NIGHT 2: S.A.V.E. H.I.M. (PART 2)

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Time - 4:49am (0449hrs)


I resumed my Nightguard Duties after that Hilarious Idea for a Montage, for me to giggle for a moment.

Me: Well.... that was fun while it lasted. Now, it's back to business as we got a job to do and a mystery to solve.

I said to myself.

Walking back to the office, I see that everything I have set up are still in working order, as the flashlight is still blinking as it should be in a specific time interval and the Music Box is still wound up like it should, to my relief.

As I walked around the office to relax myself from doing all those anitcs from my hilarious montage, I noticed something in the wall further up in the Main Hall when the Office Flashlight was blinking to shine through the dark coridoor, for me to shine my flashlight at it from my office. Flashing it down the coridoor to the spot that I spotted something, I noticed a black line that I never seen before as I wasn't told about this room in the first place.

So, out of curiosity, I walked through the dark coridoor and into the Main Hall, stopping in front of where I noticed the black line, shining the flashlight at it to realize that the black line turned out to be a door.

Me: Hmm? This is weird. Fritzy, Jerry and Mikey never mentioned about a door in between the Parts Room and the Toilets. Unless.....

I paused for a moment to ponder about something until something hit me about what Gabriel said to me that afternoon, for my eyes to widen.

Me: Unless this must be the secret room Gabriel mentioned before.

I said in shock.

Seeing that I found something that I wasn't suppose to find, I looked around me by using my flashlight to make sure no one was following me. After checking that the coast is clear, I gathered up my courage and entered inside the room by opening that secret door in front of me as I entered in.

Inside the Room, there was a short coridoor leading me into a room in front of me, considering that the toilets and the Parts & Service Room were sandwiching this room. As soon as I reached the room, I began to cover my mouth and nose as the smell inside this room was bad which almost made me want to puke all over it.

Me: Man.... it stinks in here.... wonder what this room was even used for. panning the Flashlight around the Dark Room I see some Suits.... some Endoskeletons... and a-

Just before I stated my findings verbally, my flashlight began to flicker uncontrollably, to my worry. Then, it happened as my flashlight died on me, leaving me stranded in this pitch dark room, darker than the darkness outside, excluding the Office that is being litted up for a purpose.

Me: Gosh dang it! My flashlight isn't working?! Of all the times, why no-

Before I could even finish what I was saying, I realized something.

Me: Wait... if this is a secret room.... that means it's a secret for a reason. And most likely, that bad stench is more than just a bad stench.... that means the reason why my flashlight died is not because it's dead... it's because someone is most likely here with me,... and also likely he or she doesn't want me to find out something that I must know.

I said, looking down at my flashlight.

Sweat began to trickle down my head as I began to worry what is going to happen to me when someone finds out I'm in here, for me to decide that it's time to go.

Me: Okay.... I believe I overstayed my welcome.... it's time to go... NOW.

I said, however-

???: yOU CaN'T

Someone's voice said behind me, for me to stay still for a moment, frightened about what is going to happen next.

Despite me being fightened about the next course of action, I gathered up my courage again and began to talk to that someone behind me.

Me: W-Who's that?!

I ask.

???: It'S ME

The someone said.

Me: So... what's the purpose of this other room? Certainly it's not just a Parts & Service Room or the Employee Only Room, are they not?

???: ThaT I'aFrAId iT'S nOt As sImPLE As yOu tHInK. aNd you know too much.... But to be kind a bit before you "go".... I liked your hilarious montage, anyway. So, I'll make this slow and painless for you.

Me: Uuuuhhh.... thanks? For the Montage part... and for the "go" part... no thanks.

???: You don't have a choice...

The someone said.

As the person tried to do something to me, the person heard a 'CLANG' of his weapon, to his confusion and for me to feel something being deflected away from my back, for me to smile at this.

???: What the-?!

The person used his weapon again to try stab me in the back, only for him to hear clanging noises from me, to his even more confusion.

???: I-I don't understand!! Those stabs from the knife should have killed you!!!

The person exclaimed.

Then, the person continued trying to stab me until I moved out of the way, for the person to lose balance, falling upon something in front of me, giving me the opportunity to get away.

While I got away, I exited the room by via the secret door as I turned back to see if I needed to fight back or not, only for me to suddenly feel a sharp pain at my stomach suddenly. I slowly looked down to see that the knife has impaled my stomach, for me to gasp for air for a moment while falling down to the ground while leaning against the wall opposite the toilets and the secret room. I slowly grabbed the knife as I swiftly pulled it out of me, for me to scream for a brief moment.

After screaming for a few seconds, I threw the knife in between the two rooms as I began to hold my stab wound tight while smiling, and while watching the person who turned out to be WIlliam Afton, emerging out of the room as he shut it tight, for me to see that it's no longer there, to my suspicions about what Gabriel said was true, I wouldn't know where it is unless it is opened.

William soon picked up his knife as he slowly walked towards me as he began to ask his own questions.

William Afton: So, let me ask you, Shadow. How is that you were able to see through the darkness, and phase through my knife from piercing through your skin until now?

He demanded.

I was still smiling when he asked that, for me to fish out two bottles.

Me: Two..... pants Two bottle of Energy-Items.... N- coughs Night Vision.... Meta- coughs Metallize.... should have- pants while coughing should have changed the time duration on them to a longer time duration.....

William Afton: That's your own issue to sort out... which unfortunately, it will never happen.

