NIGHT 6: Cassidy's Appearance

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Later that Night,

At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 11:38pm (2338hrs)

Fritz Smith: You sure you're going to go through this?

Fritz Smith ask while Jeremy Fitzgerald is seen unlocking the entrance doors.

Me: It's fine, Mikey, Fritzy. I'm sure of it. As after all, I'm a Night Guard and a Guy who solves problems. And I'm extremely close to solving what's going on here and where Shion is.

Mike Schmidt: Okay.... just call us if you need anything....

Me: You know I'll do that like that animatronic bull aka, Vixie that was just brought here days ago, too because of William.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Umm, I called you, Shades. But in a way, we can make that count.

Fritz Smith: Alrighty.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said for Fritz Smith to reply in acceptance as Jerry managed to unlock the entrance doors.

As soon as he managed to open the doors of the establishment, Jeremy Fitzgerald walked towards Fritzy and Mikey as he joined them while looking at me.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Be careful in there, Shades. Last we knew and checked, the animatronics went a little haywire on this very night and gets worse tomorrow night. Not sure what the extra night after your tomorrow night shift will be like but... just be careful.

Me: Noted, Jerry.

Mike Schmidt: Again, if you need anything or anything's amiss, call either of us.

Fritz Smith: We'll come over as soon as we could to get you out of there.

Me: I got that.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh! And one more thing?

Me: Yeah?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Tell William if he's in there or if you see him.... tell him; goes to my ear and whispers into my ear. Then, he moves away from me Got it?

Me: That, I can do if I see him.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Good. Guess... we'll leave you to this shift now.

Fritz Smith: Good luck in there, then.

Mike Schmidt: See you tomorrow mornin'.

They said.

I nod at what they said, smiling at them and began to walk inside the restaurant with my utility bag behind my back. While making my way in as I head to my office, I could hear Jeremy Fitzgerald locking up the entrance door to ensure no one gets in or out of the establishment for me to brisk walk all the way to the office to prepare myself for the sixth night.


Time - 11:45pm (2345hrs)

A few minutes gone by after I reached my office as I was busy preparing all my utilities that I've used against the Animatronics. After just a few minutes, I was done in preparing all my utilities on my Office Desk and began to proceed in my next obstacle.

Me: Next... carrying the animatronics into the Parts & Service Room... sighs this is gonna take a while... hopefully I'll be done before 12am....

I said to myself in frustration, knowing how heavy each animatronic weighs when I carried them over for the first time in my yesterday's shift.


Time - 11:57pm (2357hrs)

After placing the last Animatronic inside the Parts & Service Room with the help of three Muscle Up Energy items, I closed the door while sealing it shut with my icy powers so that the door won't be able to open and close from where I now stand and from withing.

Seeing that the move like yesterday's shift is done within a split thanks for the Energy Items, I looked at my watch to see that it's three minutes to midnight.

Me: Huh, neat. Three minutes to spare. Welp, let's head back to the office and await for that recorded message.

I said.

So, I began to head back to the office and waited for the recorded call message to come through while cloning myself once again like yesterday night, to divide and conquer this shift with no complications and difficulties..

Three minutes later,

Time - 12:00am (0000hrs)

I waited for the call while sitting on my swivel chair, constantly pulling up and down the Spare Freddy Head that was supplied to me in the office when the phone began to ring, for me to stop playing with the Spare Freddy head and swivelling the chair around as I began to listen attentively to the call when it picked up on itself.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Hello? Hello... uh... what on Earth are you doing there? Uh, didn't you get the memo? Uh, the place is closed down, at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one, someone used it... Now none of them are acting right. 

Me: The yellow suit? C-Cassidy? And this place has closed down for a while?

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Listen, j-just finish your shift. I-It's safer than trying to leave in the middle of the night. 

Me: What happens when you leave in the middle of the night, you didn't specify that, lmao?!?!

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, we have one more event scheduled for tomorrow, a birthday. You'll be on day shift. Wear your uniform, stay close to the animatronics, and make sure they don't hurt anyone, okay? Uh, for now just make it through the night. Uh, when the place eventually opens again I'll probably take the night shift myself. Okay, good night and good luck.

The recorded message ended off as it hung up on itself.

