Chapter 2

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   "I'm telling you, Vy, you should've seen this girl." I said as I plopped down on her couch and let out a happy sigh.

   "She sounds great." Violet replied as she stared mindlessly at whatever was on the TV.

   I shook my head and took a sip of the Mikes Hard Lemonade I got from Violets fridge.

   I gave the bottle a disgusted look as I set it down. "You need better alcohol."

   She just waved me off, her eyes still glued to the TV.

   I laughed slightly. "What're you watching that's more important than talking to your best friend?"

   She faced me for the first time since I got back. "A documentary about government secrets. You know they're lying to us right? They're not really running the place, it's the banks..."

   As she continued her explanation, I found myself tuning out. My mind racing with thoughts of Eve.

   I felt a smile start to spread on my lips, then I heard a snap, bringing me back to reality.

   Violet had an accusing glare on her face. "Are you even listening to me?"


   "Sure, the government's evil, they lie... blah, blah, blah."

   She shook her head before turning back to the TV.

   To say Violet was a conspiracy theorist was an understatement. She thought the government was hiding aliens, Bigfoot and all sorts of crazy things from us. Personally, as long as they didn't bug me, I couldn't give two shits.

   After sitting there in silence for a while, I decided to head home...

   When I got home, I headed straight for my room, taking a quick glance at my vinyl collection before putting one on.

   I sat on the edge of my bed as the sound of Ozzy Osbournes vocals rang through my room. I nodded my head and took a sip of my Jack Daniels.

   Then, I laid back on my bed and found myself drifting off to sleep...


   I saw the headlights speeding down the road. My dad was fiddling with the radio as he pulled into the intersection.

   Everything turned to slow motion as I faced my dad.

   The car was almost to us when I squeezed my eyes shut... then, I heard a woman's voice.


I opened my eyes, expecting to see my dads bloodied face. But, instead, I saw white. It surrounded me.


I turned in the direction of the voice and there she stood. A bright light emitted from Eve. Like she was a guardian angel.

She smiled at me. "Belle... it's time to wake up."


She smiled one last time before she faded away and another person took her place.



My eyes shot open.

   Diana stood over me. "Belle, its time to get up."

I shook my head as I sat up. "What time is it?"

"Six AM."

I sighed and grabbed the bottle of Jack from my nightstand.

   Diana turned away as I took a big sip.

"Still having those dreams?" She asked, her back turned to me.

I never stopped having them. Ever since that day my dreams were haunted by those headlights and my dads dead eyes staring back at me. But, this time was different. 'Why was she there?'

"Yeah." I replied.

I decided not to tell her about Eve since she was one of her students.

She just nodded, then it was quiet.

She let out a small sigh. "Well, breakfast is ready."

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute."

She nodded before walking out of my room.

I sighed before taking another big swig.

When I walked into the kitchen, I was surprised to see my sisters boyfriend sitting at the table next to her.

"Hey, Belle, how've you been?" He asked.

"Just peachy." I replied as I grabbed some bacon and eggs and joined them at the table.

   Diana's been dating Jeremy for a little over three years now. He's a nice guy and all, but he has a tendency to be a little to joyful.

   "When did he get here?" I asked.

   Diana flashed him a smirk. "He spent the night."

   He returned her smirk and kissed her cheek. They held hands and made googley eyes at each other.

   I set my fork on my plate and pushed it away from me. "Well, there goes my appetite."

   They chuckled. "Oh grow up. You know, you might wanna find yourself a boyfriend. It might help you open up a little." Diana said.

There was only one problem with that, I didn't like guys. But, she didn't know that, I was always to embarrassed to tell her. I was scared of what she might think of me.

I just nodded.

"I might have someone in mind, if you're interested that is." Jeremy said.

I put my hand up. "Sorry, but I'll pass."

"C'mon, Belle, you have to get yourself out there. It'll be good for you." Diana said.

"Trust me, I'll be just fine on my own."

I've only had one relationship in my life. Her name was Jaime. We dated for a few years when I was younger, in secrecy. I truly loved that girl but, unfortunately nothing ever works out for me. I caught her cheating on me and ever since then, I never wanted to date anyone, I never wanted to love anyone... until I saw Eve yesterday.

"Belle..." Diana said, giving me a hopeful look.

I stood up. "Look, I appreciate it, but I'm fine. End of discussion." And, with that, I headed back to my room.

After a few hours, I got a call from Violet.

"What's up?"

"Wanna head to the bar?" She asked.

I glanced at my empty bottle of Jack. "You buying?"

"Uh, sure."

"Great, I'll pick you up in a few."

I hung up and got dressed before heading out.

Diana stopped me on my way to the door. "Where are you off to?"

"Heading to the bar with Violet."

Diana looked down. "Belle, you don't have to drink every day-"

"Look." I cut her off. "Just... stop trying to fix me, it's not gonna happen, ok?"

She didn't respond and I took that as my opportunity to slip out.

I picked up Violet before driving to the bar.

We took two empty seats at the bar, the familiar bar tender walking up.

"Hey, ladies, two beers and a shot of Jack?"

We nodded and he turned to grab our drinks...

A few beers in, Violet started rambling off more conspiracy theories. She always got like that after a few drinks.

"...I mean, think about it, how could one guy make all those shots?"

I just nodded along, as usual, when the bartender placed a beer in front of me.

I glanced at it, then at him. "Uh, I didn't order this."

"I know, she did." He said, pointing behind me.

I turned to one of the booths in the back, locking eyes with Eve.

She flashed me a small smile...

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