DAY 2: Answers

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-Story pauses for a moment-

Weiss (Talking through the story): In between 3am to 6am,... that must've been a terrifying experience for you, after hearing what they did to you.

Tenka (Talking through the story): Well.... he did say they needed to keep it real because of the Toy Animatronics.

Tenka said.

Shadow (Talking through the story): Well, what he said was true when I told my team about it.

Shadow said to back Tenka up.

Yang (Talking through the story): so, what happened at Day and Night 2?

Mitchell (Talking through the story): Patience, lil' Sun Dragon.

Ruby (Talking through the story): Yeah! What happened?

Ruby backed Yang up.

Weiss (Talking through through the story): Ruby, Yang. Be patient. You can't be flooding him with questions.

Weiss back Shadow up as he was heard clearing his throat for a moment, before he proceeded to carry on.

Shadow (Talking through the story): It's okay, Weiss. We're young so, we all have our own curiosities.

Weiss (Talking through the story): Well, true I guess... anyway, you were saying?

Shadow (Talking through the story): Right! Well, to continue into Day and Night 2, I began to get some answers

He said.

Blake (Talking through the story): Is that good?

Rachel (Talking through the story): Yes..... and heck no, too.....

Shadow (Talking through the story): mhmm... to continue on, after my shift,.... well.... nothing much really, I went back home to rest. Woke up a few hours later to carry out my Hospital and kamen Rider duties until 2 plus in the after when I knocked off for a moment for lunch.

Shadow continued.

<TAKE NOTE: Starting from Day 2 onwards, everything will be from Shadow's POV to cease any confusion. It will go to anyone's POV at anytime and will go back to 3rd person POV when Teams STRM and RWBY are talking. Thanks.>

-Story resumes-


At Seito University Hospital,

Time - 1:15pm (1315hrs)

Shadow's POV:

It has been a few minutes since that operation to cure one patient who has several Bugster Viruses inside him as I was seen sighing in relief while exiting the operation theatre with my team, feeling glad that the difficult operation is over.

Emu: Glad the operation is over....

Kiriya: Who would you have thought that one patient can hold so many?

Me: Yeah, I'll say.

I said.

Hirro: What matters most,... is we got rid of them. And our Doctor-in-Training, has finally learnt something from us.

Hirro said and commended.

Me: Thanks, guys.

Taiga: Don't just thank us. Thank yourself, too. We're all doctors, after all.

Taiga said.

Me: True. We are all doctors here, to save lives and to care for our patients.

I said while packing.

While I was seen packing, Asuna (Poppy) noticed me packing my stuff for today.

Asuna: Eh? Shadow? Knocking off, early?

Me: Hmm? Oh, no. No, no no, no. It's lunchtime. And I'll be back even later. There's something I need to do.

Kiriya: Is it that temp. job of yours?

Me: Yes. As a matter of fact I'll be talking with my colleagues while i'm at lunch considering they work in the day and I'm working in the night. I did mentioned when I got in that I needed the momey for a certain equipment.

Emu: Well, then we won't keep you waiting. 

Emu said, placing his hand on my shoulders.

Emu: You take care, okay?

I nod at Emu's advice to take care.

Me: I will.

I said.

And with that, I packed in my last equipment in my bag as I placed it inside the supplied locker in C.R. and headed out for lunch along the way, or so they thought to where I was heading.


Time - 2:27pm (1427hrs)

At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

I entered Freddy's to see that there are a lot of adults and kids inside enjoying themselves and playing along with the characters at specific rooms around the pizzeria. While the kids are enjoying themselves, I stood at a corner close to the Show Stage as I watched Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica performing in front of the kids and adults as they were seen enjoying themselves.

While watching the performance playing out, I constantly think inside my head why these animatronics want to kill security guards such as myself, and stuff us into those suits in the Parts & Service. I kept asking myself different questions until a voice called out to me.

???: Hey! Shadow!

I turned around to see Jeremy Fitzgerald walking towards me.

Upon seeing Jeremy walking to me, I smiled while walking towards him, too.

Me: Hey, Jerry. What's up?

