NIGHT 3: I am a "Relative" of Them

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Time - 11:50pm (2350hrs)

-Story pauses for a moment-

Shadow (Talking through the story): So, after that phone call with the three, I resumed my hospital duties until late at night. Until when I head to my Nightguard duties at the Pizzeria, it began to had me think about what Fritzy, Mikey and Jerry said to me about William Afton. After hearing what they had to say about him, it got me thinking that-

Weiss (Talking through the story): He's beyond reason.... he's far gone.

Blake (Talking through the story): In other words, on this third night, you decided to go and confront him.

Shadow (Talking through the story): ... yes... but... an awful event happened for me to make a change of plans...

He said.

-Story resumes-


I was in the Pizzeria early today as my rounds around the hospital ended early today, giving me the opportunity to look around the Pizzeria to ensure that everything is in order.

Once that was done, seeing that there is nothing out of place, the animatronics are still in position and the older animatronic models are still in the Parts & Service Room, I quickly made my way towards the office with my utility bag as I prepared myself for the third night of my Night Shift.

Me: Alrighty~ Let's take our seat and await for that recorded message. 

I said.

Upon reaching the office, I placed my bag down on one of the legs of the table below while planting myself down on the swivel seat, awaiting for the recorded message to play at 12am which begins my shift.

As I waited, a lullaby could be heard somewhere around the pizzeria, to my confusion.

(A/N: This lullaby.)

The lullaby kept playing repeatedly all over again for me to begin to become worried about this while being confused at the same time.

Me: What... is that music or... lullaby?

I ask myself.

While wondering, the phone began to ringing, for my attention to changed from the lullaby that's coming from somewhere in the premises, to the phone on my desk. Just as the constant ringing stopped, the recorded message for this nigh shift began to play.

(A/N: Soften the lullaby here.)

Time - 12:00am (0000hrs)

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, hello, hello! See? I told you you wouldn't have any problems! Did, uh, did Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not, I was just curious. 

Me: "curious", my Salty's big fat butt... I saw him...

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary, so they redesigned him to be more 'kid-friendly' and put him in Kid's Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know... But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally had to put Foxy back together at the end of every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some kind of 'take apart, put back together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just 'the Mangle'. 

Me: .... now that's just mean to the lady fox, if you ask me... tch! When I find those engineers, they're gonna get a world of hurt from me since the dude on the phone said they gave up...! 

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh... Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. 

Me: Hm?

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, you know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you, that whatever is going on out there, however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. I-It's just all rumor and speculation... People trying to make a buck, you know... Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he's on watch from opening 'til close. Okay, well anyway, hang in there and I'll talk with you tomorrow.

After listening to that recorded message, the phone soon hang up on itself, for me to scoff at it on what it mentioned just now.

Me: Rumors that turned out to be real... a kid died here according to the case files. So, what's ne-

Just before I could finish, the phone began to ring again, to my confusion.

Me: Huh? Twice in a row? ... doesn't happen before. Another recorded message perhaps?

I ask myself.

Watching the telephone carefully, I noticed it hasn't picked up on itself yet to begin another recorded message, for me to think that this maybe a call for me.

Me: I..... think I should pick it up....

I said as I reached out.

Reaching out for the phone, I began to hesitate, knowing this could be a trick. But then, it hit me that we came this far, so why stop there. So, I gathered my courage and picked up the phone to see who that is.

Me: uuuuuuuhhh... h-hello?

I ask.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Shades?! Shades, oh thank goodness you picked up!

A familiar voice sound off as he sounded extremely worried.

Me: Wait.... Jerry?

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Yeah, it's me. Jeremy. You- You need to get out of there for just tonight. Now!

Me: Whoa whoa whoa. You three were the ones who locked me here. So, calm down first. Slow breathes. sloooow breathes....

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): slowly breathing for a minute

Me: Okay... feel any better?

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): ... a bit...

Me: Good. Now tell me, what's going on?

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Okay... okay... Shades.... did you encounter any new Animatronic as of late? Back in Nights 1 or 2? Or even both?! Or even in the day, even?!?!

Me: Uuuuhhh.... No, why?

