DAY 6: William's Agenda revealed & An Eavesdropper

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-Story pauses for a moment-

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby (Talking through the story): Whoa....

Weiss (Talking through the story): That's.... terrible, being lured.

Tenka (Talking through the story): Yeah, Doctor. You haven't mentioned that part yet.

Shadow (Talking through the story): That's because you didn't ask further.

Tenka (Talking through the story): Well, fair point. But still, killed over an agreement? That's nuts.

Tenka said with digust.

Shadow (Talking through the story): I know. Feeling's mutual, my friend. However, remember what she said. 

Blake (Talking through the story): Yeah... he did say that Shion wasn't suppose to be killed, but kidnapped instead. Looks like William and some other guy had other ulterior motive, dear...

Tenka (Talking through the story): Hmmm... yeah... 

Tenka replied, nodding to Blake's point.

Everyone looked at each other as they discussed about what happened in my story when Team JNPR came in.

Jaune (Talking through the story): Hey guys. 

Ruby (Talking through the story): Hey Jaune.

Mitchell (Talking through the story): What brings you here, dude? 

Nora (Talking through the story): We heard you guys are talking about something so we thought we come in to listen in.

Ren (Talking through the story): No.... that wasn't the case when you said it just now.

Pyrrha (Talking through the story): We're just here to join in on your conversation and your discussion about the finals. 

Pyrrha said.

Ruby (Talking through the story): Oh, I see. Cool. We were getting to that but.... something came up. 

Ruby said.

Ren (Talking through the story): Oh? 

So in brief, the eight of them told Team JNPR about what happened to Shadow in summary as they understood what's going on, seeing their heads nodding. They even mention the scars Shadow had on his arm for him to show it to them.

Nora (Talking through the story): gasps Battle scars from a story!

Ren (Talking through the story): It's not just Battle Scars, Nora. They're scars that he's gotten in a real life event that can't be explained until now after they explained it.

Nora (Talking through the story): Oh. 

Pyrrha (Talking through the story): I.... don't understand... she means well to you but, the others...

Shadow (Talking through the story): I know. Their systems and schematics were under influence of some security program to have some kind of Night Mode, forcing them to kill those that are trapped in the pizzeria and/or work as night guards such as myself.

Shadow said to answer what Pyrrha's trying to ask.

Shadow (Talking through the story): Anyway, now that you guys are hear, let's resume. We are close to what happened to me on the 6th, 7th and 8th Night, which includes how i got this scar. 

Shadow said.

Nora (Talking through the story): YEAH!!!!! STORIES!!!

Ren (Talking through the story): Ghost stories, Nora.

Shadow (Talking through the story): Actually, Ren. It's not just that. It's a real ghost story.

Ren (Talking through the story): Oh. I see. !!! Wait, what?!

Shadow (Talking through the story): So! claps hand once First half of Day 6 is as per usual of doctor duties and Kamen Rider duties and all after I told my C.R. Team about my first paycheck from my temp. job. They were shocked at first that I got it in a flash but, they were okay with it after awhile. Hours went by and some of us began to leave for our lunch break, except for me as I got my lunch ready in advance from home as I went to look for Poppy.

-Story resumes-

At Seito University Hospital,

In C.R.,

Time - 11:47am (1147hrs)

While I was looking for Poppy, Shadow Freddy spoke to me in my mind.

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): Who you looking for?

Me: Poppy.

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): The anime game girl?

Me: If that is a compliment, yes.... 

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): Ah, okay. Say, about the time when I said to never tell anyone abou-

Me: I know. But I'm sorry. But when it comes to my patient.... I will not let it slide....

I said.

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): This is about Shion aka, Shionnae, right?

Me: Yes....

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): sighs Alright... fine... I'll make this as an exception. But if anything happens to either of your colleagues... or even you-

Me: I'm already expecting the worse that will happen real soon... and I can tell it's gonna get ugly so, I know.

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): It's most likely a 50/50 or a high chance either of you all won't survive.

Me: You know I won't let William get what he wants.

Shadow Freddy (In Shadow's Mind): True. All i'm saying is... be careful, this time...

Me: Okay. Thanks.

I said.

Then, as if right on queue, Poppy was seen in front of me walking towards me after taking a right from the left corridor, for me to walk up to her.

Me: Poppy. Glad I found you.

I called out.

Poppy: Oh. Shadow, what is it?

Me: You got your lunch?

Poppy: I was going to get some up there. Why?

Me: Bring it along with you, we're meeting the Geeks. 

Poppy: Did something happen?

Me: Yes. I'll tell you in a while we're with them. Meet me at the park outside Seito University Hospital. 12pm sharp.

