Special Episode 2: The truth & story Continues

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A few minutes of explaining later,

After everyone explained to Professor Ozpin about what happened to Shadow at the Pizzeria, the Professor nods in understanding to hear that there is more to the murders and the cases than just the Pizzeria itself.

Ozpin: So I see... the man behind the slaughter isn't just behind of just the missing kids, but the people he murdered by his own animatronics. And that explains the gruesome fight when Shadow turned into that creature...

Ruby: Yes, Professor...

Ren: He's... suffering, all on his own, knowing he would succeed, but with a cost.

Weiss: It maybe over for now, but it's not over yet.

Tenka: Weiss is right.

Mitchell: And now, he is still at large, plotting his next move. And who knows! There could be an Academy?! A Supermarket?! And many other eateries and shops that could be run by him.

Pyrrha: We can't let that happen. Not after what he put Shadow through.

Ozpin: Now now, students. If we want to play this right, we must ensure his safety and ours. Who knows when he'll strike. An-

Just before he could finish, a knock on the door can be heard, for everyone to look behind their headmaster to find out who that was.

Tenka: Uh! Who is it?!

Tenka asks.

??? (Outside): It's Velvet.

Velvet answered.

Rachel: What's up, Velv?! Need anything?!

Velvet (Outside): Yeah, I saw your Leader leaving in the middle of the night via, a Bullhead. Not sure where he's off to.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Everyone except Ozpin exclaimed.

Professor Ozpin went to the door and opened it as he began to talk to Velvet.

Ozpin: Ms. Scarlatina. Do you have any idea where he could have went when he boarded the Bullhead?

Velvet: I... I don't know. He wasn't himself when he walked past me. His Bullhead is kinda going to the Emerald Forest.

Tenka: Then I think I know where exactly he's going.

Tenka said.

Everyone turned around to see Tenka when he mentioned he knows where his Team Leader is heading.

Ozpin: Where?

Tenka: Shionnae's burial site further inside the Emerald Forest. Blossoms Forest to what my Sensei calls it. We need an Airship to get us there so we need to call in a few favors.

Ozpin: sighs .... I'll call the General for an Airship.

Mitchell: Please do!

Tenka: Then let's go!

Tenka said.

And with that, everyone immediately left Team STRM's dorm room as they proceeded our at the Courtyard while Professor Ozpin can be seen trying to gain contact with General Ironwood, requesting for an airship as soon as possible.


At the Blossoms Forest,


Once I arrived, I alighted from the Bullhead as I made my way to the grave site while the ship can be heard leaving me behind as instructed. There, I made my way forward as I see my former patient's grave in front of me as I got closer, smiling at it, knowing that it has been awhile since I visited the place since I was still working and now I'm a student in Beacon Academy.

Seeing that I am now in front of her grave, I stopped as I sat in front of it, beginning to talk to her.

Me: Hey, Shion (A/N: Shionnae.). It... has been a long time since my last visit. Things have been.... well..... busy...

I said.

Then, I began to look to my right as I sense a presence to the right of me. Looking at that direction, I began to see Shionnae sitting beside me at the direction that I'm looking.

Shionnae: I know. looks at Shadow smiling And I understand you have been busy with your Work-in-Training.

Me: Well... it's not just that now.

Shionnae: Oh? Then what is?

Me: Well... I have been enrolled in Beacon Academy to become a Huntsmen.

Shionnae: R-Really?!

Me: Really really. And remember my three friends who helped us out with the cops and all before and after?

Shionnae: Yeah? The Samurai kid? The Dragon Girl and the Winged Faunus?

Me: Yeah. They're there, too. And we are back together again. And we even formed a Team called; Team STRM.

Shionnae: Whoa... what a reunion.

Shionnae said with surprise.

Me: You have no idea. I was as surprised as them, too. With you included, that makes five of us. Heck! Rachel screamed a high pitch upon seeing me, knowing it has been awhile.

Shionnae: ouch.

