NIGHT 4: It's worth the Disguise to Prank like this again

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At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 12am (0000hrs)

3rd Person's POV:

Jeremy Fitzgerald and Mike Schmidt were seen taking over Shadow's Fourth Night Shift, considering they did said that he earned it after repairing Vixie with no difficulties. As they waited, a phone call came for them as it picked up on itself to play the Fourth Night's recorded message.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Hello? Hello? Uh, hey there, night four! I told you you'd get the hang of it! Okay, so uh, just to update you, uh, there's been somewhat of an, uh, investigation going on. Uh, we may end up having to close for a few days, I don't know. Uh, I want to emphasize, though, that it's really just a precaution. Uh, Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrongdoing. These things happen sometimes. Um, it'll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I'll keep you posted. Uh, just as a side note, though, try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems; we're not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive, towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just... stare. Uh... Anyways, hang tight. It'll all pass. Good night!

Once the recorded message has ended, Mike Schmidt who is seen standing while flashing the flashlight down the corridor and flashing the lights at both vents, and Jeremy Fitzgerald who is seen sitting on the swivel chair began looking at the cameras.

As they were going on with their night shift, Jeremy Fitzgerald kept an eye on the Prize Corner to keep a close eye on the puppet, making sure that it doesn't come out while winding up the music box, unbeknownst to the two night guards, someone else is taking the Puppet's place.

Inside the Music Box,

The Marionette also known as the Puppet aka, Charolette Emily aka, Charlie is seen looking at the cameras on Shadow's Tablet while giggling at what someone is about to do.

Charlie: So, what time are you going to start this prank?

She ask.

My POV: 

I was watching the cameras in the dark while inside the Music Box as I began inspecting the other cameras, including the Parts & Service Room.

Me: When it reaches 3am, Charlie. When it reaches 3am.... 

I said.

The Puppet nods at me, hearing this. Then, I looked at another soul who's actually Shionnae.

Me: Shionnae. 3am. Standby.

Shionnae: nods

Shionnae nods as she disappears back to the Parts & Service Rooms to get ready.

I giggle while looking at the cameras.

Me: This gonna get good...

I said.

Then, I pressed on one camera, changing the camera from showing the Prize Corner, to showing one of the Party Rooms.

At the Office,

3rd Person's POV:

While Jeremy Fitzgerald was winding up the music box, the cameras changed from the Prize Corner, to one of the party Rooms, to his confusion.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: The heck?

Mike Schmidt: What's wrong, Jerry?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: N-No... it's nothing... Cameras change on its own.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said.

Mike Schmidt: Huh. Weird. That doesn't happen to me. But aw well.... must be a technical glitch of some kind.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeeeah, you're probably right.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said, being reassured by Mikey.

Time - 1:00am (0100hrs)

Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald were seen flashing and monitoring the cameras to ward off the animatronics, old and new from entering the office while the robots are seen staring at them from the cameras.

While they were fending off the animatronics, they began to talk amongst each other while the animatronics were trying to get into the office in the attempts to massacring them.

Mike Schmidt: Tonight seems to be more difficult than the last nights we took our night shifts, huh Jerry?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yup. Difficult than our Night Shifts.

Mike Schmidt: But the question here is, why? They all seem to be looking at the cameras and in one shot, they're beginning to wallop us like a swarm of hornets.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I don't know... but I hope William Afton is not behind this.... like that stunt he did for that Vixie Animatronic.

Jeremy said, pressing the screen to shine a light in the cameras to disorientate the animatronics that were in the Prize Corner.

As they were swiftly doing their jobs to keep the animatronics away, Mike Schmidt turned the flashlight on to blink at the animatronics again, only now to look in fear at something down at the corridor as he kept shining the light at it and looking at it while his eyes were opened wide.

Mike Schmidt: Uuuuhh... J-Je-Jerry....

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Y-Yeah? looks at Mikey's face to notice that look

Mike Schmidt: L-Look who's decided to come visit us....?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Huh?

Mike Schmidt: We have a problem...

Jeremy Fitzgerald: How bad can it be? They're just animatronics. R-Right???

Jeremy Fitzgerald had a confused and fearful look on his face while looking down to see who that was down at the corridor

As he looked down at where Mikey was shining at, he gasped to see that Vixie is out and about and she's heading towards the Office, to both their worry.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Okay! Very bad! Keep flashing it!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald yelled.

Mikey kept flashing the flashlight at it, for the flashlight to go out for a moment.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Did you get it?!?!

Jerry ask.

