Chapter Eleven: The Sixth Night

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Five Nights at Team Crafted's

Chapter Eleven:

The Sixth Night


“I need to know where some wire is!” Tyler said, walking around, ready to do something. All his energy had returned, and thank god too.

Aviator, Shelby, and Kyle were absolutely baffled when Tyler's plan to go to the secret room was completely scratched. They would ask, but Tyler didn't give them a second to question him. He was set on a plan that they couldn't possibly take from him.

“There is extra wire in the janitor’s closet in the lost an-”

“Alright!” All Tyler needed was the Janitor’s closet. He already knew where that was. “I'm going to go get that, but I need you guys to do something else while I do that!”

Shelby and Kyle gave each other confused glances while Aviator began to wonder if maybe Tyler hit his head not long ago and he didn't see. It was like the second he jumped out of the car, he thought, that Tyler had switched views on things. But wait, did Tyler just hint that they were going to split up? Wasn't that a bad idea? Like, a seriously bad idea?

“We're all going to stay together, Tyler.” Kyle said. “I mean, it's completely logical to.”

Tyler shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. He took a few breaths, tapping his feet. 30% power was bugging him. It could be going down as they talked. I mean, they were standing around a few yards from the front gate.

“So let me explain the plan again!” Tyler said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them with his white shirt. “We're not going to the secret room anymore. We don't have as much power as before, and I can't explain that now. Just, please deal with my shit for now. I need to go get that wire really quick and set it up around this area. I need you three to find the main MAIN power control box and when I say go, you're going to turn it all on. Everything.”

“Tyler, what makes you want to change the plan so quickly? Why are we doing this? Splitting up would get one of us killed.” Aviator asked, stepping forward. “The power should be fine, and why do you need the wire anyway?”

“You guys are not splitting up, I am. You three go to the power box and I stay out here with the wire.”

“Why?” Shelby asked. “What if you get cornered!?”

“Look, The power is going down as we speak and we don't have much to begin with.” Tyler's mind raced. “I'll explain to you over the phone since we don't have walkie-talkies.”

Tyler began to pull out his phone, typing in Shelby's number. The three looked at eachother, still confused.

“Tyler, the power should be in the 90s. I mean, we just got here.” Aviator said.

Tyler let out a loud groan and stomped his feet. He was running out of time and this was his only other chance. Getting nervous, he started walking over to Sky Hub. He turned back to them, whom started to follow him.


Tyler yelled and ran into and down the hallway, the three following. When he got to his office, he pulled the security cameras out and pretty much shoved the screen in their faces. Pointing at the power level monitor, Tyler frowned.

“IT'S 27%, AND IT WAS 30% THE MOMENT WE STEPPED IN HERE.” Tyler was full of energy, but he was still done with this shit. “Now excuse me, but I would like to explain later why! This is a long week for me and it's about to end with a bang!”

“H-how the-?” Aviator whispered to himself, but then Tyler pushed his way out of the office.

“One more time!” Tyler announced as he walked down the hallway. “I'm going to get the wire and set it up. You three are to get on the phone with me and find the main power box! Got that!? Thank you!”

Before the three could ask anything more, Tyler was sprinting out of SkyHub. The bag was hitting his leg as he ran, and one hand was in his pocket, making sure the necklace was there. It was. Shelby finally took his word and pulled out her phone, calling him. Aviator got Shelby and Kyle's attention and pulled them over to the room across from the office, the one that Tyler originally thought was Aviator's office. The door opening, they went inside to find a dusty desk, but power boxes and shelves with tools. There were park posters and small things from the gift shop on the desk.

“The power box is right here.” Aviator said, opening the largest box that was in the room. Inside were switches and buttons of all kinds, with labels. “Kyle, can you go watch the power level on the security screen? Just don't check the cameras or you'll waste power. The power percentage is all you need!”

“Roger that!”

