Chapter 16

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   My vision was blurry and I had a splitting headache.

   I tried to move but an intense pain shot through my leg causing me to yell out.

   I looked down at my leg, it was pinned underneath the collapsed dashboard.

   Tears started to well up in my eyes as I turned my attention to Violet. I could barely make out her features, but I could tell she wasn't moving.

   Then, I heard shouting. I looked out my window, barely able to make out three figures approaching the car before I blacked out again...

   When my eyes opened this time, I saw a bright white light. It surrounded me.

   I spun my head in every direction, but all I could see was white.

   "Hello..? Is anybody there..?" I called out.

   The only response I got were my echoed words.

   Then, I heard footsteps.

   I quickly spun around, coming face to face with a figure.

   My mouth hung open as the figure came into focus.


   He smiled. "Hey, kiddo."

   I backed away as he approached, collapsing to the ground. "W-wh-what are y-you doing here..?"

   He sighed. "I'm here to tell you that I love you and as much as I want this to last forever... it's not your time."


   "It's time to wake up, kiddo."

   I slowly got to my feet. "B-but, I'm not ready to leave you again, dad."

   He smiled warmly. "I know. But, I'll see you again."

   Tears slowly leaked down my cheeks as my dad started to vanish in front of me. "I love you, so much."

   "I know." He replied before disappearing completely.

   "But, there's someone else who needs you more..." His voice rang out before another figure appeared in front of me.

   It was Eve, she was crying. "Please, Belle, don't leave me now..."

   I hesitantly took a step towards her. "Eve..?"

   I reached my hand in her direction.

   "I love you so much, Belle and I promise not to leave your side until you wake up." Then, she vanished and everything turned black once again...

   My eyes suddenly shot open and I let out a yell, quickly checking my surroundings. My breathing was heavy and I could hear faint beeping in the background.

   I ripped the tubes out of my arm and attempted to stand, but that familiar pain shot through my leg.

   The door shot opened and people started flooding in.

   I started to panic as people I didn't recognize tried to lay me back down.

   That's when I heard her voice.

   "Belle, calm down. You're ok now."

   I looked up, locking eyes with Eve. She pushed her way to the front of the crowd and gently pushed me back down.

   "Your leg's broken, Belle. Just lay down and relax."

   "Where's, Violet..?"

   "She's in another room."

   "Is she ok?"

   Eve smiled slightly. "Yes, if you hadn't acted so fast, there's no telling what would've happened... But, that doesn't matter now, she's perfectly ok. It's you we were worried about."

   I took her hand in mine, a wave of relief washing over me. "I'm fine."

   She smiled wider as she leaned down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

   The group of doctors and nurses slowly started filing out, eventually leaving just Eve and I.

   She sat down in the chair next to my bed, a couple tears rolling down her cheeks.

   "What's wrong?" I asked, taking her hand once again.

   She shook her head. "I thought I... I thought I'd lost you..."

   I squeezed her hand, flashing her a reassuring smile. "Im not going anywhere."

   She smiled back. "I was so scared I'd never see you again... that I'd never hear you laugh or feel your lips on mine..."

   More tears started to well up in her eyes.

   "Hey, I'm right here."

   She lowered her head, wiping at her eyes with her free hand. "I know... but I never wanna feel like that again... I never wanna lose you, Belle..."

   "And you never will, I promise."

   She smiled again. "Good... how about you agree to marry me then?"

   My eyes widened a little. "What..?"

   She giggled, wiping at her eyes again. "You heard me. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, Belle."

   It was my turn to smile. "Well, how could I say no to a proposal like that?"

   She laughed before leaning down to kiss me. "I love you so much."

   "I love you to." I replied, kissing her again.

   The door opening cut our moment short.

   We both faced it, seeing Diana, Jeremy, and my mom entering the room.

   My mom walked up first. "How're you doing, sweetie?"

   "Great." I replied, taking a quick glance at Eve.

   She flashed me a smile.

   "And, on that note, I'd like to make an announcement." I started.

   Eve took my hand, giving it a squeeze.

   "The most beautiful woman in the world just asked me to marry her and I said yes!" I squealed.

   Everyone cheered.

   "That's great, sweetie." My mom said.

   "Took you long enough." Diana added, causing us to laugh.

   Jeremy patted my shoulder. "I'm happy you finally found someone, Belle."

   I smiled and nodded.

   My mom pulled Eve into a tight hug. "Welcome to the family."

   Eve smiled brightly as Diana and Jeremy welcomed her with hugs of their own.

   I was happier than I've ever been in my whole life, but something just wasn't right. How could I celebrate a moment like this without my best friend?

   "I wanna see Violet." I said.

   Everyone turned their attention to me.

   "I'll see if the doctors can get you a wheelchair." Jeremy said before leading Diana out of the room.

   "She might not be awake." Eve said.

   "I know, but I can't celebrate the best day of my life without my best friend." I replied.

   She smiled. "Fair enough."

   My mom looked between the two of us, a few tears leaking down her cheek.

   "You ok, mom?" I asked.

   She nodded, wiping at her eyes. "Yes, I just wish your father could be here to see this. He'd be so proud of you."

   I smiled up at her. "Thanks, mom, that means a lot."

   She rubbed my shoulder. "I mean it."

   Then, Diana and Jeremy returned with a nurse and a wheelchair.

   After helping me into it, Eve rolled me out of the room and down the hall towards Violets room.

   She wheeled me inside and to our surprise, Violet turned to us.

   She had air tubes in her nose and her voice was low. "Hey guys... how're you feeling?"

   "Great, how about you?" I asked as Eve wheeled me next to her bed.

   "Amazing, these painkillers are great."

   We chuckled.

   "Well, I have more good news." I started.

   Violet smiled. "Lay it on me."

   I took Eves hand in mine. "We're getting married."

   Violet smiled wider. "Really? I thought you hated commitment."

   "Yeah, well, I just can't seem to tell her no."

   They laughed, Eve planting a kiss on the top of my head.

   "Can I be the made of honor?" Violet asked.

   "Well duh."

   She giggled sleepily, closing her eyes. "I'm so happy for you..."

   I smiled to myself. "We should let her sleep."

   Eve nodded before wheeling me out of her room.

   "You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on you, would you?" I asked.

   Eve smiled and rolled her eyes. "You've been awake for ten minutes and all you can think about is nicotine?"

   I shrugged. "So, is that a yes?"

   She chuckled before wheeling me outside and lighting a cigarette for me before lighting her own.

   I exhaled smoke. "So, I noticed you didn't buy a ring."

   She shrugged. "Well, it's not like this was exactly planned."

   I smiled. "As long as I have you, I don't need a ring."

   She returned my smile. "Good, 'cause I'm broke."

   I chuckled. "At least you're cute."

   She let out a fake scoff and nudged me. "And here I thought you loved me for my personality."

   We laughed, enjoying this little moment alone...

   Excited for all the other little moments waiting for us in our future... together...

The End

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