Mike Schmidt: I-I-I DON'T KNOW!!!!!! But..... let's find out....

Mikey said, checking the flashlight.

After seeing the flashlight is now working, he quickly see that Vixie's place is now replaced by Foxy looking like it's about to run at them.

Mike Schmidt: S-She's gone.... Foxy took her place....

Jeremy Fitzgerald: sighs Thank god!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald sighed in relief, but this isn't over just yet.

Time - 2:00am (0200hrs)

Just as Jeremy Fitzgerald and Mike Schmidt were tiring themselves out, they notice that the animatronics for some reason have stopped moving for a bit, giving the two guards the opportunity to microwave something.

Mike Schmidt: Nothing in the vents and corridor. You?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Same. They're just around the building but.... for some reason they ain't moving.

Mike Schmidt: They should be like our previous shift... but oh well, let's make the use of this. Wanna have a slice? I made one for tonight so, I think it got cold.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh. Use the microwave behind. Think it should do.

Mike Schmidt: Cool. Thanks, Jerry.

Mike Schmidt said.

He fished out a box with a pizza inside as he placed it on a huge plate and insert it into the microwave, heating it up again.

Mike Schmidt: Come to think of it. About Shades. I'm surprised he hasn't used any of these equipment behind him just yet.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Well.... he has another job so... he can't just laze around, right. Well.... this time we can as no one is moving and we'll be watching them while we eat, Mikey.

Mike Schmidt: Hmm.... yeah. So, Jerry. When are we going to tell him of our little secret?

Upon hearing this, Jeremy Fitzgerald slowly look down as he knew this would be bad if Shadow finds out.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I... I don't know.... What if he doesn't take it okay of what we are about to say? And what if he finds out that Fritzy shares our secret, too as we're all... you know- hand gesturing to quote while saying one word by using his lips silently - back in 1983 so on so forth and 1987 so on so forth?

Mike Schmidt: sighs I know what you mean, man.... BUT regardless... there is a time and a place for it.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah... i know, Mikey.... this maybe our last but... at least it is together with him.... after so long....

Mike Schmidt: Yeah...

Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald discussed.


The microwave sounded off for Mike Schmidt to look at the microwave.

Mike Schmidt: Pizza's ready. Let's eat, Jerry.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said, smiling as Mike Schmidt can be seen taking out the pizza from the microwave to begin consuming it with Jerry.



Inside the Music Box,

Time - 2:58:53am (0258hrs)


I checked my watch as I noticed that it's almost 3am, for me to put on my Puppet Mask.

Me: Welp, it's time. Once i'm done you can crank it down, okay?

Charlie: Okay.... You promise you show me their reactions.

Me: I will. As after all, I have hidden cameras planted before they got here for their night shift so... ssssssshh...

I said.

The puppet covered its mask-like mouth by using its hands while giggling as I opened the box to slip out.

Back at the Office again,

Time - 3:00am (0300hrs)

3rd Person's POV:

After resting up from eating their late night supper pizza while keeping a close eye on the cameras, the corridor and the vents, Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald went back to work as they began to do their usual routine in checking everyone in the cameras.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: How is it at your side, Mikey?

Mike Schmidt: Keeping them out just fine. You?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Doing just fine.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said while press holding to wind up the music box.

While ensuring doesn't enter the office, Jeremy Fitzgerald had an ominous gut feeling that he should check on something, for him to do so by shining the light in the camera showing the Prize Corner, for the huge box to be open, to his worry.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Uuuuh, Mikey?

Mike Schmidt: Yeah?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Isn't the box supposed to be remained closed when the music meter is still full?

Jeremy Fitzgerald ask.

Mike Schmidt: yeah, why?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Well... the box is wide open, and I'm still winding up the Music Box... is that suppose to happen?

Mike Schmidt: Well... as long as the Puppet is not out and the music box is still wound up, there shouldn't be any trouble, right?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna stop winding up and check the other cameras just in case.

Mike Schmidt: Sure. Go ahead.

Mike Schmidt said.

So, Jeremy Fitzgerald began toggling other cameras to see that some Animatronics have moved, for him to flicker the lights at them to disorientate them for a moment. While checking, there was a few seconds distortion in the cameras before the cameras returned back to its working order again, for Jeremy Fitzgerald to see a handful of animatronics moved, flashing at them to disorientate them again.

As he toggle to the Parts & Service Room to check on Vixie, what terrified him was that there was a Puppet in the Parts & Service Room with Vixie, standing up while staring in front of her, causing Jeremy Fitzgerald to freak out as he dropped the tablet down on the table for Mike Schmidt to notice.

