Chapter 12: The After Life

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Kyle lay motionless in the middle of no where.

He couldn't wake up.

He didn't want to wake up.

"He's here! He's here!" A voice yelled out.

"What do we do with him when he wakes up?" Another one questioned.

"I'm not waking up. There's no point in life anymore" Kyle spoke out.

"Of course there isn't, because you're already dead" Another voice spoke.

"Wait what?" Kyle sat up quickly and opened his eyes.

As his eyes adjusted, he saw his surroundings were completely white. An infinite landscape.

When his vision seemed to have adjusted, he looked around for the voices he heard. Behind him were three children huddled together as if startled.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?!" Kyle panicked as he looked at his hands.

"Calm now. No need to panic" A man appeared before Kyle.

Kyle looked up and saw a young adult with a purple hood, brown hair pouring from his white sweat band, grey, white and red clothing, red symbol on his shirt, long sleeve and pants. It looked so familiar.

"You are here for a reason" He offered Kyle a hand up.

Kyle accepted and the young adult lifted him to his feet, "Seto?"

"Yes, that's me. And I guess you can tell who these lovely children are" Step snapped his fingers.

The three children immediately knew what to do and lined up.

Once getting a good look at them, Kyle could distinguish each one.

"Agustas" Kyle pointed at the one with sunglasses.

"Adam" the boy corrected him.

"Bruno" Kyle pointed at the blue hooded boy.


"And you're Randolph."


"Together they're the main characters of the Klub Ice establishment" Seto stepped in.

"Oh, wait. Where's Tyler?" Kyle looked around into the blank nothingness, "In fact, where is Ross?"

"Ross... didn't come here" Adam broke down the news.

"Why not? Wouldn't he come here since he was a Klub Ice Employee and died in the building?" Kyle questioned.

"Well, he has to have known some knowledge of the true place for longer than only a few hours" Seto explained.

"So... he's gone?" Kyle tried not to crack his voice.

"Whatever your religion is, yes" Seto shrugged.

"But... that means Tyler isn't here either.." Kyle tried making a straight face.

"No, he was murdered by a human" Jason stepped into the conversation.

"Which means?" Kyle turned to look at Jason.

"He was selected to be placed here" Jason finished.

"So he's here?!" Kyle's heart sparked of hope of seeing his best friend normal and not covered with metal.

"Yes, and you're in luck because my puppet form had just shut him down about an hour or so ago" Seto explained.

"Wait wha-" Kyle was interrupted by Gizzy.

"He's currently with the master in that room" Gizzy pointed at nothing but white.

"What room?" Kyle asked confused.

"Trust me there's a room there" Gizzy giggled.

"Ok?" Kyle walked forward slowly hoping to bump into something.

A door magically opened and Kyle walked in. Before he knew it, the door had shut behind him.

"They won't make it..." a familiar voice spoke from far.

Kyle noticed and walked towards the voices.

"I'm trying to see what's a way they can get out safely" Another voice spoke.

He was close enough to see who was talking. What was weird is that they were on top of a white staircase.

"Tyler?" Kyle's voice cracked.

Tyler turned around and noticed Kyle at the bottom of the staircase.

"Kyle?" Tyler's eyes started to tear up.

Kyle took off his Klub Ice night watch cap, revealing his pink hair, and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, "Hey."

"It is you!" Tyler ran down the white staircase and jumped on Kyle.

They both fell to the ground as Tyler cried on Kyle, "You're alive!"

"What I was told, I'm dead. But I'm here" Kyle corrected Tyler.

"Wow, you never changed" Tyler got off him and wiped his tears away.

"Neither have you. You still look the exact same way before you died" Kyle joked.

"Don't blame me, I can't age here" Tyler crossed his arms.

"Does that mean I'm technically older?" Kyle questioned.

"Oh God, that means-"

"My dream came real! To become older than you!" Kyle laughed.

"At what cost Kyle? At. What. Cost."

"Oh right... I didn't cry.." Kyle lied.

"Kyle, I can watch you from up here" Tyler exclaimed.

Kyle stared a him awkwardly, "...I didn't cry that much."

"Sorry for interrupting this cute bonding moment" The other man stepped between them.

"Who are you now?" Kyle questioned.

"I'm Ant Venom, nice to meet you in person" Ant offered his hand. Kyle accepted and was at his feet once more.

"Couldn't offer me a hand now would you" Tyler got on his two feet by himself.

"Wait so Ant Venom? The Ant Venom? The phone guy?" Kyle looked at him.

"Yes, that's me" Ant chuckled.

"Makes sense now. You interfered with the phone and helped me through my week" Kyle finally got the idea.

"And save you before death that one time when you went to the hospital" Ant pointed out.

"Wait, you saved me?" Kyle asked.

"Ian was the one who saved you and brought you to the hospital. I just took the action of keeping you alive" Ant explained.

Kyle went up to hug him, "Thank you."

"Uh, you're welcome" Ant patted Kyle's head.

"Wait, my friends! Are they ok?!" Kyle asked, panicked.

Tyler and Ant looked at each other, wondering the same thing.

"Call the children off! Call the marionette off! Aren't they like your spirit self? Can't you control them?!" Kyle yelled at them.

"I-I have been disabled" Tyler stammered.

"And I don't have a robot form" Ant explained.

"But they do! Seto and the kids!" Kyle pointed a one of the white walls.

Tyler rolled his eyes, walked up to Kyle, and turned Kyle's arm so he would point to the right wall with the door.

"Oh, you know what I mean!" Kyle ignores that.

