Night 3. Part 3

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One gradually adapts to certain circumstances. Once you get used to the fear, you immediately stop being afraid of what caused it...


Once again I woke up in the same place, but with a slight difference - the room was a little brighter. I didn't know what it was about, but my attempts to find the source of the light were unsuccessful.

I still remembered the conversation with that girl. Or as she introduced herself, Goldie. At first I thought it was a rather strange name, but the situation I find myself in is nothing less than that.

I don't know who these monster girls are, I don't know what they want from me, I don't know what they have in common with me.

That hare with the purple eyes definitely knows something, but he's kept his mouth shut about it. Apparently, it's not as clean as I thought it would be.

How did I come to that conclusion? Well, there are a couple of reasons for that. One - I don't remember anything after 10 years of my life. I mean, if you can call it that, it's all a blur. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember anything.

Yes, in the last conversation I mentioned something about my birthday, but why did I do that? I don't know why I did it. The words just flew out of my mouth.

Second of all, Goldie and that hare know exactly what happened to me. Seriously! Why exactly am I in this situation? I'm no different from any other kid, I'm a little closed off, but that doesn't make me any different. So it has to do with something else.

She also gave me a little clue in the last conversation that I might not have noticed at first.

"They waited too long."

That means they knew me before, but I didn't. So there's definitely someone involved here besides me.

But who? Unfortunately, I can't find an answer to that question yet. I don't even have a clue as to who it might be.

Besides, it's not the best time for my reasoning, because the time is already 0:00, hence this "game" begins.

Boy, have I come a long way. Already joking that it's all a game.... Well, that's not surprising. It's hard to be in a great mental state when there's all kinds of crap going on around you.

Wait, how do I know those words? Schizophrenia is already here....

If you think I've lost my mind, I hasten to disappoint you - no, there's nothing wrong with me. It's just that due to too much stress I can't respond adequately to everything that happens to me.

After all, I am in this horrible and dangerous place every day, where I can die as easily as a man breathes. A place where it's all darkness, and my phobias make me feel even worse.

Every time I think that Mike is standing around the corner and wants to play a joke on me again, but it will not be a harmless joke, but one that will make me have nightmares for the next week.

Every rustle, every unknown sound makes me shiver and millions of goose bumps run through my body. But this is not the end of my misery.

Because if there is a rustle, then there is its source. And it is precisely the source of this rustle that I fear. Often they are a little aggressive toward me, but there are those who still try to show me tenderness.

But in such an environment, I cannot trust them, even those who really want to help me.

And just now I hear the rustling near the left door again. My hearing is excellent, but, you know, it's quite exhausting to keep my ears open all the time.

Taking tentative steps, I finally managed to get to the door and listened for any sounds again.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, and then I heard footsteps again. Fear still wouldn't let me go, and I knew I had to look out and light up the hallway. But the memory of being dismembered alive wouldn't let me rest.

I'd be lying if I said they stressed me out just a little bit. No, on the contrary, my fear of these anthropomorphic creatures increased many times over.

So much so that as soon as I want to turn on the flashlight, I involuntarily begin to remember that moment. It makes me rethink my decision all over again.

But as much as I don't want to do it, I have to look out into the hallway. It's for my, albeit temporary, safety.

I slowly stick my head out, followed by my hand with the flashlight.

A few seconds have passed, but I still can't turn it on, fear keeps me from doing so. My hands and feet are shaking so badly that I think anyone could hear it.

But I still gathered all my courage and managed to turn on the lantern.


And I see her again, the one who was holding my door as I tried to open it to escape that girl with the bright golden hair.

My eyes frantically examined her, but if last time I was a little admired for her beauty, still her face was very pretty. I'd say I'd never seen anyone prettier than her.

This time my eyes saw danger in her. My pupils were both contracting and dilating, and I was covered in sweat with fear. If anyone saw me now, they'd think I was really sick.

She, like the last time, stopped the moment I shined the light on her, but this time there was a slight difference. She wasn't looking at me with anger anymore, but instead her eyes were.... regretful?

No, it can't be, it just seems to me. Yeah, that's right, I'm just imagining it. She's trying to trick me with this.

- ...Hey....

But then suddenly she spoke and it awakened me from my thoughts. No, you don't think I lowered my guard by any means, I was just overwhelmed with thoughts about this situation and how I should proceed.

- ...Hey, listen.... I wanted to talk to you here.... Anyway.... Sorry about last night.... I didn't think it would turn out this way.... If I had known it would turn out this way....... I'm sorry about that...... I'm so-.