Mike Schmidt: Jerry?! What happened?!?!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: T-The Puppet?!?!?

Mike Schmidt: What about it?!?!

Mike Schmidt ask.

Jeremy Fitzgerald toggle back to the camera to show Mikey what he saw, for Jerry to see that Mikey had that same reaction as Jerry's, looking in shock to see the Puppet in the Parts & Service Room standing up straight, causing Mike to stagger backwards.

Mike Schmidt: Wha-WHat the heck!?!?!?!

Mike Schmidt exclaimed.


They exclaimed as they kept looking in utter fear at what they are still seeing in the Parts & Service Room camera.

Mike Schmidt: Dude, wind up the music box!

Mikey said.

Jeremy quickly toggle back to the prize Corner to see that the Music Box is still wound up, to their confusion. Jerry looked at Mikey with a pale look.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: We really need Fritzy for this.... NOW!!!!

Mike Schmidt: I'm calling him, I'm calling him.

Mike Schmidt said while dialing Fritz Smith's number.

While Mike Schmidt is waiting for Fritz Smith to reply, Jeremy Fitzgerald can be seen looking paler while keeping an eye out on the Puppet and Vixie as he too waited for Fritz Smith to reply.

As soon as Fritz Smith picked up, Mike Schmidt placed his Scroll on the table, putting it on video call as he and Jerry began to talk to Fritz.

Fritz Smith: Mikey? Jerry? What's up?

Mike Schmidt: Thank god you answered.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah, Fritzy. We got a problem.... a big problem.

Fritz Smith: Okay... sighs whu-what is it?

Fritz Smith ask.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Remember the time you, Mikey and I said we have to wind up the music box to keep the Puppet inside her box?

Fritz Smith: Yyyyyeeeeaaaaahh?

Mike Schmidt: Well.... the Puppet's out, and the Music Box is still being wound up...

Jeremy Fitzgerald: And worse part is... the Puppet's inside the Parts & Service Room.... staring at Vixie,.... and guess what.... the Puppet's standing on its own...

Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald explained.

After explaining, both guards notice Fritz Smith having a shock and worried look on his face, as well as this is a new one on him, too.

Fritz Smith: Wait, what?!?! Th-That's impossible, the Puppet couldn't be standing and why is it in front of Vixie?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: We don't know. All we saw is what we were seeing right now. And right now, we are not sure why it's there and why the wind up music box button isn't working despite the box meter to still be full.

There was a brief silence before Fritz Smith spoke up again.

Firtz Smith: The music box meter part.... that should be a good thing, right? As.... as long as it's wound up, it won't come after you. Right?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Well.... I guess that issue can be an asset but still, I'm worried about that puppet that is now in the Par-

Just before Jeremy Fitzgerald could continue mentioning about the puppet, the camera began to distort once again, but this time there wre words on the cameras that said; 'VIDEO FEED LOST' and 'IT'S ME'.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oooooohhhh shit!!

Fritz Smith: What? What is it?!?!

Mike Schmidt: Camera is out!

Fritz Smith: Wai- What?! Which one? The Parts & Service Room?!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: YES!

Jeremy Fitzgerald exclaimed.

Fritz Smith: SHIT!! Get it working again! Get it working again!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I know I know, I'm trying!!

Mike Schmidt: Try reseting it!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I'm trying to do just that too, Mikey!!

Everyone exclaimed to each other while Jeremy Fitzgerald is trying to get the camera working again.

While Jeremy Fitzgerald is seen trying to get the camera to the Parts & Service Room working again with Mikey and Fritzy telling him to get it working and reset it to make it work again, Jeremy managed to get the camera back to working order. However to the guards' horror, just as they got the camera working again, they looked to see that Vixie is no longer in the Room, whereas for the Puppet, it was seen slowly turning to stare at the cameras without the camera going to a distort, to Fritzy's concern.

Fritz Smith: J-Jerry? Mikey?

Fritz Smith called out.

Mike Schmidt: T-T-The Puppet.... just slowly turned to look at us...

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Y-Yeah...

Fritz Smith: W-What?!?! Th-That has never happened before!

Mike Schmidt: I know bu- Wait! Oh shit!!! Vixie!! Hang on, Fritzy.

Fritz Smith: Mikey?!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: No no! Vixie is not in the room so, he's gonna flash the flashlight at it at the corridor.

