NIGHT 7: Scars of the Past & the Rise of the Golden Oni (PART 2)

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3rd Person's POV:

The Golden Oni roared its loudest roar it can muster, for the spirit inside the animatronic to be look in shock to see that this creature appeared out of nowhere and it's got its animatronic body in its claws. So, the animatronic tried prying the creature's hands off it, but to no avail as its grip kept getting tighter.

While trying to pry its way out of the creature's grip, the animatronic aka, the spirit noticed something isn't quite right, for it to look behind the creature, for it to realize that the creature turned out to be the Nightguard that was supposed to be left to die, to its shock.

??? (The Mangle): WHAT?!?! That's impossible! Y-you're.... him???

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Exactly.... 

Kiniro said.

Then, he emerged from the hole in the wall as he swung the Mangle around and threw it at the Prize Corner where the Puppet's large present is destroyed, as it crashed there.

After throwing Mangle aside ruthlessly, Kiniro stood to the center of the main room as it did the loudest roar it can roar while looking up at the ceiling. After roaring, its head remained looking at the ceiling as it spread its arms to embrace his freedom while beginning to speak about his freedom.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Finally.... after many thousands and thousands of years, casted out while being turned into mask due to our sibling rivalry between my brother, Tarakudo... over our powers of good and evil.... and now, I am free from my underground, soil-covered, rocky and wall-covered prison! To strike my vengence against my brother and his Nine Generals! I, Kiniro! The Golden Oni have AWAKENED IN THIS- ermm....???

Just as Kiniro was about to finish, he opened his eyes to see that the place he reawakened is very dark, gloomy and abandoned for a very long time, for him to assume that he is in some kind of prison.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): A-Abandoned.... prison?

He finished.

Then, he looks back to his front to look around, when Shadow began to converse with Kiniro in his mind.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Uuuuh, we are not in a prison. We are in a restaurant... an establishment we are not meant to be. We are meant to be at the upper floors where it is all nice and dandy. So, yeah.

Shadow said in his mind.

Kiniro looks to his left side, as if looking at Shadow to talk to him.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): You... speak in my mind?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Mmmmmeeeh. I get that a lot with my friends when we combine. In these circumstances, it similarly applies.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Hmmm... I see. So, this abandoned prison for a restaurant that you speak of.... we are not suppose to be here as you said, yes?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): coughs Y-yeah....

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): And you want us to get out of here. Is that right?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Exactly. So, umm... Mister... Kiniro-san? What's your plan on running to escape this place?

Shadow ask.

Just as he asked that question, sound of debris can be heard moving at the Prize Corner, for Kiniro to turn to that location to see that the Mangle has gotten back on its feet with its radio distortion to be louder than before.

Seeing that his adversary has gotten back on its feet again, Kiniro smirked as he reached his four top arms, with two reaching behind his back and his other two to reach for his hips to grab something. Once he grabbed them, he fished out a golden sword, scythe, nunchuck and a six-bladed shuriken as he held them at each hand.

(A/N: Golden Sword, Scythe, nunchuck and six-bladed shuriken (A/N: Ensure the shuriken is six-bladed and the details on it is similar to the shuriken image above.). Top first right hand will hold the Golden Sword, Top first left hand will hold the Golden Scythe, Top second right hand will hold the Golden Nunchucks and Top second left hand will hold the Golden Shuriken.)

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Never run when you can fight your way out!

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Whoa! K-Kiniro?! Since when do we have Golden Weapons?!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu, to be precise. Will explain to you later. For now, it's time we take the house down...

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Took the words out of my mouth. Let's!

Shadow said.

So, Kiniro donned his defense stance while the Mangle is seen stalking the Oni, moving in circles as it goes close to him.

??? (The Mangle): I don't know how you got back up from me ripping you up like a piece of paper.... but I can do so again, if I have to!!!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Then I would love to see you try.

??? (The Mangle): That's what he said.... which costed his life, supposedly just now!

The Mangle did its roar jumpscare as it charged towards the Golden Oni.

The Oni smirked again as he jumped as did a flip while the Mangle charged pass him from below. Just as the Mangle ran past him, he lands and turns swiftly to face it. The Mangle stopped as it turned to charge at him again, only for the Oni to thrust his Golden Shuriken into the ground for an ice spikes to trail from where the Oni stands to the the Mangle as it pierced into it while freezing the animatronic in place for it to stop in its tracks inside of a thick ice spike shard.

