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Work wasn't exactly hard for Y/n, but it was for sure tiring. It was an all day thing, and she'd travel from one city to the next to see her patients and to talk to them. It was late, the dim moon shining down as she jumped into her car, shutting her door and sticking her key into the ignition.

The engine roared to life, the lights on her car flickering on as she pressed on the gas, backing out of her patients drive way. Keeping her eyes on the road, her hand traveled to the side, pressing a button which turned the radio on. The voice was staticky, the man telling about the weather they should expect for tomorrow until he stopped. Brows furrowed, she looked at the radio in her car before hearing rain splatter onto her window.

"Great." She grumbled, flipping something and turning the windshield wipers on. Sighing, she kept driving as the man started speaking again.

"We've just gotten some terrible news, and we're sorry we had to inturupt you with all this." The man said. "But we have recently been told that Reginald Hargreeves has died only an hour ago. The founder of the Umbrella Academy, a billionaire, a great man. He will always be remembered."

Hearing the news about her fathers death, anger boiled her blood as she slammed the button that turned the radio off. She didn't want to hear about her father and how great of a man he was. Tears were soon brimming her (color) eyes, that she soon blinked away. Sighing, she let herself relax, the rain only getting worse.

Morning came quicker then she wanted it to, her alarm blaring through her room. Y/n kept her eyes shut, hoping everything was just a dream, but as soon as her eyes opened, reality hit her again. Pushing herself to a sitting position, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before getting to her feet, her arms soon falling to her side.

After getting dressed, she made her way to her bathroom, grabbing her bag of makeup and putting something settle on. She still looked like she was 13, a curse from her powers. After finishing her daily routine to get ready, she walked over to the phone hung on the wall, taking it off and dialing a number before holding it to her ear.

"Hello?" A woman on the other end greeted, her voice monotone.

"Hey Alisha, it's Y/n. I need to request work off, my father recently died. You know, the billionaire, Reginald Hargreeves?" She responded, twirling her finger around the cord.

"Will you be able to be back by April first?"

"Yea, sounds fine. Just contact my clients and tell them if they need anything to call me." She said, watching the cord stay twirled around her finger.

"Alright, will do." The woman respond, before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Y/n shrugged, letting her hand fall to her side as she set the phone back onto the receiver, walking into her living room. A small table stood by her door, a bowl on top of it that held earrings, bracelets, necklaces, keys, and a couple pencils. She grabbed the keys to her car and opened her door, leaving her apartment and making her way to her car.

Parking her small car on the side of the road, she sighed, looking to her right and seeing the gates and giant doors with the Umbrella Academy symbol/logo on them. Looking back to her left, she waited until there weren't any cars zipping by and got out, making her way to the porch. It was still lightly raining, which didn't bother Y/n a ton, but she just didn't enjoy how cold it felt outside.

Walking inside her old home, she let the large doors close slowly behind her, hands in the front pockets of her coat. It had been years since she was last year, and she didn't think she'd ever be back. The horrible, and good memories here came back to her, having her freeze in place. A voice soon brought her back to reality, causing her to turn her head.

"Welcome Miss Y/n"

A small smile formed on her lips as she let her hands fall out of her coat pockets. "Hey Pogo." She greeted, walking over to the talking, nicely dressed chimpanzee. She outstretched her arms, giving him a hug which he returned, before pulling away.

"It is so good to see you." Pogo smiled, his hands resting on the top of his cane.

"It's good to see you as well." She responded. "Are any of the others here?"

"Uh, yes. Allison is upstairs, along with Luther as well. I haven't seen Diego, Vanya or Klaus show up yet."

Y/n nodded, looking around the entry way. Hearing about Klaus, she swore underneath, earning and stern look from Pogo. "Sorry. I was supposed to call him last night, make sure he was okay." She mumbled, her fingers tapping nervously on her thigh.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then." With that, Pogo turned around, making his way back into the living room.

Y/n nodded, watching Pogo disappear into the other room before running up the stairs, heading toward the bedrooms. Seeing a phone, she walked over to it, taking it off the receiver and holding it to her ear, dialing the number. The ringing seemed like it would never end until it stopped, seeing as he hadn't answered.