Fritz Smith: Oh. I see... But forget Vixie for now! We have to worry about the Puppet. Look, I'll come right over in a few minutes since my home is closeby. So, don't let the Puppet be out of sight! I'm coming over now to see this myself.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Get here, quick! I don't think I can handle the Puppet staring at me like that.

Jeremy Fitzgerald said.

Fritz Smith nods as he hangs up his scroll, for Mikey and Jerry to be on their own for now until Fritzy gets here.

Many minutes later,

Time - 3:27am (0327hrs)

Fritz Smith had just arrived to the Pizzeria as he entered inside the establishment to get to the bottom of this while phoning up his two friends for nightguards for tonight. Once he got through to them, they began talking again.

Fritz Smith: Okay guys, i'm here.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Okay, but you may want to take either of the vents, Fritzy.

Fritz Smith: WHAT?! Why???

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via Scroll): Because, Vixie is here and she's about to enter the Office!!! It's like, everytime we flash and/or flicker the light at her, she gets closer, which wasn't suppose to happen!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald exclaimed while ina  panic.

Fritz Smith sighed at their reply.

Fritz Smith: sighs .... it's not like I have a choice.... A-A-Alright alright! Just let me know when to go. I'll still be on the line. I'm coming over.

Fritz Smith said as he made his way towards the office.

As he walked pass the Show Stage and Game Area, he could see several animatronics looking at him, for him to walk briskly towards the office as he enters the Main Hall. After walking through the Main Hall, he stopped at the corner as he talks on the Scroll again.

Fritz Smith: Okay, I'm close. I'm just at the corner. What's Vixie doing?

Fritz Smith ask.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Just flashed the light on her a-

Fritz Smith: I can tell...

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): And! She's looking down the corridor. i think she knows you're there. Just wait until she looks at us, and I'll tell you to go.

Fritz Smith: Okay... Let Jerry know I'll be heading to the parts & Service Room to give a Puppet a good look. So, tell him to keep an eye out.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Okay, I'll do that. be careful.

Mike Schmidt said.

Fritz Smith waited for a moment while on the phone to wait for Mike Schmidt signal. After a while, he hears from Mike Schmidt to go to the room now.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Okay! Go to the room, now. He's looking at us.

Mike Schmidt said.

And with that, Fritz Smith dashed into the Parts & Service Room to take a good look at the Puppet, to see that there is nothing there. He even looked around inside to only see Foxy inside.

Fritz Smith: Uuuuh, guys. I don't see the Puppet anywhere.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): WHAT?!?! Jerry?! Is the Puppet still in the Room??

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via Scroll): I'm looking straight at it! It's still there, and it's turning to face you!!

Fritz Smith: But I don't see it, Jerry!! 

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via Scroll): I'm still looking at the cameras! I can see you, with it!!! And It's walking beside you!!!

Fritz Smith: My left facing the door or my right!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via Scroll): Your right!!!

Fritz Smith: I'm making a break for it while avaoiding Vixie's sight!

Fritz Smith said out of fright.

Then, he made a break for it as he dashed out of the Room while entering into Party Room 4. Once there, he kept quiet so no animatronic can hear him.

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Fritzy?! You there?!

Fritz Smith (Whispering): I'm here.... At Party Room 4....

Jeremy Fitzgerald (By via Scroll): Party room..... 4.... Okay, yeah. I see you. 

Mike Schmidt (By via Scroll): Just make your way into Party Room 2 and head to the vents. Vixie is still staring at us.

Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald said.

Fritz Smith (Whispering): Okay... I'm coming over...

Fritz Smith said.

After a minute composing himself, Fritz Smith quietly and swiftly made his way to Party Room 2 as he briefly checked to see if there is an animatronic around. Seeing that there's no one around, he silently dashed into the vents as he crawled inside, for Jeremy Fitzgerald to notice him by the cameras to see he's on the way.

Once Fritz Smith reached the office by via the vents, he poked his head and arms out to indicate he needs his colleagues to pull him out.

Fritz Smith: Okay guys! I'm here. Pull me out.

He said.

Mikey and Jerry went up to Fritz Smith as they held his hands to pull him out of the vent.

After Fritz Smith is out, he and Jeremy Fitzgerald made their way to the Office desk as Fritz Smith picked the tablet up to check on Parts & Service Room, only to see that what Jeremy Fitzgerald and Mike Schmidt said was true. The Puppet is really staring at the camera now.

Fritz Smith looks at Mike Schmidt, for Mikey to flash the light to see that Vixie is just a few steps away from entering the Office.