I ask.

As I asked that question, I noticed Jeremy frowning while smiling.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Pleeeeease. Enough with the Jerry the Mouse tease. I ain't a mouse anymore,.... unless I need to be, then yeah.

Me: So you're still a mouse, then.

I kept teasing.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: H-HEY!!!!

Me: Anyway, what brings you walking around here?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh. Well, I'm not just a security guard, you see.

Me: Oh? So what are you for your job since you're not just the day guard? The manager?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: H-How did you know?

Me: Lucky guess, and the voice on the phone call.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: oh.... right...

Jeremy Fitzgerald said.

We both laughed when he realized how I knew he was the manager. We had a moment of laughter until we stopped as Jeremy Fitzgerald began to ask about my night shift.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: So,.... how was your first night shift?

Me: Hmm. It was okay, despite the animatronics being an issue, though.

I said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Ah, I see. I apologise about that. But I think someone's going to fix this problem soon.

Me: Oh? So, someone is in charge of the older animatronic models?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yes.... but I think you just missed him. So in a way, he's busy right now...

Me: Oh,... I see.

Just as I was about to continue, a voice from before spoke to me inside my head again.

??? (In Shadow's Head): Tell him you know how to fix this.

Me: !!!

Me (In my Head): What?! Why should I? I don't know how to fix animatronics!

??? (In Shadow's Head): I will teach you. Just go with it.

Me (In my Head): You sure?

??? (In Shadow's Head): Positive. Just go with it, and I'll guide you through it.

Me (In my Head): Well..... a-alright.... We've come this far, either way.

I said to the voice in my thought.

Back in reality, I nod my head after giving this a thought but actually, I was talking to someone in my head that Jeremy doesn't know about it, nodding myself back to the real world as I went with the flow to what the voice told me.

Me: Actually, Jerry. 

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hmm?

Me: I do believe I could help with that. Since I went through several procedures back at the hospital, it's no difference that it can be applied here, but the only catch is that I'll be doing procedures on animatronics.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh! So, in other words, you could...-

Me: Yeah. I can fix them. 

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Well... that's cool.

Me: Mhm. So, may I have a look at them?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Sure. If you don't mind the smell, that is. Heard the smell is still awful till this day.

Me: Meh! I smelled worse than this.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Cool. I assume you know where they are and where the room is?

Me: Parts & Service Room. Fritzy gave me a brief tour around yesterday.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Cool. Then I'll inform him that you're working on it right away.

Me: Cool.

I said.

Just as I was about to leave, I forgot to ask Jerry who his name is, for me to stop in my tracks to ask him who the 'he' is.

Me: Oh! Who is he, by the way? Forgot to ask who he is.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh. Well,.... he's the Co-Founder of this place. His name is William. 

Upon hearing his name, my eyes widened as to know that I've heard and seen him before.

Me: ......oh .......

Jeremy Fitzgerald: What's up with that look on your face? You alright?

Me: Y-Yeah.... I'm good. I'm good, thanks.

I replied.

At the Main Hall,

I was heading towards the Parts & Service Room with a serious look on my face, knowing that something is amiss after hearing from Jerry (Jeremy) that William Afton is in charge of the older animatronic models.

Me: So, William is in charge and responsible for the older models. Hopefully this will help me get some answers.... but I have to be quick about getting answers from them before someone comes in.

I said to myself, getting closer to the Parts & Service Room.

Once I reached in front of the door, I went inside of the Room and closed the door behind me as I began to reach out to the older models while standing in the middle of the room.

Me: Alright Gabriel. Kids. I know you're still here, Gabriel. And whoever you kids are, as well... I sense your presence. I don't how, I don't know when, I feel you kids still linguring in this room. I'm here not just to work here as a temp. job. I'm here to also to seek answers as one case file in my primary job caught my attention which led me here. So, I ask of you, Gabirel and kids.... who is your killer?

I said, as if talking to myself but actually, I was talking to someone else.

