DAY 8: The Plan

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At Seito university Hospital,

Time - 6:58am (0658hrs)

3rd Person's POV:

At the Hospital, the doctors and nurses along with Emu, Asuna and Pallad were seen rushing into the operating room with Shadow who's lying on a stretcher, still unconscious, where Hiiro is in there, well prepared for Shadow's surgery, with the rest of the team to follow from behind, catching up with them.

When they reached the operating room, Pallad, Emu and Asuna stopped in front of the door as they waited outside with the crowd to stop behind them with concern and worried looks on their faces.


Many Minutes Later,

It has been many minutes and everyone is seen waiting outside the operating room, sitting on chairs and leaning against the wall, waiting patiently, restlessly and tirelessly. As they waited, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell can be seenrushing in as they notice the crowd and made their way to them, with Asuna noticing them as she stopped them.

Asuna: Tenka. Rachel. Mitchell.

Rachel: We came as soon as we could...!!

Tenka: Is Doc okay?

Mitchell: You sounded distraught when you called Tenka's mom. It's like as if Doc's in a life and death situation. He alright???

Asuna: He's fine.... but it's just... I'm not sure if he'll recover...

Asuna replied to their question.

Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell sighed in relief when they heard that Shadow is fine despite being unsure whether he'll recover from his wounds or not. Then, Tenka stood forward.

Tenka: Who did this....???

Asuna: Well.... when we went to the establishment after we called Shadow's colleagues, we saw a worker there who wa-

Tenka: Where are they....???

Arnold: Here.... along with Mr. Smith, Schmidt and Fitzgerald.

Arnold, Fritz, Mike and Jeremy walks up behind Asuna.

Tenka looks behind Asuna with anger in his eyes as he began to clench his fist in anger.

Arnold: Look, we know you're angry. Believe us, after we heard the news from our colleague who is fighting for his life in there, we are are also angry, too and shocked after he tol-

Just before Arnold could finish, Tenka lunged in a he roughly grabbed Arnold by the collar of his shirt, slamming him into the wall, to Fritz, Mike, Jeremy and everyone's shock as the three tried to break up this uproar. Rachel and Mitchell was shocked to see this, too as they went up to try and break the uproar up, as well with the three.


Tenka yelled.

Fritz Smith: DUDE! CHILL OUT!!!!!

Mitchell: Come on, Tenka!!!! Listen to the guy! You oughta chill, man!!!

Taiga: Hey! Hey! No fighting here!

Asuna: Please, this is a hospital!!

Emu: Guys please! That's enough! You'll disturb the patients in this floor!

Some people from the group tried to calm Tenka down, but to no avail until someone yelled.

???: Stop!!!!!

Someone yelled as his voice echoed.

Upon hearing that, everyone stopped for them to look at the direction where the voice came from, for them to see an elderly man and a woman walking slowly to the crowd.

Seeing them, Tenka looked at them, recognizing them from where they are now walking as they made their way to them.

Tenka: M-Mother... Sensei...

Tenka (Inner Thoughts): dammit.... forgot they came along....

Sensei: Mrs. Kaito. If you please, I would like to deal with your son and the four.

Mrs. Arcee: nods and lets the Sensei's arm go

Sensei: walks to Tenka Now now, Young Kaito. Did you forget what I've taught you? Why be physical, when you can actually use words to talk.

Tenka: I under stand, Sensei.... but this raises Arnold higher FIEND deserve this for harming our Doctor!

Arnold: Wait, what? I didn't harm him! I helped him get out of there!

Fritz Smith: We even tried to talk him out of it when he wanted to look into the place more!

Tenka: And you have t-

Rachel: Tenka, let him go! Obiviously they did nothing wrong!

Mike Schmidt: Like the girl said!

Rachel and Mike Schmidt said, talking Tenka out of doing something rash.

And with that, the group trying to have Tenka let Arnold go began to argue and talk amongst each other really really loud.

Seeing this, the Sensei felt that there is more to it than what is going on now, thus silencing everyone including the doctors who are trying to break up the soon-to-be fight.