Kyle ran out of the room, past Shelby, and into the night guard office. He kept eyes on the power percentage while Aviator stood by the power box and Shelby got Tyler on the phone. Tyler finally answered the phone, just running through the lobby of the Lost and Found building. He ran past the desk and into the hallway, just reaching the janitor's closet.

“Yeah! H-hello!?” Tyler gasped into the phone, his heart racing due to the running.

“Tyler! We're by the power box and Kyle is keeping watch of the power level!” Shelby reported.

“Great!” Tyler smiled as pulled the rolls of cords of wire out from the janitor's closet. It was heavy, but he had to endure it.

Tyler ran out of the hallway, kicking open the unlocked doors. Running through the lobby and outside again, he made his way to where they had stood before, not far from the front gate. In fact, in front of the front gate, in between two small areas with planted grass and flowers.

“Gonna put the phone down for a second!” Tyler yelled into the phone and placed it on the ground, taking the wire into both hands.

“What are you doing!?” Shelby asked in reply, but he couldn't hear her. She walked back and forth between where Kyle was and where Aviator was, holding the phone to hear ear. Both watched her with worried eyes.

Tyler laid out the wire, making a curved shape opposite of the gate. It went from one end to the next, touching the metal of the gates. He went back and forth once, for there was extra wire, and then when he was done, he ran over to the nearest power outlet, which was the opening in a lamp post, and shoved the wire inside so that it could connect with the rest of the power supply. When he finished, he ran back over to the phone and picked it up.

“Okay! Easy part is over with!” Tyler said.

“You laid down wire, right?” Shelby asked.

“Si!” Tyler nodded his head, taking a deep breath.

“What's next? Do we use the power now?” Shelby asked.

“NO!” Tyler gasped out. “W-what's the power level now? WAIT! NO! I Don't want to know!”

Shelby glanced at Kyle. She was pretty sure that they could hear Tyler yelling from the phone.

“Okay! So stand still and on alert. I gotta do one more thing! And this time I need to know something.” Tyler said, beginning to run over to the middle of the park. “Find where the location of the animatronics are on the security camera and tell me! BUT DON'T WASTE THE POWER!”

“Okay!” Shelby walked into the night guard office. “Why do you need to know where they are?”

“Don't worry about that, Shubble!” Tyler said. “Just, please, locate them! And fast!”

Shelby turned to Kyle. “Locate the animatronics!” She demanded in a hushed voice.

“What?” Aviator walked towards them, away from the power box. “Why? What's he doing now?”

“Shh!” Shelby hissed and listened back to the phone.

“So! Where are they!?” Tyler asked.

“Sky is in the cafeteria!” Kyle shouted, having the hardest time working with the cameras. He wasn't a pro like Tyler.

“Sky! Cafeteria!” Shelby repeated.

Tyler quickly changed courses and ran straight to the cafeteria. Inside, he found himself in a huge room that looked like a school cafeteria. On the other end, by the ordering counters, was Sky. Tyler frowned. Now all Tyler needed to do was get Sky's attention. Well, actually, he needed to get Sky to chase him. That was not something Tyler knew how to do. Didn't Bashur or Aviator mention how Sky was neutral until pissed off?

“Great, how do you piss off Sky The Kid?” Tyler asked to himself aloud, but then heard a gasp from the phone and remembered he was still holding it.

“Tyler I swear to god! Don't you purposely piss them off! I don't understand what you're doing but this is insane!” Shelby hissed.

“Sky hates when people take advantage of others and when they fake who they are. He hates when you judge others or assume things.” Tyler thought aloud more. “He loves Butter and hate squids. COME ON TYLER THINK! What can I do with this!?”

“Tyler leave Sky alone!” Shelby yelled.

“I GOT IT!” Tyler's eyes widen. He's going to pay for this later. “SHUT UP SHELBY I HAVE AN IDEA!”


Tyler then stomped his foot, making sure his voice was loud and clear to the robot staring at him from the other side of the room.

“Listen to me!” Tyler barked. “Shut your fucking mouth and just listen! I'm not made to hold stress and you're doing nothing but nagging my head off!”

