DAY 3: Voices and a Shadowy Friend

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Time - 7:55am (0755hrs)

There was nothing much to do at Seito University Hospital when I got the call from Emu. So, I thought of sleeping in for some time until either Emu or the Team from C.R. calls me. While I was sleeping, I got a call from Fritzy to ask whether I was okay or not.

Me: picks up my Scroll Hmm? H-Hello?

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): Shadow?! Oh thank god you're alright.

Me: Hey, Fritzy. I'm fine. Just sleeping, what's up...???

I ask.

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): I found a lot of blood leading from the Main Hall towards your office. I was worried about you. I thought you were dead!

Fritz Smith said.

I nod in understanding knowing what he meant.

Me: Oh.... that.... ugh.... minor accident last night so... you didn't have to worry about me, man.... I got my Team to clear me out earlier so, they patched me up.

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): You sure?

Me: Positive.

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): sighs Alright then. As well as you're cleared by your Doctors, that's fine. I'm just worried, that's all,.... and glad you're okay.

Me: Thanks man....

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): No problem. Anyway, rest well. Be prepared for the third night.

Me: Roger that, Fritzy....

Fritz Smith (By via Scroll): sighs now, I gotta wipe that blood away before the customers get here. Now where do they keep the bro-

Fritz Smith said as he hung up his scroll.

I giggled at Fritzy complaining through the scroll before going back to bed as I placed my scroll on my side table.

Me: Fritzy.... you always do this.... complain your lungs out before you hang up for people to hear like always. giggles You really need to learn when to do that after you hang up.

I said to myself, smiling.


At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 12:30pm (1230hrs)

I arrived at Freddy's half an hour ago as I had a lot to talk about with that Black Bull Animatronic aka, Shionnae Madoka, telling her that her parents are still looking for her and other stuff while reuniting with her at the process while the old animatronic souls kept watch to make sure that William doesn't come back.

After a while talking to Shion (A/N: She preferred to be called that.), I began to exit the Parts & Service Room, not before saying goodbye to her for the time being as I headed out to the main room to keep a close eye out on the kids, the adults, the Toy Animatronics at the Show Stage and the Puppet which is at the Prize Corner. While thinking of something else while keeping a watchful eye, I noticed through my ear a same similar static coming from Kid's Cove and noticed that no one has went in there just yet.

So, I made my way to the Kid's Cove to find out where the static came from which is already obivious to me on where it originated from since last night and the night before.

At Kid's Cove,

Once I arrived, I noticed the mangled Fox Animatronic laying there doing nothing as the assembly configuration from last night has been altered, for me to feel bad about the animatronic fox, causing me to shake my head from the sight i'm seeing.

Me: sighs Kids these days are getting rough with their toys....

I said, making my way to the animatronic.

When I reached the animatronic, I looked at it as I began to converse with it.

Me (Inner Thoughts): What did Fritzy said that her former name was??? uhhhh... uuuuuuuuhhhh.... hmmmm- OH! Toy Foxy. Right!

I said in thought.

Me: Ummmm.... Toy Foxy?

I called out.

Upon hearing me call the animatronic out, the fox animatronic turned to look at me while her ears perked up.

Me: Sorry if it's too much to ask but... w-what happened to your voice box? Or voice chip?

I ask.

The animatronic who is still emitting a static from her voice lowered its head to tell me something, for me to figure that it is damaged.

Me: Right.... you can't speak.... and I figured that it's damaged. looks away Hey voice. You there?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): You called?

Me: Yeah, you. You said you will guide me through on how to fix animatronics, right?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Yes? Why?

Me: Well, it's time you do your job and help me. This one is peculiar. A Voice Box or Chip or something...

I said.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Alright. Let me see through your eyes to have a look at it.

The voice said.

I nod as I turn to face the fox animatronic.

Me: Could you turn around so you can face t-

Before I could finish, another head with just one eye perked up to see me, for me to change my wording in my request.

Me: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright... Could you two turn around so you two can face the wall, please?

I said.

Hearing my request, the two heads turn its entire body around to face the wall for me to immediately have a look at their voice boxes or chips. I checked the endoskeleton head to see no signs of any chip, for me to check the foxy head, to see one inside. So, I removed it from inside her Endoskeleton head as I took a good look at the voice chip, for the voice to look at it, too.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Ah, I see.

Me: Oh? So you know how to fix that?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Whfff! Just a small crack in the center wouldn't harm. Aw well. I can use a bit of my hands to do the work.

