Fun with Plushtrap Night. Part 2

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If you ask a person what they are afraid of, many will lie to you, saying that they have no fears. But once you find their phobias...


I don't even know where I should start. I have one good news and one bad news. Which one should I start with?

I guess I'll start with the good news.

I managed to hide from this beast, which certainly makes me happy. But there is bad news, and it has to do with a previous event.

My right hand is now bleeding a lot...

How did this happen?

Well for that it's worth...

- Yuki~ I know you're in there. You can't hide from me forever, because I'll find you anyway~

I swallowed nervously, hoping that she wouldn't find me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to run away from her with such a wound.

The main thing is not to make any loud noises, because...

- You know, I was so lonely without you, and now I get to meet you again, and you're hiding. I could be offended, you know~

It doesn't matter, as long as I don't pay attention to her, I just need to sit here quietly and then I can...

But that's when I felt someone breathing behind me.

- Found you~

When I turned around, I met her bright red eyes, which seemed to glow in the darkness.

It made me jump back and catch my breath.

- Well, well, don't worry, I just want to be with YOU.

I'm fucked...

# About an hour ago #

- We meet again, but this time you won't run away, my love!

It can't be, it's her! It's really her!

Why, why her?! I thought she left me! So why is she here?

No, no, I don't believe it! I don't want to believe it!

It can't be!

That's right, maybe it's just someone, who looks like her. Yes, it is! It's just another nightmare that just looks like her...

Who am I trying to fool?! It's definitely her!

- Hey, why are you ignoring me? Oh, right, you must be happy to see me again, huh? I guessed it, didn't I?!

And then she let out a rather loud laugh.

Now I have no doubt, it's definitely her! The one who stalked me as a child!

- N... no, not... not you.

- Huh? Not me what? You're NOT GLAD TO SEE ME?!

At the last phrase, her tone of voice became much colder. And her smile disappeared from her face altogether.

I don't know what I should tell her. If I tell her the truth, I'm already dead. If I lie, I don't know what happens next.

I don't like it either way. For in one case I die, and in the other the unknown awaits me, and not the fact that it will be something good.

But I can't stay quiet for long either, but what am I supposed to say to her?! "Hey, can we talk quietly?" or "Oh, long time no see, how are you?"

Geez, I can't think of anything! And somehow I'm sure she's not exactly here to ask me questions.

But I couldn't think for long, as I felt someone put their arm around me on both sides.

Tearing myself away from my thoughts I noticed that it was her, Plushy (CopI234 (Original Author) - I decided to call her that since I couldn't think of a proper name for her, if you have any ideas, post in the comments!)

My hand was sandwiched between her.... breasts, but it only embarrassed me for a second as the realization came to me that I was too close to her!

My senses were just squealing that I should rip my arm out and run, as there was danger coming from her

- Ahhh~ I've wanted to do this for so long, we're finally together again and now I definitely won't let you go, you're happy about it... Y-u-k-i~?

With a hint of temptation, she said my name while I thought of a plan to get away from her.

Because I don't think she'd let me go if I asked her to. And it's dangerous to forgive her, because I don't know how she would react to that. What if she freaks out or something worse, and I don't want to risk my life. I've had enough of what you did.... I don't want to bring it up.

- Yuki, why don't you talk to me, because I don't think you're happy to see me at all. I'm hurt, you know...

Oh shit, that's what I was afraid of. If I don't answer her something, I'm afraid to imagine what will happen next.

- Uh, um... n... well, I'm t... it's good to see you... too.

- I knew it! I knew you would be happy when we were reunited! I had waited for a long time for that. The only things that gave me strength were those moments when I could appear outside your consciousness. But then I didn't have enough energy to materialize, so I had to stick around.... But I knew that sooner or later you would come for me here!

What.... What does she mean by "appearing outside your consciousness," and what other energy does she mean!

- Let's not talk about the bad stuff, let's talk about us! God, you should know how many girls were staring at you while you were playing with your friends! Seriously, it pissed me off so much, but good thing I could temporarily materialize and scare them away from you, although I'm not surprised about that, because my Yuki is the best~!

What she said.... I mean.... she's the reason so many kids are alienated from me!

My eyes stared at her in disbelief. I thought, after all, that no one but me could see her!

- Ah, you're wondering how I drove them away? It was easy~! I just appeared in their dreams and then showed them nightmares involving you! Of course if I had had more energy I would have killed them right there, but I didn't have enough energy at the time... But no matter, the main thing is that my plan always worked, and the next day they never came near you again! Say I'm smart, right~?

I didn't know how to describe what was going on in my head right now.

I always thought my peers thought I was boring, so they stopped being friends with me, but now learning the truth....

Anger, sadness, fear, disbelief and many other feelings completely overwhelmed me...

- T... I mean, t... t... you want... to tell me that because of t... you... I... no one was... friends with... me?! Why would you e... do that?!

- What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I did it for us, Yuki~. After all, you don't need anyone but ME~!

Then I heard her laugh.

But now I fully realized who I was dealing with. She's wacky, crazy, insane!

But I quickly stopped thinking about it as I felt her grip on me loosen, and if I push her away from me right now, I can escape.

I gathered my courage, and while she was distracted, I managed to push her away from me with a kick to her stomach, but she tried to hold on to my arm at the last moment, but she failed and instead dug her nails into my skin and left a rather long, bloody trail.

