DAY 7: Meeting the Madokas

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Outside Seito University Hospital,

Time - 10:05am (1005hrs)

Today is the day that Poppy and I go to Shionnae's parents' house to have a chat about their daughter. The both of us were determine to share the news while having nervous demeanors planted on our faces on what her parents will think after we tell them of the bad news.

Me: You ready, Poppy? No.... Asuna.

I ask.

Asuna aka, Poppy looked at me as she nods.

(A/N: Asuna aka, Poppy.)

Asuna: I'm ready. I'm.... just worried on what they're gonna say when we... tell them....

Me: I know.... it's a lot to take in, and it'll be unbelievable. But trust me... they must know the truth. looks down at my Scroll Welp, let's go. They're already expecting us.

I said.

Asuna nods at what I said.

With that settled, we began to make our way to the Madoka's House.

Another Timeskip:

At the Madoka Household,

Time - 10:40am (1040hrs)

We finally arrived at the location to look in shock to see that Shionnae had rich parents from just looking at the house.

(A/N: This house.)

Me: Whoa.... I even almost forgot that Shionnae had a rich family...

Asuna: Tell me about it... this is literally the first time I'm here. It's beautiful....

Me: Well, closes Asuna's mouth from the jaw drop better not let flies come in, even if you're a bugster.

???: Believe me, it's not bad when you look at it that way.

Someone chuckled.

The both of us look at the Entrance Gate to see Mr and Mrs Madoka waiting for us there. I smiled for the both of us to make our way to them, shaking their hands.

Me: Good morning, Mr and Mrs Madoka. I hope we're not late. 

Asuna: And thank you for having us at this time.

Mrs. Madoka: It's not a problem, you two.

Mr. Madoka: When it comes to our late daughter, we'll put our important stuff aside, my trustworthy Doctor and Nurse. 

Asuna & Me: Thank you.

Mr. Madoka: Now, according to your text, I assume you have answers on what has happened?

Me: That's why we're here. To talk with the two of you. But I have you both take note that.... it may be.... hard to process and unbelievable but.... it's true.

Mrs. Madoka: No matter, we're just glad that we can count on you, Doctor.

Mr. Madoka: Please, come in.

Mr. Madoka ushered us in.

Asuna and I looked at each other as we both nod at what they said as we followed them from behind as we are escorted by them and by a few agents into the house as two others closed the doors behind us after we entered the compound.

(A/N: The agents around us. There are also girl agents in there, too.)

As we walked inside, I noticed Asuna admiring the greenery, the plants and the nature around the exterior compound of the house, to her amazement and awe.

Asuna: Whoa... your house is beautiful.

Mr. Madoka: Thank you, Ms. Asuna. We tend to keep this house... as friendly as possible to give the people outside a positive impression about us, you see.

Asuna: I see.

Agent 1: This way, please?

An Agent ushered us into the house.

So, we both followed Mr. and Mrs. Madoka in as we entered inside the house.

Inside the House,

At the Living Room,

Time - 11:03am (1103hrs)

Both the Madokas, Asuna and I were seen seated on two couches, with Asuna and I sitting down on one, and for the Madokas to be sitting down on the other in front of us, with a table in between us.

Then, one Agent comes in as she ushered tea to the four of us on the table while we began to talk business.

Mr. Madoka: So, Doctor, Nurse. What are your findings?

Mr. Madoka ask.

Asuna and I looked at each other with concern looks on our faces for a brief moment. After awhile, we nodded at each other as I began to speak.

Me: Ummm.... Mr. Madoka?

Mr. Madoka: Yes?

Me: .... don't take this the wrong way as finding her comes in a lot of phases so, don't get your hopes up just yet.

Mr. Madoka: Alright.

Me: Well.... I was taking a temp job to make more money at a restaurant until,....

I took a deep breathe and let it out.

Me: I.... managed to find your daughter, incidentally.

I said.