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Why?! Because I just got a call from Fazbear Entertainment that one of their Prototype Animatronics are missing! And they sounded ticked off!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald explained.

Me: Okay okay! I-

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): I-I'm sorry for yelling. It's just.... It's been rough after they called....

Me: It's cool, Jerry. It's cool. Now, tell me... what does the missing animatronic look like?

I ask.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Well, uh... how do I explain this.... it's got a lot of wires protruding out... looks like Foxy but different.... A black one... horns.... and it's a bull. Seen anything that fits the description?

Me: uuuuhhh... Jerry....

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): what?

Me: Did that certain animatronic sustained critical damage by a very bad electrical discharge and it exploded from within.....???

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Ye-Yeah, tha- wait! How did you know all that?! That was suppose to be for Authorized Fazbear Entertainment Personnels only!

Me: Jerry.... i'm a Doctor....

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): ...... oh...... right, you mentioned that before. Sorry. So that means you ca-

Me: Yes. I can tell from the insides and out, as to what happened....

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): sighs ..... Right, right! I.... shouldn't jump it. But still how did you know?!

Me: Well..... funny story.... at Day 2 when I came in to visit you guys..... the Parts & Service Room was left half ajar.... so, when I was closing it... I kinda noticed it..... so, I thought you or William must have brought it in knowing that it couldn't sustain the elements outside.... And plus..... there's that.... odd smell coming from within.....

I explained how I knew all this.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): WHAT?!?!?!?! 

Me: Wait... neither you... Fritzy or Mikey knew about it???


Jeremy Fitzgerald exclaimed.

When I heard this, several sweats began to trickle down my head as I began to look in fear, slightly.

Me: Dangerous.... Prototype?

I ask.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): sighs Yeah. You see, Vixie was originally going to be stationed at this Pizzeria where you're now in. Thought to give the family and kids some more fun at the Game Area to keep Balloon Boy company, ya' know. Vixie is meant to be one of our hybrid animatronics in terms of its Endoskeleton structures consisting of both the older and newer endoskeleton structures combined together, but something went awfully wrong, when Fazbear Entertainment made her.

Me: So, Vixie's a girl.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Yes. Anyway, you are correct about the explosion part, but that's not the first one. This is the second one in this establishment before it officially opened. The first explosion happened back at Fazbear Entertainment when they were testing on her hybrid endoskeleton. They kept putting countermeasures on it until it finally stop exploding and all. Which led to the second explosion which is here so... you get the idea.

Me: Okay, yes... go on.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): To continue on, after they brought her back due to it being a failure and decided to keep testing on her,.... well... something went horribly wrong, last I checked when they made her. She was different than the older models and the newer models... there was a programming that gave her the ability to have some sort of freewill. Even overtime, the engineers in F.E. creating her noticed that her behavior pattern's getting more and more curious... more....

Me: Well?

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): ... Aggressive. 

Me: .... Well, that's bad news bears.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Mhm. Moving on.... According to them, one night while one of the engineers and scientists were working on her A.I., she reached out and started tearing them apart... the two that were working on her A.I., that is. The other two were lucky as they escaped. Since then, Vixie and a few others were locked away in their Research & Development Room, decked it out with alarms and security systems while shutting her off from the outside world.... and SOMEHOW, WILLIAM SLIPPED INTO THEIR COMPANY TO TAKE HER BACK, AND BACK INTO THIS ESTABLISHMENT AFTER THEY STOPPED WORKING FOR HIS COMPANY (A/N: His Company as in Afton Robotics.), AND FOR WHAT?!?!?!?

Jeremy explained and exclaimed.

Me: ....... ssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..............

I said to myself.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Yeah.... that's how much trouble you're in when that Prototype is in there with you.

Jeremy said with worry.

Me: Hmmm.... But to give you a heads up, Jerry. Vixie hasn't been out and about for those two nights, in case you need some info on how she is.... despite her seeing better days, too like Mangle.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): sighs .... alright. Thanks, Shades. I knew you could help me in this, despite of the reasoning though, but I could guess William is behind this, stealing her back.