Sensei: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sensei yelled, causing everyone to stop and for some watching this to look at him, shocked and intimidated by whatever he did.

Then, the Sensei points his bamboo staff at Tenka.

Sensei: Tenka Kazuraba Kaito! (A/N: Yes, that's Tenka's full name.) You are to release this young man, at once! I feel that there is more to this story when I question them.

Tenka: B-But!!! Sensei?!

Sensei: RELEASE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! lowers staff a bit Unless you want me to put you into the Hashi (A/N: Yes my fellow reader, you read and heard right. "THE" Hashi from TMNT The MOVIE.) when you return home. smirks

Mrs. Arcee: looks extremely nervous from hearing this

The Sensei said, feeling abit pissed off as he hid his anger behind his smirk.

Upon hearing the words, 'The Hashi', Tenka's expression immediately turned into both nervous and worried expressions, for him to slowly lower and release Arnold back onto the ground.

Tenka: ... puts Arnold down yes, sensei.

Tenka said in defeat.

Sensei: Good.

Sensei said as he slowly walked to the four who worked with Shadow.

Once he reached them, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell moved to one side as the Sensei began to talk to them.

Sensei: Now then, you four. Which includes all of you here looks at the doctors, the medical team, Bugster, friends, family and nurse Forgive my grandson's actions. Our Doctor and him, along with his friends are friends. As you can say, they're inseparable. looks at the four Now, may I ask that you four to introduce yourselves.

Sensei said to everyone and to Shadow's colleagues.

Arnold: Oh, no. It's no pressure, uncle. If something were to happen to my family or my friends, I would have done the same... anyway, my name is Arnold Greyman... you may call me Arnold.

Fritz Smith: Fritz Smith.

Mike Schmidt: Mike Schmidt. Call me Mikey.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald.

Sensei: nod Hmmmm.... Good. Onto a good start there. Now, can all of you explain to me what happened and why Shadow requires immediate medical attention?

Asuna: Ummm...

When Sensei heard Asuna said something, he looks at Asuna, noticing that she's feeling uneasy.

Sensei: Is there something the matter..... Asuna?

Asuna: I should be part of this as..... Fritzy, Jerry, Mikey and I were working together off shifts...

Fritz Smith: She's correct, sir.

Sensei: looks at Fritz Smith

Fritz Smith: There are times Shades... well, known as Shadow usually brings her along to check the place out and sometimes we hang out outside closeby the hospital to discuss on things. So, I think it is also best that she talks with you, too.

Sensei: nod I see.... looks at Asuna Very well, then.... come join our conversation. Let us hear what you five have to say....

The Sensei said.

The five looks at each other for a moment, then looks at the Sensei as one by one, they began to explain themselves from start to finish on what has happen, from Day one until now. While hearing them out, several doctors in Shadow's Rider Medical Team stepped in as they came up with several possible outcomes after hearing from Asuna on what's going on after she explained to them the situation.

A few Minutes later,

After listening to what the five and everyone have to say, the Sensei nods to them, understanding on what is happening once he's gotten the full and clear image on what happened to their family doctor who is now in the operating room.

Sensei: I see.... So this William Afton, wanted him dead because he knows too much.... about his movements and the murders he did in the establishment you three are working in.... with you looks at Arnold being caught... in the middle of it while trying to dismantle one of the Toy Animatronics and you looks at Asuna .... to be on standby if anything happens after what you were informed by the three? stroking his beard while looking at the five

Fritz Smith, Mike Schmidt, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Arnold & Asuna: nods

Sensei: Hmmmmm.... and did you all manage to find whoever Shadow is suppose to find?

Arnold: Well, as said in my story, sir. While I was hiding in a secret room not far from the Hidden Room, that stone... at the center of the room. When Shadow went in. There was someone inside it. So, yes. He's found her.

Sensei: I see.... then it would mean that this, William Afton has become desperate in killing him, knowing that our young Doctor has found something that our killer has hidden. And it would also come to my attention, too that he will kill anyone, who knows about his darkest secret.

