DAY 4: Vixie's Repair (PART 2)

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Time - 3:53pm (1553hrs)

Upon hearing what I just said, everyone looked in shock as to find out that Shionnae's corpse is missing despite of her soul still possessing the Prototype Animatronic. While cleaning the last few areas of the Prototype, the souls of the animatronics began to talk by their soul voices instead of their animatronic voices.

Gabriel: Why is her corpse missing...?

Susie: That shouldn't be possible. How did he do that...?

Fritz: maybe he did something to remove her corpse...? As after all,.... This animatronic is a failed one, after all....

Jeremy: T-T-T-T-Tru-u-u-u-u-u-e. But one must remove the su-u-u-uit ma-a-a-a-a-a-an-n-n-nua-a-ally-y-y-y. So, h-h-h-h-how did the killer manage to d-d-d-d-d-do that...?

Susie: That makes n-no se-sen-se...

Gabriel: The animatronic is here but the g-g-good question now is.... where is the corpse...?

Susie: Yeah bu-

Fritz: There are no lea-

Me: That's what I'm trying to find out.

I interrupted them, for the souls to look at me.

After finishing up the final touches on the prototype animatronic bull, I turn around to face the souls and animatronics.

Me: If I were to get in deeper into this establishment, I have to get in through the source, which is the secret room you talked about, Gabriel.

I said.

Gabriel: But-

Susie: We couldn't find i-

Me: I found it....

I interrupted.

Fritz: T-That's fast.

Gabriel: WHAT?! Where?!

Me: It's right next to this room, but it's hidden.

Jeremy: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh. No wonder it's no trouble that Cassidy aka-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a Fredbear found us to ta-ta-ta-ta-talk with us.

Me: Yes. However, I'm not going to act now. As I have a plan in mind.

Susie: And that is???

Me: If William wants us to play apart in his sick twisted little game, we'll let him do it. Which is when you come in as you'll be following me in the room to find her.

Gabriel: But how? 

Me: You'll be riding with me. It's a lot to ask for but.... it's for my patient.

I said.

The animatronics look at each other as they think about it real carefully. After a while, they look at me, including Shionnae.

Gabriel: O-On behalf of the four of us.... We're in.

Shionnae: I'll come, too.

Me: Perefect.

Shadow Freddy: I'll unlock anything that's blocking our way.

Me: Excellent, Shadow Freddy.

Nodding at Shadow Freddy and the others.

Then, they see me clap once as I announce the good news.

Me: Kay'! Now, let's go to the good news. The procedure is a success, and Vixie is ready to move about without complications.... after this test.

I said.

The souls appear before me as they showed their smiles on their ghostly faces, for me to know that they're happy. I turn around to see Shionnae smiling, too.

Shionnae: T-Thank you....

She said.

I smiled at her, patting Vixie in the head which implied to me that i'm pattting Shionnae in the head, too.

Me: No problem. BUT, this is only 99.9% Complete. The point one percent is on the testdrive itself. So, everyone, in your places. I'm gonna bring my Fazbear Geeks in so see you in action.

Shionnae nods as she disappears.

The others return to their places and Shadow Freddy disappeared from sight. Seeing that the coast is clear again, I fished out my scroll to give the Geeks a text to tell them that she's ready, for them to reply that they're coming over to see this.

One minute later,

Mikey, Jerry and Fritzy are inside the Parts & Service Room with me as they have looks of amazement on their faces while looking at how the Prototype Animatronic took a major change from a pile of walking wires and endos to a clean bull animatronic.

Mike Schmidt: H-How did you-???

Jeremy Fitzgerald: He had a friend to guide him with the schematics and repairs.

Mike Schmidt: Oh.

Fritz Smith: Dude, that's amazing. 

Me: Naaaaw, I shouldn't be highly praised for this. This is just like in the operating room in the hospital so, it's no trouble.

Fritz Smith: I see...

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Quirks in being a doctor, huh?