Upon hearing the news, the Madoka looked at each other as they felt glad that I found her, but what they didn't know is that getting her back, will not be easy.

Me: However.... that's the bad news a-

Mr. Madoka: What you mean by that? This is incredible news! After all these years?! Where?!

Mr. Madoka asked with delight and worry.

I notice Mrs. Madoka smiling while shedding a tear upon hearing the news. So, I began to explain.

Me: Do you remember the restaurant known as Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?

Mrs. Madoka: Yes? The animatronics and the pizzas, why?

Me: ..... I'm currently working there to not only make more money, but after finding your daughter's soul in a particular suit, it had me add in more objectives. To not only make myself more money or lien, but to also find her in there and get her out of there.

I said.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Madoka looked at Mr. Madoka as they began to talk amongst each other in serious ways.

Mrs. Madoka: I told you that Pizzeria looks fishy, dear!

Mr. Madoka: But according to what they said to the Agents and us, they said that they never stumbled upon our daughter coming through their restaurant.

Mrs. Madoka: Even so! Now we have t-

And with that, Mr. and Mrs. madoka began to have their small quarrel, for us to be dragged into this by listening to them quarreling.

As Asuna and I listened in to their quarreling, I began to hear them always saying the word "them", for me to begin asking questions about who this 'them' they are referring to in their quarrels.

Mr. Madoka: -who knows, maybe there is nothing there a-

Mrs. Madoka: Yes yes, that's what inferior of people would always say to protect their own skins and company bu-

Me: Sir, Ma'am, WAIT!

I interrupted.

Mr. and Mrs. Madoka stopped and looked at me.

Me: What do you mean by.... them?

I curiously ask.

Soon, the Madokas looked at each other with concern looks on their faces as they began to question me.

Mr. Madoka: B-Before we continue, tell me. Who are your colleagues in that current establishment?

Mr. Madoka ask.

Me: Well.... there's Fritz Smith, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Mike Schmidt, myself, and William Afton. Why? Is there a-

Mrs. Madoka: You missed one.

Asuna: Eh?

Me: Hmm? One? 

Mrs. Madoka: Yes. You missed one more person. I don't think you'll know him but.... he doesn't come out much unless the Police or we are involved.

Mrs. Madoka mentioned.

Me: And..... who is this.... one you're referring to? That I missed out and that I rarely see in the Pizzeria?

Asuna: And why didn't we know of him until now???

Asuna and I ask.

Mrs. Madoka looks down as she gathered her courage to answer those questions, but to no avail.

Me: Mrs. Madoka. If you want to see your daughter again, you must at least give me a name of that other person. What he looks like. His height. Weight. Anything. Asuna, the Hospital and I can't do anything if you don't give us what you know since you mentioned about this other person already.

Asuna: If there are more than one leads like now, you have to tell us.

We said.

Mr. Madoka: The Doctor and the Nurse are right, Shelly. We've come this far. So, least you could do is to tell them what we know so far. As after all, we already have our top Agent, as well to be our eyes on this case in secret.

He mentioned.

Me: Agent? Are you saying you have more info like us?

Mr. Madoka: It's a long story, Doctor. I'll explain it in brief in a while.

Mr. Madoka said.

So, Mrs. Madoka took a huge deep breathe as she began to speak.

Mrs. Madoka: All.... All I ever know, is that his name, well... last name is Jr..

Me: Junior? As in short accronym, Jr., as well?

Mrs. Madoka: Yes. He had two names before the Jr. but, it was badly smudged by oil so can't make out his full name.

Asuna: Okay....???

Mrs. Madoka: While our agents and the police were interrogating the workers and Mr. Afton, he popped right out of nowhere behind us. Mr. Afton said and mentioned he had this Semblance called, Shadow Manipulation. I've... I've seen how he does it. It.... it...

Just before Mrs. Madoka could finish, Mr. Madoka began to comfort her.

