to check the Show Stage to see that Toy Chica is now missing, to his worry to kick in even more. Shadow began to search every camera again until he found both Toy Bonnie at Party Room 4, staring at the camera dead in the eye and Toy Chica at the Main Hall, doing the same thing as what Toy Bonnie's doing, but this time, it didn't have her beak on.

(A/N: What he sees now at Party Room 4 and Main Hall.)


Shadow exclaimed.

As he checked on them, something came into mind when he began to recall back from that recorded message.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): Hmmm.... about that recorded call message, as well which is pretty worrisome and gruesome at the same time. What did he say if one gets to me? One will stuff me into one of those suits? What? Why would one stuff me into one of those suits in the first place? Is it part of their criminal recognition to what this guy was talking about???

He asked himself in his thought as he kept keeping an eye out on the animatronics that are still in position and the two that are at the Party Room and the Main Hall.

Then, seeing that he needed answers, he thought of doing something reckless, despite it being his job to do so.

Shadow: Okay... Again, that tears it! There has to be a reason to this predictament on why they have to act this way. So, I'm going to find out what and why.

Shadow said, standing up from his swivel chair as he began his investigation while holding onto his tablet and flashlight in hand.

(A/N: Music box music ends here.)

Time - 3:09am (0309hrs)


After placing the office-issue tablet in my pocket, I began to leave the office as I walked along the coridoor leading to the entrances of the four party Rooms, passing them by. While passing the four Party Rooms' entrances, I shined my flashlight to still see Toy Bonnie staring straight at the camera, to my spine shivering knowing at anytime, this animatronic can move to massacre me if I don't pay attention to it.

As soon as I entered the Main Hall, i shined the light to see Toy Chica still staring at the camera like Toy Bonnie. As soon as I assumed myself to be safe, I swiftly turned around to see a door that says; Parts & Service on it, for me to figure that the older models are in there.

Me: Parts and Service. Hmmm, that's the room where they put the older animatronics in, as stated by Fritzy. 

I said.

I kept looking at the door until, an ominous ambience sounded off, to my worry for my eyes to widen up.

(A/N: Hallway Ambience starts here.)

Upon hearing this ambience, I swiftly turned around with my flashlight to see that Chica is staring at the Main Hall Camera where she now stands despite the ambience.

Me: Okay... if she's there then-

While figuring out why the ambience sounded off, a realization came to mind.

Me: Oh..... Toy Bonnie.... then he must have figured that I'm either there or looking for me.

I silently said.

I then turn away from Toy Chica as I checked the Boys and Girls Restroom by via my flashlight to see no one is inside or deep inside, to my relief, but that was however shortlived when something emerged from the Parts & Service Room door without my knowledge as it grabbed me by the ankle, to my fright as I swiftly look down while shining a light on it.

Me: W-What the-?!

I exclaimed.

Shining the light on the ground, I see a dark purple hand grabbing my left ankle from within the room as I tried freeing myself from its grasp. While struggling to free myself, I thought to myself if I could quickly fish out my tablet to check out who was grabbing me, I could also disorientate whoever by shining the light at them. 

So, I quickly fished out the tablet in the attempts to doing what I planned to do, only for me to be interrupted by a pair of animatronic hands covering my mouth and grabbing my stomach, causing me to start panicking as I tried to use my arms and hands to resist and fight, but to no avail as something was beginning to pull me into the room while I continued to struggle violently. 

While it slowly pulled me in, I immediately grabbed the door and the outside wall, I even used my free leg to get my footing in the attempt to pull myself out from danger while swinging my caught leg around, only for the animatronics in the Parts & Service Room to forcefully pull me inside as the doors closed upon itself.

(A/N: Hallway Ambience stops here.)

I tried hard to break free but whatever the animatronics were, they seem to have a really strong grip with a bad odor around and within their suits as I began to suffocate, slowly losing consciousness. So, I quickly tried to break free so I could catch my breathe, but to no avail as their grip became tighter and stronger. As soon as their grip got tighter, I slowly lost consciousness and slowly collapsed as I slowly stopped moving.

A few hours later,

Time - ?:??am (????hrs)

I slowly came to for me to realize that I am now sitting on the floor, all tied up except for my legs as I looked around inside the Dark Parts & Service Room. While looking around for another way out knowing that the door leading outside might be guarded, I noticed someone or something in front of me, for me to slowly look up with worry.