Poppy: O-Okay.

Poppy said.

So, I made my way to the park while Poppy went back up to grab her lunch and all that. Though I always wonder.... do Bugsters eat? Hmmm... anyway, we're getting sidetracked here. Anyway to timeskip since we almost got sidetracked, Poppy and I waited while seated the bench in the park as we slowly notice Mike, Fritz and Jeremy making their way to the park with their lunches as they were seen talking amongst each other.

I smiled at the sight that they are still in their usual ways like before when we were younger, talking about things, carrying lunch boxes and whatever young kids and big boys do as I slowly got up to greet them while making my way towards them.

Me: Hey guys.

Fritz Smith: Hey, Shades.

Mike Schmidt: What's up, man.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Afternoon.

Me: Sorry I have to drag you out at this time of the afternoon, Fritzy, Mikey, Jerry. But.... there is something you guys should know about... which is why it is about time I... will tell you why I took up this temp. job.

I said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh. Okay.

Fritz Smith: Alright. So, what's this about?

Mike Schmidt: And why is Poppy here, too?

I look back whereas the three look behind me to see Poppy waving at us. I then turn back to face my Geeks.

Me: She knows something that I'm about to tell you. So, you three may wanna sit down for this one.

I said.

The three nod as we made our way to the bench me and Poppy were sitting as we began to gather around to begin our discussion about what William has been doing.

Mike Schmidt: So, Shades. What's up?

Mike Schmidt ask.

Me: ..... it's about.... William... William Afton.

When everyone heard this, Mikey, Fritzy and Jerry began to look with concern.

Fritz Smith: William?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Wha-What about him?

Me: Remember the time I showed Poppy around and took her into the Parts & Service?

Mike Schmidt: Yeah???

Me: We.... found out why the older models have this odor coming out from it... and.... we kinda also found out what happened to those kids.... one of them particularly, is our patient.

Poppy: Is it what they talked to us about?

Me: Mhm. You may share it with them... if you're comfortable.

I said to Poppy.

Poppy nods at me upon hearing this. So, she turned to face Mikey, Fritzy and Jerry, taking a gently deep breathe as she began.

Poppy: We found out.... that there were corpse inside those suits inside the Parts & Service Room... our patient; Shionnae Madoka,... was one of them...

Poppy stated.

After stating what Poppy said that we found out, shocking looks began to appear on Fritzy, Mikey and Jerry's face when they heard this discovery.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: C-Corpses?!

Mike Schmidt: INSIDE THOSE OLD SUITS?!?!?!

Me: SSSHHH SHH SSSSSSSSHHHHH!!!!!! Don't make yourself heard out here. That's why I want to meet here as we are safer here.

Jeremy Fitzgerald, Mike Schmidt & Fritz Smith: Oooooooohh...

Fritz Smith: So, William.... I don't know how.... somehow took those kids,... munching on his lunch and stuff them in there?

Me: That's what they said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: No wonder that odor smelt like dried blood in the first place!

Mike Schmidt: The smell of death lingering.... Jeez... what is William thinking and doing....

They said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: But, one thing we need to know is... how did you two know there were kids in there?

Fritz Smith: yeah. If we were to tell the police about this and there is no proof it those missing kids inside those suits, they can't arrest William and he'll get away with it, Shades.

Mike Schmidt: They have a point, Shades. No proper evidence, no justice.

Fritzy said with Mikey supporting Fritzy's point.

I nod at Fritz Smith knowing that he has a point. But, they already knew why as like those kids, they're like them, but different.

Me: I do believe you three know why. As after all, 'The dead never lies'.

I said.

Poppy looked at me confused as to figure out what I meant.

Poppy: Wh-What do you mean by that?

Me: Well....

I was hesitant at first while looking at the Geeks. They nodded at me to indicate to me that I can tell her, for me to take a deep breathe as I began.

Me: You see, like the kids... they're dead, too. However, they still had some fight left in them, thus using their identical semblance to keep them alive and like this.

Poppy: Eh?!?! L-Like Takeru?!

Me: You can say that so in a way,.... yes.

Poppy: looks at Fritzy, Jerry and Mikey What happened to you three?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: We were called by William to go to some underground establishement to attend to something.... turns out it was a trap.

Mike Schmidt: But something happened in the process. We got.... "Scooped".... used as a suit, then discarded.... 

Fritz Smith: Not sure how we are alive now but,.... I guess someone or something wants us to take care of something... and now we know what that something is,... and that's William's twisted little game he did behind our backs...

Jeremy Fitzgerald and Mike Schmidt nod at what Fritzy said.