But I didn't finish listening to her. Does she really think I would believe her? The one responsible for my death?!

Ha ha ha ha ha, sorry, but I'm not stupid enough to believe you after what you did.

No, I'm not denying that she didn't kill me, but she helped the one who did. She's guilty of that, too, and now I'm supposed to believe her and accept her apology? What if it was a trap? No, no, I'm not falling for that.

Even though in my head I thought so, but outwardly you couldn't tell, because I was still standing there trembling.

And to be honest, while she was saying all that, I felt like I was seeing Mike again. Yes, it felt like he was coming toward me, but at the same moment he was standing still.

But I didn't have time to think about it, because I heard footsteps again, only this time they came from the right side of my room.

Realizing that it was the one who had killed me, I decided not to hesitate and quickly barricade the door with whatever I could.

Don't think I was relieved, no. I had to work hard to overcome my fear, or rather phobia, of the creature.

I quickly moved the dresser to the door, and put the nightstand next to it. Then I threw in all the junk I found in my room. I locked the door beforehand. I hope that helps me. I don't want to die again.

In the meantime, the footsteps got closer and closer to my room, until they fell silent again near my door.

There was silence for about a minute, and then there was a knock on the door.

It didn't seem like anything, but the knocking made me pull back involuntarily, and my whole back went into creeps. Sweat dripped profusely from my forehead like a waterfall.

I prayed that she couldn't get through to me. I don't want to relive the pain I felt last time.

I'm scared....

After the knocking sounded, a minute or so passed. Then I heard her voice.

- ...Hey, are you there?

She's still here! No, isn't that supposed to help me?! Am I going to feel that pain again?! No, I don't want that!

Suddenly I remembered one thing and decided to check it out.

The left door was unlocked! But I remember the last time it was locked.

But then I heard the voice from the right door again.

- ...Look, I know you won't forgive me for what I did last night, but let me apologize for it. I don't know what came over me in that moment, but I really didn't mean to do what happened that night.

Is she making fun of me? Or is this her way of trying to gain my trust so she can kill me again?!

- ..... I know that's not forgivable. But I really do regret it, I really didn't want to do what I did.

- Phew-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, are you serious right now?! You didn't want to do what you did?! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, is that how you're trying to trick me?! Ha-ah-ha-ha

I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to laugh at what she was saying. If she's saying it in all seriousness, I can only laugh at it. She didn't mean it? YES, if she didn't mean it, she wouldn't have done it!

And now she thinks an apology is enough for me to forgive her?! Ha ha ha, don't make me laugh!

- ...Please believe me, I really do regret it. I really didn't mean to do it!

- ...Puh-ha-ha-ha-ha, stop it, I'm going to die laughing so hard, ha-ha-ha. That's funny to hear. If you didn't want to do it, you wouldn't have done it! Ha ha ha ha, get out of here! If you really think an apology is enough, I hasten to disappoint you-it's too little!

To my surprise, I heard nothing after my response. No, I heard a disappointed sigh, and then I heard the sound of retreating footsteps.

But if you think I can rest in peace, I have to disappoint you - I can't. That's what I thought at first, too, until I heard the sounds on my bed.

It's hard to describe how I felt the moment I realized it. Fear, panic, despair-and that was just the beginning of all my feelings and emotions.

I stood there and didn't move, as if I had fallen into a dream. But this couldn't go on forever.

With my body trembling, I slowly began to turn toward my bed. I'll be honest, I couldn't see anything, and that's no surprise-the darkness prevented me from seeing anyone.

I understand that I should use my flashlight, but my hands just wouldn't listen to me. I just couldn't press the damn button.

I just stood with my arm outstretched in the direction of my bed and that was it. I couldn't do any more than that.

But my brain was telling me that I had to turn on the flashlight, had to do it here and now.

As I pulled myself together, I struggled to overcome my fear and pressed that button, and then my flashlight turned on.

And I was right, there really was someone sitting on my bed. Or rather was sitting.

It was a girl with brown hair, but like the rest of the girls, she had animal features. She had a pair of brown bear ears.

To be honest, she somewhat resembled those little bear girls who had appeared before. Only she was a more mature version of them. Her face was a little more mature, but you could still see the resemblance. And their outfit was almost identical, only she was a bigger size.

But I couldn't appreciate her for that long, because I unknowingly began to panic. More accurately, a smile began to appear on my face.

(Copl234 - The following is a 3rd person narration.)

- ...Hi, my name is Freddy, nice to meet you!