Sweat began trickling down my head as I began to worry about that recorded message that was just being said about the animatronics acting weirder than usual, the establishment closing down and most importantly, the yellow suit.

Me: This.... not good.

I said.

???: The phone calls you've been hearing, were dated a long time ago...

A voice echoed.

Me and my clones heard a voice echo as we looked at the vents, the corridor and the cameras to see that no one was there, meaning that the source of that echo could be anywhere. As we began to search, a giggle could be heard and a voice echoed again.

???: It's okay, Shadow.... it's me....

The echo said.

Just as I was about to look around with my other clones to do the same at their designated jobs in my Divide and Conquer Plan, I stopped just in front of the entrance leading through the corridor as I realized that whoever is echoing, sounded familiar for me to guess who that was.

Me: C-Cassidy?

I ask.

Then, the office lights began to flicker for a few seconds until it stopped flickering as the light stay lighted up when I said Cassidy's name. After the lights went back on, I sensed something on my left as I turn my eyeballs to look at the corner of my eye to see a yellow suit aka, Golden Freddy sitting down in the office, looking at the real me.

(A/N: Fredbear (Golden Freddy) aka, Cassidy.)

Golden Freddy: Hello, Shadow...

The yellow bear suit greeted me.

My clones were getting ready to strike, only for me to raise my hand to stop them.

Me: Back to work, other mes. Don't worry.... she's a friend.

I said.

My clones look at me nodding as they backed off slowly, getting back to work.

Me: Anyway... what do you mean by... "dated a long time ago"?

I ask.

Golden Freddy: Though these recorded phone calls helped you fend off against the animatronics from when you first came here till today,... they were dated back in 1987.... they won't be of use of you anymore on this very night and the following nights you'll be coming....

Me: Why?

Golden Freddy: Before and After the Seventh Night when you return to attempt to retrieve your patient's corpse.... I overheard Mr. Afton saying something about killing you immediately, even if it means risking being arrested and being killed by his own creation...

Me: So, William is going to take things personally now?

Golden Freddy: Yes...

The animatronic said.

Me: Hmmm... looks at my clones You guys keep a watchful eye of the place. I'll be back from my usual rounds while having a conversation with Cassidy.

Me 1: No problem.

Me 2: You got it.

Me 3: Not a problem.

Me 4: We'll take it over from here while you're out.

They said.

I nod at them as I began walking into the darkness, with Golden Freddy aka, Fredbear, also known as Cassidy who's possessing the suit, followed behind while disappearing from the office to follow the real me into the darkness.

At the Game Area,

Time - 12:30am (0030hrs)

I walked around with my flashlight in hand and a Freddy Head over my head as I began my rounds while looking for Cassidy. As I looked around, I sensed something for me to look at my left, to see that Cassidy is sitting right in the middle of two tables.

Seeing her there, I smiled as I walked towards the yellow suit.

Me: I see you there, Cassidy. I take it you like Hide 'n' Seek?

Cassidy (Golden Frededy): Yes... back then.... and it appears that you found me... giggling

Me: Heheh. Anyway, back to the subject at hand, you said something about me being right about William taking things personally?

Cassidy: Yes.... Mr. Afton is planning on making sure that you get killed on either on the Seventh Night, the next day after the Seventh,.... and tonight....

Me: Hmmm. Tell me something I already know, Cassidy. He's been planning to kill me since Day 1 till now.

Cassidy: That was on his own....

Cassidy said, for the Golden Freddy (Fredbear) head to slowly look up to look at me.

When I heard what Cassidy just said, this made me sense that something was off, for me to ask further on what she was talking about.

Me: W-What do you mean that was on his own?

I ask.

Cassidy: While overhearing Mr. Afton's plan... there was... another shadow that looks like him that appeared out of nowhere from the walls.... he.... he was crazier than Mr. Afton..... he's plot a plan for Mr. Afton that would be able to rid of you from the face of this planet.

Me: Okay.... that's not good. So, what? They are going to have this establishment's Animatronics which I now call them friends to turn against me by ganging up on me and killing me?

Cassidy: No..... worse..... much more worse....

Me: How so?