Me: Exactly.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: And let me guess.... your former patient.... is in-

Me: Yes... she's in Vixie. However,... her corpse is missing. That's the reason why I took up this temp. job. To solve the missing kids mystery and get Shion back.

I said.

This shocked the three as they never knew this wasn't just about the money, it was also about the missing kids.

Me: Now you know.

Fritz Smith: I see...

Me: However, when I saw you three, there was also another reason which just sparked after seeing you. And that's, to reunite with you guys after so long.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Awww... now ain't that sweet?

Mike Schmidt: I see.... So, reuniting with us, done.... solving the mystery behind the missing kids, somewhat done as William is still on the loose. And finding your former patient's corpse,-

Me: I'm getting there, Mikey.

Poppy: Yes. Shadow said he has a plan. Something about an Eighth Night.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh yeah. He did mention to us he'll be back on the Eighth Night.

I nod at them to know that my Geeks still remembers about it.

Me: Exactly, Jerry. We'll be raiding the place the find Shion's corpse. I did mention before I will return her to her parents, dead or alive, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. 

I said.

Poppy: But how are you going to find a corpse when it's still missing?

Fritz Smith: Yeah... speaking of which, how did that happen?

Me: Well, in short, William was about to be discovered so he removed Shion's corpse from Vixie and hid her somewhere within the establishment.

Fritz Smith: I see....

Jeremy Fitzgerald: William's keeping a lot of lethal secrets from us....

Mike Schmidt: Mhmmm... Say, it just hit me, Shades. We got some news that the newer models will be scrapped. So Engineers will be coming down in the middle of the Night before your shift begins at either tonight or tomorrow night. Apparently Freddy's is about to close down due to the case we heard off, which I bet you William's behind it all.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah. Seeing he's part of Afton Robotics, he can hack into anything easily.... I think. Hell, I bet you William is the one who tampered with the Animatronics instead of Fritzy.

Jerry said.

Me: That is what I was thinking too, Jerry. So, Fritzy is not at fault here.

Fritz Smith: So in other words-

Me: Yup, my friend. You're-

Poppy: Framed....

Me: ... points at Poppy What she said.

Fritz Smith: Curses this William Afton...

Me: Fritzy...

Fritz Smith took a deep breathe and ate his lunch  to cool himself down. Once he's cooled down, he began to speak again.

Fritz Smith: Thanks.... Anyway, I never thought William would go such lengths to cover his tracks of those murders of these missing children including your patient.

Poppy: Former patient.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Exactly. munching on his lunch Now, we just need to expose him.

Mike Schmidt: But the question is, how?

Me: Hmmm... well, to expose William, again, I have an idea on how, but you have to wait for my message for this.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay.

Fritz Smith: I guess your Colleagues are going to be involved in this?

Me: Yes. They will be. And you three, too. Along with three others which you, Jerry may have to make special arrangements.

Mike Schmidt: Us? Sweet.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Wait, which three others?

Jeremy Fitzgerald ask.

Me: The Puppet, Balloon Boy and Mangle.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay.... but, why the Puppet? Honestly.... we.... never liked that thing as well.... it could think.

Me: That's because there is a soul inside it, too. William killed her so the Puppet found her outside where she was silently murdered.

I said.

This shocked Jeremy Fitzgerald as he never knew the Puppet was part of the missing children list, too with the older models.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: By Oum and by Scott...

Poppy: Silently murdered?

Me: Yes, last the Puppet and I spoke.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: ..... O-Okay. I'll make some arrangements to the engineers not to scrap those three.

Mike Schmidt: We'll make sure they get the message to scrap the ones on the show stage.

Me: Alrighty then.

Fritz Smith: So, that's it for now?

Me: For now, yes. So, you guys have to await for my debrief after my seventh night shift.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay.

Me: On the Eighth Night. looks at Poppy it begins...

I said.

After settling what we have been talking about, The Geeks, Poppy and I continued eating our lunches while we began to talk about something else which includes Poppy and my duties in the hospital, and other stuff which doesn't involve work.

Unbeknownst to the five of us, Dan Kuroto was secretly eavesdropping on us behind a huge tree as he heard almost everything on what's going on while holding onto a blank Gashat.

Dan Kuroto: So, a plan based on a Killer who killed kids, stuff them into suits, eh? And the security would have to fight and survive the night from 12am to 6am, huh? Maybe there is something I can do to create a new game with what I heard.

He said.

So, after hearing almost everything, he snuck from his hiding spot and back to C.R. as he began to work on his new game and new gashat based on my temp. job.

To be Continued....

Chapter 14 (NIGHT 6) begins at the next page....

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