Me: Yeah.... twisting my pinkie finger in my ear knowing that the high pitch scream from earlier is still engraved in my ears

I said while doing that, for the both of us to laugh.

After laughing, we stopped as we began to look at the shattered moon in the dark sky filled stars and clouds. Then, the peaceful silence broke when Shionnae began to talk again.

Shionnae: So... how's my mommy and daddy?

She asks.

Hearing this, I smiled to myself, knowing that there is some good news to her question.

Me: Well, weeks after the rescue and after they are at peace, knowing that you're now at rest, your parents are now doing fine. They're not pressured anymore. The way I see it, they are back to work but this time, their minds are at ease. Their agents do seem to agree with that, too when I bumped into them and ask them.

I replied.

Shionnae smiled when she heard that her mother and father are doing okay.

Shionnae: That's.... good to know mommy and daddy are now and still doing okay.

I nod at what she said.

Shionnae: How is.... everyone?

Me: Sensei Arc Kaito and Tenka's mom are doing okay. 

Shionnae: Okay.

Me: The Three other Fazbear Geeks are doing great, too but.... somehow I lost contact with them.... I tried calling them but,.... they didn't come back to me...

Shionnae: Oh....

Me: But don't worry. I know in due time, they'll call back when they're ready. Arnold however, he's doing fine. He's currently working to find William while working at Fazbear Entertainment.

Shionnae: Afton.... still, alive?

Me: Yes.... and no...

Shionnae: Yes and No...? Y-You lost me...

Me: Well, like you, he's dead in a springlock suit. But somehow, he came back, not only to haunt the suit, but also haunting his own corpse.

Shionnae: I.... I see.... I.... we.... expected worse. But now, at least he knows how that feels like....

Shionnae said.

Me: As much as I want to contradict that but.... after what he has done to you, I have to agree on what you said. As after all,.... looks at Shionnae Karma's a Bitch. So, he's got what's coming.

I said.

3rd Person's POV:

Meanwhile, somewhere further away from the site, an Airship can be seen landing for Professor Ozpin, Teams RWBY, JNPR and the three members of Team STRM to hop off the Airship. Once everyone is off, General Ironwood can be seen waiting inside the Airship.

Ironwood: I'll wait here in case you need back up.

Ozpin: Thank you, James.

Ironwood: nods You'll need it just in case if Afton shows up here.

Tenka: We appreciate your assistance, Sir.

Ironwood: Likewise. Now get going! Your Leader maybe in danger if there is any danger here bumping in the night.

Ruby: loads Crescent Rose Then let's get going.

Ruby said as everyone began to trek forward to Shadow's location, with Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell to lead the way.

While the three can be seen leading everyone to the burial site, Professor Ozpin began to look around at the Blossoms and the Cherry Blossoms.

Ozpin: I've.... never seen this part of the Emerald Forest before...

Ren: Me neither....

Blake: How.... long has this place been here for?

Tenka: Well.... according to my Sensei, as long as he remembered. He even mentioned his forefathers coming here to this place so.... you could say.... this place has been here for a very very very long time, as a place of worship, calming ones mind in meditation and a burial site which is a new thing for this place due to Shionnae's case... also... umm... okay, to simply put as there are a lot of things we can do here, this place, is Sacred Grounds.

Tenka explained and summarize.

Hearing this, everyone nods at what they heard.

Pyrrha: So, when one wants to become stronger, you can... come here?

Tenka: Yes. According to Sensei's father who's my Grand Sensei, there is a specific area of this place you can train.

Yang: A specific area or space? Ummm,.... don't mind us asking but, what's so special about that particular area?

Tenka: According to Grand Sensei, it is witnessed by him and the Senseis before him that, whenever one trains at that specific spot, you can not only feel your Aura and Semblance at ease, but you can also feel them growing stronger within every passing moment, through the person's very willpower itself.

Ruby: wow.....

Tenka: Wow indeed, Ruby.

Ozpin: Which explains why this Forest is Sacred Grounds to you and your Senseis before your current one.

Tenka: Yes. And.