Shelby didn't understand and thus took that to offense. “T-Tyler?”

“No!” Tyler kept glancing at Sky. He wasn't reacting yet. It wasn't working. “You know what? Hand the fucking phone to Aviator, I'm sick and tired of your and your shit!”

Shelby didn't. Something was wrong with Tyler, she thought, and he was acting out of place. He was acting like he hated her. Acting. He was screaming at her, abusing her with words. This wasn't who Tyler really was and she knew that. And then a smile came upon her face. Oh yeah, what a fucking good plan, Tyler.

“What do you mean you're sick and tired of me?” She asked, her voice pulling off the perfect innocent-wife tone.

“You're nothing but a cheating whore! I've seen you and Kyle walking around! Don't think I don't know what's going on just because i've been gone this past week!” Tyler continued. Sky started to move. It was working. “Stupid Bitch!”

Shelby placed her hand on the phone and looked back at Kyle, letting out a small laugh that she couldn't hold back. He looked up at her, confused. I mean, he and Aviator heard the yelling, but what was funny about it? Shelby then placed the phone back to her ear.

“No, Tyler! I can explain! We're just friends! Kyleby is my notp!” Shelby replied.

“Wow thanks” Kyle sighed, catching on.


“We were meant to be, My love!”

“Ugh, now you're playing with my feelings?” Tyler frowned in disgust, stomping again, an echo being made. “Cruel Witch!”

“Why can't you believe me? I would never lie to you!” Shelby cried out. “You're preaching the only lies I can hear!”

“What makes you think I should believe you!?” Tyler shot back, now facing Sky. Sky's mouth was open to show it's teeth, and it's glasses were slipping down, so that you could see his eyes. He was confused and angry.

Before Shelby could reply, Tyler continued.

“A low life such as you should never deserve to be loved! If you smell as bad as you sound, you'd be mistaken for sea life! Squids would make fun of you, you pathetic human waste of life!”

Shelby gasped, and Tyler made his voice loud. The three could just distantly hear the echo coming from the cafeteria. Tyler saw Sky was upset, and with one more wire to pull, Tyler pulled out something form his bag. It was the keys he stole from Aviator's desk. Holding it , he aimed, placing the phone in his pocket for a second.

“Here we go!” Tyler breathed out. “You sack of shit!”

Tyler tossed the keys across the room, hitting Sky square in the face. A loud pang was heard, and he was sure the other three heard it as well through the doors and walls. The spirit inside of Sky-bot, programed and influenced by the Robot's programed movements and voices, had had enough of this. Tyler suddenly acting like a person he wasn't, yelling and screaming at a person he was supposed to love. Being an ass, he was, and Sky didn't like that. Besides, to compare a person with a squid was bad enough.

The second Sky moved, Tyler was hightailing it out of there. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and screamed into it.

“NEXT ROBOT!? LOCATION!” He commanded.

“Kyle, next one.” Shelby turned to Kyle.

“UMMM” Kyle searched quickly. “Husky and Ian are by the pools! Jason is not far away, near the front of Ian's Tents.”

“Okay! Husky and Ian are by the pools and Jason is by Ian's tents!” Shelby repeated.

“Got it!” Tyler replied.

Tyler didn't need to piss off the others to get them to chase him. The only problem was to keep their attention on him. Just quickly stopping at the entrance of Husky's pools, yelling to grab Ian and Husky's attention, was good enough. But he could only stop for so long, since Sky was after him.

“'EY, GET OVER HERE!” Tyler yelled, Ian and Husky turning towards him.

With their metal scratching to turn over see what he was doing, Tyler then sprinted off to Ian's tents to find Jason. Jason turned to see Tyler just as Tyler got over there. He was about to yell something, but noticed the last three were getting closer then he thought they were.

“Oh crap!” Tyler jumped and was off running again.

“Next!' Tyler yelled into the phone.