Me: No probs.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Anyway, sighs my god... just- just keep an eye on the cameras, wind up the music box, make sure no one gets in or out of the establishment to cause trouble and..... to add one more intel.... keep an eye on Vixie until I call Fazbear Entertainment to get her back, okay?

Me: Will do, Jerry.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): Thanks. Have a goodnight.... and I'll see you, Fritzy and Mikey tomorrow and we'll talk about it.

Me: Alright. You rest up and have a goodnight.

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via the Phone): sighs ... yeah...

(A/N: Increase the volume of the lullaby here.)

Jeremy Fitzgerald replied as he slammed the phone down to hang up.

I slowly hung up the phone with a slight sense of fear to find out that this Bull Animatronic aka, Vixie is a failed and also dangerous Prototype Animatronic that it is forced to be reckoned with when it shows up, for me to prep myself on what's to come in tonight's shift.

While getting my things ready in my utility bag, I still kept hearing this lullaby coming from somewhere in the building, for me to look at the dark coridoor. I sighed at this and decided that this has to stop, for me to start walking with the office flashlight in hand as I shined the light in front of me so I could find where this music is coming from.

Time - 12:55am (0055hrs)

I was in the main part of the establishment as the lullaby got even louder, for me to begin hearing it all around me with no possible source to be found when I shined the light at specific areas.

Seeing that there is no source of the music in sight and hearing that music getting louder everywhere I go now, and at every step I take, I began to have a bad feeling something's bad's about to happen.

Me: Okay.... no source of music.... and music getting louder when I take every step... that's bad news... that's so Motos's broken tire bad news...

I whispered.

As I kept trekking forward as I continue to hear that lullaby playing around me, singing into my ears, to my annoyance despite it being comfortable and soothing to hear when all of a sudden, a commotion can be heard somewhere around the Show Stage and Game Area for me to shine the flashlight at the specific locations to see not only that whoever caused the commotion somehow took off without me knowing, but also to see that the Toy Animatronics and Balloon Boy are not at their respective places, to my shock and worry.

Just as things were about to get worse, whoever caused that commotion just can be heard moving the tables for me to shine the light at them, seeing no one there.

Me: Okay... who's there?! Hey! Whoever's making those ruc-

Just before I could finish, someone snuck up behind me as he covered my mouth while stabbing a knife behind my back.

I felt an extreme sharp pain behind me while my vision began to fade as my whole began to weigh me down, for me to fall on the ground while my eyes were still open, motionless. While lying there, my hearing was a bit clear enough to hear someone whispering through my ear as this someone turned out to be someone I know in this establishment.

William Afton: The pain in unbearable, right? good.... Now, we both know how that feels...

He said.

After whispering through my ear, he covered my eyes to close them as he spoke out.

William Afton: Sweet dreams, Shadow, the "Hero-Doctor"~ YOU CAN'T SAVE THEM...

He mockingly said.

Then, he stood up on his feet as he fished out a cloth from his pocket as he wiped the blood off the knife he used to kill me to hide his tracks. After wiping his knife clean, he turned back to check on my body, only to see that he's staring at nothing, to his shock. No blood trail, no footsteps, nothing.

William Afton: WHAT?!?! Wh- Ther- There is, NO WAY, HE COULD SURVIVE THAT, WHERE DID HE GO?!?!?!?!?

He yelled.

William looked around for me as he looked at every inch of the Pizzeria; The Show Stage, Prize Corner, Kid's Cove, Game Area where he got me, Main Hall, the Toilets, Parts & Service Room, the Four Party Rooms, the Vents and even the office, to find no trace of me.

He began to grow angry and irritated by this until he realized something.

William Afton: So.... it would seem that I missed one more spot to find~ heheheheheheheheeeeeeh.... and to think they would go such lengths to save him...

He said as he made his way away from the office to the one place where no one knew existed.

(A/N: Lullaby ends here.)


A few hours later,

Somewhere in the secret room,

Time - ?:??am (????hrs)

Short 3rd Person's POV:

A Spring Bonnie suit and a Golden Freddy (Fredbear) Suit can be seen in the dark secret room as they both are seen lying on the ground motionless while leaning against the wall. 

