Chapter 11-field trip!

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*its been a week since the mock battle and class A was bored outta their minds*

Romansu:*flickering his flames on and off*
Eric:*juggling his hypersphere's*
Hari:*making a stack of needles*
Rocky:zzzzzzzz*curled up in a small ball*
Mitsuo:*browsing the net*
Bibi:*stacking things on Rocky's head*
Ame:*poking her cloud*

Kumo:*making cat cradles(if ya don't know what that is look it up) with her webs*
Aiko:*gnawing a bone*
Kayu:*just fiddling with his quirk*
Kenta:*looking at a hand mirror*
Akane: ok we all need to do something or else we're gonna go stir crazy!

Hari; 'bout time someone said it!
Mitsuo: I'm pretty sure the only people in this room who'd willingly kill each other are toga and inshu
Ame: UGH JUST LEARN SARCASM ALREADY*lunged at him but went through a space tear and landed on aiko*
Aiko: GRRRRR*threw ame into bibi*
Bibi: AH!*ducked*
Ame: THATS IT!!!!

*and soon a brawl began*
Rocky:*woke up and was very confused at what was happening then was pulled into a headlock by hari and slowly began panicking*
Hari: GR HOLD STILL!!!!*was trying to kick eric*
Rocky: l-let go

Rocky: let me go
Eric: BRING IT ON!!!!!
Rocky: I SAID LET ME GO!!!!*was in a full blown panic attack now and bit hari in the arm hard enough to make him let go of her and began to wildly attack anyone who got to close to her*LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!!!!!!*threw a palm strike right into romansu's face which sent him flying into a wall*

Romansu; stings*had a huge hand shaped red mark on his face*
Rocky:*sat against the back of the couch and slid down holding herself with tears going down her face*donttouchmedonttouchmedonttouchme........

*with that everyone stopped fighting and looked at the bandaged arm and legged girl*
Bibi: hey are you alright?*tried to place her hand on rocky*
Romansu: DONT!
Rocky:*curled into a very small ball and began to whimper as if she was going to be hurt*
Romansu: oh phew that was probably gonna end up a lot worse.........

*then hora bursted in throwing her husband like a football*
Kushinbo; INCOMING DEAR STUDENTS!!!!!!!!*landed right into Romansu*
Romansu: why...just why TT_TT

Bibi and akane: YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!!!!!
Hora: oh please he's not dead*pointed to Romansu*
Romansu: ugh I should be used to this at this point I'm not used to it but I am......

Kushinbo: anywho we have exciting news this class is taking a field trip to Kyoto!

*there was dead silence for about good two seconds*
Kumo: t-this wi-will be fun!
Mitsuo:*waving a tiny flag*woohoo
Aikido: WONDER WHAT SORTA DELICIOUS TREATS THEY GO-*hora blew an air horn to quiet everyone*
Hora: now we will be staying with a good friend of me and my dear hubby here at his local hotel slash Agency so we will have to behave

Eric,hari,Romansu:*thoughts*why do I have a bad feeling this guy is gonna be just as crazy as them.......
Kushinbo: and for those of you who are wondering if he's just as crazy as the both of us YOU'D BE DEAD WRONG HES CRAZIER THEN US
Eric,hari,romansu: HOW IN FUCK DID YOU KNOW WHAT WE WERE TH-*triple bonked each*OW!

Rocky:*put her earbuds in and thought*ugh their all to damn noisy.....
Kushinbo; now your homeroom teachers will also be coming with us to make sure you lot don't misbehave
Hora: we leave tomorrow so better get to packing!

*soon everyone began to pack the dorms were filled with laughter and fun conversations*
Ame: eeee I cant believe it are first class field trip I can't wait!
Mitsuo: their probably gonna show us some examples of how hero agencies in that town work since it's a popular tourist spot
Eric: mitsuo buddy your thinking small time here we're heading to a place full of historic landmarks and tons of gift shops!