Soon after I stated my business being here, I waited for someone to show up, for me to feel someone cold behind me. I turn my head to look behind me to see it was Gabriel's soul. He disappeared soon after for me to feel that Gabriel's inside of me as my eyes began to turn black and my irises turned completely white, for Gabriel to show me the truth on who did this to them.

While seeing through Gabriel's eyes on what happened to him and the others in the past, I was shocked to see a similar dark room like this one, but it is much darker than this. But what shocked me most is that William was there wearing a yellow suit, revealing himself to them and Gabriel as he began to murder them. After seeing what happened to them, my eyes widened in shock, seeing that William is the one responsible for this, not just for the older models.

Me: So, I see... You took over me to show me what happened to you and a few others back then..... William.... he.... he's the one who did this...

I said.

Then, Gabriel appeared behind me again, for me to turn to face his soul.

Gabriel: Y-Yeah....

Gabriel said.

Me: Then, where's your remains? And the others, as well?

Gabriel: Inside those suit....

Me: Oh right. He's also responsible for the animatronics....  And the bad smell.... sorry, nothing personal, just piecing thing together.

Gabriel: I know. As a matter of fact, we all know. After hearing what you said, we all know you mean well.....

Me: Thanks.... but still, how did you guys come here and those toys? How did they came to be?

I ask.

Gabriel: Well.... to put it short and simple.... William fell into panic when the people complained about the stench... So, Fazbear Entertainment used the remnants of the old animatronics, and placed them onto the new ones..... giving William the opportunity to lock the old one away so that no one could find our bodies....

Gabirel explained.

Me: I see. But why do they and... well.... at some point, you guys want to kill us at night?

I question.

Gabriel: Oh.... that,.... we mostly lost control and think you nightguards are the killer, and stuff you into a suit....

Gabriel answered.

Me: I see....

Gabriel: So,.... if you see either of us, or all of us attempting to kill you,.... don't take us the wrong way. Just run if you have to or do like what the recordings tell you....

Me: I'll keep that in mind to stay alive.

I said.

Gabriel: Thank you.... but trust us, we didn't want to hurt anybody..... except....

Me: Except???

Gabriel: ..... her......

Me: Oh? 

Gabriel: You see that animatronic with its Endoskeleton showing at its lower legs, forearms, lower torso and some areas of its face? Furthermore, having many wires protruding out all over at the spots I mentioned?

Me: Yeah? It looks like a.... cow or something?

Gabriel: Actually, it's a Bull Animatronic created by Fazbear Entertainment,.... and William....

Me: Oh..... Anyway, yeah. What about this Bull animatronic it seemed to have seen better days in terms of the colour scheme?

Gabriel: Well.... the colour scheme is black, grey and white so, it's kinda of a long story. To keep it short, Fazbear Entertainment wanted the animatronic's colour scheme to be like that.

Me: Oh. Okay.

Gabriel: Anyway.... unlike us and the Toy Animatronics having some parts of the older models being fixed onto them,... she was designed to be the first Hybrid Animatronic through William and Fazbear Entertainment's eyes.

Me: Hybrid Animatronic?

Gabriel: Yes. This Bull Animatronic's Endoskeleton is based on half our Endoskeleton structure from back then, and half the Toy Animatronics' Endoskeleton structure....

Me: I see....

Gabriel: But.... it failed..... caused an electrical discharge, which also caused an explosion to occur within the animatronic... which wasn't suppose to happen, which it somehow did.... which led to this.... the aftermath could still be seen behind, though.... you may have a quick....

Just before Gabriel could finish, he sees that I'm already having a good look at the back area of the Room.

Gabriel: ... Glance....? 0_0

I swiftly look behind by using my scroll's flashlight to see that the aftermath is still there, despite it being wiped down by some kind of cloth or a towel, for me to nod at this.

As soon as I was done glancing through the back area of the room, I walked back to Gabriel.

Me: I see. Must be a very very bad electrical discharge and wiring works, i guess?

Gabriel: Mhm....

Me: But how did the sixth child came to be?

I asked.

Gabriel: Well.... similar case as us, but the difference was.... she was murdered a few months ago....

Me: That recent?!

