Chapter 9

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It was already dark when Eve and I stepped out of the restaurant we had dinner at.

She held the car door open for me before heading to the the drivers side.

"Thanks for dinner." I said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

She took a quick glance at me and smiled. "No problem, but I expect a date in return."

I smiled and took her hand in mine. "You're on."

We still weren't "official" yet, but we might as well have been. We spent pretty much all our free time together, we just haven't put a label on it yet. Which for the time being, I was ok with. But, eventually we would have the talk.

I stuck the spare key Violet gave me a couple weeks ago into her lock and opened the door, holding it for Eve.

Violet stood from the table as we closed the door, a sad look on her face.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

I took my jacket off. "Grabbing some dinner, why?"

"So what? You couldn't answer your phone? I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours."

I walked up to her, Eve close behind. "I'm sorry, I left it in the car. What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Your mom's in the hospital."

I froze. "What?"

"Your mom's in the hospital, Belle, we've been trying to get a hold of you all day."


"Diana and Jeremy are already there."

"What happened?" Eve asked.

Violet lowered her head. "She drank herself into a coma."

I shook my head, refusing to believe what she was saying. I've already lost one parent, I didn't think I could lose another.

Eve squeezed my shoulder. "C'mon, I'll give you a ride up there."

I slowly turned around, still shocked about the whole thing.

"You coming to?" Eve asked Violet.

She just shook her head and we left, hopping into Eves car and heading for the hospital.

We saw Diana and Jeremy in the waiting room as we walked through the doors.

Diana jumped up and ran over to me. "Where the hell have you been?" She asked, anger and sadness in her voice.

I just looked into her tear streaked eyes. "Where is she?"

"Room fifty-six." Jeremy said from behind us.

I nodded and walked past Diana, in search of my moms room.

A nurse was walking out as I approached. "I'm sorry, ma'am, visiting hours are over." She said.

But, I ignored her, heading right into my moms room.

There she laid, unconscious on the hospital bed. The beeping of the heart monitor and her slight breathing were the only things I could hear.

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. "Ma'am, please. You have to leave." The nurse said.

"She's my mother."

The nurse backed away a little. "I'm sorry, but you can't see her right now."

I turned to her, tears starting to well up in my eyes. "Is she gonna make it?"

The nurse lowered her head. "We're not sure yet."

"You're not sure? My mother could die tomorrow and you won't let me spend a few minutes with her?"

"Miss Archer, please. It's hospital rules-"

   "Fuck your rules, all I'm asking for is five minutes."

   The nurse gave me a sad look. "Miss Archer, there's nothing I can do."

   I shook my head before shoving past the nurse and heading back down the hallway.

   Eve sat next to Diana and Jeremy in the waiting room, they all looked up as I walked back in and headed for the doors.

   "Belle, where are you going?" Eve asked.

   "I need a smoke." I replied before pushing out the doors and finding the nearest bench.

   I sat down and lit my cigarette. A few tears started to roll down my cheeks as I slowly exhaled smoke.

   "Belle..? Are you ok?" Eve asked from behind me.

   I shook my head as the tears started to fall harder.

She placed a hand on my shoulder and I rested my head on it. "I don't know if I can handle losing another parent, Eve."

She sat down next to me and rubbed my back. "Hey, you're not gonna lose anyone, ok?"

I turned to her, wiping at my eyes. "How can you be sure? The doctors don't even know what's gonna happen to her."

She lowered her head. "Because, I have to be and so do you."

   I looked down at my cigarette with a sniffle, watching the smoke dance around my fingers.

   The memory of that day flashed through my thoughts. I was a reck for twenty-two years because of that and still haven't fully recovered. How was I gonna cope if I lost her to? 'No, you have to stay strong...'

   I felt more tears start to fall. 'Dammit, stay strong!'

   "I haven't told her I loved her since I left." I whispered.

   Eve wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her. I buried my head in her chest and let the tears flow free.


   I stepped out of my moms car, following her and Diana into the cemetery.

   Diana was crying, my moms arm draped over her shoulder.

   Then, I saw the casket, tears starting to well up in my eyes now.

   A few people gave us nods as we approached it.

   A picture of my dad sat on top of it surrounded by flowers.

   We came to a stop a few feet in front of it before the priest started his speech.

   "We are all gathered here today for the tragic loss of a great man, a great father..."

   I tuned him and my surroundings out as I stared at my dads picture. Even though he was smiling in it, all I could see was those dead eyes staring back at me, blaming me...

   "Belle? Would you like to say a few words?" My mom asked.

   I turned to her and shook my head before looking back at the casket.

   We stood over the grave after the ceremony, awaiting the casket to be lowered in.

   As it started to lower, my mom and Diana tossed their roses on it.

   I looked down at the one in my hand.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to myself before tossing it in as well.


   I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

   We were still at the hospital. Diana and Jeremy left late last night, but I wouldn't, not until I got to see her.

   Eve stayed as well, even though I practically begged her to leave. She told me that she wouldn't leave until I did, so we slept on the chairs in the waiting room.

   I stretched a little before standing up and walking to the counter.

   A younger guy sat behind it, reading a magazine.

   "Excuse me?"

   He looked up and gave me a small smile. "Visiting hours started a few minutes ago."

   I nodded and smiled back before heading in the direction of my moms room.

   I walked in and closed the door, taking a seat at the chair next to her bed.

   I looked down at her unconscious frame, tears starting to well up once again.

   I took her limp hand in mine. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry... a-and that I love you so much. I promise not to leave this hospital until you wake up... I won't leave you alone, not again." I said, rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

   She didn't respond and she didn't wake up, but I swear I felt her hand slightly tighten around mine.

   I smiled a little through my tears before resting my head on her shoulder. "Just stay strong, mom..."

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