RWBY, JNPR & Ozpin: And?

Tenka: It is also witnessed that the Grimm can get stronger there, too. It was witnessed by my Great Grand Sensei that they will randomly move about around the area until they feel a sense of ease a-

Rachel: Okay guys, may wanna hold that thought for now. Mitchell and I can hear something. Which also means we are already here.

Rachel interrupted.

Hearing this, everyone kept quiet while getting into cover so that they won't get caught by enemy forces or worse, William. As they were hiding, they began to hear something louder.

Jaune: Whispering What do you hear now, Rachel?

Rachel: Whispering Voices... Familiar voices.

Mitchell: Whispering To make them out, one of them is Doc's voice.

Ozpin: Whispering And the other?

Rachel: Whispering Hmmm.... can't make out the other one.... this one's soft....

Tenka: Whispering Then I know who he's talking to.

Pyrrha: Whispering Who?

Tenka: .... Shionnae...

Tenka said.

Everyone looked at Tenka in shock, except for Professor Ozpin as they began to slowly look ahead to see you and a translucent figure.

Tenka: No doubt about it, it's her.

Ozpin: The girl.

Tenka: Mmhmm.

Tenka said with a nod.

While everyone was watching, they began to see Shadow and the spirit of Shionnae getting up as they began to notice and hear that Shadow is about to leave soon.


Me: I..... need to go. My Teammates and my love would be worried if they find out that I'm out for too long. I...... I wish I could stick around more....

Shionnae: I know. You're not only a Doctor but you're also a Huntsmen, too. To tell you the truth... I wanted to be a Huntsment in Beacon like you because of my Semblance but.... now I can't....

Me: Hey, it's okay.... If I'm a Huntsmen, then by all means I'll become a Huntsmen by your steed. I'll be double the Huntsmen, on your behalf.

I said.

Shionnae smiled at what I said.

Shionnae: Thank you, Doctor....

Me: Happy to help. As after all, you were my patient before.

Shionnae: puffing up cheeks Oh you... but still, that's true.

Me: smiles yeah.

Shionnae: smiles

Me: So, you mentioned you want to be a Huntress at Beacon Academy because of your Semblance, right?

Shionnae: Yeah.

Me: What semblance is it?

I ask.

Shionnae: My Semblance allows me to... well... harness the power of the Elements. Last I remembered when I went to mommy and daddy,.... I could only conjure up Fire, Water, Earth and Air elements. And they were happy and surprised....

She said.

My eyes widened hearing this.

Me: Element Manipulation! T-The-Th-Tha-T-That's the rarest Semblance there is. 

Shionnae: It is???

Me: Yeah. No wonder your parents were surprised.

3rd Person's POV:

Nora: Element Manipulation?

Pyrrha: I've... never heard of a Semblance like that before.

Weiss: Neither did I....

Tenka: Professor? That Semblance. Explain, please?

Tenka requested as everyone began to whisper on what that was all about.

Ozpin: Whispering Element Manipulation is one of the "rarest" Semblance in the World of Remnant. This Semblance in particular allows one to manipulate any kind or a multitude of Element or Elements at will. However, this kind of Semblance is scarce as that kind of Semblance is too much for one person to handle, causing either imminent death or permenant injuries.

Jaune: Whispering ... Wow... But, if what you say is true, then why is that ghost girl so special?

Ozpin: Whispering She's special because somehow, she was able to bend herself to controlling her Semblance, thus having her to control her Semblance.... instead of it controlling her, which explains her being able to conjure the Semblance air, water, earth and fire Elements at will, and those four elements are the Basic Four Elements that she managed to conjure out.

Everyone: Whispering Whoa....

Nora: Whispering So in other words, before she dieda, we can say she is the first person to ever use and control that Rare Semblance.

Jaune: Whispering without experiencing any drawbacks?

Ozpin: Whispering That we can assume to safely say, Yes.

Ozpin answered.


I smiled at Shionnae for one last time.

Me: Your parents were luck to have a daughter like you to have a rare Semblance....