Seeing that his fight is over that fast, he immediately walk slowly pass the frozen animatronic as he began to take his leave. However, just as he was about to leave the main room, he stopped to turn around to see that the animatronic is breaking free, for him to don his defense stance again. Once freed, the Mangle's freedom caused the ice spike shard to bust into many small ice shards for it to fall onto the ground while it grabbed one shard without the Oni's knowledge. After a few seconds, the Mangle soon got up as it looked at him and charged towards it, for Kiniro to do the same with his weapons in the ready.

Just as Kiniro was about to use his weapons, the Mangle grabbed his wrists as he pierced an ice shard through his chest, for Kiniro to gasp for air. Seeing that the Mangle has done the deed once again, it then released him as it watched Kiniro aka, Shadow to slowly die, once again.

??? (The Mangle): You made one fatal mistake, Nightguard.... and that's being here to find your patient and your friend who's still trying to get you both oput of here.... and no-n-n-no-n-now.... you will die here.... and this time.... STAY DEAD!!!

The spirit said and demanded within the Mangle.

Then, the animatronic is seen slwoly making its way to Kiniro, grabbing its shoulders and for its owl animatronic tail to wrap arounds its neck to constrict his breathing, getting ready to inflict the killing blow as it began to open its mouth wide.

Just as it was about to lunge in for the kill, yet again, Kiniro swiftly looks up to the Mangle as his expression changed from trying to stay alive kind of expression, to a sinister smirk kind of expression, for the spirit to take notice of this.

??? (The Mangle): What's so funny?!

It asked.

Kiniro looks down at where the Mangle pierced the shard through his chest, for the Mangle aka, the spirit to look at where it pierced him. There, Kiniro used his middle right arm and hand to grab the shard as it ripped the shard out of him, for both of them to watch as the pierce wound in Kiniro's chest immediately regenerated for the wound to be no longer be on him, to the spirit's surprise and shock.

Then, the Oni looked up as he explained to the spirit-possessed animatronic on what this is all about.

??? (The Mangle): What?! Bu-B-Bu-

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): You cannot harm me, spirit! As after all, the Horse is the Healer and the Dog is Immortality.

Kiniro addressed.

After addressing his explanation to the spirit, Kiniro began to take one step, for him to swiftly dash into the wall, for the animatronic to take a huge hit at its back after crashing through the wall by Kiniro using his powers, for it to release him from its grasp. After releasing him, Kiniro did a few backflips backwards as he kept his distance from the machine. While keeping his distance, Shadow began to speak.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): I.... never knew animals have such significance.... after what you have mentioned from the two. 

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): The Horse and the Dog share their significance, including the other ten particular animals which makes twelve particular animals which has significance through their strengths, powers and magics.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Then I assume the Speed part which made the Spirit aka, The Mangle release you would be-

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): The Rabbit, yes.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): I see.... so the Rabbit is Speed...

Shadow said with shock.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): We'll talk later about them, too. Right now, it's time we end this spirit and leave this place.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): My thoughts exactly.

During their very short conversation, the Mangle struggled to get up due to a system failure as it looked at Kiniro dead in his eyes as it tried to reach him and subdue him, once again, only for the Oni to use his weapons, thrusting them to the ground as he trapped the animatronic inside a fiery, rocky, shocking and icy prison for a boulder, leaving its limbs and head to be protruding out, and some parts of its body protruding, as well.

The Mangle struggled to break free, but to no avail as it looked at Kiniro as it spoke, demanding who he really is.

??? (The Mangle): Who- wh- what even- w-wh-w-what are you...?!?!

It asked.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): I am, the wielder of the Twelve Talismans' Powers, I am the wielder of the powers of all Eight Demon sorcerers, I am the brother of Tarakudo, I am the Light that brings peace which legends speaks, I am the King of all Shadowkhan like my brother, I am the Golden Master, I am the wielder of the Golden Weapons, I am the Master of the Dragon form, I am the Golden Oni before a particular son of Garmadon used me to fight against the Overlord for a brief moment! And I am, for once, and FOR ALL, YOUR EXECUTIONER, Kiniro... The Golden Oni... and YOUR Golden MASTER!!!!!

Kiniro stated.

Once finishing explain who he is, his eyes, his mouth and all his ten arms began to glow brightly in a shade of gold. Once fully charged, Kiniro lunged his arms forwards while opening his mouth and stare as flames and heat beams began to emerge from his hands, eyes and mouth, striking the elemental prison with the Mangle in it.

Upon contact, the prison began to engulf in flames while it exploded, for the Oni to hear the Mangle and the spirit inside the animatronic scream out loud as it blew to bits, parts and pieces, scattering all over the place inside the main room, for me to witness this with great shock inside Kiniro's head. After that blast and after purging the animatronic and soul till it is destroyed and freed from its evil doings, Kiniro's eyes and mouth glow disappeared along with his glow on his hands, too, to indicate that his powers are deactivated.