Fritz Smith: Okay.... that's an issue.

Mike Schmidt: hangs up his Scroll Right?! Like, this has never happened before back in our shifts.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Mhmm.

Fritz Smith: I see.... that means someone must have changed their settings....

Mike Schmidt: Well,... that is a possibility??? I don't know!

Mike Schmidt said.

Fritz Smith began checking the Prize Corner to see that the Music Box is still wound up. he pressed it a few times to try to stop winding it up, but to no avail as it's still being wound up.

Fritz Smith: Music Box seems to be still wound up.... tried tapping it to stop winding but, the meter's not going down.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Then someone must be screwing with us a-

Mike Schmidt: Uh.... g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-guyyyyssss.....

Mike Schmidt stammered in fear.

Fritz Smith and Jeremy Fitzgerald looked at Mike Schmidt in confusion.

Fritz Smith: Yeah, Mikey?

Mike Schmidt: Look who's joining Vixie....

He said, shining the light.

Fritz Smith and Jeremy Fitzgerald looked down at the corridor together with Mike Schmidt as they look carefully behind Vixie, to look in terror to see that the Puppet is staring at them.

Mike Schmidt, Jeremy Fitzgerald & Fritz Smith: ...... shit.....!!!

They said.

Suddenly, a song played.

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Hearing this theme from the Prize Corner, the three soon have sweat demeanors on their heads as their faces began to turn pale with fear.

Mike Schmidt: OKAY!!! THIS IS SO WELL TIMED!!!!!!

Fritz Smith: Jerry, check the cameras!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald snatched the tablet away to toggle to the Party Rooms to see that the Puppet is moving about in all four Party Rooms while moving around at the corridor.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: The Puppet is... at Party Room 3.... 2.... it's left the Room a- dang! It's back to 2... Okay it's left.... It's at Room 4.... and now it's heading to Room 1 a- MIKEY!!!! Standby for the flashlight!!! It's heading towards the vents and entering in a moment!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald exclaimed.

Mike Schmidt: Okay, standing by at th- SHIT!!!!!!!

Fritz Smith: Mikey?! What i- WHOA!!!!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Guys! Guys! The Puppet's in the Vents! the Puppet's in the VeeeeeaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

The three began to freak out as Vixie has now walked into the Office to greet them by blocking Mike Schmidt's way from pressing the light switch down the vent, for them to crowd together while walking a few steps back.

While taking steps back to avoid Vixie from getting close to them, they bumped into someone behind them while Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald felt a hand with long fingers gently grabbing their shoulder, causing them to stop walking backwards, for them to begin to look at each other in utter fear to know who that was behind them.

Fritz Smith: Mikey.... did you-

Mike Schmidt: N-No... Vixie blocked my way and was scared shitless...

Mike Schmidt said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Then that means-....

Jeremy Fitzgerald stopped halfway, knowing that something is about to happen.

The three began to slowly turn around to see that the Puppet is behind them, for them to stand still like a rock. Then, it lunged forward and screamed for the three to jump and scream, too out of pure fright. Jeremy Fitzgerald went under the table, Fritz Smith went to the corner of the room, and Mike Schmidt slipped backwards while bumping into Vixie as he jumped, flashing the flashlight frantically at both Vixie and the Puppet, but to no avail as he began to hear laughter.

(A/N: This laughter.)

Mike Schmidt looks at the source to see that Balloon Boy is in the Office, too laughing while holding onto a pair of batteries, for Mike Schmidt to figure that he took the batteries from the flashlight.

Mike Schmidt: no.... no... Not that thing!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Schmidt exclaimed.

Then another burst of laughter can be heard, for Mike Schmidt to stop exclaiming as he looked confused to hear another of something laughing. Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Smith notice and hears the laughter, too for them to emerge from their hiding spot to see who that was.

As the laughter got louder, they look at the Puppet real closely to see that it's laughing, to their confusion. Seeing their confusion looks on their faces, it spoke.

???: You guys are so easy to scare, really.... looks like nothing's change when it comes to being scared.

Someone in the Puppet costume said.

Mike Schmidt, Fritz Smith and Jeremy Fitzgerald look at each other in shock to hear a familiar voice.

Mike Schmidt: Wait? Shades?

Mike Schmidt ask.


I aka, the Puppet used my long hands to remove the mask, revealing myself to be the Puppet in disguise.

Me: Surprise~!

I said, giggling while turning off my scroll, stopping the music.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

My friends began to slouch backwards while sighing in relief.