Shionnae: I know...

Shionnae said, solemly while smiling.

The both of us can be seen smiling at each other while Shionnae slowly walked backwards to her grave, slowly letting my hand go.

Shionnae: Until we meet again.... Doctor.

Me: nods Until then...

Shionnae: And promise me something....

Me: Hmm?

Shionnae: Take Afton down.... for all of us.... so we can finally be at rest....

Shionnae said while disappearing.

After seeing her disappearing completely, I slowly nod, willing to uphold and keep Shionnae's promise to take William down, no matter the cost as I began to shed a tear. Unable to hold my emotions in, I fell to my knees as I began to cry to myself, knowing that I missed the days when Shionnae and I used to play together while she was recovering in the Hospital.

While I was crying to myself, I felt a hand on my shoulder, for me to slowly look up to see Professor Ozpin standing behind me, to my shock as he came all this way to look for me.

Me: Prof.... Oz...? H-How did... how much have y-

Tenka: Long enough, Doc.

Tenka said.

I look back to see everyone from my Team's dorm room walking up towards Tenka, Professor Ozpin and me.

Me: Y-You guys.... w-why?

Pyrrha: After.... hearing what happened to you back then.... and the scar that you have on your arm.... we thought it was best to tell someone who can help you, alongside us.

Ozpin: Ms. Nikos is correct, Doctor. After what they have informed me, we felt that it is for the best that we support you and get some more information out.

Ruby: Shadow... you can also tell me anything if it's too much...

Ruby mentioned.

Looking at Prof. Oz, my teammates, my friends and my lover while crying, I nod at what they said while wiping my tears away, for Ruby to rush in for a hug. As soon a sshe hugged me, I hugged back as I needed this. Suddenly, everyone except Professor Ozpin followed suit as they did a group hug.

Me: O-Okay, guys.... maybe it's too much love a- ..... oh, oh well...

I said in defeat, embracing the moment.

After awhile, we broke the hug as the Professor needed to talk me but before that, I spoke up.

Me: Guys.... sorry I had to leave that way just now.... as I did say before, if anyone knows of this case and William Afton's agenda, you'll be targeted and will be on his hit list to kill. And now that he knows, I'm having a gut feeling that he'll come after you, too, Professor. I... only did that because I wanted to protect you all...

Ozpin: We can understand that, Doctor. But know that when you're in my Academy, you're always safe, one way or another. And just be sure, I will not let William Afton lay his hands on any of my students... unless he wants to start something with me....

Ozpin said sternly.

Me: Understood, sir.

Ozpin: Now, is it true to what they say? William did this, to her.

Ozpin ask, looking at the grave behind me.

Me: Yes...

Ozpin: Along with his accomplices?

Me: Positive, sir.

Tenka: Professor? What are you doi-

Ozpin: looks at Tenka I'm confirming something, Mr. Kaito. looks at Shadow again what happened to Mr. Afton after the incident?

Me: He got away. So, it's dangerous to say that he could be anywhere.

Jaune: And we'll be ready for him...

Ruby: All of us.

Nora: YEAHHHH!!!

Me: But....

Everyone: ???

Me: The story I told, was only half of it. 

Ozpin: So that means there is more to it, that you know?

Ozpin asks.

Me: Yes. The other half of it, happened exactly a year after. Different location.

Blake: I assume William Afton was there, too?

Me: .... yes.... however, he got mutilated and killed by his own game.... but alive at the same time, last I understood.

Rachel: Huh?

Tenka: Now you lost me.

Ozpin: Explain.

Me: .... let's..... walk and talk. You won't know how it happened as you weren't involved in this one. Also, how did you get here?

Mitchell: We have an Airship that brought us here. General Ironwood maybe still be waiting for us there.

Me: Then, let's talk on our way there. I'll explain everything along the way, in another story.

I said.

And with that, all of us made our way back to the Airship as I began to tell the other story on the next location and on how William got killed but is somehow still alive.

End of Special Episode 2.

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