She slammed the phone back onto the receiver, shaking her head before looking to her left, seeing the hallway with each of their bedrooms. Her frustration was replaced with some sort of calm feeling as she walked toward the bedrooms, looking into each one, smiling to herself as the good memories of her childhood cane back to her.

She suddenly stopped as she reached Five's room. The smile faded away, her eyes glistening with a saddened look as guilt washed over her. Hearing the door from downstairs slam shut, brought her out of her mind, a couple tears running down her cheeks she quickly wiped away. Tucking a strand of her h/c behind her ear, she headed down the stairs to see who had arrived.

She could hear someone roaming around upstairs, and guessed maybe Diego and Klaus were here, but Pogo just hadn't seen them walk in. Standing by a rail near the top of the stairs, she watched Vanya look into the living room, trying to get Grace's attention. Their robotic mom that Dad had created to take care of them.

"Vanya. You're actually here."

Vanya looked over to see Allison walking down to greet her, the sound of her heels echoing.

"Hey Allison." Vanya responded, her voice soft as she spoke.

"Hey sis."

Allison stopped in front of her sister, the silence between the two not awkward, but somewhat strange. Katelynn watched from above, wishing she had stayed close with Vanya during their adulthood lives. Seeing the two hug, Y/n walked down the stairs as well to greet them, until Diego walked out, Allison and Vanya parting from the hug.

"What is she doing here?" Diego asked, glancing at Vanya. "You don't belong here. Not after what you did."

"You're seriously gonna do this today?" Allison asked, crossing her arms over her chest, turning her head to watch Diego start heading up the stairs.

"Way to dress for the occasion." Y/n scoffed, watching her brother walk past her without saying a simple hello.

"At least I'm wearing black."

"Uh, yea, I should- maybe he is right." Vanya timidly said, shaking her head as she backed up a bit.

"Forget about him. I'm glad you're here." Allison said.

Vanya nodded before Allison and her split ways. Y/n wasn't sure on how to approach her after not seeing or talking to her for years. Taking in a deep breath, she followed Vanya into the living room, seeing her look at a book she had taken out of the bookshelf. She didn't say anything as she plopped onto the couch, resting her head on the arm rest.

"Welcome home Miss Vanya." Pogo greeted.

Vanya turned her head, seeing Pogo. How he had walked in so quietly, she wasn't sure. "Pogo." She walked over to him, closing the book.

"So good to see you." He took her in for a quick hug before they each parted. "Ah yes, your autobiography."

Vanya looked down, seeing the book and looking at it for a while. "You know umm.." She paused, unsure if she wanted to hear the answer to her question. "Did he ever read it?"

Pogo hummed, thinking before shaking his head. "Not that I'm aware of."

Getting back to her feet, she brushed her fingers through her hair before walking over to where Pogo and Vanya stood. Her eyes rested on the large picture of Five that hung over the mantle piece, the same feeling of guilt flowing through her once again.

"How long has it been since Five disappeared?" Vanya asked, following Y/n's gaze to the picture of Five.

"It's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days." Pogo said, glancing at the portrait as well before looking back at Vanya. "Your father insisted I keep track."

"You wanna know something stupid?" Vanya began. "I would always leave the lights on for him. I was scared that he would come back, and it would be late and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find anyone and leave."

Y/n looked over at Vanya, grateful for what she had done. "I think I helped with that a few times."

Vanya nodded before she continued. "And every night I'd make a little snack."

"Oh, I remember your snacks." Pogo responded, lightly grinning. "I'm pretty sure I stepped in on half of those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches."

Vanya lightly chuckled, smiling as Y/n looked back at the portrait. He'd been gone for so many years, and she still held onto him. But was it time to let go? Maybe after he disappeared he had found another girl and was off with her, forgetting about Y/n. Maybe it was time for her to let go. Maybe he was dead and she was still holding on for no reason.

"Your father always believed that Number Five was always still out there somewhere." Pogo said, glancing at Y/n. "He never lost hope."

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