Gabriel: .... yes.... currently, last I found out..... her parents were still looking for her..... and they mentioned a hospital who treated her....

Me: A hospital? Which one?

Gabriel: .... last she spoke to us.... she said it was called.... Seito University Hospital....

Upon hearing the hospital that I'm currently working with, my heart sank completely due to the utter shock as I realized something was really suspicious and in amiss about what Gabriel has explained, for me to ask more.

Me: Did she tell her name?

I asked.

There was a long eerie silence surrounding the room until Gabriel spoke up again.

Gabriel: .... yes.... her name.... was, Shion Madoka....

He replied back.

There's no mistake about it, I told myself as I fished out my scroll again as I quickly texted Asuna for Ms. Madoka's file.

Text as Follows:

Dr. Shadow: Asuna, are you there?

Asuna: Yes, Shadow. What seems to be an issue?

Dr. Shadow: No issue at all. But, I need your help with something.

Asuna: Sure. What is it?

Dr. Shadow: I need your help to take some pictures of a Patient file and send it straight to this scroll, ASAP.

Asuna: Okay, sure. Which Patient?

Dr. Shadow: Patient Name; Shion Madoka. Diagnosis; Internal Broken Bones to the ribs almost puncturing her right lung. Oh, and another thing. Take her picture of that missing flyer on her, too.

Asuna: Okay. I'll get to it.

Dr. Shadow: Brilliant, Asuna. Thanks.

Asuna: But I need to know something. Why? I thought we all are over this?

Dr. Shadow: S-Something came up... I'll explain later.

Asuna: Oh.... okay. I'll send them to you, right away.

Dr. Shadow: Thank you.

After texting Asuna, I placed my phone back into my pocket, for Gabriel to notice this.

Gabriel: What were you doing?

Me: Texting someone.

Gabriel: WHAT?!?! WHY?!?! If you tell someone about this, you and that specific other wi-

Me: It's not that.

Gabriel: Oh? Then.... what was that about?

Me: I'll explain later.

Gabriel: Oh.... okay....

Me: Anyway, back to the task at hand. So, there are six children murdered, including this badly damaged "Hybrid" Animatronic which he stuffed the sixth victim quite recently.

Gabriel: Yes...

Me: H-H-How did William managed to do that?!

I ask with shock.

Gabriel: Usually there is a safe room.... but, there is also a Hidden Room behind a wall that we don't know where it is..... 

Gabriel answered.

Me: So,.... how can you rest? As in..... well.... you know the picture...

Gabriel: Oh. Well, yeah.... we get what you mean. Well... someone has to burn ou-

Me: Then I'll do it.

I said.

Gabriel: But he'll-

Me: I know. Once this is all over... I'll do it... I'll make sure that all of you will be laid to rest.... for the William matter.... You can leave it to me.

Gabriel: .... you really going to risk it all.... for us?

Me: Heheh. I can't just stand idly and do nothing. Besides, if I could change people's fates by my own hands, I could do that for spirits, too.

I said.

Gabriel: I.... I don't know what to say.... T-Thank you....

???: NO!!!!!

Someone yelled inside the room, for Gabriel and i to notice this as we all looked at the Black Bull Animatronic.

Upon seeing that hybrid animatronic that is in bad condition, a soul appeared beside it, appeared to take a form of a girl while having an angry expression.

???: We have to kill him! After all, he killed US!!!! He did this to all of US!!!!! That's the only easy way out of this so we all could finally rest!!!

She exclaimed.

Then, another soul emerged from another animatronic as he tried reasoning with her.

??? 2: Madoka, please... We only hurt more innocent people if we carry on like this.... after hearing what he has to say, he maybe the only one who can help us...

Another soul from Withered Foxy Animatronic said.

Me: .... 0_0 .... whoa....

Gabriel: In case you ask, the soul who's inside the Foxy Animatronic, is Fritz....

Me: I see-

???: I've had enough of this!!!!

The soul in the Bull Animatronic exclaimed again as she disappeared, for her soul to takeover the badly shaped Bull animatronic as it walked towards me.