Cassidy: JR's..... he's using the Animatronics from JR's against you. And what's worse.... is that there was an old spirit.... a victim like us.... still lingering there, and now.... it is here. And she's opposite of friendly.... she's unfriendly....

Me: Hmmmm.... JR's...??? I heard the Police mentioning this after Little Madoka went missing as they were searching at each establishment. They mention something about that place having creepy animatronics.... and it's haunted....

Cassidy: That's the one....

Me: And I assume when you say that that means the animatronics there are.... freakier than the ones here, I take it....?

Cassidy: ..... yes..... you are correct..... they are created.... to "kill".... people, in JR's own secret room..... children..... adults.... you name it.... 

Cassidy said.

I was taken aback by what Cassidy said which explains why the Police mentioned that JR's is closed down due to.... "Conditions".

Me: So that explains why they closed down. And I highly suspect that this William Afton look-alike has something to do with this....

Cassidy: Indeed he does, along with Mr. Afton.....

I nod at what Cassidy said.

Cassidy: So, why are you still here? And what's with the extra Night after tomorrow night for?

Cassidy curiously ask.

Me: I'm looking for a friend who's also my patient, Shionnae Madoka.

Cassidy: Oh! Her. Well..... you're in luck.

Me: Oh?

Cassidy: Since I can teleport in this Animatronic Suit for some reason.... it allowed me to travel to any part of this establishment. Which led me to sense a strong presence down below this place.....

Me: Down below????

Cassidy: Yes. The entrance is where you were before inside of the room.... well hidden.... twice you were in that room, if I'm not wrong....

Me: The secret room?

Cassidy: Yes..... gladly I still know where the room is as I was always propped to sit in front of it by Mr. Afton to guard it..... and since he's not in this establishment at the moment of time.... I can take you there.....

When I heard Cassidy mentioned this, this brought my spirits up that I'm one step closer to finding Shionnae's corpse, for me to make a request to Cassidy to lead me to where this place is.

Me: Show me.

I said.

Cassidy: .... then follow with me.....

Cassidy said, disappearing.

I watched Cassidy disappear as I immediately brisk walk my way to the secret room where I found that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear (Golden Freddy) Suits before, as the search continues.

Inside the Secret Room,

Time - 2:10am (0210hrs)

Cassidy aka, Fredbear (Golden Freddy) and I are now inside the Secret Room as I shone the light inside to look around while being led by the animatronic which is being possessed by a spirit. We trekked for a moment inside until we stopped at where Cassidy usually sits in position, to my confusion.

Me: Is.... this it?

Cassidy: ...... yes...... it's the wall behind me.

Me: Okay...???

I said nervously.

Then, I gently moved the suit forward as I began to examine the wall with my flashlight. While examining it, I began to use my free hand to knock on the wall, for me to hear that it is hollow at the other side. Discovering that there is a passageway at the other side of this wall, I began to look around inside the Secret Room for even a key or a button, but to no avail.

A few minutes passed and there is still no luck of any key or button in sight, for me to annoyingly sigh at this.

Cassidy: What's wrong...?

Me: No no... it's just.... I can't find the button or key to open this door....

Cassidy: I see.... don't worry, Shadow... the button is inside this very room.... so, you're in the right track....

Me: Great.... at least I don't have to look for it all over the establishment....

I said, rolling my eyes.

Then, something hit me while I was in the Spring Bonnie suit before.

Me: wait a minute....

Cassidy: Hmm? What is it?

Cassidy ask.

I look at the Fredbear suit, then looks at the table at the center of the room.

Me: Hmmmm....

Cassidy: What's happening?..... what did you see....

Me: I don't know.... when I was placed inside the Spring Bonnie suit before, and something happened to me.... I.... never once recalled that this table was bigger before.... I wonder.....

I said.

This confused Cassidy for a moment upon hearing this.

Then, I made my way to the table as I began to examine it real carefully at every inch of the table, for Cassidy to look at what I'm doing, still confused.

While examining the table, I thought about how games usually has secrets, secret passages and secret locks to unlock something, for me to go below the table as I began my search underneath. After awhile of searching, I was on the verge on giving up until I noticed a button at the left corner of the underside of the table which is close to Fredbear and the wall.