Me: Doctor-in-Training. But still, yeah. Quirks in being a doctor.

Mike Schmidt: I really should film this.

Mikey suggested.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Good idea. We can send this to the Company so they won't need to worry about repair works and restorations.

Jerry said.

Me: Alright guys. Get your cameras rolling as we're gonna see if it works.

I said.

Mikey quickly fished his scroll out to record everything on camera as Jerry and Fritzy watched on while I began the official testdrive. I went up close, just a few feet or more to Vixie, fishing out a remote control to begin the test. Then, i turn around in front of the three as I began.

Me: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the Geeks,-

Mikey, Fritzy and Jerry can be heard giggling, for me to giggle, as well.

Me: - and Fazbear Entertainment. I know it is not my post but due to me having some experiences in the hospital, I... managed to encounter and compromise some issues on your found Prorotype Animatronic, Codename; Vixie. So, before me now, is the newly repaired and restored Vixie, with new wires, parts and replaced sensitive equipment that comprises her and her endoskeleton. Trust me, everyone... it was a hassle to spread all the wires out and removing the pieces that are damaged out of the endo which are now in the bag behind my colleagues here.

I said, gesturing behind them.

Mikey panned his camera behind to see the bags full of damaged parts and wires in six trash bags. After panning there, he pans back to me.

Me: The reason why they are still here is because it's under your property so, I wouldn't want to throw them away. SO! claps Without further ado~ hold out remote This remote is personally designed by me so, I would gladly pass it to the company for their use as this remote activates, deactivates, remotely moves and puts the animatronic to a compromise in case of any problems or issues. This remote even allows the animatronic to go auto-pilot, too. So, Test 1: Vixie's activation.

I said.

Beginning this test, I turn to face the animatronic as I press the activate button, for the animatronic to turn itself on by via remote control. Mikey, Jerry and Fritzy watched with amazement as the animatronic turned on by itself without any discharge or explosions, for me to carry on.

Me: Now, let's say if Vixie is experiencing any issues, Test 2: Vixie's compromise or I would call this myself, Emergency Shutdown.

As stated, I press a button, for the animatronic begins to immediately shutdown, leaning forwards.

Me: Fantastic~!

I said.

Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Smith began clapping.

Me: Next, Test 3, Mobility.

Pressing some keys after turning the animatronic on, Vixie began to walk forward, backwards, turning left to walk, and finally turning right to walk. I even let Vixie walk backwards to do the same thing.

Me: See? Activation, Emergency deactivation and Mobility are a go. So, last but not least, deactivation.

I said.

Looking at the remote, I press the deactivate button, for Vixie to just simply close its eyes to power down, for the three to keep watching with smiles on their faces.

Me: Ah! One other thing. We want to hear her talk, right? Well, using it manually doesn't allow it to talk, but when you toggle her to be auto-pilot, listen.

I said, toggling the manual control to auto-pilot.

As soon as the controls were toggled auto-pilot, Vixie began to activate on herself as her eyes began to open. After that, she began to introduce herself to the four of us in the room.

Vixie: Hi, I'm V-V-Vixie. And welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

She said as she took a step forward and stop.

I then stood in front of her as I view myself in the camera with the animatronic.

Me: Welp, that tears it. The procedure's a 100% successful, and she's fully repaired and restored. The suit however, we can't do much but hey, it's better she works than do nothing.

I said.

Mikey, Fritzy and Jeremy nods at this.

Me: Welp, this is Vixie's Testdrive. Brought to you by Doctor Shadow Wrath. If you need any assistance, head to this establishement or simply go to Seito University Hospital where I began working there for a while now in-Training. So, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. End of testdrive.

I concluded, for Mike Schmidt to stop recording.

Mikey, Jerry and Fritzy went up to me as they praised me for my efforts.

Fritz Smith: Nicely done, Shades.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah. Withing three plus hours, you just fixed a prototype. Not to mention, one of the most dangerous Prototypes.