Mike Schmidt: Which explains the desperate part....

Mike Schmidt mentioned.

Then, the Sensei turns to Asuna.

Sensei: Asuna.

Asuna: Uuh, yes?

Sensei: You said this certain.... family.... wanted you and our young Doctor help them find their daughter?

Asuna: Yes, sir.

Sensei: Do you happen to know where they are? .... I would like to speak to them....

Asuna: Yes. I'll lead you to them, first thing in the morning, sir.

Sensei: That's good... Then I assume you know where my dojo is...

Asuna: Yes, sir. I'll pick you up and lead you to them at... looks up to gauge the time and looks back at the Sensei 8:30am???

Sensei: Make it 8am, soonest. We are all dealing with a situation that is a matter of life and death. No one is safe unless we get the missing child out..... 

Asuna: Yes, sir.

Tenka: I deeply apologise...

Sensei: Hmm? looks at Tenka

Asuna: looks at Tenka

Asuna and the Sensei look as they see Tenka bowing before Arnold.

Tenka: After hearing your story and everyone's stories.... I.... never knew you were helping our friend,... our family Doctor. I let my anger cloud my vision, to assume that you were the cause of this. Please, forgive me...

Tenka said with remorse.

Then, Arnold placed his hand on Tenka's shoulder.

Arnold: Nah! It's okay, young man. I forgive you. I understand how you feel. As after all, I'm also looking for payback for what William did to my colleague who is also my friend, too. So, that makes both of us.

Tenka: What happened to him?

Arnold: He.... passed... by those Animatronics from the lower levels that was secretly below my feet....

Tenka: I... I'm sorry for your loss...

Arnold: It's okay.... and thanks for your concern. And don't worry. We'll make sure to bring William to justice, where ever he is.

Tenka: Yes. And as my Sensei said, we must save this girl.... soonest. Though she has already passed.

Rachel: So, what now?

Sensei: Now, I suggest that everyone should go home and rest..... we have a very busy day tomorrow... in saving a corpse, which is also a life, as well.

Taiga: But, a corpse is a corpse, old man.... the girl's alrea-

Just before Taiga could finish, the Sensei used his staff as he struck Taiga at the top of his head.

Taiga: OW!

Sensei: No matter dead or alive, Emo Doctor... a body or corpse, or even a skeleton,.... either of these factors, still COUNTS as one life. 

Taiga: .... rubbing the top of his head to ease the pain ...fine.... whatever you wanna call,... her....

Sensei: Good.... looks at Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell Now,.... Young Kaito, Young Claws, Young Striker, looks at Mrs. Kaito my daughter. We're going home. 

The sensei said.

The four nods as they follow him while walking slowly out towards the exit.

As they walk, the Sensei stopped as he turns to Emu.

Sensei: Keep us posted on his condition. We want... to ensure our young Doctor, is safe from his critical wounds.

Emu: Yes, sir...

Sensei: nods

And with that, the Sensei turned around as he left with his family and friends.

Arnold watched as they left, understanding what they were going through as he, too lost someone that he called, friend.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: You okay, Arnold?

Arnold: Yeah. Don't worry about him. I can understand what he's going through

Fritz Smith: We know... we.... we know....

Fritz Smith said.

Then, the Operating Room door opens for Hiiro to step outside, for the group to crowd around to hear what Hiiro has to say.

Hiiro: He's..... stable....

Everyone: sighs in relief

Mike Schmidt: Wait... what's the catch?

Hiiro: Well.... his left arm.... is in bad shape. I managed to stitch it back together but..... it'll be a long while... months maybe before his arm could fully recover.

Pallad: So, he can't transform until then?

Hiiro: nods ..... yeah.... he can't, for a few months....

Hiiro said.

Fritz Smith: So, what can we do?

Asuna: Well,.... tomorrow, the Sensei and I will be seeing the Madokas. So, for now, we all have to get some rest.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: right.... Keep us posted, okay, Poppy?

Asuna: Okay.

Asuna replied.

And with that, everyone slowly and one by one, went to their separate ways while the nurses pushed the unconscious Shadow to a ward where he can rest for the time being.