Upon seeing who that was, I looked in horror despite trying to keep my composure, to see it was Freddy Fazbear himself staring down at me, for me to keep looking at him with fear while keeping my composure despite my eyes showing otherwise as they show fear in them.

(A/N: Withered Freddy Fazbear.)

Me: Freddy...

I said.

Me: S-S-S-So... y-you took me here with a help of your friend so you can finish the job? O-Or are you just stalling for time so to make me suffer even more befor eyou finish me off?

I ask while trying my best to keep my cool.

Freddy Fazbear: No. Quite the opposite, actually. So, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.

The withered bear animatronic said.

I look of fear turned into relief and confusion after it said it doesn't want to hurt or kill me.

Me: Wait? Really?

I ask.

3rd Person's POV:

Freddy slowly squat down in front of me as it began to speak again.

Freddy Fazbear: Again, Quite the reverse. Though, sorry about the that when we forcefully pulled you in here, we had to keep it real for the Toy counterparts to think that we got you.

Freddy replied.

Shadow: I see...

Freddy Fazbear: Anyway, that aside. I want to help you.... I want to warn you.... There's a killer in this Pizzeria. He killed us.... He killed all of us!

Freddy said, requesting for Shadow's help.

Shadow: Kill? What do you mean kill? Can you... show me?

Shadow ask.

Freddy Fazbear: We're kids once... but now, we're souls possessing these animatronics.

Freddy said.

Then, he deactivated himself as he revealed himself to Shadow in a form of a spirit of a child crying.

Freddy Fazbear (???): See?

The soul said.

Shadow's eyes widened with shock to see that whoever spoke to him on the rooftop was right. There was really more to it than just the Bites of 83 and 87 with the proof right in front of him.

Shadow: ... then whoever spoke to me was right....

He said silently to himself.

Shadow: Ahem Ahem! So uh..... do you... have a name, once? If you don't mind me asking.

Shadow ask.

Freddy Fazbear (???): Oh, no. It's alright. It's... It's Gabriel.

Shadow: Gabriel? Nice name.

Freddy Fazbear (Gabriel): Thank you.

The soul said as it went back into the animatronic as the animatronic reactivated on itself.

Shadow: So, Gabriel. Who is your killer?

Shadow asked.

There was a long pause for a moment before Freddy aka, Gabriel answered.

Freddy Fazbear: It's-

Just before the animatronic could finish, Freddy deactivated by itself for no apparent reason, to Shadow's confusion, for him to call out to Gabriel.

Shadow: Freddy? Freddy?! Gabriel?!?!

Shadow called out.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard inside the room as he followed the noise at where those footsteps come from, for the footsteps to get louder until it stopped, revealing to be a man in purple uniform to be seen behind the withered bear animatronic looking around the room to see the withered animatronics before him.

???: Stupid dumb animatronics...

The man said to himself.

Then, he turned his attention to Shadow who is seen being tied up, and for him to see the man having that frown and frustrated look on his face. 

After a brief moment of silence, the man spoke up to Shadow.

???: Who are you? And what are you even doing here?

He ask.

Shadow: I'm.... Shadow.

Shadow introduced.

???: So, you must be the new Nightguard, I'll bet?

Shadow: Y-Yes, I am. Basically, these animatronics captured me... and uh... tied me up.

???: They, tied you up?

Shadow: Yeah.

There was another brief silence until the man spoke again.

???: Heheh. You're funny, you know that? Animatronics can't knot, y'know?

The man giggled while having a small smile on his face.

Shadow: oh...

Shadow said, dumbfounded at what he discovered, knowing he could have gotten free from those binds a moment ago.

A minute later, Shadow untie himself from being tied up with ropes, freeing himself while he got up from his captured-sitting position. While getting up, I noticed something on the rope.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): There's... b-blood on the rope...

???: I'll take that, to compensate what they did.

Shadow: looks up at the man Oh! S-Sure... thanks. gives rope to the man

???: Anytime. receives rope By the way, it's 6am. You should return to the office.... otherwise they'll think you're dead and probably stuffed into an animatronic suit or somethin'.

The man said while receiving the rope.

Shadow: Cool, thanks. 

Just before Shadow left, he turned to the man again.

Shadow: before I go. May I have your name? It's only fair that I told you mine.

He said.

The man was reluctant at first, until a sigh could be heard from him as he decided to state his name.

???: William. William Afton.

The man replied.

Shadow: I see. I was about to call you Purple Guy considering the clothes you are actually wearing right now is purple. No offense.

Shadow teased.