Me: Aha! So, that's where you hid it.

Cassidy: You found something....

Me: Not just something, but a secret to unlocking a secret level.

I said, pressing the button for the wall behind Fredbear to open upwards, automatically and slowly.

Once the door-like wall completely opened up, I made my way towards it, for me to have an ominous and frightful feeling trailing down my spine after sensing a terrifying presence located further deep down the flight of stairs before me at the other side of the secret passageway.

Me: Well..... we came this far.... we have to explore it....

Cassidy: I know..... and just for the record there, I can smell Shionnae's corpse down there, somewhere.

Me: You do?

Cassidy: yeah..... don't forget what we can do....

Me: Ah. Make sense. Then in other words, you can smell their corpses, too.

Cassidy: Yes.... And I should also tell you something.

Me: Hmm?

Cassidy: Once you leave from what lies beyond this door after you explore it...... you must close it off, immediately.....

Me: There are also animatronics in there, too.... got it....

Cassidy: Not just any animatronics..... it's those animatronics I mentioned to you when I told you about JR's....

Cassidy said with caution.

I have a sweat demeanor and a pale expression on my face, but that doesn't mean I am going to back down from this. So, I took a deep breathe as I began to slowly take one foot forward as I began to walk down the secret passageway leading downstairs.

While walking downwards, Cassidy called out.

Cassidy: Shadow! If it makes you feel better.... allow me to accompany you.... I would probably be of use in tracking your patient's scent easily.

Cassidy suggested.

I look back as I gave it a thought, fast. After awhile of thinking, I nod at the Fredbear animatronic as I allowed Cassidy to take over me for a moment as I sensed Cassidy's soul entering my body. As soon as the possession is done, my right eye is still normal, and my left eye is completely black with only a white glowy iris to be visible, indicating that Cassidy is now inside me as we began to trek down at what lies in this secret passageway.

While shining the flashlight, I continued walking downwards as I see a lot of cobwebs all over the place as I continued to walk down. It's like at everytime I continued making my way down, there is loads and more cobwebs all over the place at the ceiling, the sides and on the stairs. While making my way down and swiping the cobwebs out of the way so that I have a better look at what's ahead of me, I notice the flight of stairs ends off up ahead, leading somewhere, for me to hasten my walking, for Cassidy to sense more of Shionnae's corpse's scent.

Cassidy: She's close at every step you make....

Me: Thanks....

I said as I reached the end.

At an Unknown Location,

Time - ??:??am (????hrs)

Upon reaching the deeper floors of the establishement, I began to shine the torchlight around the first room to look around, and feel that something's awfully familiar about this place, for me to figure out what.

(A/N: Exclude Mangle in this.... for now.... and REMOVE the tips above, too LOL.)

Me: Hmmmm.... something's awfully familiar about this place....

Cassidy: And you don't mean the cobwebs and all, right?

Me: Yeah...... and I think I know what is. looks at the hallway up ahead and the two vents Yup, as I suspected it.

Cassidy: Hmm?

Me: This deeper room.... is an identical replica.... of the establishment on top of us.

Cassidy: What?! H-How?

Me: I don't know.... but I'm sure that the William look-alike has something to do with this...

I said.

As I said that, I noticed a monitor in front of me as I tried turning it on, only for it to not turn on for me to figure that this monitor is extremely old. Then, I began to shine the light down the hallway.

Me: See anything?

Cassidy: Yeah.... total resemblance to the current establishment upstair but.... scarier due to the mannequin parts all over and the cobwebs. Even the spare parts and other stuff being scattered all over the place.

Me: Yeah... I can tell that....

Cassidy: Oh! By the way, in case you ask.... Shionnae is just up ahead.....

Me: Got it....

I whispered.

So, I slowly made my way through the debris and scattered mannequin parts and junk that is all over the hallway, trying not to make a sound as I trekked forward. While moving forward slowly and quietly, it dawned upon me that Cassidy mentioned about an unfriendly spirit, for me to ask Cassidy about that.

Me: Speaking about that spirit you spoke to me about....

Cassidy: Yes....

Me: He or she is here,..... right????

Cassidy: .... yes....

Me: And how long before she knows we're here?

I ask while whispering.