"Kyle, Jason, Gizzy, and Adam haven't been in their suits for years now. Neither has Seto" Ant exclaimed.

"Then what's controlling them?" Kyle asked.

"Other spirits. The dark spirits filled with nothing but murderous fetishes and revengeful thoughts" Ant explained.

"Oh... but we have to do something! I-"

"There is one thing" Seto entered the room with the three children.

"Tyler!" The kids ran up to him, basically throwing him on the floor

"Woah guys! It has not been long since I last saw you three" Tyler gently lifted them off him.

"But we missed you either way" Gizzy answered.

"So what is the thing?" Kyle looked at Seto.

Seto winked at Ant, indicating his plan.

"No, it's too risky" Ant disagreed.

"What is?!" Kyle yelled, wanting to know the idea.

"The thing is sending you back in time and you saving your friends and maybe saving our souls" Seto explained.

"Please do! Send me back! I'll free your souls or whatever, just send me back" Kyle begged Seto.

"Will do" Seto answered.

"But that can empty your power source, an it's risky" Ant tried to interfere.

"Ant, trust the boy on this one. He's the one we've been looking for. The chosen one" Seto pulled him out from where everyone was to talk in private.

"But what if we made the same mistake as last time? Where we chose the wrong guy" Ant questioned.

"Stop your what if's and become a leader. Kyle has proven he's the chosen one each night. Whatever mistake we've made before, it won't happen again" Seto said encouraging words.

"Fine, let's do it" Ant finally accepted.

Seto smiled an walked back to the kids with Tyler and Kyle, Ant taking the lead.

"Ok Kyle were going to transport you back" Ant told him.

"That's great!" Kyle smiled.

"Ok children, form a circle" Seto demanded the kids.

"Yes Seto!" Them three spoke in unison as the obeyed.

"You too Tyler, you're also a main animatronic" Ant patted Tyler's back.

"I'm going, I'm going" Tyler walked up with the other children.

"Hold hands" Seto demanded and everyone followed.

"Are you ready Kyle?" Ant walked him over to the inside of the circle.

"Wait, you said something about saving your souls. How exactly do I do that?" Kyle questioned.

"Our animatronic bodies are controlled by evil spirits remember?" Adam exclaimed.

"You have to make them leave our suits alone so we don't murder anymore" Jason explained.

"How? By scaring them out?" Kyle joked.

"Be serious Kyle" Ant crossed his arms.

"Ok, how do I defeat them?" Kyle questioned.

"Here" Seto said, making his hands glow purple.

Magically, a bright shimmering purple taser appeared in Kyle's hand. It had a yellow on and off switch.

"Cool" Kyle examined it.

"You can only use it five times. If you miss, its game over" Seto explained.

"Only five tries? Couldn't you have given him like twenty?" Tyler proclaimed.

"It's a powerful weapon I have been working on. It can't take that much energy or it'll explode or worse" Seto explained.

"But It's Kyle, the most clumsy person I know" Tyler explained.

"That's all the times he'll need. End of conversation" Seto shut him up.

"I'm ready" Kyle grinned, adjusting his hat.

Seto nodded and started a spell. His eyes glowed white as he levitate up into the air.

Kyle was scared on what was happening, but let it happen. He had to get back, even if it meant getting obliterated into pieces for it.

When Seto was fully charged, he aimed a blinding beam of light at Kyle. It fit inside the circle Kyle was in and that Tyler, Jason, Adam, and Gizzy were forming.

Kyle started to slowly break into bits. Those bits swirled around and got sucked into the portal below Kyle.

Once he was completely torn apart and sucked into the portal, Tyler, Jason, Adam, and Gizzy were all forcefully pushed away from the area, causing them to let go of hands and fly across the room.

"Ow!" Tyler rubbed his head.

Seto gently floated to the ground before immediately collapsing to the ground.

"Seto!" Ant ran up to him.

"Thank you mighty God Ant for helping me first" Tyler got up, still rubbing his head.

"He's fine, just needs to regenerate" Ant picked Seto up bridal Style.

"What about the knocked out kids?" Tyler pointed the children. They were knocked out by the blast.

"You tend to them while I deal with Seto" Ant explained, exiting the room.

Tyler rolled his eyes and went to pick up the children. He placed Gizzy on his back, hold Adam in his left arm and Jason on his right arm.

As he slowly carrier them all to another room with beds, Tyler thought, 'Hope Kyle goes through.'


Kyle suddenly was surrounded by darkness. He couldn't move. He was waiting for something to happen.

"Kyle?" A low and shunned out voice called him.

"Kyle?" The voice became slowly clearer.

"Hey Kyle!"

Kyle blinked a couple of times to finally collect his thoughts, "What?"

He was outside his car with Ashley on the other side.

"Kyle!" Ross ran up to him, "You got the key?"

"Uh, yeah?" Kyle reached for his work bag to get the keys to the building.

Inside, he saw the purple shimmering taser next to his keys.

So it all actually happened.

He was in the Klub Ice after life and he put his friends in danger. Not this time, he was determined to keep everyone alive and free everyone in the Klub Ice after life.

"I'm here!" Dar walked beside Mr. Sundee.

"Glad to see you all came, take a flashlight and a taser" Mr. Sundee gave showed them the bag.

As everyone else grabbed one, Kyle returned his old taser.

"Kyle, what are you doing? You're going to need this" Mr. Sundee exclaimed.

"Got my own" Kyle showed him the purple taser.

Mr. Sundee stared at it strangely before shrugging it off.

"Everyone," Kyle took our they key and opened the doors to it.

"Follow my lead."

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