While I watched it walk towards me, several texts from Asuna came in, for me to fish out my scroll in a hurry, for me to bring her replies up, briefly looking at Shion madoka's file. After a second later of looking, I look back up to see that the bull animatronic has just stopped in front of me with its black eyes with white irises staring dead into my soul.

???: Now, tell me!! Where's that maniac?!?! Where's that killer?!?!

The Bull Animatronic demanded.

I held my ground bravely and stared her the animatronic in the eyes.

Me: Even if I know.... I wouldn't tell you.

I said.

???: Fine.... if you don't tell me, I'll have to kill you for i-

Me: Shionnae Madoka!!!! 2nd March 2015! You came in to us with your parents who pleaded us for help as you sustained several ribcage bone fractures that almost punctured your right lung due to a car accident! I saved you! We both saved you! 

I yelled.

This caused the Bull Animatronic to stop talking, and for the other souls including Gabriel and Fritz to look in shock to see that I knew her.

???: W-What?

Me: You told me to just call you Shion, right? I also told you to relax and everything will be 'A'-Okay, right?

I said.

???: H- Wait... No... H-How did you know me?

The soul in the Bull animatronic ask.

I smiled and held up my scroll to view her case file including her missing picture.

Me: I was your Doctor.... along with Hirro... who treated your lungs and your bones.

I replied.

The bull animatronic looked at it through the soul's eyes, for the soul to look in shock while being sad at the same time, causing her to realize who I am.

???: Then... along with Hirro and Hero Doctor.... you're the one.... who always make me feel better... I-Is that you-

It stopped halfway as she sees me shedding a tear while smiling.

Me: Hello, Shion.

I said.

This caused the animatronic to gently grab my shoulder as her eyes slowly turn white with its irises to be greyish silver. Then, it spoke.

Shionnae: Doctor... Shadow.... you have no idea how happy... am I to see you... I-

Suddenly, the Bull Animatronic suddenly turned off by itself, to my confusion.

Me: What just happened?

I asked.

Gabriel: Must have been a short circuit in one of the wirings. I noticed a spark just now before she shut down.

Me: I see....

Gabriel: So.... you knew her?

Fritz: Yeah?

Me: Yes.... she was my patient. She had a couple or more broken ribs almost puncturing her right lung. My colleague and I managed to prevent that puncture from happening. That was a year ago.

I said, showing Gabriel, Fritz and the other souls the case files.

Gabriel: I see....

Fritz: No wonder she stopped before she tried to kill you.... she remembers you....

Me: Mhmm...

Gabriel: That aside for now, we can talk about this later... for now... you must leave before William finds out you're here again....

Me: But- Will I see you again?

Gabriel: Yes. So go.... NOW!!

Gabriel said with a worried expression showed on his soul-like face.

I rushed out in case William get back in a hurry for me to see that there are still kids and adults enjoying themselves. I took a deep breathe and calmed myself while I made my way out from the Pizzeria, making my way back to the hospital.

At Seito university Hospital,

Time - 3:05pm (1505hrs)

Poppy is seen making her rounds around C.R. when she noticed me walking towards the entrance.

Poppy: Oh! Shadow, you're back.

She cheerfully said.

I noticed her walking towards me, for me to smile at her welcome.

Me: hey, Poppy.

I greeted. 

Poppy noticed that I wasn't feeling myself for her to ask with concern.

Poppy: Shadow? Is something wrong?

She asked.

I looked at Poppy, for me to stare at her with a serious look on my face.

Me: Poppy, remember our text discussion?

Poppy: Yes. 

Me: What I'm about to tell you is extremely sensitive and life-threatening. Meaning if you anyone knows, not only I'll die, but anyone who knows of this information will die with it. So, can you promise me to keep this a secret until the time is right?

I said.

Poppy nods.

Me: Okay.... remember Shionnae Madoka?

Poppy: Yes?

Me: Well.... there's something you need to know and for our team to know later when the time is right....

To be Continued....

Chapter 4 (NIGHT 2) begins at the next page....

<There's a hint I put on this chapter. Care to guess what it is? Hint: It's a date.>

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