Hari: meh when ya grow up there you don't notice it all that much
Romansu: your from Kyoto?
Hari: born and raised family owns a historic samurai kendo dojo even have a museum dedicated to them
Eri: that's actually pretty cool!
Romansu: so does that mean you have the blood of a samurai!
Hari:*thoughts*how did I even get roped into this conversation....

Aiko: I heard they have live battle performances there!
Akane: I heard some people there still wear traditional yukatas
Kakuji: man don't think I've ever seen the class this pumped before

Kenta: we're going to one of the go to tourist destinations in all of japan there's gonna be crowds of people
Rocky:!!*froze when she heard that along with kumo*
Kenta: the amount of people is gonna be ridiculous I'm not surprised if we end up constantly bumping into each other and other people!
Rocky:*began to squeeze her arm*
Kumo:*shaking like a piece of paper in a windstorm*
Kenta: heck the amount of people taking photos we may end up getting caught in some!
Rocky:*began to panic again*

Bibi:*backhanded kenta in the side of his head*your not helping them*pointed to rocky and kumo who were basically both on the verge of fainting*
Rocky:*passed out*
Kenta: whoops

Eri: eeeeee can't wait to see all the hero's!
Seion: me and my family went there once it was a pleasant experience to say the least
Scott: hmmm wonder what kinda magic acts they got there
Noami: well I just hope no ones gonna mind my toxins.....

(Hey to let you all know these guys will be the students being focused on in this arc!)

Romansu; honestly I can't wait to go there heard there's some pretty cool hero's there
Hari: wow you want to get arrested that badly villian?
Romansu: oh you wanna go?*made a fire in his hands*
Hari: bring it on low life*coated his arm in needles*
Eri:*sighed and dilated both of them*

*soon the next day came and everyone made their way to the train station they were taking to kyoto*

Kushinbo:*was wearing a Hawaiian flower t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts and his signature circular sunglasses*onto the train students we don't want to be late for are station!
Aoyama: oui dear students it's time to dazzle!~*was wearing a fancy dress shirt and business slacks with a handbag nezu was in and his signature belt*
Hora: hahahah*was wearing a vest and a crop top to reveal she actually had a tattoo of on her stomach that said"junkie life" in fancy calligraphy and a black and white skirt with a pair of shorts underneath*

Hari: Huh never seen them in their regular clothes before?
Romansu: I have their still people you know
Eric: miss horas clothing choices don't surprise me in the slightest....
Rocky:*nodded agreeing with Eric even though she had her earbuds in*

Noami: lets just get on guys we're gonna be in for a long trip anyway.....
Ame: LETS GO!*rushed into a pillar and slowly slid down*ow.....
Mitsuo: that's what you get for rushing in.....*cleaned his glasses*

*soon everyone boarded the train and took their seats and an about an hour later pretty much everyone except hari and kushinbo was asleep*

Eri:zzzzzz*was leaning against romansu kinda having her arms and a leg wrapped around him*
Romansu:*kinda snoring and holding her close*

Ame:*snoring loudly with mitsuo wearing headphones asleep with his head in her lap(not the way your thinking you pervs)*

Eric:*made a pseudo barrier to sorta protect himself from bibi who was kinda floating about in her sleep*zzz

Hari:*looking out the window he got stuck next to kushinbo and hora*
Kushinbo:*had his wife's head in his lap running his hand through her hair and looked at his student* so young hari what's on your mind you not happy about your going to your birthplace?
Hari; Eh my family wasn't to keen on me becoming a hero wanted me to go take the family business but wasn't my style

Kushinbo: well young hari look at this way out of everyone in your class your the only one who knows what it's like to see so many historical sites just in your birth town!

Hari:.....yeah "historic"*began to think back to his past as the scene exited to the outside of the train panning away with a man in a cloak looking at the train*

???; hmmmmmmm show time


And that's chapter 11! I hope you all liked the chaos and mayhem of this chapter!

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