Special Episode 1: Something I Require from You

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After the Car Chase,

After seeing the car disappear into the distance, William got out from the car as he watched, breathing heavily and then, at the top of his voice, yelled in anger, knowing that his cover is about to be blown.

William Afton: I curse you, Shadow!!! When I find you! I'll make sure you'll be the FIRST person to suffer, then Fritz Smith, Mike Schmidt, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Arnold, then your little allies, TOO!!!!!!!!! 

William Afton yelled at the top of his voice.

???: Well in that case~ why not you get it over with right now~?

William Afton: Hu-?!

William heard this as he swiftly turned around, only to be disarmed by a chain that whipped his knife out of his hand.

After disarming William, the person used its spring arm ability as the person slammed William to a wall while choking him as William began to struggle to break free, but to no avail.

William Afton: Wh- W- Who do you t-thi-th-t-think you.... are- doing th-

Just before William could finish, the person slowly walked out of the shadows, revealing himself to be Shadow, but something is off about him, to William's confusion.

William Afton: S-Shadow....?

???: Not quite, but you're there~

William Afton: But that's not possible. You were-

???: Oh, him? I cloned myself out before he left in the car because.... I need you~

William Afton: huh? For what?

???: You have something I require. I want it from you~

William Afton: And i-if I r-re-r-refuse....???

William asks.

The person who looks like Shadow began having a wide smirk while his dress coat began to open up, revealing numerous claws emerging out from within, for William to have second thoughts out of fear.

William Afton: O-o-Ok-O-o-Okay, Okay, Okay! What is this something you need from me?!

William asks.

Then, the numerous claws slowly returned into the person's dress coat, for him to revert back to his sane self.

???: Glad you now speak my language~ I want, your automated device that allows you to charge your animatronics automatically.

William Afton: Y-You mean the Automated Charger I'm working on so future animatronics will never, EVER stop at 6AM.

???: Yes. 

William Afton: O-Okay! Okay! How about this!!! I'll take you to my house! There, I'll ha-h-ha-have one built up for you!! Including that one, I should have three by now! Okay?!?!

???: Where is your house, then?

William Afton: I believe i-

???: Don't bother~ one of my claws have already scanned your brain so I'll take you there~

William Afton: WHAT?!?!?!?! WHAT DID YOU JU-

Just before William could finish, the person walked backwards while holding William, listening to the killer scream in terror in the process while making their way to the Killer's house.

After a while, the person still having William held by the throat by his claws emerged into a large dark room while still listening to William screaming and struggling out of terror. Annoyed by this, the person slapped William quiet, for the latter to stop struggling and keep quiet when he began to notice that he is back inside a certain part of his house.

William Afton: Th-this is.... my other garage where I build all my stuff!

William said.

???: Exactly, William~

The person said.

Then, he released William while tossing him in front of the table gently, telling him to get to work.

???: Now get to work, if you want to live...

William Afton: Y-Yes!

And with that, William began turning the table lamp on as he continued finishing his device.

While William is building up the device, he began to talk with the person as he has questions for him.

William Afton: H-He-H-Hey... I got questions...

???: Oh~? Tell me~

William Afton: What are you? You look like Shadow but,... you're not.

William said and ask.

The person giggled silently as he began to answer.

???: Fool~ I'm Shadow, but just... his not awakened side of him, just yet. After that explosion before he left, I just so happened to clone myself out to find you and rid of you,.... however....

William Afton: However?

???: I recalled correctly that I needed to help someone, and you are the only person who is able to have that technology to do it, so... killing you would have to wait until you deliver what I require~

William Afton: And what will you get out of it once the Automated Charging Unit is done?

???: Simple. You'll get to value your life while you still can~

The person said.

William Afton: And who will you be giving the Unit to?

William ask.

There was a moment of silence before the person answered back.

???: Dan Kuroto. The CEO of Genm Musou Corporation.

William Afton: Dan Kuroto?! What does he even wa-

???: Nevermind on what he wants! Is it ready?

The person ask.

Hearing his question, William stood up as he placed his screwdriver on the table while holding the device, beginning to walk up to the person bravely. Once close enough, he stopped in front of the person and holds up the device.

William Afton: Here! What you really wanted from me. Charges an Animatronic within less than 1 hour. I'd personally give it half an hour to finish charging, and they'll be fully charged in no time. When it's stuck on the Animatronic, they can go on without stopping at 6AM, straight.

???: So, there is no limitations to Animatronics after 6am and to your madness~?

William Afton: yes....

William said while admitting it.

The person began inspecting it at every angle. While doing so, William spoke in his thoughts.

William Afton (Inner Thoughts): Shadow, you incompetent fool.... not only did I make that for you, but I also implemented a little hack into it. So, once he inserts it into whatever he's gonna insert it into, whatever it is, will be as good as mi-

???: You mean this~?

The person question.

William stopped halfway in his thoughts as he looked in shock to see his hack in a form of a ball of data in the person's free hand, for him to watch the person crushing it to nothingness.

William Afton: What?!?! How did yo-

???: I'm not an idiot, William~ But, you have my thanks, for building this for me~

The person said.