Me: And what do you mean by that?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Close your eyes and cover the chip by using both your hands.

I look in confusion.

Me: And.... how is that suppose to work?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Do you want my help or not?

The voice ask.

Me: Well... fair point.

I said as i did as instructed.

While I had my eyes closed and my hands clamped together, I felt something touching the chip besides my hands as I felt a slight burning sensation in my palm of my hands which didn't bother me for a bit.

After a while, the burning sensation stopped and the voice called me.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Alright, kid. You can open up now.

He said.

I opened my eyes and opened up my hands to see that the voice chip is completely fixed, to my shock and confusion.

Me: How did you even do that?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Oh, I have my ways~ Now, isn't there a fox animatronic's voice you are suppose to fix?

Me: Oh, right! We're getting side-tracked for a bit there. Sorry.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Oh, and by the way, the voice chip should be placed at the lower part of the Endo's neck, not at the head.

Me: Okay.... heh! Wonder who's the idiot who placed the chip in her skull.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Correct word usage there. That guy must be a total idiot to put the chip in her skull and not at the neck region. That's so weird.

Me: Tell me about it...

I said as I placed the voice chip back inside the Fox's throat region where it should be, rightfully.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): You do know you can remove and insert it from the front, too. Right?

Me: Well, you didn't tell me. And I want to play it safe so it doesn't bite my head off. As after all, this one has a back inserter and depositor, too for the chips.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Hmm, fair enough.... Keep at it then,.... "Doctor".

Once the chip is inside the Endo, I pat the fox's lower part of her throat where the chip is supposed to be slotted in.

After placing the chip back in, I notice and hear that there is no longer any static emitting out from the animatronic, for me to smile.

Me: Okay. It's done. Even though I don't hear static anymore, you may still give your voice chip a whirl to see if it works, now. My name is Shadow. You are?

I said and ask.

The heads turn back to face me as it began to speak.

???: M-My name's Mangle.... Thank you.

She greeted with a feminine animatronic voice while thanking me.

I soon nodded at her to figure that the voice chip works, despite it being old.

Me: So, Mangle is another name they call you? Alright then. Heheh, and despite some stutters due to the chip being old, hmm, I guess this will most certainly do.

Mangle: Mhmm. So, I've never seen you before.

Me: Oh yeah. I'm new here. 

Mangle: I see. 

Me: Still, sorry about yesterday night. A gut feeling told me that there is something I need to do off my bucket-list, you see.

Mangle: Oh, it's no problem. And sorry about the assault.

Me: Nah, as long as you're cool, I'm cool.

I said.

Mangle smiled at this, but showed a worried demeanor at the same time.

Me: Don't worry, the kids ain't here, yet. So, we're free to talk whenever.

Mangle: I-I-I see.....

Me: So, why are you dismantled? Last I saw, you weren't like this yesterday.

I asked.

Mangle: Well, these children did this to me. Everyday when I was fixed, they came upon me and teared me apart....

She said.

Me: Huh. That explains why they called you "Mangle".

Mangle: Yes... eventually the one who has to fix me has given up and left me here to be a assemble and tear apart attraction... don't get me wrong but, I like kids very much so.... I think it was a good idea to leave me here.

Mangle explained further.

I nod in understanding to understand where Mangle's getting at while began to think about the person who used to fix her and already gave up, giving me the possibility that it has got something to do with William, or I could be wrong.

Mangle: But h-h-hey! At l-least he didn't leave me alone.

She said, to my confusion.

Me: Wait. There's another dismantled animatronic here?

Mangle: Yes.

Me: May I see this animatronic, if you don't mind?

Mangle: Oh s-s-sure. looks at the entrance of Kid's Cove BB, come here.

She called out.

I tilt my head slightly to the right.

Me: B... B....???

I ask.

Then, footsteps coming from the Game Area can be heard as the animatronic began to enter the Kid's Cove. As soon as the animatronic has entered the Cove, I look with delight as I notice a familiar face.

Me: Oh! BB! As in Balloon Boy. We meet again, kiddo. See you're still happy and cheerful as always.

Balloon Boy: Hi. Hello.

Mangle: He.... can only sa-sa-say those words...

Me: I know. I told myself I'd fix that problem when I come back to see how the Day Shift's doing with my Geeks. Since I'm here early, I can do just that to patch him up.

Mangle: Oh? How?

Me: I can simply program and add some more words and lines for him to speak.

Mangle: Well, it's worth a t-t-try.