In a car,

Tenka's mother is seen driving the Sensei, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell back to their dojo. As they were on their way back, Tenka received a text from Asuna for him and his two friends to look at the text to read that Shadow is okay, but he will be out of action for a few months until he recovers, for the three to sigh in refief.

Sensei: Hmm? I hear sighs of relief? Good news?

Tenka: Yes, sensei. Our family doctor is okay. He's just.... going to be out of action for a while. A few months they say....

Sensei: Well.... as long as he is fine... I'm happy,.... we all are...

Rachel: YEAH!

Mitchell: Yes!

Tenka: ....

Sensei: notice Tenka's doubts .... hmmmmmm..... What troubles you, my grandson?

Tenka: ... I.... still feel bad from that outburst or that uproar I just did on him.... despite being already forgiven....

Tenka said.

The Sensei sighed at this and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Sensei: Sometimes, our emotions get the better of us, my grandson. Which is why we must ensure that our emotions don't control us and get the better of us, at all times.

Tenka: .... nods

Sensei: Let today, Young Kaito... be an example, for the both you, too, Young Claws and Young Striker that we should never let our emotions control us, and always use our words, not our fists. Otherwise, people will say that we are uncivilized. So, raise your head high now.... you have already been forgiven by this Arnold person so,.... forget the past and embrace the future.

The Sensei said.

Tenka nods at this and looks at his Grandfather.

Tenka: Yes, Sensei.

Rachel & Mitchell: Yes, Sensei.

Sensei: smiles and nods That's better....

Mrs. Arcee: So, what now?

Tenka's mother ask.

Sensei: Now, we rest.... as in a few hours, you and I will be visiting the Madokas with Nurse Asuna. We'll tell them the news on our Young Doctor's behalf, and we will devise a plan to get in and out of the place.... while doing that,... we'll save the girl. Which involves you next. points staff at Tenka

Tenka: Oh?

Sensei: You three will remain in the dojo and wait for my arrow...

Mitchell: And when we get it?

Sensei: You call police....

Rachel: Yes, Sensei.

Tenka: Then what will you and mom do?

Sensei: We..... will find the child.

Tenka: But- Sensei!

Sensei: Grandson... we will be alright. We assure you on that.

Rachel: Yeah. When the arrow strikes somewhere on the dojo, this will tell us that he's fine.

Mitchell: So, don't worry about it, Tenka.

Tenka: sighs .... alright, Rach, Mitch. And I assume this is one part of the plan, Sensei?

Sensei: Yes.... the other parts of the plan, will involve me, our Young Doctor's pizza friends, and the Madoka Household... raiding the restaurant.... for the girl.

The Sensei said.


At the Dojo,

Time - 8:00am (0800hrs)

Asuna is seen waiting outside at the dojo, waiting for the Sensei to come out of the house so they may make their way to the Madoka Household. While waiting, she felt a tap on her shoulder, for her to feel surprised by this as she swiftly turn back to see the Sensei behind her.

Upon seeing him, Asuna took a step back out of shock, unknowing to her that he was behind her the whole time.

Asuna: H-Wha-When did you get here?

Sensei: A second ago from my house.

Asuna: How?

Sensei: I jumped over the wall, Asuna.... don't forget, this is my dojo and i have no time for fantasies....

Asuna: Oh.... right. They didn't call you Sensei for nothing.

Sensei: Anyway, forgive me. So, are you ready to go?

Asuna: Well.... yes, I am.

Sensei: Then hop on.

Sensei said, going to the middle of the road.

Asuna looked confused as to figure out what he meant when he said hop on.

Asuna: Uuuh, hop on what?

Sensei: On this, silly....

Sensei said, whirling his staff around him.

While whirling and spinning his staff around, Asuna began to notice a glow while his staff is spinning at high speed. After awhile and as soon as the Sensei has gotten the Staff's momentum, he stops spinning and whirling the staff around as he swung it downwards, striking the road for a bright flash of light to engulf the area, causing Asuna to use her arms to shield her eyes from the blinding light.