Mr. Madoka: Forgive us.... she was threatened with her life if any word were to be revealed about him and Mr. Afton, you see. So, I'll continue where she left off. She saw how his semblance works. Unlike any Shadow Manipulation we have seen, Jr. was the most terrifying of all Shadow Manipulators. It's like.... he could be either your shadow, or mine. Or it can be the house's shadow, as well.

Me: I see.

Mr. Madoka: Luckily for us, he hasn't set foot in this house at this moment in time due to the fact that our Top Agent has been protecting us since.

Asuna: Top Agent?

Mr. Madoka: Yes. He's one of the best of us from Day 1 till now. It's like he has eyes at the back of his head, he can tell someone is behind him even if he's not looking, he's-

Just before Mr. Madoka could even finish, a voice spoke from behind us as the voice stated that he's reporting for duty.

???: Double O. Seven, reporting for Duty.

The voice said.

Asuna and I looked back to see an Agent with a huge folder in hand.

When I saw him, my eyes widened with shock, due to the fact that I knew him before. Then, I stood up as I went up to him.

(A/N: This is Mr. and Mrs. Madoka's Top Agent.)

Me: As I live and breath! Mr. James!

I said happily, for the Agent to look at me with a shock and smile on his face.

James: Doctor? That's you?

Me: It has been awhile!

I said, reaching my hand out, for The Agent, James to accept it as we shook hands.

Me: Again, It has been awhile. A long while, in fact.

James: Yes, indeed it has been.

Me: So, I assume you're their Top Agent I've been hearing about?

James: Yes, I am.

Mr. Madoka: And I see you two knew each other?

Me: looks at Mr. Madoka Yes, we have. It was one of my off days while I was walking at the beach when I saw him.... he was in a very very very bad shape and toxicated with a bioweapon, apparently. So, I had an Emergency Paramedics Team to come see to him. Luckily for the Hospital I'm working in, they had an anti-toxic that can take care of that bioweapon's chemical make-up, and we managed to patch him up. I saw to his recovery and discharge and wished him luck, Mr. Madoka. Never thought he'd be back in business working for you, sir.

James: And I'm still forever in your debt, Doctor Wrath.

Me: looks at James Please, Mr. James or should I say, "007". We're friends even if I'm in or out of hospital. So, call me Shadow.

I said. 

We both chuckled for a moment until Mr. Madoka brought us back to the subject.

Mr. Madoka: I see. Well, I suppose the introductries are now in order for you, too. Anyway, shall we continue?

Me: OH! Yes, we shall.

James (007): Of course.

Mr. Madoka: 007? I suppose you have the documents we require?

James (007): Yes, Mr. Madoka. They're here.

James said as he hands the folder over to Mr. Madoka.

Mr. Madoka receives it as he opened the folder up and spread all the documents inside on the table, for Asuna and I to have a look at it while I made my way back to my usual spot where I sat on the sofa. As I took my seat, I picked up one of the papers as I took a look at it, for Asuna to pick another, as well to see that they're photos and documents.

Me: These are-

Mr. Madoka: They're documents and images on what the Establishment are up to. It would appear that Afton Robotics is still in business, without anyone's notice.

Asuna: Afton.... Robotics?

Me: It's a Liability Coorperation and a Robotics Company founded by William Afton.

Asuna: Oh....

Mr. Madoka: Mr. Bond here, to your terms to what you call him, James has been undercover inside and out, spying on what William Afton was up to.

Mrs. Madoka: And it would appear he is not working alone.

Me: So you're saying-

James (007): Yes. He has a few followers, along with that Jr. person who can be a shadow to anyone.

James Bond added.

Asuna and I look at Mr. James.

James (007): Jr. was with him in attendance at the abandoned Building, now and still known as Afton Robotics. With them, along with a few others I couldn't tell. All I know so far is that the few others are Animatronics, and a feminine figure whose identity remains a mystery, for now.

Mrs. Madoka: Thank you, James. You took the words out of our mouth.

Mr. Madoka: Always a few steps ahead as usual.