Shelby turned to Kyle and Kyle looked around.

“Jerome is by the fountain, Mitch is outside lost and found, Ty by the wire, and Seto- Seto is, er” Kyle checked the cameras quickly, looking for the last bot. “He is-”


Kyle jumped, sure that Shelby was trying to rush him on, Tyler waiting for an answer, but that wasn't it. Kyle saw Shelby and Aviator were staring down the hallway. Just outside of the hallway was Seto.

“Tell him!” Kyle shouted to Shelby.

Shelby kept her eyes on the unmoving robot, fumbling with the phone in her hands. 

“Jerome is back b-by the fountain, Mitch is by the lost and found, and Ty is by the wire you placed d-down.” She stuttered.

“Okay!” Tyler said, switching course.

“T-Tyler!” Shelby went on. “A-And Seto is right outside the hallway! He's looking at us, Tyler!” 

Tyler's heart jumped. Running past the fountain, Jerome seeing him, he headed to SkyHub. His legs were oh so tired and he didn't know how much longer he could keep up the running. Shoving his phone into a pocket and holding his flashlight, he found Seto just outside the hallway. Flickering the light to get Seto's attention, he had to stop momentarily to get the slow poke to turn around. He could see the others in the distance heading towards them, and thus didn't have all the time in the world to play with Seto.

Shelby, Aviator, and Kyle, on the other side of the hallway, saw the light flashing and knew it was Tyler. They saw Seto turn around, and vanish, walking away. Kyle turned to the cameras and found Tyler running, following him with the cameras. 

“Look!” Shelby's eyes glanced across the screen and she pointed to the power level.

“It's at 5%!” Aviator began to panic. This was really bad.

“Tyler! 5% power! Hurry!” Shelby yelled into the phone, but he couldn't hear her because the phone was still in his pocket.

Tyler kept flashing the light, making one last run by near the Lost and found to pick up Mitch before returning to the gate, where Ty was curious of Tyler's work. Hardly able to breath, his sides in pain due to the running, he forgot about the wire and tripped on it, falling to the concrete ground. The flashlight fell out of his hands and rolled away. Groaning, the animatronics surrounding him, half in confusion and curiosity and the other half in anger, Tyler quickly got up, nearly falling again. Leaving the light on the ground, he pulled the phone out of his pocket and turned to see a scary sight.

Halting just as the wire, all 8 animatronics stood, facing him. They were almost side by side, forming the half circle shape that the wire made. They were all glaring down on him. It was now or never. Putting the phone to his ear and taking out the necklace, he took a few deep breaths so that he could talk again.

“TYLER! 3% POWER!” Shelby yelled.

Tyler gulped. Now or never.

“When I say go, flick on the power.” He said, his hand shaking with the necklace in it.

“Y-you're ready?” Shelby asked, but then motioned aviator to the power box and shook her head. “We're ready.”

Kyle turned off the cameras and stepped out into the hallway beside Shelby. Aviator waited by the power box, waiting for the moment. Tyler stood in what could possibly be his last moments. You know those last few moments before a test or event that you begin you prep yourself for failure or for other outcomes of the actions you made? Those last few moments were you feel nothing but calmness, oddly enough? As if time had slowed down, just for you to logically think. That's what Tyler was feeling at those last few moments that would determine if he lived to see another day.

It wasn't even 1 AM, but the power was down to 2%.

Ty shifted a bit, and Tyler loosened his grip on the necklace. Freedom at last. Tyler cleared his throat, and having waiting until he couldn't anymore, He shouted.


“GO!” Shelby repeated to Aviator.

Tyler dropped his phone, the case on it saving it from cracking, and he threw the necklace into the air. The power turned on, lights flashing on, and electricity making it's way to the lamp pole. From there, it traveled down the wire, and attacked the closest thing to it. The Animatronics. A blue static shock made the animatronics jerk, and the light reflected off the necklace, blinding Tyler and forcing him to look away.