Seeing that the fight against that vengeful spirit is over and it is now at peace after that fiery blast, Shadow looks up to know that it has already crossed over.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): You maybe a vengeful spirit, whoever you are.... but sometimes.... vengeful spirits, must crossover,... to be at peace....

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Hmmm.... that I can agree.... which I feel sorry for blasting it. Hmph. Could have used my fire to cremate this robotic body....

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Well, seeing what it was doing, I know you didn't have a choice.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Hmmm....

They both shared a moment as they look up at the ceiling, as if looking at the night sky.

After looking up, they look at their exit as Kiniro began to walk his way there while he sheathes his weapons back behind him and on his sides.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Come, human! We must leave this wretched prison for a trap!

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Y-Yeah, sure. Whatever you wanna call it. Office is through the Main Hall, after that turn left. You'll see a table up ahead and all.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Hmmm.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): By the way. I have a question. Well, many in fact.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): ... Speak.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Cool, cool. One thing first I wanna get off my chest.... WHAT THE HECK W- coughing excuse me... still injured here. coughs anyway... WHAT THE HECK WERE THOSE POWERS YOU JUST BLASTED FROM YOUR EYES, MOUTH AND ARMS- Well... my eyes, mouth and arms which turn into ten arms....?!?!?!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): The ones from my eyes are Heat Beam Eyes from the Pig Talisman powers. My mouth is from the Fire Demon that was the keeper of the twelve talismans I spoke of, and my arms are from the same Fire Demons combined with the Dragon talisman for Combustion.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Huh... okay, the fire demon part and the Dragon part is understandable but- HEAT BEAM EYES FROM A PIG?!?!?! PIGS CAN EMIT THERMAL VISION?!?! H-How exactly does that even logically work?!?!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Well... wrong person to ask but- if you want to know more details, you're in the wrong universe, human. You have to be in my universe to find out more about them, including my brother and his Generals, and the Demons that lurk in my world that resembles your World.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): right.... I'll..... take your word for it...

Shadow said.

As Kiniro trekked forward, Shadow's Scroll began to ring, for Kiniro to look around the Main Hall to see who that was.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Who goes there?! What is that endless tune of music singing into my ears?!

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Don't worry, Kiniro. It's my Scroll.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Your.... Scroll?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Yeah. Do you have pockets in your Oni-sized armour?

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): looks down to check to notice a light in between his chestplate armour and his body There is a blinking light down at my chest.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): That's where I kept my Scroll before I came here to grab some evidence. It must be Arnold calling to update me on our ticket out of here.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Can I trust him?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): You can. Now, take the Scroll out and press a button on it, it'll open up for you to tap on the call button so you can talk to him. All you have to do is ask on what is the progress on the Security Doors. We need it open, and he's trying to get it open.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): I see....

Kiniro said.

So, Kiniro did what Shadow told him to do as he fished out Shadow's Scroll, press the button on it for the Scroll to open up to see Arnold calling him. Then, Kiniro used his golden-armoured finger to press on the call button, for him to start talking to Arnold, human to Oni.

Arnold (By via Scroll): Shadow? Are you there?! There was a loud roar and commotion at where you are, is everything okay?

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): The human that you called him Shadow is currently taking a temporary vacation due to his wounds. I will be talking to you on his behalf.

Arnold (By via Scroll): Umm... w-who are you?

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Enough chit-chat! You would have to make do. But rest assured your human shall return. NOW, The human you speak of say you are good with doors, and you are working on it to open them. So tell me, "ARNOLD"... what of the doors?

There was a long silence for a moment until Arnold responded.

Arnold (By via Scroll): O-Okay.... You don't sound like an Animatronic so, I'll take my chances on what I can take. So,... I managed to get the doors open.... but....

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): But what?!

Arnold (By via Scroll): D-Due to the place being old.... the door only opened just a bit.... bit enought for our fingers to go through....

Arnold said.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Hmmm.... then we both will have to make do, then. Await for my arrival, "Arnold"... and once we escape this wretched prison trap, you shall be rewarded....

Kiniro said, hanging up.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Rewarded, huh?

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Yes, human.... One time someone saved me from Ikazuki's blade. I rewarded the Child and his family for farmers secret Riches beyond their belief. So, why not reward him for his efforts.

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind) Umm... well... O-Okay.... you the boss for now, umm.... Mister Kiniro-san.

Shadow said.

And with that, Kiniro proceeded to the Office where Arnold is there waiting for Shadow's arrival, unbeknownst to him that he will be meeting someone else instead.

