Chapter Twelve: Return to Peace

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Five Nights at Team Crafted's

Chapter Twelve:

Return to Peace


Tyler woke up at 11 AM that morning, in his bed with actual Pajamas on for once this week. Yawning, he sat up In bed, slowly waking up. Putting on his glasses, he sighed at the sight of the crack in the corner of it. How did he forget that again? It was far to occupied the last 24 hours. I mean, he lived Friday night twice. He'd get his glasses fixed later.

Getting up, he checked his phone and then changed into his red and gray shirt above his white shirt and his jeans. Quickly messing with his hair and cleaning his glasses under the sink water, he walked out and down the hallway, into the living room. His dad was sitting on the couch and his siblings were lounging around. He walked into the kitchen to find his mother sitting at the table. She turned to him with a smile.

“Good morning. You look well rested.” She said.

“I feel well rested.” He said, standing beside her.

Tyler looked at the table in front of her to see a shopping list. She noticed this and explained.

“I'm going out to get groceries and for things to make lunch. Anything you need?” She asked.

Tyler shook his head no. “No thanks.”

“Okay. When I get back I'll have things out of lunch.” She said and stood up.

“Okay.” Tyler nodded his head.

Tyler followed his mother into the living room, and she felt not long after. Tyler stood there, in the living room, taking a deep breath – a moment of peace. It was the weekend, finally. Suddenly he felt something hard hit his head and he turned around to see one of his siblings had thrown his phone at him.

“What gives!?” Tyler barked.

“It was ringing!” His sibling shouted and turned back around to run to their room.

Tyler sighed, rubbing his head and picking up his phone, which had fallen to the carpet below. His life was never actually going to be peaceful, but he did just get over some of the hard times. He picked up to see a missed call from his boss, Aviator. Walking back down the hallway, into his room, he recalled Aviator. How was he going to explain the “i died but came back to life” thing? Tyler shook his head. Stop jumping to things.


“Yeah, i'm still not really sure how to explain that.” Tyler said into the phone.

Aviator sighed. “I'll leave you alone about that for now, but it would be nice to understand what actually happened last night.”

Tyler went in circles in his desk chair, stopping and then putting his feet up on the desk, leaning back.

“Anyway, I guess you did fix those animatronics. They still roam around at night and I don't think I should leave them alone just yet. I don't know. I still don't trust them. Will I need to find another person to fill your position? I'd assume you'd be quitting.”

Tyler thought about that. “Um...No.”

“No? Really?”

Tyler hesitated. “I mean, I could watch them and see if they still act like babies, but I don't think that'll happen.”

“Hmm, whatever you say. I feel like I should repay you though. Still, ever since you did the thing with the stuff, they've been not at all violent.”

Tyler hummed. “Welll...”

“You're going to come up with something, arn't you?”

“You know, I had this idea an-”


Tyler laughed. “NO! No, listen! It's a good one! One I can't believe you didn't think about years ago!”

“Oh no.”

Tyler took his feet of the desk and spun around again.

“I'll go back to work there at night, but you gotta hire someone else to work the shifts with me. I mean seriously, working there alone is probably a huge factor and the outcome of things.”

“You want me to hire another person just so that you won't be alone.” Aviator asked. “You got anybody in mind, Tyler? I donno, someone you're close too?”

“N-NO!” Tyler yelled. “What I mean is that if one of us gets into trouble, the other can save the day! Or if one needs to check on something, the other can stay behind and watch the power. Power is still a problem, right? You don't want something being left on and the power to go out. It wastes your park's money, right?”

“You're afraid of the dark.”

“Oh shut up! You don't have any right to complain! You weren't the one killed by those things!” Tyler referenced his own death, but Aviator took the reference as Bashur's. Tyler realized this and frowned. “Sorry, I didn't mean that.”

“Speaking of Bashur.” Aviator changed the subject. “They moved his funeral to next weekend. Hope you still can go. And yeah, you were invited. I was too.”

“Oh. Okay. I'll make plans.” Tyler replied.

Aviator sighed. “I won't keep you from your weekend. I know you need it.”

“Yeah.” Tyler said. “I do.”

“I'll think about hiring, but I won't make any promises.” Aviator said. “Goodbye, Tyler.”

“See ya!”

Aviator hung up and Tyler did too. Tyler placed down his phone and stretched. He should do something today. Maybe go outside.

“TYLER!” His siblings screamed, shoving open the door. “LUNCH IS READY!”

Tyler rolled his eyes. “I'm coming!”


Tyler, Kyle, and Shelby walked along the sidewalk that was beside a small highway. It was 5:40 PM and the three had been hanging out around the city for awhile. The air was cool and there were other people out and about, and a few cars going down the road.

“He said he'll find someone who can work the shift with me.” Tyler said.

“Really? Good. Nobody should work alone there.” Shelby replied.

“Yeah. That was really scary.” Kyle said. “Especially with you freaking out and screaming and running around.”

“If that's a normal night for you then count me out of that.” Shelby added.

Tyler was about to say it wasn't a normal night, but then all the nights were odd in their own way. “Well, I didn't want you there either. I mean, you couldn't gotten hurt.”

“Hurt by your words.” Shelby sarcastically said.

“Kyleby.” Tyler laughed.

“notp” Shelby giggled.

