Chapter 3

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'She's here and she bought me a drink.'

"Who's that?" Violet asked.

"That's her..." I answered, still gawking at Eve.

Violet stood up and grabbed our beers. "Well, let's go say hi."

I snapped out of my trance. "What, no, Violet wait." But, I was to late, she was already heading over to Eves table.

I closed my eyes and sighed before following her over.

"Hey, stranger." Eve greeted with smile.

"Hey." I replied.

Violet and I stood in front of her table.

"You guys can take a seat." Someone said.

Just then did I notice the blonde sitting across from Eve.

'Was she her... girlfriend?'

I felt my heart sink a little as we took our seats. Then, she introduced us.

"Sorry, this is my friend, Stacy."

'Just friends?'

Stacy smiled and shook our hands.

"Belle and this is my friend Violet."

She nodded and silence soon fell over the table.

   "So, uh, thanks for the drink." I said, breaking the silence.

   Eve smiled. "No problem, I figured it was a good way to get you over here."

'She wanted me here?'

"Well, you guessed right." I replied with a small smile.

After some mildly awkward small talk, I decided to head out for a smoke.

I leaned against the brick wall of the bar as I puffed away on my cigarette, when the door opened.

"Hey, care if I join you?" Eve asked, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her purse.

"Oh, uh, of course not."

She smiled and lit hers.

"So, you're Miss Archer's sister."

I chuckled at the sound of that. "Yeah, last time I checked."

She laughed a little to herself. "How long have you guys been living together?"

"Since I was sixteen."

She nodded. "What made you move in with her?"

I sighed. "It's a long story."

She glanced at me. "Well, I'd like to hear it, if you don't mind that is."

I looked at my feet while I thought over what to say. Only Diana and Violet knew the state of mind my mom was in after my dad died.

I sighed again before starting my story. "My dad died in a car accident when I was about eleven. It hit us all pretty hard, but it hit my mom the hardest. She started drinking to help her sleep, then she started drinking just to help her through the day. Diana moved out a year or two before me and when I finally had enough, I asked to move in with her. I've been with her ever since."

Eve was quiet, which scared me.

'Did I say to much?' I thought.

Then, she spoke. "What about your mom?"

I put my cigarette out on my boot. "Haven't spoken to her since."

And, with that, I headed back inside.

I sat at the bar and ordered another beer.

Eve walked in and took the seat next to me. "Belle, I'm sorry for prying."

I set my beer down and waved her off. "It's ok, that was along time ago."

'Then, why did it feel like just yesterday?'

"I'm sorry about your dad."

I just nodded as I took a sip of my beer.

"Hey, um, do you wanna go somewhere?"

I looked over in her direction, a little shocked.

"You don't have to, I just figured-"

"No, I'd love to." I replied with a small smile.

She returned it. "Ok, cool."

We stood up and started heading for the door when she turned to me. "What about Violet?"

I looked around the bar and spotted her in a corner, making out with an older guy in a leather jacket.

"She won't miss us."

Eve laughed a little before heading out the door.

I followed her to her car and got into the passenger seat. She started it and pulled out of the parking lot.

We drove down a winding road leading out of town.

"Is this the part where you murder me and hide my body in the woods?"

She flashed me a humorous smile. "Damn, how'd you know?"

I laughed as I flipped through the radio stations.

"Ooh, leave this on." She said.

I leaned back in my seat as she started singing along with Freddie Mercury.

"She's a killer queen!"

I looked at her and laughed.

"What?" She asked with a slight giggle.

I threw my hands up. "Nothing, I just wouldn't have taken you for a singer."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, c'mon, don't act like you don't know the words."

I looked down and smiled. "Caviar and cigarettes."

Eve smiled at me as she picked up where I left off. "Well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice."

"She's a killer queen!" We sang in unison, laughing the whole time.

Eventually, we pulled off the road and into a small clearing, overlooking the town.

We got out and I walked over to the edge. "Wow, you can see the whole town from up here."

Eve walked up next to me and handed me a beer. "I know, it's my favorite place to visit."

I leaned on the hood of her car. "You come here often?"

She joined me. "Only when I wanna get away for a little while."

I sipped on my beer as I took in the sounds of nature around us.

Eve sat up on the hood and leaned against the windshield, patting the spot next to her.

I joined her and we watched as the sun started to set.

"It really is beautiful up here."

She smiled. "Well, it's nice to finally share it with someone."

She held her beer out and I clinked it with mine before taking a sip.

"So, you and Stacy..?"

She looked over at me and smiled. "What?"

"Are you guys... you know..?"


I just nodded.

She laughed a little. "No, although I have tried a few times. I guess I'm not her type."

'So, she was into girls...'

"Not her type?"

"Yeah, she prefers someone with more..."

"Of a dick?" I asked, which caused her to laugh.


I joined her laughter.

After the laughter subsided, I took a sideways glance at her.

"What's up?" She asked, a small smile on her face.

I looked back at the sky. "Nothing, just thinking about how dumb Stacy is for letting you get away."

She glanced at me. "And what makes you think I'm such a catch?"

I sat up. "I don't know, you're just... well... look at you."

She sat up and smiled. "You know looks aren't everything, right?"

I nodded. "I know, but what makes you think you're not the full package?"

Her smile faded as she looked down. "Maybe I'm not."

I faced her quickly. "The hell you're not. You're beautiful, funny, kind and anybody would be lucky to have you."

She smiled again. "You really mean that?"

I nodded. "I'm not big on lying to pretty girls."

Her smile grew as she looked down again, wiping at her eyes.

I tilted her chin up and wiped a stray tear with my thumb.

As we stared into each others eyes, I could feel a magnetic pull form between us.

I slowly leaned in and to my surprise, so did she.

I closed my eyes as our lips met.

I ran my hands down her shoulder as she ran hers up my back.

Then, she pulled away, ending the kiss just as quickly as it began.

"Sorry, I... Uh."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

She hopped off her car. "No... I just... I have to go."

"Eve, wait."

But, she was already in her car.

"Eve, just talk to me."

She gave me a sad look before starting her car and heading back down the road.

I watched as her car drove out of sight. With a sigh, I sat on a fallen tree trunk and lit a cigarette.

"What the hell happened?" I whispered.

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