8::: Aze Summerhold for a girl

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Hey guys. I wanted to give you my info for some other social media appsssss.

Instagram : __allyssaxx

Facebook : don't have one. I personally think it's stupid...

Snapchat : (sorry that's a bit too personal but if you message me on here and prove to me that you aren't a stalker, pervert, satanist, atheist, rapist etc... Then I will gladly give you meh snappychatty;)

Yeah that's pretty much it lol I suck at having social media and being...social lolz

Okay, I'll let you enjoy the story now.

Read on,


* * *

My eyes slowly open and I hiss, covering my eyes to shield them from the moonlight shining through the window.

I wince when my head suddenly throbs, blood rushing past my eardrums, ringing loudly as it went.

"Holy mother of cheese that hurts." I groan, bringing my fingers slowly up to the back of my head. When I feel a large bump and a little dried blood over the wound I begin to freak out.

What the heck happened?

I suck in a breath as I pull the covers off me and step onto the hardwood floor.

It's dark in the house and I hear the fans on in each room as I pass them.

When exactly did I go to sleep?

I close my eyes and brace myself against the wall, trying to think of my last memory.

I furrow my eyebrows. The last thing I remember is pranking Zedd with Darren...and then he got really mad and-

"Ah" I hiss, my head aching at the strain. "That jerkwad." I mumble under my breath when I can't remember exactly what happened. What I'm assuming is that Zeddewyn the dude-bag attacked me and almost killed me.

I head to the kitchen and slowly sip on a glass of water, feeling dehydrated.

I set my cup in the sink but pause when I hear a clank sound. I furrow my eyebrows and look around but I see no one in here but me. I shrug and turn to walk up the stairs but I hear it again, this time I head to the window and push aside the blinds.

At first I'm confused to see a boy out there but then I realize who it is.

Mysterious Underwear Thief.

Despite it being seventy degrees outside I pull my sweater around me, feeling the breeze against my bare legs.

His side profile shines under the moonlight as he crouches by his blacked out Harley Davidson, a wrench in his hand. He doesn't see me standing there on my porch until I've been watching him for several minutes.

"Ah! Sh-"

"-itaki mushrooms." I finish for him from my front porch.

He stiffens in annoyance at my interruption and slowly stands from his crouched position.

His annoyed expression lightens and turns into his usual smirk. "Oh. It's you."

I roll my eyes and lean on the porch post, tucking my hands under my arms. "What other girl lives here?"

He shrugs and picks an oily rag off of the paved driveway, wiping off his hands. "I don't know...there's another girl that hangs around here. Short hair, kind of a mousy brown color?"

"That's my friend, Megan." I explain, licking my dry lips.

He nods awkwardly and after about two point five seconds I'm about to turn around and go back into the house.

But before I can move to get back in bed he nods towards my house in the cool "guyish" way.

"So, I heard some ruckus coming from your house today. What was that all about?" He asks, picking his wrench up and getting back to work.

I hear a few cranking sounds and metal hitting metal before I realize something.

"I...I don't know. I literally have no memory of most yesterday. All I know is that Zedd tackled me and I...I hit my head!" I exclaim, remembering.

He huffs with effort as he tightens the bolt. "Good for you, obviously wasn't hard enough." His teasing voice makes me scoff.

"Well excuse me for being a little startled at the fact that I blacked out, went through the day doing things I don't even recall and then woke up in the middle of the night not knowing how or when I even went to sleep! Like, who even dressed me?!" I gesture to my yoga shorts and tank top.

He looks me up and down before nodding appreciatively, teasing me. "You know, Maxine, you have a pretty nice body."

My eyes widen and I jerk my sweater around me, trying to cover every inch of skin. I turn to run inside and jump in my covers, to shield myself from perverted sex crazed boys.

"Wait. Max, I was only kidding. I mean, not that you don't - I mean - uh...yeah. Please stay." He asks, nervously scratches the back of his head.

I laugh at his discomfort, thinking of a way to get his name out of him. "Only if you promise to do whatever I want."

He scoffs and sets down the wrench, standing to his feet. "Oh really? And who are you to make demands?"

I shrug, turning on my heel.

I hear footsteps behind me but I ignore them, calmly walking towards the door. I hear a loud thump and soon I feel a hand go around my forearm, stopping me.

I sigh, not turning around. "Did you seriously just jump over the porch railing?"

I turn, coming face to face with him. I don't realize how close we are until I smell a wave of toothpaste and aftershave. He clears his throat and steps backwards a couple steps.

He begins to say something and I try to ignore the oil speared on his cheek but I can not pull my attention away from it.

"Are you even listening?" He sighs, tucking his dirty rag into the pocket of his Adidas sweatpants.

"Hm? Oh, sorry it's just that you have a little..." I gesture to my own cheek and his face goes a little red. He quickly reaches up and wipes his cheek.

I clear my throat. "Um...that probably would have worked out better if you had the right cheek."

His looks down sheepishly and grabs the rag from his pocket, wiping his cheek.

I try not to laugh when the oil from the rag smears it all over over the side of his face but once I let out a small giggle it all just keeps pouring out.

"You have - all over - your face." I laugh out.

"What? Where?"

The pain in the back of my head had dulled to a low throb but the stress of laughing seems to bring it back and I immediately stop, wincing.

Neighbor Dude furrows his eyebrows and grabs my elbow, keeping me from doubling over.

"Woah. You okay there?" He asks.

I nod slowly and swallow. "Um yeah...well, not really. I hit my head, as I said earlier, and I'm dealing with the after effects."