“Hey!” Kyle frowned. “I could take offense to that!”

“Are you saying you like my girlfriend, Kyle?” Tyler looked over at Kyle, suddenly grabbing Shelby's hand.

“No! She's a jerk just like you!” Kyle replied. “And I got one of my own, thank you very much!”

“Congrats!” Tyler said in the most sarcastic tone he could.

“You guys aren’t any fun!” Kyle crossed his arms.

Kyle looked away from the two, his eyes scanning over to the building they were walking past. Something caught his attention and he abandoned the two to walk over to the windows of the place. Tyler and Shelby noticed this and stopped to see what he was going. Kyle had walked up to the windows of the child's pizza place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

“What are you doing?” Tyler asked, the two walking over.

“Dude, I told you!” Kyle pointed to the help wanted sign. “They can't keep their employees for shit!”

“What?” Shelby asked.

Tyler smiled. “After awhile we started noticing that almost every other week they would put up a help wanted sign. Like what the fuck could be wrong with a pizza place?”

Shelby rolled her eyes. “I bet you thought that about the park but guess what?”

“Yeah, Yeah. I mean, I know it's got creepy ass animatronics, but what's the chance they're haunted too? I mean, it's honestly illogical that the ones in Team Crafted's could even walk around.”

“Oh my god, Tyler.” Kyle said. “No, this time they put out their paperwork! They're so desperate that they're just handing it out left and right.”

Attached to the window was a plastic cover with copies of papers inside. Kyle pulled one out, looking over it before folding it in half.

“What? Wait, you arn't considering-” Tyler began but then Kyle stopped him

“Of course not!” Kyle said. “I mean, it's not like i'll need a job anytime soon.”

“Kyle you wont.” Shelby sighed.

“Yeah, I won't.” Kyle looked down, but then after a pause, looked back up at them. “But, like, seriously. I mean, we've grown up going here. Think about how scary it would be to see the place at night.”

“That's how it felt to work at Team Crafted's.” Tyler replied.

The three stood there until Kyle's stomach growled.

“So who's up for pizza?” Kyle asked.

“I'm tired of pizza. How about something like Taco Bell?” Shelby sighed.

“I've never had Taco Bell.” Tyler said.

“Yeah, me neither.” Kyle added.

“Welp.” Shelby began to walk away from the building, the two following her. “Guess where we'll be having dinner then! On the house!”

“Aw yes, free dinner!” Kyle smiled.

“Your dinner is still made by your mom, shut up Kyle.”

“Same for you!”

“Calm down little kiddies, remember whose the oldest around here!” Shelby called back to them.


“Kyle, I swear!”

“Sorry, Mom!”

“You want dinner or not? I'll make you pay! I'm the lady after all!”



Monday Night, 12:45 PM. Tyler and Aviator waited by the front gate of Team Crafted's Amusement Park. Tyler had gotten there early, his uniform on and his bag around his chest, because Aviator actually lived up to his promise. Well, he didn’t promise, but Tyler liked to think he did. Waiting, standing around until 12:57, finally a car pulled into the parking lot.

The two watched as a man, older then Tyler, stepped out. He had his uniform on but looked tried. He walked over to the two, taking his time. When he got there, he looked at the two, Aviator walking over to say hello. The man had blue eyes and brownish-blonde hair. He was tall and had a stubble of a beard.

“Welcome.” Aviator smiled, showing the new employee over to Tyler.

“Tyler, this is who I hired to work the shift with you, as you requested.” Aviator said.

The two looked at each other, and Tyler began to feel awkward. He wasn't very openly social. But none the less, he held out his hand. The new employee shook Tyler's hand.

“I'm Tyler.” Tyler said. “I'll be your co-worker, I guess.”

The man paused. “M-my name's Mike. Mike Schmidt. Nice to meet you.”

“Tyler, Mike. Mike, Tyler.” Aviator said. “Now Mike, Tyler can explain to you about the park and all that. I've got some work back at home to do.”

“Yeah, I didn't get told a lot during the interview, but-” Mike began, looking from Aviator to Tyler. “I guess that's okay. I mean, anything's better then what I worked before.”

“What did you work before?” Tyler asked.

“I worked as this run down place by the highway, uhh” Mike hesitated. “Fazbear's Pizza.”

A grin grew on Tyler's face until he burst out laughing. Mike looked insulted and Aviator seemed amused. Tyler continued to laugh for awhile before beginning to cough. He then stopped himself, nearly in tears.

“I can't wait to tell Kyle this.” Tyler sniffled. “I bet you got tired of the kids screaming, huh? Man, that place really has problems, huh?”

Mike frowned. “I was the place's security guard!”

“Man, come on! You sit around all night, I bet!”

“I thought that's what you did!”

“Not until now!” Tyler continued laughing. Mike looked pissed and Aviator found this as the moment to run off.

“Have fun you two!”

“We will!” Tyler yelled back as Aviator made his way to his car.

Mike glared at Tyler. “Don't say anything until you walk in a man's shoes, okay?”

“Got it!”

Tyler calmed himself down and turned around, unlocking the front gate. The two walked in, the cool wind going past them. Tyler raised his arms up and smiled. The start of a new week. A week that wouldn't kill him.

“It's Us and the Golden girls, Mike” Tyler sang into the air. “Auntie Janet has arrived, my lovelies!”




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