Chapter 1: Pinkie Pie's Pizza

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I never wanted any of this. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I made a deal with an evil man. And now their dead. "No! How could I?!" Suddenly police sirens started sounding. I ran away.


The irony of it all was that I got arrested the next day for pick pocketing. "I find the defense. Guilty as charged." I was afraid of that. "I sentence you to 5 days community service." Ugh I hate community service. He pulled out a sheet of paper. "You have two choices. Clean the park, or, Work as the night guard at the new restaurant Pinkie Pie's Pizza." He said. Well a children's restaurant doesn't seem so bad. "Yea um. I pick the second one." I said. "Ok then miss swift. I sentence you to... Five Nights at Pinkie's."

I decided I'd go to the grand opening. "Welcome welcome welcome. To Pinkie Pie's pizza. We will now be unveiling our new Animatronics." He pulled a curtain open. Suddenly the four ponies I killed in robot versions were right in front of me. I gulped.

"These bots are equipped with the original memories of our four heroes. Also, these bots have facial recognition. So they can see which kid is who. Our first bot is, Pinkie Pie. Who as you can tell is the namesake of this establishment." The bot started to speak. "Hey there all you fillies. We're gonna have so much fun!" She said. "Did I forget to mention these bots have free will? Don't worry it's completely controlled because each droid is equipped with a media schedule. And can communicate with the rest." The audience clapped. "Pinkie operates on the software known as FAZBEAR. Those with this program are fun loving. Party throwing bots." He said.

"Our second bot is. Twilight Sparkle." Twilight walked up. "Hey friends! Lets sing some songs together." She said. "She operates on the program BONNIE. If you're a bonnie bot. Then you are an all around musician." He said.

"Our third bot is. Fluttershy." The Pegasus flew up. "Hey friends. Remember to be safe and be kind to one another. That way it'll be fun for all of us." She said. "Fluttershy, operating on CHICA software. Is the rule enforcer. But she's just as fun as the rest." He said.

"Finally we have. Captain Dashie! As known as Rainbow Dash." Suddenly she dropped down off of a rope. "Argh maties. The name's Captain Dashie. At me pirate cove I'll tell ye stories of the seven seas." The man chuckled. "Yes Dashie here is our story teller and runner of pirate cove. Also she operates on FOXY." He said. "We will be opening tomorrow." He said. When it was over I went home. I wonder why they need a night guard. Who knows. All I know is. I have to work there wether I like it or not.

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