Marionette: He didn't go far with that wound, fortunately.

Shadow Freddy: So.... that means-

Marionette: Yes. I managed to heal him. So, in a way, he's alive but unconscious.

Shadow Freddy: Okay but- .... ummm... 

Marionette: What is it?

Shadow Freddy: You think he'll be safe in there? pointing at Spring Bonnie Animatronic

Marionette: He will,.... as long as he doesn't . Move. When he doesn't move, he'll be safe.

Shadow Freddy: And what do you even mean by that?

Marionette: Don't worry. Just make sure he's alright.... and everything will be fine throughout.

The Marionette said.

Then, both Shadow Freddy and the Marionette disappeared from sight so that they won't get found by William, while I was in the Spring Bonnie suit, recuperating while staying still and unconscious.

A few minutes later,


I slowly woke up from what's supposed to be my death as I felt nothing behind my back, indicating to me that the Marionette must have healed me again and the stab wasn't too severe, to my relief.

Just as I sighed in relief, I looked in shock and felt terrified that I'm now in some sort of suit, not in a stuffed way, but somewhere along the lines that I was placed in here for a reason. I tried looking around and moving to see if there is a way to remove myself from this suit when a voice called out to tell me stop moving, preventing me from moving even more.

???: Don't move....

A kid-like voice said.

I stopped upon hearing that voice as I began to calmly ask despite of my fear and of me being terrified.

Me: Identify yourself.... who said that?.... W-who are you?

I ask.

???: IT'S ME. Look on the right.

The voice said.

I slowly turned to my right and saw a Golden Freddy suit on the right, further up, leaning against the wall while sitting the exact same position as I am, to my confusion.

(A/N: Golden Freddy aka, Fredbear.)

Me: A Golden Freddy? So.... if Freddy is Gabriel and Shadow Freddy is a shadow counterpart of Gabriel... so that means? Golden Freddy is a- Golden version of Gabriel????

I asked myself as I was confused despite having two answers being right about Freddy and Shadow Freddy.

Then, a child's giggle can be heard from the Golden Freddy suit as his white irises for eyes turned on as it glowed in the dark while its head looks up, turning to face me.

???: Well.... you're mostly right, except the part about me. Anyway, my name is Fredbear. Since you know some kids such as myself have been murdered, I can tell you who I am.

The Golden Freddy suit said.

Me: O-Okay.... c-c-cool. I'm Shadow.

???: Hi.... I'm Cassidy....

Me: Cassidy... okay.

Cassidy: Mhm. Now, please don't move....

Me: Huh? Why not?

Cassidy: You're in Spring Bonnie, a Springlock Suit....

Me: Uuuuuhhh, that doesn't sound good. What's that even mean?

Cassidy: It means if you move, you'll die by a springlock failure. Oh, and in case you ask what they are,.... well.... to put it simply to the best I can.... those metal parts in the suit, they'll drill through your body until they reach your bones....

Cassidy, the soul inside Fredbear said.

I began to sweat all over my head and in my suit as I began to panic, but I didn't lose my cool as if I did, I would be dead by then. So, I listened to his advice on not moving.

Me: Okay... that doesn't make the matter of dying to go away but... I'll do my best not to move.

I said.

Me: But that aside,.... where are we? I don't see any doors as I only see darkness.

I ask.

Cassidy: Well... you're back here again, last I saw you yesterday night.....

Cassidy said.

This made me realized what he meant.

Me: So,... I'm in the-

Cassidy: Yes. We're in the secret hidden room. There is a wall for you to open,... and the only employee who is able to open that is Mr. Afton himself....

Me: William Afton?

Cassidy: ..... yes....

Me: I see....

I said. 

While conversing with Cassidy aka, Fredbear, the Fredbear suit suddenly shuts down for its head to move forward till it hangs down, leaving its mouth gapping open, to my confusion.

Me: Fredbear? Golden Freddy?! Cassidy?!?! Cassie?!?!?!

I called out.

While calling out for Cassidy aka, Fredbear, a familiar voice can be heard talking to me.

???: If you're assuming that I can command the the door to open at will, then you are correct, doctor.