Me: But I want to know something from you.....

William Afton: Oh? And what's that?

He asked.

After hearing William's question, I slowly went back on my feet while holding onto my stab wound with one hand to prevent the bleeding to bleed out profusely as I could see it through his eyes, despite my vision to be a bit fade.

Me: Why kill those kids for?

I ask, hearing William laugh at my question.

William Afton: What kind of question is that?! It's obivious why I do it, it's because of-

Me: You lost someone didn't you?

I interrupted, for William to stay silent upon hearing this.

Me: I may not understand you but... I can see it in your eyes, Will... you lost someone that's dearest to you... that's why you're doing this... right??? 

William was speechless when he heard me say that.

Then, his expression turned from serial killer, to a merciful and sorrowful, for me to notice this as I held out my hand.

Me: Believe me.... I lost someone dearest to me, too.... pants and coughs my mother.... left me when I was just a baby, William.... look... befo- coughs before I pass out.... I'm will.... coughs I'm willing to help you out if you could just let me reach out to you so I can find out why you did it.....

I said.

Upon hearing these words that no one has ever said to him, this made William run away from me and out from the Pizzeria, bringing his bloodied knife with him. I watched him leave weakly as I lowered my hand and slumped onto the wall and the ground, trying to catch my breathe and relax while there is still a stab wound on my stomach.

As I tried keeping myself awake with my resources (A/N: Freddy Head, Flashlight and Tablet.) scattered all over the place around me, with my vision beginning to fade away, I heard something getting closer as the music got louder. When it got even louder, I slowly looked up to see that it was the Puppet, and it would seem that it was holding a little present as it looked at me, smiling at me. 

(A/N: The Marionette.)

I smiled back as I thought to myself if that thing wanted to kill me, it would have done so already I said in thought as I prayed that the puppet will heal me, in which I question myself how it will do it for me to eventually find out soon enough.


Time - 5:56am (0556hrs)

At the Office,

(A/N: Music starts here.)

After patching me up and healing me back to my healthy state, the puppet told me about itself, I looked in shock to find out that the Puppet is another one of those missing kids, which makes seven kids missing now.

Me: So, Marionette, you're another one of those missing kids, huh?

Marionette: Y-Yes.... like the others, I was murdered by the killer. he even locked me out from the pizzeria so that the puppet couldn't find me.... 

Marionette said.

Then, it looked at me while looking down.

Marionette: When the puppet found me outside.... I ended up possessing it.... knowing that I can't rest unless the killer is being killed. I-I don't know why the killer did it... he lost his mind but, I.... I.... sighs.....

It said.

I showed some sympathy to her as clearly this was the lowest way to go out.

Me: That's sad.... nothing personal but... that's the lowest way to go out.

Marionette: It's alright.... after hearing what you said in the Parts & Service Room earlier that afternoon, I know you mean well.

Me: Oh, so you hear it, too?

Marionette: ... yeah... so you don't have to worry about the music box. 

It said.

Me: Ooookay, then. I'll just let it go then.

I said.

Marionette: Thanks.

Me: Mhmm.... by the way.... got a name? I'm Shadow.

Marionette: ... Charolette Emily. You can call me Charlie if you like...

Me: Cool. Then nice to meet you.... in the state like this.... Charlie.

Marionette (Charlie): Nice to meet you, too.

Me: Thanks for healing me, again. Really. I'm not sure how you did it really.

I thanked while asking.

Marionette (Charlie): Well.... it's simple, really. It's like giving new life to the souls that the killer killed, in forms of animatronics in the Parts & Service Room,.... but only this time, I used it to heal your wound. So, it's no difficulty, at all.

She said.

I listened in shock as she explained how she did it, for me to look back at where I was stabbed again, to see that it's nowhere to be found. Then, I looked back at the Puppet again.

Me: It's that easy, huh?

Marionette (Charlie): It wasn't at first, but when I got used to it,.... well.... it's already second nature as you can tell....

Me: I see....

I nod at her point.

Me: Once again and for the third time, thank you.

Marionette (Charlie): Heheh... your welcome....

She said, smiling in spirit.

Marionette (Charlie): Well... I have to go now.... I'll see you tomorrow...

She said.

I nod, looking at my watch to see it's a few seconds before it turns six in the morning. Then, I turn back to face the puppet.

Me: Until we meet again, then.... which is tomorrow.

I said.

The puppet soon flew back up as it made its way back to its huge box. 

(A/N: Music ends here.)

As soon as it was no longer in sight, a bell rang throughout the Pizzeria to indicate it is already 6am in the morning and the animatronics should have already stopped moving, to my relief.

Time - 6:00am (0600hrs)

As soon as the bell stopped ringing, I stood up to pack my utilities back into my utility bag as quickly as possible and immediately took my leave when I'm done.

While I was leaving, I could see the old Foxy Animatronic standing still in the coridoor, not moving at all due to the time that it is suppose to stop, to my relief.

Me: Fritz.... I owe you an apology and an explanation for this when I come back in the afternoon during my lunch break.

I said.

And with that, I left the Pizzeria to get enough rest and return to my Hospital duties, unbeknownst to me, the old foxy animatronic slowly turned its head to the direction that I was going to leave as Fritz's soul emerged to watch me leave for today.

Fritz: Don't worry.... I know..... so you don't have to explain it...

He said.

To be Continued....

Chapter 6 (DAY 3) begins at the next page....

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