After a while, the light slowly dims for Asuna to lower her arms, only to be greeted by a dragon that the Sensei is now riding on at its head, to Asuna's shock.

(A/N: This dragon.)

Asuna: A dr-d-dragon?!

Sensei: Hmm? What's the matter.... Never seen a dragon like this before....???

Asuna: shakes head

Sensei: Well, let this be your first time, then. Now hop on. We can't have the Madokas to wait on us....

Asuna: But- we haven't even-

Sensei: Oh trust me, Asuna.... they are waiting. Get on.

Sensei cheerfully said.

Asuna sighed at this as she walked to the dragon and went on its back. As soon as she's on the dragon's back, the Sensei began to control the dragon as the dragon began to fly up in the air as they made their way to the Madoka Household.

As they flew, Asuna led the Sensei to the Madoka Household, for him to control the dragon to fly at the directions that Asuna told him to go. Once they arrived, the dragon hovered above the household and landed at the garden in the Madoka Household, for the Agents to move out of the way for cover. Once arrived, the Sensei reverted the dragon back to pure energy for him and Asuna to be on solid ground once again, only to be greeted by agents surrounding them.

The Sensei and Asuna looked at them calmly (Sensei) and worriedly (Asuna) knowing they were trespassing the Household as they were ready to fight, when the sound of the doors were heard opening for Asuna to recognize them to see Mr. and Mrs. Madoka coming out to see what's going on.

Mr. Madoka: Okay, what is going on here?! Somebody tell me what is the meaning of this?!

Agent 2: We apologise for disrupting your meeting, sir. But these two here wer-

Just before the Agent finished talking, Mr. madoka gasped to see the Sensei in front of him, for him to give the agent a death stare.

Mr. Madoka: Did anyone touch him...?!

Agent 2: N-No one, sir. We are about to fight them bu-

Mr. Madoka: NO!

Agent 2: I'm sorry, bu-

Mr. Madoka: NO ONE FIGHTS HIM! YOU IDIOTS!!! No one, touches him.... but me....

(A/N: Stand off music starts here.)

Mr. Madoka said as he walked forward towards the Sensei.

The Agents were shocked by Mr. Madoka's words, for them to immediately backed off as instructed while witnessing what is going to happen next. Upon seeing Mr. Madoka approaching, the Sensei proceeded forward, for Asuna to look on with concern.

Asuna: S-Sir.... we ar-

Sensei: Don't worry, Asuna.... I'll be fine....

Sensei assured.

The Sensei kept walking forward towards Mr. Madoka until the both of them stopped immediately in front of each other as they gave each other death glares. Both Mr. Madoka and the Sensei kept looking at each other constantly, with the agents to watch while they sweat. Asuna and Mrs. madoka watched, worried what will happen next will cause them to be injured.

With each passing minute and second, their stare began to intensify, with both parties to start sweating profusely and to worry what action they will do after their stare off. This moment lasted for a long long while until,-

(A/N: Music stops here. Interruption time.)

Mr. Madoka: Sensei Arc. (A/N: Short form for Arcee.), my ol' chum!

Mr. Madoka said cheerfully, opening his arms like as if wanting to give someone a hug and lowers them while having his palms to point at him to show his wonders in seeing the Sensei.

All Agents, Mrs. Madoka & Asuna: eh?

Everyone look as they are confused to see what's going on here.

Then, they began to see that the Sensei and Mr. Madoka are shaking hands as they began to talk to each other.

Mr. Madoka: I'd never thought that we'd be seeing each other again after so so soooo long. Moved up in the world, have we?

Sensei: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't my former student, Young Kagenari Madoka. Of all my graduated students in my dojo, you still have the urge, the strength and the power to come challenge me? chuckles I'm glad you and I are both still friends, Teacher and Student.

Mr. Madoka: Well, at least I have the patience to wait, Sensei.

Sensei: And I'm glad you've kept waiting.

Both of them began to laugh while Mrs. Madoka and Asuna walked up to them.