A voice called out for me to turn to see who that was.

Then, the lights inside the secret room lit up for me to see it was another one of those storage rooms. While looking around, I looked at the coridoor entrance to see William Afton smiling at me.

William Afton: As after all, Doctor.... IT'S ME....

He said.

I panicked inside my head while my outside-self softly growled at the sight of him.

Me: .... William Afton....

William Afton: Well well well well well~ Seeing you still alive really impresses me, Doctor. I know the animatronics all too well,... but to help you? Well,... you must have sparked something to make them change their minds, I can tell~ But putting you in this deadly suit? That's the worst mistake that they've ever done, as one twitch from either your body part, or even your neck, the suit will crush you and kill you for good, this time.

He said.

Then, I noticed him holding onto some kind of remote as he pressed on something on it, for my right shoulder and upper arm to get crushed by the springlocks, causing me to scream inside my head in utter terror and pain while trying my best to not scream out as it'll also trigger the springlocks.

William Afton: I can tell you're trembling. Don't worry, doctor~ I only activated the sprinlocks on your right arm.... besides, that's just only the beginning on what I'm about to do to you for knowing too much. So, you can say that you'll be trapped here, and you'll die here in this golden-foresaken trap also known as Spring Bonnie.

William Afton said with a huge smirk on his face.

William Afton: Oh, and another thing. Don't even think about trying to escape... as there is no esc- huh?

Just before William could finish, he stopped halfway, noticing something odd is happening to the Spring Bonnie suit, to his confusion.

As I watched William look in confusion on what's going on with the suit i'm currently wearing, he actually doesn't know that something is happening to me, too as I began to feel a lot of changes around me including where my wound is.

-Story pauses here for a moment-

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: Guys.... remember when I said this wasn't the first time I freaked out like that after my fight with Team CRDL?

Team RWBY: Yeah?

Tenka, Rachel & Mitchell: Yes.

Ruby: Why?

Shadow: Well.... you're about to hear the first time, I internally and emotionally freaked.

He said

-Story resumes-

3rd Person's POV still:

While Shadow was feeling some changes around him internally, William noticed that the suit is beginning to grow fur coloured brown instead of yellowish gold at the lower torso and at both legs of the suit, to his shock.

William Afton: What the-?!?! I don't recall it doing that!!!

???: That's because you've never seen me before....

A voice called out inside the Spring Bonnie suit, for William to look at Shadow's eyes.

William Afton: Sh-Shadow...?

William Afton called for him.

Upon hearing his own name, Shadow looked at him while the interior of the Spring Bonnie began to turn black, only to reveal Shadow's irises glowing in the darkness within.

Shadow: Trying to trap me? Conceal me? Ooooooh, WIlliam~ I'm afraid you are too weak to do that, as you've made three fatal mistakes. First mistake, you murdered those kids and those people.... second mistake, you give up too easily.... third and worst mistake.... would be keeping me in this suit for dead and to suffer...

Shadow said in an odd voice, for William to notice this.

William Afton: W-What the-

Just before WIlliam Afton could say anything more, he watched as more features on the Spring Bonnie suit began to change before his eyes, while watching it standing up without any springlock failures, to his shock.

Then, he watch on as the body, arms and head of the suit began to change as something began to protrude out of the suit as it kept covering or morphing into some kind of skin, flesh or shell. While the whole process was taking place, the Spring Bonnie head slowly looked at William as Shadow's and the suit's eye sockets began to shine brightly at him, blinding him, preventing him from seeing the whole transformation taking place.

William Afton: ARGH!!!!! MY EYES!!!! URGH!!!!

He exclaimed while covering his eyes.

William kept covering his eyes until the glare dissipated after a while for William to uncover his eyes while trying to look at Shadow who is supposedly trapped inside the Springlock suit.

William Afton: That darn glare.... I... I.... can't see what's going on... everything's.... in a blur....

He said to himself.

As his sight began to clear up, he looked in shock that the springlock suit is not a springlock suit anymore. What's standing before William was some kind of creature standing before him in the suit's place's sitting position, wearing some kind of flesh-like yellowish gold bear (Fredbear)-like long coat with hands and furry bear gauntlets for forearms.