There was a long pause while I was walking until Cassidy spoke.

Cassidy: Make no mistake while you trek forward.... Shadow..... she already knows we're here.... and to give you a heads up.... Mr. Afton is not here yet.... neither is he upstairs at the moment...

Cassidy said.

I nod at this and the heads up about William, carefully walking through the hallway (Pasillo Central) as I slowly entered another area which looks like the Main Hall. Once reached, I look at my left and right to see a door (Left) and another way leading to the Main Hall which is where the Game Area and other locations are at.

Me: Alright, Cassidy... where to now?

I ask.

Cassidy: There is.... a lot of interference.... I can sense her corpse being closer but..... I seem to find her as we get closer......

Cassidy said.

This made me worry as I began to choose which way to go to, until a voice echoed out, silently in a terrifying way.

???: Who are you......??

A voice echoed.

I slowly look back, my left, my right and my front upon hearing someone asking who am I. While looking around, I began to converse with whoever spoke up.

Me: Who is this?

I ask.

???: Who.... is.... this......?! I.... am the Spirit...... who now own this place...... and currently..... I was tasked by someone to put you down.....

Me: Then why do you sound so weak? It's like as if you came back from the dead or something.

???: As a matter of fact..... I have...... the last person whom I encountered, stabbed me in the back.... when I was at the verge of killing that Paulbear who's been trying to cast me out for years......

Me: Well.... you did try to kill him but hate to break it to you,.... it's not him that you're looking for. It's someone else.

???: True..... And True that the Investigator killed me in his dreamscape to save Paulbear.... but what he never knew was..... I.... NEVER..... LEFT.....

The Spirit said.

This had me confuse as I began to question about this while I heard something at the Game Area, for me to walk towards the path, leading to the Show Stage, Prize Corner, Kid's Cove and Game Area.

Me: Never left? Explain.

???: Have you heard.... about..... Remnant....???

Me: You mean the World of Remnant?

???: No..... I mean..... remnants. As in the Remnants of a soul.....

Me: That? No.

???: Remnants.... metallic substances.... used to trap souls in inanimate objects....

Me: Inanimate them? That includes-

???: animatronics..... making them one of the main reasons behind the paranormal occurrences in the animatronics you see now....

Me: I see... so in other words... your spirit and your remnants are still intact with one particular animatronic....

???: Yes...

The Spirit said.

As we are talking, I went to the Prize Corner to see a withered version of the puppet, badly tattered and damaged beyond repair, to see that there was nothing here that was causing the noise I heard. 

(A/N: Withered Puppet.)

Me: So..... now that your past objective has passed.... shouldn't you be at peace? After all, William Afton sort of killed you, didn't he?

I ask.

???: William Afton shows no concern and no threat to me.... As after all, I wasn't killed by his hands, for start.... I was brought here.... without will.....

Me: So..... what happen to you???

???: That is of no concern to you.... what you should be concern of.... is leaving this place...... "alive"......

Me: That's not a request or a question, is it.....

???: Unfortunately.... "IT ISN'T"....

The Spirit said as her voice echoed.

Then, as if right on queue, I began to hear several robotic shrieks coming from all over the deeper establishment as I swiftly shine the flashlight everywhere to see who that was, when I notice the damaged withered puppet twitiching, slowly getting up as it began to do the same shriek as the ones I'm hearing coming from where ever the shrieks come from, from within the establishement, for me to indicate myself that we should leave now, when Cassidy spoke.

Cassidy: Shadow...... what's happening???? And what's that horrifying screaming.....???

Me: I believe we both have overstayed our welcome.... so it's time to go.... NOW!!!

I yelled as I began running back to the flight of stairs located behind the office where I walked down from from.

While running and plowing through the debris, I began to hear a lot of mechanical footsteps behind me, for me to shine the flashlight behind me, looking back while running to see the other damaged animatronics coming out to play, in a sarcastic way to mean that they are chasing me in the attempts to catch and kill me.

(A/N: Withered Freddy.)

(A/N: Withered Bonnie.)

(A/N: Withered Chica.)

(A/N: Withered Foxy.)

(A/N: Withered Balloon Child (Balloon Boy).)