I nod at Mangle.

Giving this a shot, I fished out my tablet I used last night while kneeling down in front of Balloon Boy.

Me: Alright, my strong little man. Your Doctor's here so, turn around or open up your hatch so I may access you.

I said.

Balloon Boy did just that, for me to connect a wire into him and to my tablet, for me to reach out to the voice in my head again.

Me: Voice? Voice recognition. Now.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Easy. Watch.

The voice said.

Then, my free hand began to move on its own as it began to download a programming app. After a while and after it's been downloaded, my free hand began to type fast to access Balloon Boy's voice recognition so the voice and I could add and program in more words and sentences for the animatronic to speak more words than just say hi, hello and laugh.

After a few minutes later, my free hand typing a lot of words down began to slow down as it pressed the enter button and the off button on my tablet, as my hand stopped whatever it's doing, for the voice to sound off.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Done. He should be good to go and ready to speak, now.

Me: Thanks, voice.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Anytime.

I disconnected the wire from balloon Boy's back as I closed his back hatch, for me to pat his back to tell him that we're done.

Me: patting Balloon Boy's back Alright, BB. The procedure is a success. See if you can talk now. I'm Shadow. You are?

I said while smiling.

Balloon Boy turned around smiling as he began to greet me.

Balloon Boy: Hi. I'm balloon Boy. You can call me BB. 

Me: Ayyyy, procedure 100% success.

Balloon Boy: Thanks a lot, Shadow.

Me: Anytime, my strong little man for an animatronic.

I said.

As we were celebrating the success of me fixing Mangle and Balloon Boy, both Balloon Boy and I heard static coming from Mangle, for us to look with worry. However, our worried look slowly turned into horrifying looks as we notice Mangle glitching about uncontrollably while her static voice got worse while spouting encrypted paragraphs that I typed last night, before shutting down unexpectedly.

Balloon Boy went up to her with worry, for me to do the same.

Balloon Boy: Mangle?!

Me: Mangle? My goodness, what happened?!

Balloon Boy: Mang-

Just before Balloon Boy could finish, he unexpectedly shut down, too, to my shock, worry and dismay.

Me: BB?! Not you too! 

I said, looking at Balloon Boy to find out what's wrong, until I felt a familiar presence behind me, for me to change my worry expression into a fierce and serious one.

So, I slowly stood up as I began to speak up.

Me: So, you finally reveal your face in the day. William...

I said, turning around slowly to see William standing by the entrance of Kid's Cove, knowing that he's there when Mangle and BB were acting strangely before they shutdown unexpectedly.

William Afton: Well Well Well. Look who it is~? Our Rapscallion Doctor playing the hero of my establishment~

Me: Well, you're the co-founder so, fair point when you said it is yours. But that aside, cut the crap, your insults won't work on me.

I said.

Upon hearing what I said, this made William burst into laughter, for me to still hold my ground. Then, William began to walk towards me as he stopped in front of me.

Me: So, what business do you have here with me? Kill me? Stuff me into one of those suits? Or are you here as I finally reached out to you so we could talk?

I ask.

William Afton: You really are serious when you needed to be.

Me: Well, that seriousness is out now to end you eventually. 

William Afton: Ooooh, the guard has claws~ But that aside, these Animatronics are meant to be killing machines. Not some play things for kids to play, and definitely... they're not meant for entertainment. They're meant to bring "TORMENT" to the kids.

Me: You're one sick man for a man that I'm willing to help, you know that?

William Afton: And I can agree. So... do me a favor, and stop fiddling with them and with the affairs of others that you don't understand....

William Afton taunted.

Then, he slowly turns around as he took his leave, before saying his last words for today.

William Afton: Don't worry.... you'll be able to talk to them again, at night.... when they kill you and stuff you into those suits....

He taunted even further.

After I watch him leave Kid's Cove, I began to growl at the sight of him, causing the lights in Kid's Cove to flicker while my eyes turned black for a moment, for me to respond to myself.

Me (???): Oh, we shall see... when I show you....

I hissed while having the voice's voice in the mix with my voice.

After a while, my eyes revert back to normal as I looked around to see no one in the room just yet, to my relief as I've never felt that feeling in my eyes and within me before.

Me: This feeling.... what was that.... hmm.... whatever-

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Shadow, you alright?

Me: Huh? Y-Yeah... kinda... Why?

??? (In Shadow's Mind): You were kind of.... well.... using my very being just now, from within.

Me: WHAT?!?! Since when did that happen?!