Mrs. Madoka: uuuuhh... Kage? You know him?

Asuna: How do you know Mr. Madoka, Sir?

The ladies ask.

Mr. Madoka and Sensei broke the handshake as they began to answer their questions.

Mr. Madoka: Oh. Shelly, remember I told you that I used to go to this ol' crummy dojo many years ago?

Mrs. Madoka: Yeeees?

Mr. Madoka: He's the one who taught me in that dojo. Sure I was alittle immature as you heard, but he has taught me many things.

Mrs. Madoka: I see.... looks at Kagenari's Sensei an honour, Mr. Arc. bows

Sensei: bows

Mr. Madoka: Oh! That reminds me. looks at Sensei How is the dojo? Still crummy as it used to be?

Sensei: It's still the same, but we remodeled it due to the arrival of my grandson.

Mr. Madoka: I see. Better come nice and clean for the new generation... huh?

Sensei: Indeed.

Asuna: So uhh...

Sensei: looks at Asuna Ah, yes. Mr. Madoka here, who's also known as Kagenari, was my student many years ago. When he was young, he was too... confident, self-centered and.... bashful... along with many other things, but now I have seen that you have changed.

Mr. Madoka: My joy is to be taught by you, Sensei. That's how the new me came to be.

Sensei: And I'm proud that you have become better, my student.

The Sensei said.

Mr. Madoka smiled at his Sensei's remark and looks around at his agent.

Mr. Madoka: Alright, my agents. At ease. There seems to be a misunderstanding. The Nurse here, yes she may be here. For him, he must be greeted with the highest respect. As he is your Grand-Sensei.

Mr. Madoka said.

When the agents heard this, they look at each other while they gasp. Then, one female agent came up.

Female Agent: So that means, those moves and the virtues you have taught us,.... came from him? hand gestures at the Sensei

Mr. Madoka: Yes.

Mr. Madoka said.

Upon hearing this, the agents that are present looked hesitant for a moment until one by one, they bowed their heads before the Sensei, for him to look at Mr. Madoka's agents bowing before him, for him to look at Mr. Madoka.

Sensei: I see you have taught them what I have taught you, my student?

Mr. Madoka: nervous chuckle y-yeah.... it's the least I could do to treasure your teachings and remember you after what you have done for me, Sensei. As after all, like I did say before, I always look up to you not only as a friend or my sensei, but a mentor, too.

Sensei: smiles and nods So.... it would now seem the student,... has become the teacher.

Mr. Madoka nods at this, for Sensei to nod at Mr. Madoka soon after.

Mr. Madoka: So, uuuhh.... Sensei. I.... assume there is a reason why you are here, right?

Sensei: Yes. There is a very important.... and a very dire reason so, my student. That's why I've brought Young Nurse, Asuna here.

Mrs. Madoka: Then I assume since she's here that mea- wait.... w-where's the Doctor?

Sensei: That,.... I'm afraid is also why I'm here, too. Come, we must talk inside your household immediately before the dark forces knows of our plan.

Mr. & Mrs. Madoka: P-Plan?

They question.

The Sensei walked in as the Madokas and Asuna followed him from behind as they went inside the house to discuss the matter while the agents recovered from their bowing positions as they resumed their duties.


It has been many minutes later since Asuna and the Sensei arrived at the Madoka Household to begin their conversation with the Madokas regarding their daughter. The Sensei explained to them on what he was informed when he was at the hospital with his family, leaving no detail out on what was told by Shadow's colleagues and the worker Shadow saved.

After explaining, both the Sensei and Asuna watched as Mr. Madoka is seen consoling Mrs. Madoka after hearing the news about their daughter and Shadow's condition as updated a few hours ago. While consoling her, the Sensei spoke to them again.

Sensei: I'm.... sorry.... our Young Doctor knew the risks in finding your daughter.... again, he has found her in a wooden box in a stone box..... with a dangerous cost of him almost losing his life....

The Sensei said.

Mrs. Madoka: how- sniff how is he?

Asuna: He's stable, for now. But he won't be active for a few months,.... unless a miracle happens.