James (007): There is also more, too.

Mr. and Mrs. Madoka, Asuna & Me: Hmm?

James (007): They mentioned something about a secret room with a similar and identical description to the establishment you all went in before and where you're working temporarily, Shadow. I did try to find where it is but.... I wasn't able to find that identical location. They said they will be unleashing something on one of the days which is coming up as I overheard them saying these words, "They know too much.".

James mentioned.

Everyone was speechless upon hearing this as sweat demeanors began forming on our heads. Then, Mr. Madoka spoke.

Mr. Madoka: How long are we talking here?

James (007): Not long. I overheard less than two days. I myself suspect that it'll happen within less than 24 hours.

Me: Then that means, if we all know too much.... then that means he knows that I ventured to that establishment look-alike below the main establishment.

James (007): What?!

Mr. Madoka: Explain, please Doctor.

Me: Well... Just last night, Cassidy and I-

Mrs. Madoka: Cassidy? You mean one of the Children that went missing in that cursed restaurant? H-How di-

Me: Long story, I'll tell you later, Mrs. Madoka. Anyway, Cassidy and I were trailing where your daughter is, which led us to a secret room well hidden away from people. There is also another secret room inside that secret room which led us down into the place your Agent, Mr. James wasn't able to find. I was so close in finding your daughter but we.... encountered extremely dangerous obstacles in there despite the entire mess in there....

Asuna: And that obstacles were....???

Me: Yes, Asuna.... Animatronics. Not the ones you saw that day.... but those ones in that room which similarly look like the establishement.... were..... horrifying and deadly. 

I said.

Mrs. Madoka had her mouth covered with one hand as she gasped.

Mr. Madoka: But, did you manage to find our daughter when you were in there?

Me: Again, I was close. But due to them getting in my way, I had to stop my search for now.... knowing that they'll not be giving up without a fight.

I answered.

This made Mr. Madoka angry as he clenched his fist, banging on the arm of the couch.

Mr. Madoka: Blasphemy, these monster!

Mrs. Madoka: looks at my husband .... looks at Doctor Shadow and Nurse Asuna Doctor.... Nurse.... I know we were asking this much of you back then until now. We even asked so much for our Top Agent to help us, too... and you three showed promise that your mission is almost accomplished into finding our daughter.... so please..... find her... and bring her back to us.....

Mr. Madoka: Not only that..... bring the Animatronic that she was trapped inside. I want to see it dead in its face when you bring it to me.

The Madokas said.

Asuna and I nod at this, with 007 to do the same.

There was a long period of silence filling the room with Agents walking around outside to guard the entire house, with some around the living room witnessing the discussion happening. After a long while, the Madokas, Asuna and I stood up from sitting on the couches as we shook hands.

Mr. Madoka: Thank you.... for setting up this meeting. I pray and sincerely hope this nightmare will end soon... for the sake of all of us.

Me: Feelings mutual, sir. looks at Mrs. Madoka Ma'am.

Asuna: We're glad that you all understood the situation.

Mrs. Madoka: Please. When it comes to our daughter, we need all the information we require to take this man down, along with the few others stated by 007.

Asuna: yes.

Mr. Madoka: And speaking of which. Doctor. You said your search was cut off, right? Are you going back there to search for our daughter, still?

Me: That's what I have in mind, sir. There was a presence Cassidy sensed in that secret room inside of a secret room I haven't ventured yet. So, rest assured. Again, when I find her corpse.... I'll let you know.... and I'll even bring the animatronic that concealed her, forcibly. And you can rest assured, too. Your top Agent, Mr. James, and my Medical are on standby in case there are some troubles. I have their numbers and your agent's number.

Mr. Madoka nods at this and we shook hands, to conclude the Meeting.

Mr. Madoka: Shelly and myself.... we'll be waiting for your call.

He said.

Asuna and I nod at what he said.

To be Continued....

Chapter 16 (NIGHT 7) begins at the next page....

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