"I see...well, did you take any ibuprofen or anything?" He asks, still holding onto my arm and leading me into the house.

I shake my head and watch where I step, the house still dark. I trip over a pair of shoes and almost plummet to my death but Motorcycle Boy makes sure that doesn't happen.

I feel weird, letting him in my house like this but it was my fault for being stupid and getting out of bed in the first place.

"Um, the kitchen is that way." I nod to the right and he steers me to the cabinet where all of the medicine and crap that we never even actually use is.

I'm about to begin my search for pain meds but Mystery Fella gently stops me and leads me to the kitchen stool.

"You're hurt. I'll do it."

I awkwardly thank him and look around the room, not seeing much of anything since it's pitch black in here.

I don't know how he manages with the lights off but soon he comes over to me, bottle in hand.

"Thanks." I whisper.

He gives me a small smile and I let out a laugh.

"Wait a second." I stand up slowly and grab a cup of water and quickly take two capsules.

I walk over to the dish rag drawer and pull out a Norwax rag, knowing that it will be the softest for skin.

I run some warm water over it and walk over to What's His Name, giving him the rag.

"Here. Clean that off. Then I suggest that we both go to sleep because it's-" I turn to look at the clock on the microwave, "three fifty two." I chuckle.

He laughs and nods. "Yeah. Sorry if I woke you...I just couldn't sleep."

I give him a tight lipped smile and shake my head. "No I woke up all on my own so don't worry about it."


We stand there for a couple more seconds before I break the silence. "You still owe me something."

"Huh uh." He shakes his head once. "I never agreed to that."

I huff and roll my eyes. "Please, I just want to know your name." I grumble.

He raises an eyebrow and a smirk glides onto his face. "So that's what you want."

I nod and give him a look saying that this was rather obvious.

"Look, it's your choice but just know that I keep making up stupid names in my head and I not afraid to start saying them out loud." I threaten teasingly.

He squints at me and sighs, sticking his hand out. "Aze. My name's Aze Summerhold."

I smile and take his hand, shaking it once and quickly dropping it. We stand there, awkwardly smiling at each other, not saying anything.


"I'd better-"

We both speaks at the same time. We both laugh it off and try again.


"-get going..."

I nod at him. "Yeah, so uh...I'll see you when I see you...Aze Summerhold." I try out the name on my tongue.

He gives me one last smile before turning and walking out the door, I watch him go and soon after, all I hear is silence.

I shuffle around the kitchen and quietly shut the cabinet doors, set my cup in the sink and tip toe upstairs.

I pass my parents' and Garrett's rooms before getting to my own. I slowly open the door and glide back into my bed...well, more like belly flopped on my bed. I curl into a ball and pull the covers over my body, letting out one long breath and closing my-

Knock knock.

I groan and pull the covers over my head. I smack my mouth and cuddle into my blankets.

Ahhhh silence.


I rip the covers off and sit straight up, glaring at the window.

"What the jam do you want?" I snap at the boy at my window.

He smirks and points to the lock on the window.

"Open." He mouths.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"

He rolls his eyes and waves a familiar cloth.

I unlock the window with a sigh and snatch the dish rag out of his hand. "Thanks." I grumble.

He gives me a slightly sheepish smile. "Uh...yeah I must have accidentally forgotten to give it back before I came home."

I press my lips together and nod, wadding the rag up in my hand.

"Or maybe I just wanted to see you again." He says it so smoothly that I barely catch it.

"Oh yeah I - wait what?"

He shrugs. "Well, I have your underwear so you can't assume I want something from you. So you'll just have to believe that I find you...intriguing."

I scoff and cross my arms over my chest. "Please. I've heard of guys like you. You only want one thing...and I'm not the type of girl to give it to you. Goodnight." I push the both of the French windows in attempt to close him out but he stops me.

"No. No, I swear it's not like that."

I raise an eyebrow. "Aze, I literally just found out your name."

He clicks his tongue. "Yeah...I can't argue with that."

I nod and try to close the window again but he quickly stops me.

"Maxine look-"

"It's Max. Only people with a death wish call me Maxine." I snap.

He smirks a little. "Well maybe I like living a little dangerously."

"Yeah and that's what gets you locked out of your house and, oh look at that, out of my house too." I shut and lock the window before he can stop me and stick my tongue out at him.

"Maxine - I mean Max!" He shakes his head at his mistake and hisses through the window.

"Aze Summerhold." I use an announcer's voice. "How does it feel to be rejected?" I pretend to hold a microphone to the window.

"Well, technically, I wasn't rejected because I haven't asked you out so..."

I blink at him. "Whatever. Just for that I'm going to go to bed now."

"Wait! Sorry, I just - ugh- please, I know this is kind of a weird situation-"

"You stole my underwear."

"-but I think if you let me take you out you'd have a good time."

"Oh so now you're asking me out?"

He sighs and hangs his head back. "Please Max. Give me a chance."

I look into his deep brown eyes through the clear glass, hoping to find some dishonesty but I come up empty handed.

I stare between his eyes, thinking.

I have to give him a couple points for sitting so still and letting me observe for about five straight minutes.


"Really?" His eyes light up and he smiles.

I huff. "Yeah yeah. Just one chance, Summerhold, just one."

He nods with a toothy grin. "I won't disappoint."

"You'd better not."

* * *

Okay. Don't get all weird with me and think that I'm getting off track with the story because, trust me, I have a plan.

Okay loves, be sure to vote and comment with an opinion (please don't tear my heart out) and please please tell your friends, family, pets, beds, lamps about my storrrryyyy.

Shanks babes,

Read on,


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