I hissed in pain, but quickly ran down the stairs to the first floor before she fully recovered.

As I ran, far enough away from the place, I heard her loud voice


What Yuki didn't see was that Plushy's eyes lit up bright scarlet and a rather creepy smile appeared on her face...

*Back to the present*

From there I just ran around the house and decided to run to the garage, there was a closet that I could climb on, which I did.

No one knew about this place, not even Mike, so I thought no one would find me, but I guess those were just my dreams...

At this moment I was holding my breath, looking into the scarlet eyes of Plushy, who, in turn, was watching me with a smile.

I had already realized that I couldn't escape her, certainly not with a wound like this one.

It was pretty hard to move my arm, though I could still feel the pain coming from it.

But I tried to ignore it, because I didn't want to lose sight of her.

Oh yeah, I broke my flashlight when I was running up the stairs-it fell out of my hand and broke, so now I'm sitting in total darkness.

But though I could reason calmly, I could see outwardly how my body was shaking and my eyes were trembling.

I crawled as far away from her as I could until I hit the wall behind me.

That was all I could do. All I could do next was pray to God that I would survive.

But I couldn't reason much longer, because Plushi spoke.

- Why did you run away from me, Yuki? Did I do something wrong? Tell me, why? If you hadn't pushed me, I wouldn't have hurt you.

She said, pointing to my bloody hand.

- I'm waiting for an answer from you, Yuki...

Great, I pissed her off, just fine. Now the other question is what am I supposed to tell her!

I can't tell her I'm afraid of her, because I don't know how she'll react to that.

And what lies to tell her I don't know....

Wait, I have an idea! I can say that I was scared of what was happening to me last nights!

From the looks of it, it should work, I just need to convincingly give her the story and maybe she'll buy it!

Gathering my spirits through the pain, I began to speak

- Y-you...see.... I was scared...t...of...what was...happening to me...n.... In p... past times, I was p... constantly frightened by nightmares .... and... I couldn't.... t... soberly assess the s... situation, p... so I was frightened by t... you.

Hearing my answer, she narrowed her eyes sharply and watched me carefully, checking whether I was lying or not.

But after a few seconds she smiled, it looked like my plan was working!

- Oh poor Yuki, looks like you've been alone for too long, sorry I wasn't there for you, I'm so sorry for you~

Phew, mentally, I wind the drop of sweat that had made its way onto my forehead.

- But Yuki, if you've already seen them, can I ask you a question?

I was a little puzzled by her question, but just nodded, since I couldn't say no to her

- Did you fuck any of them?

That question made me gasp.

Why would she ask me that question?! Of course I didn't! But it's weird, why would she ask me that question?!

What does she want to tell me?!

- W. what do you mean?!

- You don't know, you know, sex, when a man puts his dick in the possession of....

- Wait! I know how it happens! I mean, why are you asking me that question?!

I was also confused by the fact that I know about these things, because I definitely remember not knowing about it! Is there something going on with me!

- Because it's important to me, but you still haven't answered my question Yuki, have you done it with any of them?!

Her tone turned sharply colder, and she was already looking at me without her smile. And her eyes glowed even brighter in the darkness.

- N-no...

That's the only thing I can say, but I still wonder why she wants to know about it.

Plushy squinted her eyes again, but just like last time, she realized that I wasn't lying to her, so she sighed in relief and spoke again

- Whew, I'm so glad to hear that~! That's a load off my mind, oh but if one of those bitches dared to do that to you, I'd rip her head off, none of them could stop me, well except Goldie, she'd be stronger after all. But it doesn't matter~

After saying that, she moved abruptly to me and sat on my legs and pressed her body against mine. Then she put her hands on my cheeks and turned my face so that our gazes crossed hers, and then she spoke to me again

- Yuki, you only belong to me, you only belong to me, no one but me will make you happy~. I will always take care of you, love you, because you are only mine~. I won't give you to anyone, no girl can take you away from me, and if anyone tries to do that, I'll rip her head off~.

With each word, her face got closer and closer to mine.

- I've always been with you, I know everything about you, and most importantly, I'm the first one to know you. I've always kept you safe from those nasty people who wanted to take advantage of you because you were an innocent, sweet, little boy~.

I swear I could see hearts appear in her eyes, but I quickly stopped paying attention because I was overcome with fear of what she would do.

Her lips were getting closer and closer to mine.

- I am the one who will never betray you. The one who will protect you, and will always be there for you, you won't even need your family. ONLY I NEED YOU!

Her last words really scared me, but I quickly forgot about that when her lips started to rapidly approach mine.

- So let us become one with you, so that you may know my love for you, my darling!

That's it, only a few millimeters left until our lips are united

But suddenly the alarm clock sounded and Plushy stopped approaching my lips.


Out of anger she hit the closet next to us and it shattered into tiny splinters.

As I stared in horror at the remains of the closet, I realized that it gave me another reason to be afraid of them. The power they have.... There's no way to deal with it.

- Okay, okay, I still have the next night so I can be alone with Yuki, it's okay

It was after those words that I started to shiver a little.


- Sorry, love, looks like we won't be able to continue until the next night, see you, hee hee.

Suddenly, as always, drowsiness came over me. My eyelids tightened, and the last thing I saw as I fell was her waving at me with a smile on her face.

To be continued...

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