Chapter Three

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Mileena was walking down the stairs when she heard footsteps running down the stairs behind her. Thinking fast, she flipped over the pair running and landed on another step just as one of her younger sisters started to come down the stairs as well.

"Sorry about that Mileena." Her younger sister said. Her name is Izumi who looked like a carbon copy of her mother. She was sweet and polite which was surprising since she was born with two competitive twin boys. 

"It's not your fault that they always do this every morning. Just be glad that it wasn't any of the others." Mileena said. Izumi nodded and started to head downstairs where she saw one of her mother's scolding her brothers...yet again.

She was almost about to say something before she heard her father talking to someone. It might've been her aunt Lily who was telling him about something bad. 

"Hey Izumi, do you know who Dad is talking to?" Her older sister, Eliza said. 

"He is probably talking to our aunt about something. Whatever it is, isn't good." Izumi said. 

"I see. Does she know about the babies?" Eliza said.

"Nope. I'm sure that he'll tell her eventually. Which begs the question, why doesn't Dad every talk about his family excluding Aunt Lily?" Izumi said. Eliza just shrugged her shoulders which showed that she doesn't know either. Maybe one of her mom's know what happened. 

"Izumi, did you have breakfast?" One of mother's said. She quickly went into the kitchen to eat and get ready for school. She can ask one of them later besides it's not like something happened to destroy the relationship between her father and the rest and the rest of his family. At the same time, Lily was having a conversation with her older brother on the park bench.

She was so into the conversation that she didn't notice Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Stella coming close to her. 

"Hm...What is Lily doing all the way over here?" Clyde asked.

"Probably getting some time away from the rest of her family. I mean...can you really blame her?" Ronnie Anne said.

"They're not that bad...." Clyde started to say before Stella interrupted his excuse for them.

"Not that bad? Didn't they get banned from multiple places due to their antics and drive Lincoln away?" Stella said.

"Not to mention the meddling in his love life. I mean come on...Lincoln and I are better friends then lovers anyway." Ronnie Anne said. (This is a universe where they are just friends and not lovers. I like to do some with different options so it doesn't get boring.)

"But..." Clyde started to say before Ronnie Anne and Stella glared at him. Before they could say anything, Lily hung up on whoever she was calling before noticing the trio behind her.

"Hello again." Lily said which turned all of their attention on her.

"Hi, Lily! What are you doing out here?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Just getting some fresh air after Lisa said that she may have found a way to find Lincoln." Lily said.

"You mean that we're going to finally see Lincoln again?!" Clyde said.

"About time to. He can finally answer our questions on where he has been." Ronnie Anne said.

"About that..." Lily said which caused Stella to look at her with a confused expression on her face. After a couple seconds, her face turned into surprise.

"You already knew where he was." Stella said.

"What? Of course she...." Ronnie Anne said.

"Sigh...yes. I did know where he was and have been in contact with him." Lily said.

"And you didn't tell anyone?" Ronnie Anne said.

"If you were surrounded by your sisters who have friends in every age group, would you say anything?" Lily said. Ronnie Anne stayed silent after she heard that. It would be difficult to tell anyone especially if the rest of the family were involved.

"Since you know where he is...Do you think that you can take us to see him?" Clyde said.

"I can, but I should warn you...he got married and has kids." Lily said.

"That's perfectly normal, isn't it?" Stella asked.

"Not if you got married to 11 women and have 16 kids at the moment." Lily said.

"Dang, how did he pull that off?" Clyde said after a while of silence.

"He isn't planning to have more kids, right?" Ronnie Anne said.

"Um...I don't really know, but it may happen again." Lily said. The trio sighed and made plans to see their lost friend unaware of strange looking bird was listening into the conversation and sending the information to one of Lincoln's wives.

"Hm...Looks like we have to be prepared for a family reunion." She said as she smirked. She would seek revenge on the Louds for what they have done to her matter what she has to do to achieve it. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

Note: My autocorrect is sorta dark.

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