William giggled slightly.

William Afton: It's okay, none taken. Most call me that so, we're cool.

Shadow: Cool cool. Welp, I have to go. See you.

Shadow said as he left.

William Afton: We'll see you,..... later.

William said.

Outside Parts & Service Room,

Time - 6:20am (0620hrs)

Shadow looked at his watch to see that it's now 6:20am now, to his relief as he began to make his way back to the office with his tablet and his flashlight.

Shadow: Nice timing. Now to see if they are here to takeover my shift.

He said along the way.

While making his way back,-

Mike Schmidt: Calm down, Jeremy... it'll be alright.

- Shadow could see Mike calming Jeremy down as he could tell that they were worried about him, for Shadow to have a sweat demeanor while smiling at the scene further up at the office.

Shadow: As expected from them. Some people never change, do they?

Shadow asked himself as he made his way to the office.


Jeremy's POV:

I immediately grabbed Mike by the collar of his uniform as I shook him forward and back repeatitively, worried about the new night guard, knowing we could have told him something before he took the job.

Me: No Mike! Nothing is alright! NONE OF THIS IS ALRIGHT!

I yelled.

Mike Schmidt: uuuhhh...

Me: Don't you see?!? He's dead! We should've warned him! IT'S ALL OUR FAULT!!!!!!

I exclaimed to Mike.

Just as we were about to keep talking, voice called out.

???: Hey guys.

The voice said.

Mike and I looked at the coridoor to see Shadow, our new nightguard still alive and well, to our shock.

Upon seeing us, Shadow giggled as he spoke again.

Shadow: You missed me? Awww~ so sweet.

Shadow teased while smiling.

Mike Schmidt: Well, let's just say that one of us is worried about your safety and thought you were dead. Right, Jeremy~?

Me: Wha- SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

I exclaimed to stop Mike from teasing me, knowing that I am still worried about Shadow's safety despite to my relief that he is alright.

Shadow giggled at this as he spoke up again.

Shadow: What else did I expect from two of my childhood friends, Mikey? After all, Jerry here is usually the worried one when he needs to be worried.

Shadow said, confusing us for a moment.

Me: Jerry?

Mike Schmidt: Mikey?

We asked ourselves this until we realized something about this nightguard looked and sounded familiar.

Mike Schmidt & Me: Wait! You're-

Shadow: giggles Yup. I'm the Shadow from back then. 

Me: I....

Mike Schmidt: don't....

Me: believe it...

Mike Schmidt: It's you...

Shadow: Yup.

Me: But how did y-

Shadow: Your worrisome habit in worrying about your surroundings.

Me: oh....

Shadow: In fact, I already recognised you from the beginning after I got recognized by Mr. Fritz. I just simply pretended not to recognise you and that I saw you for the first time. It didn't work on Mr. Fritz as he recognised me, but he pretended too to do me a favor.

Shadow explained.

Shadow: Really guys. It's so good to see you all here, despite the circumstances. And i'm surprised you still kept that worrisome habit of yours, "Jerry".

Me: Dude, come on! I'm not Jerry the Mouse from Tom and Jerry!!

Mike Schmidt: chuckles

Me: It's NOT FUNNY!!!

I exclaimed.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: Anyway, chuckling a bit after what I heard to tell you the truth, I wanted to work here for a reason, which lead to me reuniting with you three after so long.

He said for the Day Guards to ask out of curiosity.

Mike Schmidt: And what would that reason be?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah.

They ask.

Shadow giggled at this.

Shadow: It's a secret for me to know.

He said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Unpredictable as always, huh?

Mike Schmidt: Still got the unpredictability gig there still, are we?

Shadow: Yup. That aside, man..... we finally got the Four Fazbear Geeks back together again.

The day security guards chuckle at this for Shadow to chuckle with them.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah. 

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Indeed we have.

The three of them laughed it out, knowing that these laughters are laughters of joy as they haven't gotten together after so long now.

After having a moment, Shadow placed the flashlight and tablet on the table as he began to take his leave.

Shadow: Well, I have to go rest up and do my doctorate duties. So, I'll see you guys later.

He said as he took his leave.

Mike Schmidt & Jeremy Fitzgerald: Bye.

They said.

They were happy to see Shadow again after so long until,-

Jeremy Fitzgerald: WAIT! He's a Doctor?! 

Mike Schmidt: When did that exactly happen?

They asked themselves this.

To be Continued....

Chapter 3 (DAY 2) begins at the next page....

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