Mr. Madoka: CURSES THIS WILLIAM AFTON TO THE PIT!!!! He assured us that she didn't enter that establishment... which is a LIE!

Sensei: sadly nods I understand you're upset and angry, Young Kagenari R. Madoka (A/N: Full name is; Kagenari Roman Madoka.).... but now, we must set aside our emotions.... rescuing your daughter is our top priority.... 

Asuna: He's right... Currently he is devising a plan to bring her corpse out of the establishment, then close it down for good. He has briefed me on one part and is going to brief on us on the rest.

Asuna said.

Mr. and Mrs. Madoka composed and calmed themselves as they began to talk about the Sensei's plan.

Mr. Madoka: So, Sensei.... this plan? How does it work?

Mrs. Madoka: And does it involve us?

Sensei: Gladly, yes.... Mrs. Arcee and myself have volunteered ourselves for this rescue mission, and also added you both to be part of our rescue.... suggested by her.

Mrs. Madoka: And what about the Police? Does Roman need t-

Sensei: He doesn't need to. My grandson will have that covered once I give him the signal....

Mr. Madoka: ..... and hoowwww, will you send him the signal?

Mr. Madoka ask.

Sensei: The good ol' fashion bow and arrow trick with the paper stuck onto it will be the signal.

The Sensei said.

Mr. Madoka nods at this.

Mr. Madoka: I see.

Mrs. Madoka: Oh! Roman, honey. Your meeting.

Mr. Madoka: Right! Yes! Let them know to postpone it to two days later. This is important. If they ask, tell them we are extremely close. 

Mrs. Madoka: Alright. looks at the Sensei Please excuse me.

Mrs. Madoka immediately took off as she went to Mr. Madoka's study room to postpone the meeting.

While she is upstairs, Mr. Madoka, Asuna and the Sensei began to talk about the plan which will be happening tonight at the stroke of Midnight. 

Mr. Madoka: So, now that the police part has been taken cared of by uour grandson, what's the other parts of the plan?

Mr. Madoka ask.

Sensei: The other parts of the plan is that you, Mrs. Arcee, Asuna and Mrs. Madoka, along with your agents will be going in to find and rescue your daughter.

Asuna: Which leads to the decoy part, which will be Phase 1 of his plan, Mr. Madoka. Someone has to be the Nightguard since Doctor Shadow is out of commission, for now.

Mr. Madoka: Then allow me to volunteer James Bond for the job.

Asuna: James Bond? As in the Top Agent we met?

Mr. Madoka: Yes, Nurse Asuna. Last I checked his personal records before it was wiped out by his former organization,... thankfully he still has that memorized in his head, he has been doing a lot of spying and recon missions. And I must say, he is a total expert when it comes to disguises.

Sensei: Then I trust that this, James Bond person will be well-suited for this task at phase 1....

Mr. Madoka: You may count on him, Sensei.

Sensei: Good.... 

Sensei said while nodding at Mr. Madoka with approval.

As they were discussing further, Mrs. Madoka returned from upstairs as she sat with her husband.

Mrs. Madoka: They're okay to postpone it two days later.

Mr. Madoka: Excellent.

Mrs. Madoka: So, what did I miss?

Asuna: Not much, we just finished planning out the Police Report and Phase one of rescuign your daughter.

Mrs. Madoka: Okay.... so, what's Phase 2?

Sensei: Phase 2... well.... it can go both ways. One way will be that, if this William Afton turns up and tried to kill the decoy.... then I assume he knows what to do, Young Madoka...

Mr. Madoka: Yes. I'll instruct James Bond to take him out or pin him down just in case.

Sensei: Very well. So, once that's done, he'll come over to the entrance to let all of us in. That's one way.... The other way.... is that if the coast is clear and if William doesn't show up, James Bond will come over to the entrance to let us all in with no difficulty....

Mrs. Madoka: Let's just hope that second way will be in our favor....

Asuna: Yeah....

Sensei: I pray Oum, hoping it will be the case....

Mrs. Madoka, Asuna and the Sensei hoped.