???: And here.... is your, Payment~!

The person continued.

Then, the person's left hand became a claw of darkness as he raised it high in the air, swiping it downwards.

Outside showing the view of William's house, after the claw was swiped down, a deafening painful scream coming from William can be heard echoing out.


Back at the Blossoms Forest,

Everyone can be seen getting ready to move out after hearing from Arnold that they should look at William's house first. Just as Shadow is about to leave, he noticed a shadowy figure behind one of the blossoms, for him to stop from entering the car as he made his way to the figure.

Mr. Madoka: Everything alright, Doctor?

Shadow: Yes, I'm fine. I'll be right there. There's something I need to see, first.

Shadow said as he left.

Everyone looked in confusion as they began to wonder what he's up to.

Deep inside the Blossom Forest, Shadow kept looking around until he spotted the shadowy figure nearby, stopping in front of the tree where he's hidden as he spoke.

Shadow: Did you get his address?

Shadow ask.

Hearing Shadow asking the figure a question, he slowly emerge to reveal himself to be the same person who was with William. It was Shadow, but his soon-to-be-awakened dark counterpart Shadow.

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Of course, I got it~ I even got a little bonus for you.

Shadow: And what's that?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): This.

Shadow's dark counterpart said, passing him a device which has little blood stains on it, for Shadow to feel suspicious about this.

Shadow: what did you do?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Don't worry~ He's still alive, but just scarred. I wanted this because I sensed someone in your hospital still alive, and he's currently in Atlas.

Shadow: And who is that? If you're saying Dan Kuroto, that's impossible. There's no way he-

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Oh, he's alive, alright. But just not human.

When he said that, this made Shadow feel curious about what he menat.

Shadow: ... not.... human? Bugster?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): No.

Shadow: Explain.

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Have you heard of Genm Musou Corporation?

Shadow: Yes, it was up all over the news a year ago.

Shadow (Demonic Voice): And do you know who's the CEO who's a black rider?

Shadow: Dude, it just got aired a year ago and h- wait. no....

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Oh, yes. nods It's true. At this very moment, he's currently fighting against a powerful enemy, which is why I needed this so he can surpass his battery limitations.

Shadow: And which enemy is he fighting against?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): I don't have the details, yet. For now, all I can say is that he's fine. He's running Genm Musou Corporation at Atlas and he has a new form. That's all I can pick up before you and I cloned out so I could find Dan Kuroto.

Shadow: Which explains your premature state of your Dark side?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): Yes.

Shadow: Is this all?

Shadow (Demonic Voice): For now, yes. 

He said.

Shadow nods while looking at the device while cleaning the blood off, after hearing some insights his dark counterpart has gathered before and after finding William.

Shadow: Alright, we better revert back, they're waiting.

He said. His dark counterpart nods as they both merge back to one.

Once the merging process is done, Shadow began running back to the car with the device in hand as they made their way to William's house to storm the place, with the device and addreess written, in hand.

End of Special Episode 1.


Shadow can be seen thinking about the other Three Geeks with his teammates, his lover's team and Team JNPR still looking at him while his eyes change back to normal. After that brief scary moment, Professor Ozpin came in as he came to check on his students.

Ozpin: Well, that is odd to see you students still up.

He said.

Everyone turned to the Dorm Room door to see Professor Ozpin outside, looking in to greet them.

STRM, RWBY & JNPR: Oh! Good Evening, Professor!

Shadow: Sorry about that. W-We were just telling ghost stories.

Nora: A SCARY ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Blake: Which turned out to be a real scary story.

Ozpin: Real?

Ozpin questions.

Shadow: Yeah.... a real one. ummm uh... looks at my Scroll Oh, look at the time! I should be taking a shower so I should uh.... get going.

Rachel: But, Doc. You already did.

Shadow: Oh, there is no harm in showering twice so... I should be going. See ya, Prof. Oz.

Shadow said, turning into a flurry of snow as he grabbed his towel and flew off to the showers.

Noticing that Shadow is acting weird, Professor Ozpin enters the room, closes the door as he began to question everyone.

Ozpin: What's wrong with Shadow?

Ozpin ask.

Hearing this, everyone began looking at each other with concern.

Ozpin: Students. Remember, I may be your headmaster, but do know that I'm also a Huntsman. So, if there is something wrong, you must tell me or let me know. So, I will ask again. What's wrong with Shadow?

Ozpin said and ask again.

Sighing in defeat, everyone began to explain themselves.

Tenka: Alright, Professor. We'll tell.

Ruby: I'm not sure if you still remembered it but... on the News, many years ago, do you remember of a restaurant that blew up?

Ozpin: Hmmm... An Explosion that happened at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza? And the killer is still at large till this day? Why?

Pyrrha: We... know through Shadow on... what just happened.

Ren: Apparently, he was.... there to save someone.

Yang: And he got that very bad scar on his arm.

Ozpin: Explain. I want to know ALL about it.

Ozpin said.

And so, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, Teams RWBY and JNPR began to explain what they have heard from Shadow about the Pizzeria he was working at while secretly investigating about the missing girl.

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