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Just a few seconds ago. Honestly, this is actually new for me.

Me: New for us. But still, sorry about that.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Nah, no worries. I'm alright so, we're cool.

I nod upon hearing that he's still alright.

Me: Well, better go back to the hospital. I need to see if there is anything from the Team.

??? (In Shadow's Mind): Sure. You do that.

The voice said.

I then went to the office to let Fritzy, Mikey and Jerry know that I'll be off and back to the Hospital in case there's anything, but will be back for the night shift, in which the three wished me luck.

After bidding farewell for the time being, I left the Pizzeria heading to the hospital as I began and resume my duties.

However, what I didn't know was that while I was on the way back to the hospital to from within the premises of C.R. itself, someone was following me. Most likely it slipped into my soul without me knowing as it tagged along with me.


Time - 2:20pm (1420hrs)

After that simple operation to rid of the Bugster, reuniting the patient to the patient's relatives and seeing them off, I simply lay on the couch as I began to slowly doze off, sleeping through the time until the next patient arrive.

While I was sleeping, something loomed over me to block the light at the ceiling, for me to slowly wake up from this. As soon as I woke up to have a look-see to find out who's blocking the light, my eyes slowly widen with fear that there is a purple shadowy animatronic in the premises of C.R. who somehow slipped through our secured doors below me.

(A/N: This Shadowy purple animatronic.)

I was about to scream for someone to get up here to deal with it, but the animatronic simply plop its finger into my mouth to silence me, for me to try pulling it out, to the shadow animatronic's annoyance as it spoke.

???: Oh, don't be wuss in front of me, Shadow... You and I were already talking since the first time I spoke to you at the roof.

The animatronic said.

This made me slowly stop struggling, looking at the shadow animatronic with confusion. Hearing that I have settled down, the animatronic disappeared before my eyes and sat down in front of me while I slowly sat up straight to see it, questioning it.

Me: uuuuhhh.... how did you know about the roof at the hospital? And- who are you?

???: scoffs You mean you don't know who's been talking to you before you found out about Freddy's and those particular nights or days? I even helped you with your Mangle and BB problem, too.

It said.

When I heard this, this caused me to look in shock as to see that the voice that has been talking to me is now staring face-to-face in front of me.

Me: Wait! So...

???: Mhm. I'm your voice in your head and outside when I don't look like this.

Me: So in a way, this is like... your shadowy and physical being?

???: Correct.

Me: No wonder you can touch me and I can, too.

???: Eh, a way to say to sum it all up, so yes.

Me: So, got a name since you already know me?

I ask.

???: Just call me Shadow Freddy...

Me: Rrrrrriiiight. But,.... why are you here now?

Shadow Freddy: After what happened, this raised some.... attention. So, I thought following you and reaching into your mind, I could find some answers on what sparked that link.

Me: I see.... So, you want to see what's inside my mind?

Shadow Freddy: Yes.

The shadow animatronic said.

Me: Well.... seeing that we knew each other for a few days now.... I guess why not. But just be careful, okay?

Shadow Freddy: I'll keep that in mind.

It said.

So, I lay myself down again, closing my eyes so that the voice who is named; Shadow Freddy can enter through my mind to seek some answers out. Once inside, I simply went through the flow and slept through the whole process.

After a while, Shadow Freddy emerged from within my mind as he looked at the sleeping me with concern.

Shadow Freddy: He's suffering... internally, over his loss of his mom...

He said.

Shadow Freddy: However.... what did "He" mean when he said; "One more chain." when he pointed at that chain, shackling his left wrist? does it have something to do with what Shadow did earlier? hmmmm....

Shadow Freddy pondered to himself on what my inner thoughts me meant when he mentioned it, for Shadow Freddy to dismiss the matter for the time being. 

Me: Hey, Shadow Freddy...

Shadow Freddy: Hmm?!

Me: Did you find what you seek?

I ask.

Shadow Freddy: You can say that.

Me: I'm glad to hear you found the answers.

Shadow Freddy: Yeah. Well.... just don't push yourself.

Me: ... hmph...

I teasingly brushed off what Shadow Freddy said while listening to him as I smiled at what he said, knowing that I shouldn't push myself too hard.


3rd Person's POV:

At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 4:00pm (1600hrs)

Fritz Smith is seen talking with Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald at the office for a moment about work in the establishment when a call came in for Jeremy Fitzgerald. He picked up his scroll to see that Shadow is calling him, for Mike and Fritz to look with wonder on what's the call about when Jeremy picks it up.