Its chest and body being based on a yellowish gold bunny (Spring Bonnie) can be seen slightly covered by not just the long coat, but another pair of arms in an 'x' formation, covering its chest, and its head seem to look Spring Bonnie's head but furrier with a usual top hat that Fredbear uses. And to make it more shocking is that the head is wearing a mask (Marionette) with some kind of small little face planted on top of the mask, to William's shock.

William Afton: Okay... the Springlocks are one thing... BUT THIS?!?!?! WH-WH-WHAT IS THAT?!?!?! And how is Spring Bonnie wearing a Puppet's mask?!?! It wasn't built to wear anything to conceal his face! Furthermore the springlocks! HOW?!?!?! HOW IS HE ABLE TO MOVE WITHOUT TRIGGERING THEM?!?!?!

He exclaimed.


While William Afton is looking at my body in disbelief and in utter shock, I slowly lift my arm up to see that I've become something else, looking at each finger on my lifted arm and hand.

As soon as I was done looking, I slowly look at William, for him to have a worried expression on his face. While looking at William, I lunge my left arm forwards, pointing my hand towards him as my arm began to stretch towards him, grabbing him while forcefully ramming him into the wall causing him to gasp for air from the impact behind his back, to my inner shock.

Me: So~ when I have Spring Bonnie within me, I have the power to spring my arms back and forth like a spring and most likely jump high when my legs go springy, huh? Not a bad power~ And I would assume the puppet's would be control, puppet tentacles and so much more I have to explore, and Fredbear would be-


William Afton yelled, attracting my attention.

Me: Ah~ William Afton. I almost forgotten about you~ you frail, frail mortal~

I said, teleporting to him while still holding him down against the wall.

Looking at myself, I kind of figured what Fredbear can do.

Me: Teleportation, huh~? Interesting. looks at William Now, for you.

I said as I went in closer towards his face.

Me: From the way I see things, Mr. William Afton, you don't scare us. The times that he was all cowardly, that's just the beginning on what I'm about to do to you. So, do yourself a favour and leave the Doctor alone while he's at work, will you?

William Afton: Wh-What are you....

Me: HEAHH!!! What am I? I can put it plain and simple for you. I am a "Relative" of Them that got destroyed by two of their foes. Well, since they're gone, why not pick up where they started by first ridding of your existance.

William Afton: And what do you mean by "Relative" of them???

Me: It's simple when it comes to hell.

William Afton: So, in other words those two relatives of yours ar-

Me: Precisely. One wants to destroy this planet, and the other just wants to make people suffer to create his own family.

William Afton: Then what does this make you?

William Afton ask.

I look at him with a smile fixed behind my mask.

Me: ... War and Death...

I said.

William struggled to break free upon hearing this, but to his confusion, he sees me letting me down.

Me: But unfortunately for you~ I am not at my true form just yet. So, your eternal suffering and torment shall wait until then. For now, I suggest you prepare on what's to come for our little Doctor, Shadow.... as we, are getting close to uncovering the truth about you.

William Afton: Y-You what?!

Me: You heard us correctly, we are just a few steps closer towards you. And once we do, imagine what the public will say.

I said.

Then, just before William could do anything, I raised my hands to show my palms, showing symbols on each of them, for William to look in shock, fear and utter terror at it, showing my so called "Relatives"'s symbols.

(A/N: These Symbols.)

This made William nervous, too that his cover is about to be blown. Seeing that he's about to be defeated by merely a doctor and some kind of demon aka, me, William immediately ran away from the establishment, not before closing the secret room's door shut and turning off the lights, for me to form a wider smile.

Me: You better watch out and your back, William.... as karma is out and about to get you when you hire us back in future within a few months~

I smirked while saying that.

After looking at the walls, as if I could see through them to watch William Afton leave, I slowly sat myself down at the same position as I slowly revert back to my normal nightguard self in the dark, for me to feel that I'm no longer in that Spring Bonnie Suit for some reason.