A loud zap was heard, and a burning smell was created, but when the last of the power was used, the lights turned back off, the electricity escaped, and all was quiet and dark again. The necklace had fallen to the ground, shattering into pieces.

Tyler slowly looked back, blinking a few times. He was tense, unsure if it worked or not. He didn't get electricuted, but he also didn't know if freedom was really achieved. He almost stepped on the necklace pieces, hearing them move against the ground, he looked down at it. Sky's necklace, the purple jem shattered and the gold and silver chain scratched and bent. Looking up at the animatronics, they still were yet to move. In fact, they weren't even paying attention to him. They were paying attention to themselves.


Tyler turned to see Shelby, Kyle, and Aviator running towards him, but halting to see him surrounded by the animatronics. Tyler gulped. He was pretty sure they could walk past the animatronics and not get killed.

“C-come on.” Tyler said, looking at the three. “T-They shouldn't hurt you. I don't think.”

Shelby noticed how they weren't paying attention, and shot by them faster then they could run. Kyle and Aviator built up the courage to do the same. Shelby ran over to Tyler, hugging him tightly.

“I don't know what you did, but you're alive!” She cried out.

“What...what did you do?” Aviator asked, looking at the robots. “The power is dead and they..they aren't doing anything.”

Tyler sighed, pulling away from Shelby, and picking up his phone from the ground. He grew nervous, but started to walk towards them. He stepped towards Sky, and the three gasped.

“Don't get closer!” Aviator pulled Tyler back, but then Tyler turned around and pushed Aviator away.

“J-just watch! I want to know if this paid off or if we're all doomed!” Tyler hissed and turned back around.

Shelby, Kyle, and Aviator watched in fear as the boy slowly got closer to Sky. Tyler, once in front of Sky, slowly reached out his hand. Looking away, Tyler's fingers touched the cold metal of the robot's fake necklace. Then, he placed his whole hand on the necklace. The robot didn't react. He didn't bark, he didn't bite.

“T-T-Thank Y-Y-Yo-you.” The broken voice box of the animatronic spoke out.

A smile grew on Tyler's face. “YES!” He jumped in the air.

“D-Did it just-” Kyle looked at Aviator, confused.

“It thanked him!” Aviator gasped, baffled.

Tyler turned to them, smiling.

“What did you do?” Aviator asked.

“I fixed your park, that's what I did!” Tyler announced. “They can control themselves now! No more death!”

“How?”Shelby asked.

“Six long nights working in this dump! Six night! Six nights and a second chance!” Tyler was pretty much celebrating. “IT WORKED!”

“Six nights?” Aviator wondered.

“I think he needs sleep.” Kyle sighed.

“I think we all.” Shelby sighed.


Tyler turned back around and walked over to Seto, taking his flashlight and turning it on, facing it at Seto. The robot stood there, silent. It blinked before it reached out to grab the light. Tyler let it do so, but was surprised to find it dropped the light, the light flickering when it hit the ground.

Tyler burst out laughing. “He's sick of lights now! Ahaha!I'm sorry!”

“Okay, it's bed time.” Shelby sighed, tired and in need of sleep herself. 

Shelby and Kyle began to pull Tyler off, When Aviator stopped them at the front gates. They turned to him, wondering what else he needed.

“Tyler. I'm going to want you to explain this. But, I'll call later tomorrow. Sleep in. this week has made you a mess.”

The three went off to the car, driving home at around 2:10 AM. Aviator stayed to clean up Tyler's mess. The animatronics had left, walking around the park again, but this time, they paid no mind to Aviator. Aviator found that they didn't stalk him or corner him or try to hurt or scare him in any shape or form. He was able to do his work without worrying about him, not saying he didn't worry. Tyler really had done something, whatever it was. He left an hour later, getting back home to finally have some well needed rest. Rest he has needed for years.

The time wasn't near 6 AM, but the power was 0%, the night was over, and everyone was safe at home.

Team Crafted was free. The nameless spirits were free.

The week was over.


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