Chapter 11: Fifth Night

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It was 11:30pm and Kyle was carefully unlocking the front door. He didn't want to wake up any of his family members. Besides Ashley who should be getting ready.

He snuck to his room and changed into his regular uniform. On top his white shirt, he put his pink vest on. He grabbed his bag and made sure he had everything he needed.

Quietly, he tiptoed down the stairs and into the living room.

"What do you think you're doing?" The lights went on.

Kyle quickly turned to see his mom near the light switch with Ashley all ready to go behind her.

"What do you mean? I'm going to work" Kyle played it cool.

"Yeah, but why is she coming along?" Mrs. Comics pointed at Ashley.

"I wanted to come and see how he does his job. You know, how good a career choice it is" Ashley lied.

"I don't believe you" Her mom hissed at her angrily.

"Its true mom. Mr. Sundee allowed me to bring her to see the place. No harm done" Kyle followed Ashleys lead.

"Well, fine. Go with him. You better protect her" Mrs. Comics finally allowed her as she headed back to bed.

"Come on. Let's go" Ashley grabbed Kyle's arm and lead him to the car.

"Ha! She totally bought it" Ashley took the drivers seat.

"Why are you excited about this?" Kyle asked confused.

"I don't know to be honest" She started the car and drove off to Klub Ice.

It was quiet for the rest of the trip till they got there.

"Kyle!" Ross waved over at them excitedly. "You got the key?"

"Yeah" he scavenged through his bag and took out the key.

"I'm here!" Dar shouted with Mr. Sundee besides him.

"Glad to see you all here. Take one of each" Mr. Sundee took out a bag of flashlights and stun gun.

Ashley, Ross, and Dar all took a pair before bringing their attention back at Kyle.

"Well then, twist the key already" Dar demanded Kyle.

Kyle shrugged off his remark and took a deep breath. As he let it out, He turned the key and opened the doors to the place.

"Whoa, it's creepy at night time" Ashley quoted.

"Hey look! I work this spot" Ross hopped over the counter to get to his place at the cashier.

"Ross, why did you hop the counter when you could just walk around?" Mr. Sundee questioned him.

"Ask Kyle that question" Ross snickered as he looked at Kyle.

"That one time ok! That one time" Kyle defended himself.

"I'll pretend I never heard that" Mr. Sundee continued walking.

"So these are the killer animatronics you've been talking about" Dar walked up to Randolph.

"Dar! Don't get away from him!" Kyle panicked.

"What" Dar turned its back on the animatronic, "It's not like it'll hurt me."

Randolph, as in cue, moved it's arms towards Dar's head. Everyone's eyes widen in fear.

"Dar move!" Ashley yelled, demandingly.

Dar gave a puzzled look before turning around and seeing Randolph staring down at him while his metallic hand ever so slightly touches his ears.

Before anyone could react, Olaf punched Randolph causing it to take a few steps back. It was enough to make Dar snap out of it and run towards the others.

"What the hell just happened?!" Ross yelled.

Kyle just stared at Olaf happily.

"Guys, this is Tyler. Tyler, the guys" Kyle introduced them.

"I am a lady you know" Ashley defended herself.

"Forget that Ash. Most importantly, that is Tyler Mb. Christie?" Dar pointed out.

Olaf managed to nod.

"He's not very talkative" Kyle answered.

"K-Kyle" Olaf said as he turned to look at Kyle.

"He also learned to say my name" Kyle chuckled.

"D-don't you wo-orry" Randolph said as it stood back up. Everyone turned to see how creepy and menacing Randolph seemed to be while standing up.

"It's time to-o play" Randolph walked towards them.

"Mr. Sundee, take everyone to the office" Kyle demanded him.

"Alright, everyone follow me" Mr. Sundee told everyone while running to the 'Employees Only' room.

"Kyle, what about you?" Ross asked, stopping in front of the door.

"I'll be there in a second. I'm going to make sure Tyler is ok" Kyle exclaimed looking up directly at Olaf.

Ross nodded and ran into the room.

"Tyler, can you take him on?" Kyle asked him.

"N-no" Tyler answered.

"But you just punched it to save Dar" Kyle defended his case.

"I wan-was juic-just fin-fixed" Olaf changed some of his printed vocals to sound different.

"Well crap. To the office!" Kyle ran to the 'Employees Only' door.

Olaf managed to catch up to him as he opened the door and ran in first than Kyle. Kyle witnessed as the other animatronics burst to life. He gulped and closed the door as he followed Olaf into the office.

"So, hi" Kyle walked in awkwardly.

"Thank God you're ok" Ashley hugged him.

"Nothing happened really. I wanted to make sure Tyler was fine" Kyle pointed at Olaf who was left outside.

"So we're safe" Dar sighed in relief.

"Yup" Kyle answered proudly, "Besides the other three animatronics coming to life at once."

"Kyle!" Dar yelled at him.

"What, don't blame me! I didn't bring them alive" Kyle argued.

"Actually," Mr. Sundee thought for a moment, "You kind of did."

"What?" Kyle looked at him questionably.

"Yesterday, you made such an effort to look what's in that room, didn't you?" Mr. Sundee explained.

"Yeah" Kyle rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What did you see?" Mr. Sundee asked him.

"A puppet?" Kyle tried to think of the word.

"Kyle, you doomed us all" Mr. Sundee facepalmed.

"Oh dear god. So many paranormal shit going on at once. I need some air" Ross walked out of the room.

"Ross!" Everyone yelled from inside the room.

"I'll be fine. Tyler is here" Ross finished before closing the door.