When I woke up, what happened to me just now was a blur while sitting up straight while looking to my right while flashing my Scroll's flashlight, seeing Fredbear and Spring Bonnie suits sitting there idly against the wall doing nothing. I sighed in relief that I don't need to worry about these two for the time being as I got back on my feet, making my way back out of the room and back to the office until a good question hit me.

Me: Oh wait. How do I even get out?

I asked myself this.

Suddenly, a familiar voice can be heard.

Shadow Freddy: I can help with that.

Shadow Freddy appeared out of nowhere at my left as he said that.

I look at him as I smiled at him appearing beside me.

Me: Ah, I see.... Welp, work your magic then.

Shadow Freddy: Okay, but one question.

Me: Hmm? 

Shadow Freddy: How did you even get out of that Springlock suit?

Shadow Freddy ask.

Me: Hmmm... I don't know really.... One moment I was in it. Then the next thing I know.... I was.... out of it...

I replied.

Me: But still, thanks for trying to save me and heal me. Shadow Freddy.... Charlie.... which I know she can hear me.

Shadow Freddy: Heheh. Don't worry. She knows.

He said.

Then, the door opened thanks to Shadow Freddy giving me the opportunity to emerge from the secret room, finally breathing the air inside the pizzeria after baring the smell inside the secret room for so long.

After taking long breathes for a few minutes, I began to look at the time on my watch to see that it's an hour plus before work ends, for me to quickly head back to the office as I began to get back to work after that major complication with William Afton.

Time - 4:57am (0457hrs)

I was at my office table keeping an eye out on the old and new animatronics while winding up the music box by using my other aka, personal tablet.

While I was keeping an eye on the cameras and the music box for a moment, I began to flash the office flashlight across the coridoor for me to noticed that it's not working, to my shock. I quickly check the batteries to see if it's not out of juice, to find out they are still working. So, I shined it down again, to see Freddy Fazbear and the Puppet staring at me, to my worry.

(A/N: Freddy Fazbear & The Puppet.)

Just before I could flicker the flashlight at them and wind the music box, their souls revealed themselves.

Charlie: Shadow, wait! It's just us. We're here to talk as we heard what happened from Shadow Freddy!

She said.

The old Freddy aka, Gabriel nodded at what Charlie said.

My finger and thumb then moved away from the off switch and wind up button, calming my nerves at it's just them.

Me: Oh. O-Okay.

I said, still looking at them, for me to turn off the flashlight.

Me: Well? D-Don't just stand there, come on over, since you wanted to talk.

I implied.

After saying that, I could hear footsteps as they began to come towards me. I waited while looking at the cameras until the sound of footsteps stopped, for me to place the tablet down on the table, looking behind to now see the Puppet and Freddy behind me, revealing their souls to me.

Me: Hey, guys.

I greeted.

Gabriel: Hi...

Charlie: Hi.... a-are you okay?

Me: Well, apart from having my right upper arm crushed by a springlock suit, turning into a horrifying something, and having it free me from the suit while healing my arm.... apart from those, yeah! I'm fine. And if you're gonna apologise for putting me in the suit, it's okay. I know you mean well so, we're cool.

Charlie: We appreciate you forgiving us... Shadow...

Gabriel: But now,... there is a pressing problem to discuss...

Me: Oh?

Gabriel: It's true that Marionett and I... who is also me.... hid you inside. but the question lies with you, my friend. How did you get out of it like you answered?

Me: Oh that.

I said.

Closing my eyes, I tried remembering what happened a few minutes ago, but somehow, it just didn't come back to me as I opened my eyes to show a look of disappointment on my face.

Me: I... I don't know.... like I told Shadow Freddy who is also you, Gabriel.... One moment I was in it. Then the next thing I know.... I was.... out of it... it's like.... whoever triggered myself going to.... I don't know what it was,.... it just somehow doesn't want me to remember what I turned into.

I said.

The animatronics look at each other with concern then back at me after a while.

Charlie: It's alright, friend. Take the time you need to remember.

Charlie said.

I nod at what the puppet said. Until it dawned upon me that I should be keeping an eye on the cameras.

Me: Uh... I should be-

Gabriel: Oh, don't worry about them.