Fritz Smith: DUDE!!!! Don't freak us out like that!!!! I thought this is really happening!!!

Jeremy Fitzgerald: I thought the Puppet really came out from its box!

Me: Sorry guys... giggling I can't help it when I found it again.

I said.

Mike Schmidt: What do you mean, "Again"???

Mike Schmidt ask.

Me: Well... remember that time when we're small, you know.... the costume?

I said.

Then, it dawned upon Jeremy that I had a small costume of the Puppet before.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Oh yeah!!! Back then you dressed like the Puppet. Man, the three of us were shocked when we saw you, but then when you said it was you, we were amazed that it was really accurate.

Fritz Smith: Oh, right! So,.... is this the same costume from before?

Me: Yeap. Again, my dad helped customized it a bit to make it scarier. He made a mask, too as a bonus

Mike Schmidt: No wonder that Puppet looked scary!

Mike Schmidt said, for me to giggle at his remark.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: B-B-Bu-B-But, that aside, what did you do that?!

Jeremy Fitzgerald asked out of fright.

Me: Well,... I was getting ready to shower when I noticed that old Puppet costume in my closet. So, I thought coming back to prank on you guys with this customized costume would be the best prank ever. So, I sneakily stuck around.

I explained.

Jerry Fitzgerald: So... opportunity struck...

Me: Yup.

Mike Schmidt: But Jerry and I didn't see you!!

Me: Actually you did.

When I said that, Mikey and Jerry had confused looks on their faces.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: What?

Mike Schmidt: Where?

Me: You know, the shadow walking by at the Game Area when you flashed the light?

Jeremy Fitzgerald: So that was-

Me: Yup.

I said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald soon fell behind and collapsed. Mikey, Fritzy and I looked at the unconscious Jerry.

Mike Schmidt: Well... haven't seen Jerry collapse since your little Puppet costume.

Me: sighs Yeah... It's worth the Disguise to prank like this again....

Fritz Smith: Ugh.... don't do it again, Please!!! But still.... good one...

Mike Schmidt: Yeah!! Please don't... but that aside, that was some prank there.

Me: HEH! Thanks, Fritzy. Thanks Mikey.

I said.

Me: Now, let me handle the Music Box.

Mike Schmidt: Wait, that music box part was you, too?!

Me: Yeap. I'm gonna loosen its grip n-

Mike Schmidt: DON'T!!!!! Whatever you did to the music box,... don't undo it until six. Fritzy here found that to be... a useful asset.

Mikey said.

Me: Huh, okay. Then, I'll just keep this on then.

I said, showing my tablet with the same cameras shown while the wind up music box button is being press held by the same equipment to hold the tablet in place to keep the music box wound up, to their shock.

Fritz Smith: So that's how you did? Neat.

Me: Thanks.

I replied.


As time flew by after that prank, Jerry woke up from fainting as we began to explain how I orchestrated the prank. He praised me for that callback, but told me not to do that again, in which I told them again I won't unless opportunity strikes again. They sighed at my remark, but they were okay with this.

So, even tually we made up and since Fritzy and I are here, we decided to use Night 4 as an opprotunity to divide and conquer this Night as Jerry kept an eye on the cameras, Mikey kept an eye on the corridor in front of us connecting to the office, Fritzy kept an eye on the left vent, and finally for me, I kept an eye on the right vent after I moved BB and Vixie back in place which took a couple of minutes or so.

Several animatronics including Vixie tried to get inside the Office but due to us dividing and conquering, we managed to keep them out of the office until 6am.

After a while,...

Time - 6:00am (0600hrs)

Just when the clock strikes and chimed 6am, we stopped whatever we are doing and calmed our nerves as we began to relax while packing our stuff to call it a day. I saw Fritzy, Mikey and Jerry off first while I was packing my costume in my Utility Bag while dismantling everything I used for last night prank. After packing everything, I was about to leave, not before noticing a small note for me under the table top visible by its corner as I took it and have a quick read on it.

After reading the note, I fold it and placed it in my pocket while nodding, understanding the situation on what's going on.

Me: So.... it would seem.... William's getting desperate....

I said, walking out from the office to leave the Pizzeria while thinking about what to do in my next Night Shift.

After a while, thinking back at what me and the Geeks did for the remaining hours of their fourth night shift, this sparked a great idea for me to do, for me to smile at this.

Me: Alright, then.... Nights 5 and the extra nights that I'm about to do.... prepared to be divided... and conquered...

I said with determination.

To be Continued....

Chapter 11 (DAY 5) begins at the next page....

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