At the Office,

Time - ??:??am (????hrs)

Arnold is seen waiting at the office for Shadow and whoever he spoke to, when he hears metallic footprints coming from the Pasillo Center, for him to look into the darkness with a nervous look on his face as he quickly wore his mask supplied in this abandoned place for a secret room while closing his eyes so that whoever that was coming will blow over.

While his eyes are closed, he felt someone touching his head as the someone removed the mask off his face, for Arnold to slowly open his eyes to see who that was. When he did, his eyes widened to see a golden creature has removed the mask off his face.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): growls This mask will not do.... For I smell rotten flesh and death on it. throws mask away and looks at Arnold Oh. Hello, "Arnold".

Arnold: Y-You're the one who I spoke on the Scroll...

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Yes, I am. But fret not. You'll see your human friend once we get out of here.

Arnold: O-Oh-Okay. So, how do we get out of here?

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): We'll simply force our way out. Assist me, will you?

Kiniro request as he squat down in front of the door.

Then, he placed his claws under the door as he tried opening the rusty old door upwards, for Arnold to see what he's doing for him to assist him. Minutes have past as both of them tried their hardest to open the door, but to no avail until another pair of hands and fingers emerged from the other side of the door, for both of them to notice this.

Arnold: Those hands! It's one of those-

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Our new adversary!

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Kiniro, WAIT!!! I recognize these hands and its presence. It's Shionnae. She's with us!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Is she now?

Shadow (In Kiniro's Mind): Yes. That's the person trapped inside the animatronic I repaired. I found the animatronic, I found the corpse, all we need is a plan to get to her as knowing the person who killed her,.... he's not gonna give her corpse up without a fight....

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): .... I see.... looks at the door You, at the otherside of the door! Assist us in lifting this wretched door open!

Arnold: Wait, we're just gonna let this animatronic kill us, too???

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Your human friend inside my mind says he trusts it... or should I say her.... If he trusts her, then we'll make do with that! Besides, he just reminded me to tell you about what you and him discussed before this charade happened.

Arnold: Oh... right, I forgot about that.... nods Okay.... if what Shadow said is true.... then let the three of us get this wide open.... soonest.

Arnold said.

So, the three of them began opening the door with their mights. Then, after awhile, the door finally opened, to their relief as they made their way back up. While making their way back up to the main establishment, Arnold noticed something about the animatronic, for him to recognize it.

Arnold: H-Hey! That's Vixie! How did Vixie get here?!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Your friend just told me to tell you it was this William Afton's doing! He brought her here in the midst of killing your friend off!

Arnold: WHAT?!?!?!

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): Enough talk, "ARNOLD"! Keep running!

Kiniro instructed as the three kept running.


Back at the main Establishment,

In the Office,

Time - 6:17am (0617hrs)

Vixie, Arnold and Kiniro are seen standing in front of the table to catch their breaths (A/N: Except for Vixie as you know, animatronics.) after running while closing and locking every secret they found through the hidden doors.

After knowing that the coast is clear, the three could even see the other animatronics aka, the Toy Animatronics frozen in place as they show signs that they were leaving the parts & Service Room. After looking ahead, Kiniro then looked at Arnold as he spoke.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): "Arnold", your efforts have been rewarded at home. You deserve my praise and have earned the mercy of the Golden Oni. For that, you shall be spared for assisting your human friend that resides and resting within me.

Arnold: Uuuhh... T-Th-T-Thank you...??

Arnold said, shocked at what he said, but was still glad that not only he got spared and got respects from the Golden Oni, but also extremely lucky to get out alive, unlike his other colleague.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): I just got informed from your friend. And I apologise of your loss of your colleague. Justice will be served when we find this William Afton person. And I'll be sure to scorch him on your behalf.

Kiniro said.

Arnold nods at this. 

After a brief moment between Arnold and Kiniro, Arnold noticed Kiniro holding his sides of his face as he began to pull. While pulling, he spoke.

Kiniro (Demonic Voice): When I remove my face from your friend's face, catch him.... he requires crucial and immediate medical assistance.... immediately...

Kiniro said.

After a few seconds, Kiniro removed his own mask from Shadow's face as he slowly reverted himself back into Shadow, in front of Arnold's very eyes.

However, after reverting back, Arnold could only hold his hands over his mouth to see that Shadow is in a much very critical state which includes his left arm which is badly banged , scratched, torn and ripped up.

Suddenly, Shadow slumped down onto the ground, only for Arnold to grab him just in time as he held onto him tightly.

Arnold: SHADOW!!!!

Arnold yelled.