Back at the Office,

Time - ??:??am (????hrs)

After running through the hallway filled with mannequins and junk, I finally reached the office as I noticed the flight of stairs leading back to the main establishment as I began to quickly rush back up, not before noticing a damaged withered version of Bonnie and Chica slowly emerging from the vents, for me to run up the stairs at frightful speed. As I made my way up with the JR's Animatronics at my tail, Cassidy began to speak.

Cassidy: I sense Mr. Afton.... outside the Pizzeria.... He's about to come in....

Me: Then we have to be quick on keeping a low profile before he finds out we know his little secret!

I yelled.

As we made our way up, I notice the entrance to the passageway as I used a Speed Energy-Item as I began to dash up really quickly. Once reached, I exited the secret passageway as I pressed the button below the same spot underneath the table as the door began to close downwards. Once closed, a loud thud can be heard as scratching noises can be heard at the other side.

Seeing that I have managed to contain the unspeakable evil from entering the establishment, I quickly pushed the Fredbear suit back to position as I rushed back to my work station. 

At the Office,

Time - 5:57am (0557hrs)

Once I reached the Office, I swiftly sat down while I calmed myself down from that horrifying and terrifying experience and discovery on what William is about to unleash against me soon enough, hoping that he wouldn't found out that I have discovered his secret first, for my other clones to take notice of this.

Me: That.... was a close one....

Cassidy: Tell me about it....

Once I catch my breathe, I looked at my watch.

Upon looking at the time, my eyes widened to see that we spent a few hours in that identical establishment that looks like this place.

Me: My Goodness!!

Cassidy: What?

Me: We spent a few hours down there till it's almost Six!

Cassidy: Whoa.... that long...

Me: Yeah....

I said.

Then, my clones gather around me as they ask whether everything is alright.

Me 2: Dude.... you okay?

Me 1: It looks like you've seen a ghost....

Me: A terrifying one, at that, actually.

Me 1: Well, crap...

Me 4: And also, where did you go?

Me 3: We tried finding you but,... you were nowhere to be seen.

They said and ask.

I took a deep breathe as I began to explain in brief. After explaining, the clones of me look in shock after hearing that there is more to the establishment when one enters inside the secret passageway.

Me 3: My Oum....

Me: Tell me about it...

Me 1: So there's a replica right under our feet, yet to be unleashed to kill you?

Me: Yes.

Me 4: There is even a vengeful spirit that doesn't want to leave?

Me: Bingo.

Me 2: And you and Fredbear found that room inside that secret room we were in?

Me: That sums it up.

I said to answer their questions.

As the clones look at each other with worry and shock, the clock began to chime to indicate that it is now already six in the morning and the Shift is now over.

Time - 6:00am (0600hrs)

Upon hearing the clock chime six, I fuse my clones back together as I began to pack my stuff after today's horrifying and terrifying shift, awaiting what comes next at the Seventh Night Shift. Upon leaving, I unfroze the door and gently left the door ajar for the other animatronics to exit the Parts & Service Room.

After unfreezing the Parts & Service Room door, I began to walk through the Game Area and Show Stage, once again as I made my way to the entrance. Once reached, I sat down on a seat next to the entrance, awaiting for my Geeks to come and open the door.

Then, Cassidy spoke.

Cassidy: Mr. Afton..... he's inside the room we were venturing..... he hasn't suspected that we were inside just yet.....

Me: Well... we'll have to keep it that way. OH! Any luck in finding Shionnae's corpse while we were leaving that establishment look-alike?

There was a long pause for a moment till Cassidy replied again.

Cassidy: Yes.... Upon you making a sharp turn to your left into the Central, I sensed a strong presence of her scent behind a wall.....

Me: I take it it's the secret room look-alike that she's in there?

Cassidy: Yes.....

Me: Then, we'll have to go back in there and this time, get into the other secret room look-alike inside the secret establishment look-alike inside the secret room.

Cassidy: But..... why.... such lengths.....

Me: I made a promise to her parents. And I'm NOT going to break when I'm extremely close to finding her.....

I said.

Me (Inner Thoughts): Now, the not so easy part is telling her parents about the news in the morning....

I said in thought.

To be Continued....

Chapter 15 (DAY 7) begins at the next page....

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