But Yuki didn't answer her at first, he just looked at her and smiled.

- ...Ah, oh hey, you're probably here to kill me, right?

The bear cub stuttered at this question. She thought she heard it.

- ...Excuse me?

- ...Oh, right, stupid question, why ask it when I already knew the answer?

Freddie at first had no idea what he was talking about at all, but then she noticed the strange smile on his face.

- ...Look, since you're here to kill me, maybe you should show me what I found here. Because I think a quick death is better than a slow one.

Yuki didn't realize it himself, but the events of last night had affected him too much. He literally went crazy.

His fear of death now made him say things that a man in his right mind would not say.

His death left an imprint on his memory. He unconsciously became afraid of anyone who threatened his life.

And his brain, in order to protect himself from bad memories, decided to look for ways to die easily. Because it was already clear that he could not escape.

- ...What are you talking about?

Bear still didn't understand what he was talking about. More precisely, she did not understand the reason for his behavior.

- ...What do you mean? Well, your friend killed me last time, didn't she? That's why you're here, too, isn't it? What's there to ask, I'm right.

And that's when Freddie realized what was going on. She looked again at the boy, or rather at his eyes, and saw the fear, the panic, the despair in them. It was clear enough that the events of that night had taken their toll on him.

Bear had not witnessed the incident, but she knew at once how much it had affected Yuki.

She had originally come to see him to get to know him, but when she saw him in such a pathetic state, she knew that he needed support.

- ...Ah yes, let's go show you what I found, it will definitely help you

He grabbed her hand as if nothing had happened. It was as if all his fear of them was gone.

He was able to get halfway there when he was abruptly stopped.

Yuki didn't understand what was going on at first, but when he saw her open arms, he came up with a very stupid idea.

- ...Ah, you probably want to do this with your own hands, don't you? Then I have a favor to ask, make it quick.

After these words, he walked over to the bear and hugged her. It seemed that way from the outside.

But in his mind, Yuki thought it was the quickest way for him to die.

Freddy herself stood stunned by his actions for about another minute, but she still managed to pull herself together, and then she hugged the boy.

As soon as he felt the hands close behind his back, he had already prepared himself to feel intense pain, but over a minute passed and still no pain.

He raised his head in puzzlement and met his gaze with the bear's. He was about to ask why she wasn't doing anything, but she interrupted him.

- ...Shhhh, don't ask stupid questions. I'm only here to get to know you, but I see you need a little help.

Then they touched foreheads, and she went on talking.

- ...I wasn't a witness last night, but I heard what happened. And I'm really sorry you had to go through that. You look really tired, and you need help. I'm not forcing you to believe me, but still, I'll help you this time. You can sleep in my arms. I promise you that I will protect you.

Yuki himself couldn't believe it all. It was hard for him to say anything. But that wasn't the main thing. His mind subconsciously trusted Freddy, which made his body tremble a little.

He slowly began to pull away from the madness that had been happening to him a few minutes ago.

He looked into her eyes for about another minute, trying to find a catch, but all his attempts failed.

- ...Thank you...

That was all he could say, and then he ducked his cheek into Freddie's not insignificant chest.

He didn't think anything of it, but the bear cub blushed a little at his actions, but didn't say anything to him. She only put her hand on his head and stroked him gently.

Gradually, Yuki began to calm down.

(Copl234 - Continued on behalf of Yuki)

I don't know how to describe the feelings that were now filling me. There were too many of them. It was simply impossible to describe everything.

But the feelings I definitely felt the most were: caring, happiness and gratitude.

The way she hugged me and stroked my head gave me incredible pleasure. I had never felt anything like that, not even from my mother.

For the first time I felt I could relax as I felt safe.

But then I noticed the left door open and a girl with purple hair walked into the room. I didn't know her name, but my body started trembling with fear again.

But then I heard Freddy's icy voice.

- ...Bonnie....I'm giving you five seconds to get out of here, or don't blame me for what I'll do to you.

- .....But....

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted again

- ...Your time is up...

Bonnie stood looking at me for two more seconds before she left the room. I was very surprised at first, but I quickly forgot about it because I was so mentally exhausted.

I just hugged Freddy tighter, which made me sink deeper into her breasts, but I didn't pay any attention to that.

The bear, on the other hand, blushed a little more, but then a smile appeared on her face, but I couldn't see it anymore. Only I felt her hugging me harder too and still stroking my head.

After a couple of minutes I began to fall asleep, that's right, to fall asleep, because I felt safe....

For the first time in such a long time....

To be continued....

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