Me: Oh?

Charlie: While William was looking for your body a few hours ago because he and I took you far away from him, William placed the animatronics back at their original positions as he thought he's got you. So, for the remaining hours, you'll be safe as they are now deactivated...

Gabriel: All of them....

Me: Except the older models?

Gabriel: I'm afraid so.... But we didn't move an inch as we knew what's going on.... Someone spoke to us on what has happened in the secret room. It was a yellow bear who told us everything a-

Me: Cassidy.

I said the yellow bear's soul name.

The animatronics stopped talking as I knew who they were talking about.

Charlie: You knew Cassidy...?

The Puppet ask.

Me: Yeah... we talked for a moment before William came in. He's that Fredbear/Golden Freddy Suit in the secret room.

Gabriel: I see....

Charlie: So, you already knew him when you were in there....

I nod at the Puppet.

So, we began talking to each other about the murders William has done, the animatronics, the pizzeria and other topics about each other and about myself. This carried on until it was almost 6am as like what Freddy aka, Gabriel and the Puppet, also known as the Marionette aka, Charlie said, all the animatronics are in their original places and deactivated with the older models to stay put due to Cassidy's words. Just as I was walking out of the pizzeria, I also walked Freddy back to the Parts & Service Room so he may deactivate in there and walked the Puppet back to her huge present box so she may deactivate there, not before waving farewell until the next night comes along.

After seeing them off for now, a tug can be felt on my pants below me as I looked down while turning my flashlight on to see balloon Boy smiling at me. I smiled back as I fished out another pair of spare batteries, passing them to him, for Balloon Boy to have the brightest smile I have never seen from an animatronic before.

Balloon Boy: Thank you. Come again.

He said.

I nod at him.

Me (Inner Thoughts): Ah, I see he can talk now and still. Good.

I said in thought. 

Me: Don't worry. I'll be back the next night.

I said.

And with that, I left the Pizzeria when it chimed 6am.

Time - 6:00am (0600hrs)

-Story pauses here for a moment-

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: And so, after leaving the pizzeria, I went back home to rest for the time being before heading back to the hospital and you know... the usual gig like the previous days.

Shadow said, concluding the third night.

Ruby: .... whoa....

Shadow: Whoa indeed, Rubes.

Tenka: Looks like turning Demon must have scared William off....

Shadow: Correct. If I remember correctly... the first time I turned into that, I only acquired Fredbear, Spring Bonnie and just the mask of the marionette. That with Cardin,... I acquired more.

Blake: That explains the skull of a fox to be your head for some reason when you fought with Team CRDL in that friendly match.

Yang & Rachel: And wings, too.

Shadow: Mhm. Those, were based on Foxy and Chica.

Shadow explained in summary.

After explaining in summary, Shadow can hear everyone wooing, knowing that this demon, this creature, came from where I used to work in before. Then, Weiss asked a good question.

Weiss: By the way, something hit me when you were telling us that story that you experienced first hand. WHat do you mean by Relative?

She ask.

Shadow: Good question. Well.... if I can recall since it came back to me after that fight with CRDL,.... those two.... were like that creature I explained.... but narlier.... one was red but several skeletons were covering his entire body and its face, and the other, well.... it was wearing some form of armour for a hoodie... I.... don't know who they are but whatever those two are.... it and these two must have known each other for a while before they died by those two beings who look like me in my Rider's final form,.... but different from me.

Shadow answered.

Weiss: I see.

Tenka: Then it is paramount that you be careful when you unleash this creature and power again, Doctor.

Shadow: That, I understood.

Ruby: ANYWAY, enough of all the seriousness, let's get on with the story!

Ruby said excitedly, for Yang, Rachel and Mitchell to support her.

Shadow giggled at their enthusiasm in hearing more of Shadow's story as he began to resume where he left off.

Shadow: Okay okay. Let us resume. So, DAY 4, NIGHT 4, DAY 5, NIGHT 5, DAY 6, NIGHT 6, DAY 7, NIGHT 7 and NIGHT 8, awaits us....

To be Continued....

Chapter 8 (DAY 4) begins at the next page....

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