Chapter 15

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   Today was the big day, Diana and Jeremy were getting married.

   It's been a couple months since they announced it and we were all super happy for them.

I sat next to Eve and my mom as we patiently waited for Diana to finish changing into her dress.

My mom had a few stray tears in her eyes and a proud smile on her face.

Eve leaned in to whisper in my ear. "How're you holding up?"

I shrugged, a slight smile tugging at my lips. "I'm really happy for them and I'm excited to be part of the wedding."

She returned my smile before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

Then, Diana emerged from the changing room. "So, what do you guys think?"

We all looked in her direction. She wore a long, beautiful white dress and a happy smile.

My mom stood first, pulling her into a tight hug. "You look beautiful, honey."

"Agreed." Eve said.

"How's the baby doing?" I asked.

Diana rubbed her stomach. "She's excited."

"So, you ready to get married?" Eve asked.

Diana smiled. "Of course, Jeremy's such an amazing guy and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him."

I quickly checked my phone. "Well, hopefully you aren't to ready, Violet's running late."

My mom laughed a little. "At least she hasn't changed."

We chuckled in reply.

"Remember, we only have the venue for one day." Diana said, causing a few more laughs.

Then, my phone started to ring. "Speak of the devil." I said as I answered.

"We're waiting on you, Vy."

"Belle..." She replied, her voice low and breathless.

I quickly turned from the others. "Violet? What's wrong?"

She let out a pained groan. "I need... help..."

A worried feeling settled in my gut. "Where are you?"

"My house... hurry..."

I hung up the phone and turned back around, everyone had their attention on me.

"What's wrong?" Eve asked, taking my hand in hers.

"It's Violet, she said she needed help. I have to go." I replied, turning my attention to Diana.

"Go, we won't get married without you. I promise." She said.

"Thank you." I replied before making a beeline for the door.

Eve followed me into the parking lot. "Hey, wait up, I'm coming with you."

I turned to her once I reached my car. "I appreciate it, but there's some things you don't know about her and I don't know what kind of condition she's in. It's better if you just wait here, I'll be alright."

She looked like she wanted to protest, but decided against it, pulling me into a long kiss instead. "Be safe and keep me in the loop."

I planted a quick kiss on her lips. "I'll be back before you know it." Then, I hopped in my car and started it up.

"I love you." She said.

I flashed her a reassuring smile. "I love you to."

Then, I was on my way, speeding off towards Violets house.

That worried feeling in my gut intensified as I got closer and closer to her house.

I had no clue what happened. She could be having an overdose right now for all I knew.

'Don't think like that... she'll be fine, she has to be.'

I felt a few tears well up in my eyes as all the different possibilities played through my head. But, I pushed through them, determined to get to Violet and prove my worries wrong.

When I finally made it to her house, I jumped out of the car and ran to her front door, which was hanging open.

I quickly made my way inside, only to see Violet passed out on the floor, her phone still in her hand.

I knelt down next to her and rolled her over in my arms, tears leaking down my cheeks. "Violet? Answer me."

Her eyes opened slightly as she let out a small breath.

Relief washed over me as I helped her to her feet. "C'mon, Vy, we're gonna get you to the hospital."

I helped her off the floor and wrapped my arms around her. She attempted to walk, which was a good sign. But, I still had to help her out the door to my car.

I sat her in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt before running over to the drivers seat.

She looked over at me as I started the car. "Belle..."

"Just stay with me, I'm gonna get you help." I replied as I backed out of her driveway and sped down the street.

We were approaching the hospital when I pulled my phone out, quickly dialing Eves number.

She picked up after the first ring. "Is she ok?"

I glanced at her. "I don't know, she's woozy and unresponsive."

"Where are you?"

"On our way to the hospital."

"Ok, we'll meet you there."

I sighed. "Tell Diana I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, we'll see you in a little bit."

"Alright, I love you."

"Love you to." She replied before hanging up.

I set my phone down just as the light in front of us turned red.

I quickly slammed on the brakes, coming to a screeching halt a foot past the line.

Violet started to stir a little, groaning.

"Hey, you're ok, we're almost there." I said, resting my hand on her shoulder.

She slowly brought her hand up, resting it on mine.

A slight smile spread on my lips before the flash of the green light caught my attention.

'Just a little further...'

I started making my way into the intersection when a pair of bright lights suddenly blinded me.

I turned just in time to see the car barreling right towards us.

'No... not again... I'm so close...'

And, just like that, all those awful memories came flooding back into my mind.

I froze, to scared to react. I was being forced to relive that day and I had no clue what to do. So, I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that everything would be ok.

Then, I felt the force of the impact as the car rammed right into the side of mine, causing me to black out...

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