Me: Oh, no it's nothing. I'm just doing my job to bring smiles while changing people's fates.

Mike Schmidt: Well, you sure changed Vixie's fate. Wait till the Company sees this. You need a promotion, dawg.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yeah.

Me: Oh, no no. I don't deserve a promotion, really. I'm just simply doing my job.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Aw man. Has your work in the hospital changed you to be modest?

Me: Well, it taught me to be humble with what I can do.

I answered Jerry's question.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hmm... fair.

Mike Schmidt: So, Shades. Since you've been working hard... why not take the rest of the Day off. Hmmm? Jeremy and I got this under control for you. In the house.

Mike Schmidt said.

I declined the offer as I told him I needed the money.

Me: What? No... I appreciate you rewarding me like this, but I need the money for better equipment for my Doctor duties.

I said.

Mike Schmidt: It's alright, Shades. We'll give your first paycheck after your Fifth Night so, the fourth night will be covered by us. We'll even compensate you on this. Jerry's here so he's already notified.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: Mhmm.

Me: You sure guys?

Fritz Smith: Positive, Shades. Like we said, you've done so much. So, least we could do is repay you.

Fritz Smith said.

I sighed in defeat, smiling at them.

Me: sighs Okay, guys... you win... I'll take the night off and take the fifth night.

Mike Schmidt & Jeremy Fitzgerald: Sweet.

Fritz Smith: Okay. 

They said as we all agreed.

Jeremy Fitzgerald: We'll get back to work. So, enjoy your free time, Shades.

Mike Schmidt: You earned it, man.

Fritz Smith: Yeah.

Me: Heheh, thanks. Oh, do send the video to me, too, Mikey!

Mike Schmidt: Will do.

Mike Schmidt replied while leaving as the door slowly closed shut.

I sighed again while smiling.

Me: Still as childish as ever... but we've grown up.

I said.

Then, the souls appeared out of the animatronics once again and Shadow Freddy appeared beside me. Shionnae appeared last as she spoke.

Shionnae: Guys.... I just want to say.... thank you.... for helping me.... and you too, Doctor... for repairing this animatronic so I may move about easily and talk without shutting down....

She said.

Gabriel: Anytime.

Fritz: Mhm.

Jeremy: No pro-o-o-o-o-obl-l-le-em.

Susie: Your welcome.

Shionnae: Doctor... I still can't thank you enough...

She said, turning to look at me now.

Me: Heheh. It's my pleasure, as your Doctor, and my assistance here, for animatronics.

I said.

The four animatronics did a ghostly giggle for Shionnae to giggle with them. I too, giggled with them, knowing that our giggles are the sound of delight. After a while, I stopped as I knew I have to attend to two more animatronics.

Me: Alright, Bonnie and Chica aka, jeremy and Susie. It's your turn to get checked out.

Shionnae: Oh? You're treating them, too?

Me: yeah. simply at her arms and his voice box including some portions of his endoskeleton head.

I said.

Shionnae: Well,.... since I can move.... maybe I can help....?

Me: Sure. Give your new mobilities a whirl.

I said as we began on Bonnie and Chica.

So, Vixie aka, Shionnae and I repaired the Bonnie and Chica animatronics so that Bonnie can speak without dragging words and so that Chica will have her hands again. Everyone are thankful and delighted that they are sort of in their working conditions again.

After repairing and srestoring them, I returned home to rest for the entire day. 

At home,

Time - 7:10pm (1910hrs)

But..... i decided not to as when I reached home, I went into my bedroom to open my closet to take out my clean clothes to wear for my sleep after my upcoming shower.

Just as I took them out, I noticed a kid-sized Marionette suit below my clean clothes that I used before... way before, for me to have an idea in store for Mikey and Jerry as I decided to go back for the fourth night... to give them a Puppet Prank.

To be Continued....

Chapter 10 (NIGHT 4) begins at the next page....

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