I heard someone calling for me, for me to open my eyes slowly as I noticed Arnold holding onto me while noticing Vixie aka, Shionnae walking up to me as it somehow reactivated herself to just see me.

Me: Uuuuhhh... H-hey, Arnold.... I see we managed to get out....

Arnold: We managed.... we lived another day....

Me: nods good.... looks at Shionnae Wh-What are you doing out here? I... I thought I-

Shionnae: Yeah... about that.... Shadow Freddy and Cassidy warned me on what was happening down at where you were..... So.... an experiment being an experiment.... I broke my way out, breaking the ice that froze the door shut. It took.... awhile to open the doors.... but I managed.... and managed to get through the secret rooms and down to where you were....

Me: .... I see.....

I said weakly while smiling.

Me: I'm glad.... you- you came for us.... and importantly.... m-me....

Shionnae: You..... helped me.... fixed me.... and you found me.... that's the least I can do... to repay you...

Arnold: So uh.... this.... is one of the animatronics that-

Me: nods yes.... Arnold.... she's one of the many.... but fret not.... they're friends....

Arnold: Oh good.... at least we won't have to worry about them killing us! except for the toys, of course.

Suddenly, the entrance doors can be heard opening, for the three of us to see who that was as we looked ahead at the dark pasillo as we heard footsteps.

Arnold: uuuhh.... Shadow.... were you expecting someone? ??? Shadow?

Arnold asks but receives no answer for him to look down to notice that I am now unconscious while losing a lot of blood as I bled out profusely from my left arm, for him to worry a lot.

Arnold: Oh no! Oh no! OH NO! OH NOOOOO!!!!!!

Shionnae: Shadow?!?! SHADOW?!?!

Arnold: Shadow?!?! Wake up! COME ON, MAN!!!! WE EVEN JUST ESCAPED WITH OUR LIVES!!!!!

Shionnae: Wake up, please!!

3rd Person's POV:

While Arnold and the animatronic tried to wake Shadow up, down at the other end of the Pasillo Center, Asuna can be seen stopping at the entrance point as she noticed a commotion there, for her to rush in, followed by Emu and other being accompanied by Fritz Smith, Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald.

Once arrived, everyone looked in shock to see that there was a person and an animatronic trying to wake Shadow up, for Asuna and Emu to tend to him.

Emu: SHADOW!!!

Asuna: Shadow!!!

Emu and Asuna rushed to Shadow as they checked on him.

While they did so, Pallad is seen donning his fighting stance in front of the animatronic, for Arnold to go in front of the robot.

Arnold: GUYS, WAIT!!!!!! We need her later!!! Vixie's with us!

Fritz Smith: It's true! Shadow fixed her himself....

Mike Smith & Jeremy Fitzgerald: nods to Fritz's point

After hearing and seeing what he has to hear and see, Pallad lowered his guard when Emu called out.

Emu: Guys! Shadow's still alive.... barely....

Asuna: We need an Ambulance here, NOW!!!!

Hiiro: I'll prepare for his surgery. WHile doing so, I'll get an ambulance ready for him!

Arnold: Please do! There is another one inside the hidden room! We must bring him back, as well!

Shionnae: Will... Will he be.... alright....

Shionnae ask.

Everyone looked at the animatronic, shocked to hear and see that it has its own consciousness. Then, Asuna went up to Vixie as she spoke to it.

Asuna: I hope so.... I really do....

Asuna said with concern.

Hiiro: Asuna! Come on!

Hiiro hurried.

Asuna: I have to go. Power down for now... 

Shionnae: nods and power down

After seeing the animatronic power down, Asuna immediately rush over to Hiiro as they immediately rush back to the hospital to get an ambulance while Hiiro gets ready for Shadow's surgery.


Time - 6:53am (0653hrs)

Time flew since Hiiro and Asuna rushed back to get ready an ambulance and the procedure as everyone is seen waiting for an ambulance to arrive with worry. After awhile of wait, they see one ambulance have arrived as they went to set Shadow inside, with Emu and Pallad to hop on board.

(A/N: This kind of Ambulance.)

Once they were inside, Kiriya closed the doors and slams his hand twice on the ambulance, for the emergency vehicle to depart. Then, he looks back to everyone.

Kiriya: Suggest we go over to the hospital now. You too looks at Arnold, Fritz Smith, Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald he needs your support.

Taiga: Let's not waste time, then. Let's be on our way, NOW!

Nico: Come on! Let's go!

They said.

And with that, they immediately rushed to the opposite direction which is the shortest way to the Hospital, with the Geeks and Arnold to follow the Medical Team from behind.

To be Continued....

Chapter 18 (Day 8) begins at the next page....

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