Chapter 8

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I groaned as I sat up on Violets couch, stretching my aching muscles in the process.

"Good morning." Violet said from the kitchen table.

I jumped a little. "Jesus, how long have you been up?"

"Since seven. I forgot how much you snore."

I rubbed my forehead before getting up and joining her at the table. She was on her laptop as usual, surfing the web for her next conspiracy.

"Is that all you do?" I asked.

She took a quick glance at me before looking back at the screen. "Hey, no one's pulling any wool over my eyes. I'll make my own opinions thank you very much."

I laughed a little before memories of last night flooded back into my mind. I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"You alright?" Violet asked.

I shook my head. "No."

   "Wanna talk about it?"


"Wanna beer?"

I was about to say no, but right now, a beer sounded great.

I sighed. "Sure. But, only one."

She nodded and stood up, grabbing a beer from the fridge and setting it in front of me.

Now, I haven't had any kind of alcohol since I started hanging out with Eve, but one wouldn't hurt, right?

I popped the cap off and took a sip, immediately realizing this was a mistake.

Before I knew it, I had chugged the whole beer.

Violet looked at me in disbelief. "Wow, it's been a while since I've seen you do that."

I looked at the empty beer bottle in my hand, a little twinge of guilt forming in my gut.

   "I need a smoke." I said before grabbing my jacket and walking outside.

I lit my cigarette and when I looked up, I saw Eve getting out of her car.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

She walked up and pulled me into a quick kiss. "Diana said you might be here."

I rolled my eyes as I exhaled smoke. "Well, I wouldn't be if she didn't kick me out."

Even rubbed my shoulder. "She told me what happened. I think you should go talk to them."

I scoffed. "Yeah right, she wanted me gone so I left. End of story."



She sighed. "She's your sister, Belle, you already don't talk to your mom, she's all you have left."

I shook my head. "Not true, I have you and Violet. That's all I need."

She kissed me again. "You need to talk to Diana and I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

I smiled a little. "How do you do that?"

She laughed. "Do what?"

I put my cigarette out with my boot. "Make me do things I don't wanna do."

She wrapped me in a hug. "Because, deep down, you know it's the right thing to do."

I released our hug. "Fine... I'll talk to her."

Before I knew it, I was sitting across from Diana and Jeremy, Eve sitting next to me.


"Diana... I'm sorry..." I paused, looking at Eve for support.

She took my hand and smiled.

I sighed. "I'm sorry for being a jackass. I'm happy you guys are taking your relationship to the next level and I wanna support you, because you're my sister and I love you."

   Diana was quiet for a second before she smiled at me, then turned her attention to Eve. "How long did she rehearse that?"

   Eve laughed. "She didn't have to, that was all from the heart."

   Diana faced me again. "Really?"

   I nodded. "I mean it, I've been an ass to you for a long time and it's about time I make a change. You're my only sister and I don't wanna lose you to. Plus, c'mon, Jeremy's like the sweetest guy alive."

   They both laughed and Eve squeezed my hand.

   "Well, I accept your apology." Jeremy said.

   I gave him a quick smile before turning to Diana.

   "Me to, like you said, you're my only sister and I love you."

   My smile grew wider as I stood up and pulled her up for a big hug.

   She laughed. "Who are you and what'd you do with my brooding little sister?"

   I released the hug and turned to Eve. "It's all her fault."

   Eve shrugged. "Hey, I'll take credit for that."

   Afterwards, we decided to stay for dinner. It was honestly really fun. They seemed to really accept mine and Eves relationship which was a plus. And it was great just to spend real time with my sister again, just like we used to when we were kids. I didn't realize how much I missed that until now.

   After saying our goodbyes, we got into Eves car.

   She turned to me before starting it. "See, that wasn't that bad was it?"

   I smiled. "Thank you."

   "For what?" She asked while starting the car.

   "For pushing me to be a better person. Who knows where I would've wound up if you hadn't come into my life."

   She took my hand before leaning in for a deep kiss.

   "Hey?" She asked after pulling apart.


   She looked down, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Do you Maybe... you know... wanna come to my place for a bit?"

   I smirked at her. "Are you asking me to spend the night with you?"

   She looked up and nodded.

   "How could I say no?"

   She smiled and leaned in for another quick kiss before driving off...


   We were barely through the door when she attacked me with kisses. They were passionate and hungry, honestly I didn't know what's gotten in to her, but I liked it.

   She slid her jacket off and dropped it to the floor before pushing mine off.

   We pulled apart to take our shoes off, giggling the whole time.

   After our shoes were off, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom where she attacked me with more kisses.

   She pushed me up against the closed door, deepening the kiss in the process. I let out a slight moan as she started kissing down my neck.

   My knees were getting weaker by the minute and I didn't know how much longer they would support me. Not wanting to wait that long, I hoisted her up and walked us to the bed where I set her down and crawled on top of her.

   I pulled my shirt off before kissing her again. She let out a moan this time as I started kissing her collar bone. I ran my hands under her shirt and stopped at her chest.

   That got her to pull her shirt off. I sat up and took my bra off while she did hers. We stared at each other for a second, her cheeks were red and her eyes were full of lust, I'm sure mine were to at the moment.

   I slowly leaned down and started kissing her chest. She let out another small moan as I trailed my kisses lower.

   I stopped at her waistline and looked up into her eyes. She nodded and I smiled before undoing her jeans and pulling them off.

I stood up and took mine off as well before kneeling down, leading a trail of kisses just below Eve's waist...

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