So, Jeremy Fitzgerald replied the call while putting it on speaker as he began talking to Shadow.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hey, Shadow what's up.

Mike Schmidt: Afternoon, Shades.

Fritz Smith: Hey, Shadow. how you holding up?

They all greeted.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Hey, guys. Doing well so far. And been a while since I was called that, Mikey.

Shadow said.

Mike Schmidt: Heheh. Hey, since we got nicknames, we had to call you shades to be fair.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Eh, guess that's true.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Anyway, guys.... So, Shades-

Mike Schmidt & Fritz Smith: giggling

Jeremy Fitzgerald: ... shut up.... Anyway, what brings you calling us at this time, man.

Jeremy Fitzgerald ask.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Well.... it's regarding that one employee at the establishment.

Shadow said.

Fritz Smith: Well, Shades. Like I did say before on your first day, if you have any questions you can always ask either of us.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah. We always help each other out!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Mhm. We're the Four Fazbear Geeks, right?

Upon hearing this, they could hear Shadow giggling through the Scroll for the three to smile when they hear him giggle.

Shadow (By via Scroll): True, true.

He said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: So, what's the call about?

Jeremy Fitzgerald ask.

Shadow (By via Scroll): hmmm... so.... do you three know,.... William Afton?

Upon hearing his name, Fritzy, Jerry and Mikey began to look at each other as they knew who Shades (Shadow) was talking about.

Mike Schmidt: Ah. You mean the purple-clothes-wearing weirdo? 

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah, we all do.

Fritz Smith: He's not just really strange... but creepily weird if you ask me.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hm? Why did you say that?

Mike Schmidt: Yeah?

Fritz Smith: Well.... to begin; he's quiet... doesn't talk much with others... and he always act so... inconspicuous.

Fritzy said.

This made Shadow feel more curious about what Fritzy mean, for him to ask Fritzy to explain.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Oh? Explain?

He said.

Fritz Smith: Well... one example is that.... well... remember earlier when I called you regarding about what happened on th--

Shadow (By via Scroll): Yes, why?

Fritz Smith: I was mopping the floor earlier today when... William showed up. WHen he walked past me,... he was so angry over something. While walking away angrily for some reason, he kind of dropped something from his shirt pocket. 

Shadow (By via Scroll): Did you see what it is?

Mike Schmidt: Yeah?

Fritz Smith: Well... I was curious so, yes. I picked it up from the ground, to realize that it was a piece of bandage with blood all over it. So, I quickly went up to him to see if he's okay but, he didn't answer me or turn to give me a thumbs up or... well... not even a word was spouted out. So, i kinda left it alone.

Fritz Smith explained.

Shadow (By via Scroll): I see.

Mike Schmidt: Well, you ain't alone, Fritzy. Had that same silent treatment from William, too from yesterday when I came in early to give the establishment a good clean up before customers came in. Blood, but different bandage. Kinda left it alone, too.

Fritz Smith: I see.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Well then... hmmm... SO! After hearing everything from you guys. Thanks, for sharing me this information. It really means a lot that you're telling me this.

Shadow thanked.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Heheh. Anything for our friendship, my guy. As after all, we're still the Four Fazbear Geeks.

Shadow (By via Scroll): I couldn't agree more, Jerry. Welp, i got to go. I'll be in earlier tonight so, wish my luck.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay. be safe, and look after those patients.

Shadow (By via Scroll): Will do. You three look after yourselves on Day Shift.

Fritz Smith: We will.

Mike Schmidt: Sure do.

After that long phone call, Shadow can be heard hanging up his Scroll for Jeremy Fitzgerald to place his scroll back in his pocket. 

Then, Jeremy Fitzgerald slowly turn around while seated on the swivel chair as he looked in concern to Fritz Smith.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: You know.... you should have told him that you are fired from this job, man...

He said.

Fritz Smith sighed.

Fritz Smith: sighs I... I know... I'll.... see what I can do, but we can't just let him be distraught over one thing if he finds out.... besides... I already have an idea how to tell him...

Fritz Smith said.

Mike Schmidt: Alright. No matter what happens, we'll still support you.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: And I'm sure Shades will support you, too.

Mikey and Jerry said.

Fritzy smiled at their support.

Fritz Smith: Yeah... I know, thanks guys.

Fritz Smith said.

To be Continued....

Chapter 7 (NIGHT 3) begins at the next page....

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