Mr. Madoka: So, what's Phase 3?

Sensei: Simple.... I will open all the locations where the hidden doors and secret rooms were found so we may go forward. Thankfully, I have the information still in my head, courtesy of Mr. Arnold, the Fazbear Entertainment Worker who told me everything and where the rooms and doors are found.... However, the other room which your daughter is found, won't be so easy to reach.

Mr. Madoka: Then I'll have James Bond to equip himself with some bombs or grenades to make our opening there, then. You all.... may want to take cover when the wall goes boom....

Asuna: I'll take care of that. fishes out Bugvisor-Zwei I'll send the debris to the opposite direction so it'll not hit you and the others who will be joining us.

(A/N: Bugvisor-Zwei.)

Mrs. Madoka: Then what's Phase 4?

Sensei: Phase 4, is after we reclaim your daughter-

Asuna: And the Animatronic, too. They mentioned to Shadow and I that we need to bring that particular Animatronic, as well.... which I know which one.

Sensei: nods at Asuna hmmm... Very well.... After we reclaim your daughter and take the particular Animatronic with us, that's when the Police Report comes in after I shoot the arrow back to my dojo.

Mr. Madoka: Hmmm... one question that just dawned upon me, Sensei. How are you going to shoot the arrow when we are way below ground level?

Sensei: Simple... the arrows I'm using aren't any ordinary arrows. They are guided arrows....

Mr. Madoka: In other words?

Sensei: When I shoot at random direction, it will still go to my destined location.

Mr. Madoka: Okay.... so, guess that's the least of our worries when the arrow reached your dojo.

The Sensei nods at what Mr. Madoka said.

Mrs. Madoka: So, what of Phase 5?

Sensei: Simple.... we all get out alive.... and don't leave anyone behind in the establishment. Knowing William Afton,.... he's bound to throw everything he's got at us, within and outside the establishment.... Our end point in case you're wondering, will be at the other side of the Emerald Forest where the Blossoms, the rivers and the falls are....

Mr. Madoka: Then we'll just have to prep. all Agents to keep a lookout for them from outside. If anything gets pass them, we'll have to take care of them.

Sensei: nods

Asuna: Then I shall prepare the C.R. Team, too... just in case for both combat support and medical support.

Sensei: Good thinking, Young Nurse. We'll need Medical Support if any of my.... "Grand Students", are hurt during the raid and skirmish....

Mr. Madoka: smiles while shedding a tear upon hearing what Sensei said

Then, the Sensei stood up with a serious look on his face while slamming his staff on the ground with force, with determination.

Sensei: There's no time to lose! We prepare immediately, and the raid starts tonight!!

The Sensei exclaimed.


Asuna and Mrs. Madoka are seen walking out to see the Agents working while discussing on the supports and Agents they will be using tonight as the Sensei and Mr. Madoka are seen walking towards the training room. There, they looked outside to see the nature before they prepared for the raid which will happen tonight.

Sensei: Hmmm.... feels like old times, doesn't it,.... my former student?

Mr. Madoka: giggles Yes, and it feels good places hand on the Sensei's shoulder to be alongside you, once again, Sensei.

Mr. Madoka said.

Mr. Madoka: Looking back when we're staring out at the green and the nature, it brings back good times when you led me outside alone to see the nature back at your dojo, Sensei.

Sensei: That was a long time ago when you were frustrated or when you were.... unmanagable.

Mr. Madoka: chuckles yeah... I was young then. 

Sensei: Yes. Back then you were young.... but now,... you have matured a lot...

Mr. Madoka: Hmmmm... 

Sensei: So, why did you bring me here?

Mr. Madoka: Well.... turns to face Sensei I.... Just want to say thank you.... for helping us finding our daughter through the info you have.

Sensei: Well.... you were my pupil. So, it is the least I can do to help you.... 

The Sensei said.

Mr. Madoka nods at this.

Mr. Madoka: Be careful tonight.

Sensei: You too.

They said.

To be Continued....

Chapter 19 (NIGHT 8) begins at the next page....

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