He took a deep breath and immediately caught the smell of pizza. He ignored the fact that Olaf was mysteriously shut off as he walked past him into the kitchen.

"We should leave" Ashley suggested, "Staying put won't help us survive."

"She's got a point there" Mr. Sundee agreed.

"I'm not going anywhere with the guy who just doomed us all" Dar argued.

"Dar, it wasn't my fau-" Dar interrupted Kyle's sentence.

"If you haven't noticed, it is. You got the job. You came back here everyday. You released probably a demon puppet!" Dar yelled at him.

"Stop yelling at me!" Kyle yelled back, "I just wanted to get rid of my depression of losing Tyler!"

"Guys! No need to fight" Ashley got between them.

"And go work at the same place Tyler died?! Good work genius" Dar crossed his arms, ending the argument.

Kyle just looked down disappointed a he pulled down his klub ice night watch cap.

"Let's go find a way out" Mr. Sundee cut off the silence.

"Yeah, we need to find Ross" Dar said, stepping closer to the exit of the office.

Kyle just stayed slowly behind them.

"Tyler can watch over us, isn't that right?" Ashley opened the door and let everyone out.

She looked at Olaf's lifeless robot suit.

"Right Tyler?" Ashley hesitated, asking the shut down animatronic.

"Ashley, it's eyes aren't lit up, meaning it's been shut down" Mr. Sundee explained to her.

"Oh, how did it shut down then?" Ashley asked.

"The only one that has the power to shut down animatronics" Mr. Sundee made suspense.

"The puppet" Kyle answered, finally lifting up his head.

There was a horrible screeching coming from the main room. Once everyone turned around, they just saw Agustas and Randolph with their hands on the wall making the unbearable sound.

"Quick, run to the library!" Mr. Sundee pushed everyone ahead.

"Wait, libra-" Dar was about to question but was shushed by Mr. Sundee.

"Don't question it, just go!" Mr. Sundee told him.

Once he assumed everyone was in the library, he closed the door and locked it from the inside.

"That should hold them off for a while" Mr. Sundee walked to the two still in the room.

"How will we know when their gone?" Ashley asked.

"We don't, the thing to view the cameras is in the office" Mr. Sundee sighed in defeat.

Suddenly the screeching noise stopped. Dar and Ashley gave each other puzzling noises before Ashley walked over to the door.

"Ash.." Dar called her worridly.

Ashley got on her knees and peeked into the doors key hole. There was nothing to see besides the empty hallway. One of the closet doors was abruptly opened.

Ashley moved out of the way before two random finger were poked into the key hole. It was too long and narrow to be a humans fingers. Plus, they were dark gray.

Everyone stayed quiet as the fingers moved in the key hole as if wanting to reach something. After a while, the fingers retreated.

"What... was that?" Ashley, who's heart was beating rapidly, questioned.

"Must've been the marionette" Mr. Sundee explained.

"Guys, lets worry about the real problem" Dar got all of their attention.

"Which is?" Both Ashley and Mr. Sundee asked in unison.

"Ross is getting fresh air who the hell knows and Kyle just disappeared from our side" Dar explained.

"What?!" Ashley looked around panicked.

"We need to find them quick" Mr. Sundee went to unlock the door, "Hurry."

Once they ran onto the hallway, the marionette and animations were gone.

Before the ran towards the kitchen to check there, a closet near them randomly opened and let a body fall in their way.

Ashley screamed from the sudden scare.

"Shush Ashley" Mr. Sundee covered the girls mouth.

Dar just stared wide eyed at the body on the floor. Mr. Sundee and Ashley looked down at what Dar was looking at and chills went up their spine.

The poor teen had a robotic horn shoved at the place where his forehead was. Half of his face was covered in a grey colored metal with a hole for his eyes. His eyes was plucked out of its socket to reach the placement of the metal hole and it was slightly tilted to the left to make it seem as if the eye was looking to the left.

"Dear God..." Mr. Sundee said, keeping in his vomit.

He had his mouth shoved with electronic wires, as well as his stomach and back of head. His arm was replaced with a robotic one reaching to his chest. His legs were bent in an usual and cringy way. Especially, blood stained everywhere.

"Oh God no!" Ashley screamed from ahead.

Dar and Mr. Sundee look up to see Ashley on her knees crying in front of an open closet. They ran up to her and saw another body.

"Kyle!" Ashley cried out.

Kyle lay up right on the end of the closet with his head leaning on the wall. Wide opened eyes and with his mouth hanging open. Half his face with metal was perfectly detailed and colored to make it seem his actual face.

"First Ross.. now him" Dar choked out.

Wires spewed out of the metal faced area where his eye should be. Half his arm is covered with metal too thick and heavy for his body to lift. Both his legs we're covered in metal as it stretched to his waist. Blood oozed from where ever the metal was, as well from his opened mouth.

"We can't stay here" Mr. Sundee grabbed Ashley's arm and lifted her up to her feet.

Bruno, Agustas, and Randolph where approaching them, speaking distorted audio and twitching.

"Le-le-let's play" Spoke Bruno, his head twitching.

"I'd rather die!" Ashley pushed Mr. Sundee off her.

"Don't be stupid!" Mr. Sundee forcefully grabbed Ashley's arm and dragged her towards the library. Dar followed not far behind them.

Mr. Sundee closed the library's door and locked it. Immediately after, loud banging came from door.

"What do we do now?" Dar questioned Mr. Sundee.

For the first time in a long time, Mr. Sundee spoke the words he'd never thought he would speak ever again.

"I don't know."

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