Chapter 12-bladed needles

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*last chapter class 1-A was told they would be taking a trip to Kyoto one of the most popular places in all of japan everyone was happy to hear this well everyone except hari*

*it was late at night the train had to be delayed due to an unexpected storm*
Hari:*looking out over his class all sleeping peacefully along with his teachers and sighed*guess this means we're gonna he running late....*thoughts*wonder if they still hate me for my decision?

~flash back to 7 years ago~

*in a small very feudal looking shrine home a 7 year old hari was wandering around his family's home slash museum shop*
Hari:*was humming of boredom as he heard his dad watching something on tv*hm?*when he went to check it out he saw his dad watching a tv story on how ancient japan had pro hero's of their own*

???: bah pros are nothing but trouble*he was a massive and sturdy built man quills lining the entire base of his arms legs and back this was hari's dad Supaiku inshu*
Hari: hey pa what ya watching
Supaiku: some dumb apparently are country had "professional hero's" back before we even had electricity bah ridiculous back then you know what kept are lands safe
Hari: here we go again...
Supaiku: SAMURAI! They were the ones who risked their lives before quirks even appeared and you know why they were so successful?

Hari: because they had true talent and skill*rolled his eyes*
Hari: they kinda are cool and keep people sa-*got glared at by his father*
Supaiku: never say those words in my house ever again are we clear
Hari; yes sir.....

~end of flashback~

Hari:zzzzzzz*hora and kushinbo shook him awake*whats going on?!
Romansu & Eri:zzzzzzzzzzzz*still in the same position they fell asleep in and most of the class were either preparing forms of blackmail or finding the sight adorable*
Hari: oooohhh this will be fu-*went wide eyed when he saw the crazy couple crying a literal river of tears*
Kushinbo: he's grown up so fast T~T
Hora: agreed T~T

Romansu:*began to wake up and would've jumped if Eri wasn't there when he saw everyone staring at him and then took a look at eri*not a word.....
Eric: word
Romansu:*made a fireball*

*one roasting of Eric later everyone got their stuff and began to make their way into Kyoto*
Eri: whoa.......
Romansu: holy shit this place is beautiful
Eric:*already in a typical tourist outfit*
Rocky:......*smiled a little as she looked around*

Ame: *o*....*being held back by mitsuo so she doesn't run off*
Mitsuo: hmmm impressive
Kumo: o-oh wow...
Naomi: this place is kinda crowded
Bibi: wonder how many hero agency's are in this area alone....

Aoyama: now remember my dazzling students stick together~
Nezu: Yup Kyoto is a big place so we don't anybody getting lost!
Hora: oh man I wonder how are old buddy's doing hope he's ok
Kushinbo: knowing that guy he's probably snooping on us already
Hora: fair enough

Hari:.......*smiling a little as he's looking around his old stomping grounds*ya know what how much time we have before we got to meet your "friend"
Kushinbo: two hours
Hari: come on I'm showing you guys around follow me even you villain
*everyone froze and looked at hari with surprised faces*
Romansu:.............were you nice to me?
Hari: yeah what of it?
Eric: your never nice to him
Ame: like EVER!
Mitsuo: to say we're shocked is well deserved at this sight*his glasses nearly fell off his face*

Eri: oh my the world's going to end!
Hari: DONT MAKE ME REGRET BEING NICE DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....*cleared his throat*if you all wanna go look at the big and obvious stuff go ahead but follow me and you'll be in for some neat surprises*smiled*
Class 1-A; WOOHOO!!!!!*they all cheered and laughed as hari began to lead them to places only locals would even know about but all the while he was thinking back to his past*

~flashback to seven years ago~

Hari: OW!*got a rock dropped onto him by accident*dad!
Supaiku: sorry my boy this is being a bit harder then expected*was removing rocks that hit and landed on the roof during a bad windstorm*
Hari: grrrrrrrr*made some needles to anchor the latter his dad was on in place*im gonna go for a walk
Supaiku: got it oh and make sure to get some oranges while your out we're running low on them!
Hari: got it!

*soon the young hari went off not for Walk but to see hero's in action*
Hari:*thoughts*finally I can go see what a hero's like*smiled and went downtown to see a hero fighting a villain* wow...........*felt someone grab his head and when he turned he saw his mom aka the most terrifying woman he knows this was Mahi inshu*h-hey m-m-mom.......

Mahi: hari dear why are you out here*she was a woman with a very tall and slim build with the same eyes as hari but she had brown curly hair*
Hari; j-just wa-watching the h-hero's in action
Mahi:*picked him up and dragged him back home*
Hari:*sighed and thought*great going back to that crappy home......

~end of flashback~

*the class went to places they never knew existed in Kyoto they saw a professional quirk fighting match*

Eric and Eri: THIS IS EPIC!!!!*had big stary eyes as they watched a guy freeze his fists into blocks of ice and freeze the other guy*

*and they went to a sweet stand that most people don't put in the tourist guides*

Kushinbo:*eating so much mochi it was ridiculous*
Hora: I'm in heaven*eating a huge slice of coffee cake*
Akio: oh dear god......I CANT STOP EATING*unhinged her jaw and went hog wild with the crazy couple*
Hari:*chuckled as he ate some dango*

*then they went to a traditional yukata shop*

Kumo: oh wow*they had one that fitted for her arms and size*
Romansu:*wearing a black yukata with red stars*yup I'm keeping this
Hari:*smirked as he wore one that looked like a ceremonial festival yukata*
Aoyama; I look even more fabulous~*was basically wearing a golden yukata with silver riming*

*then they went to a massive bookshop that could have been a library*

Rocky:*in complete awe as she was zipping around grabbing books left and right*
Bibi; hmmmmm*found some neat books some of which rocky grabbed*hey!
Rocky:*this was honestly the happiest any of them have ever seen her she was smiling legitimately smiling her heart out as she grabbed book after book*

Hari: oh boy.....

*then they saw a real life shinbo clans house*

Akane: oh my*pressed part of the wall and nearly got kabobed*eep!
Ame: this is neat!
Noami: neat is accurate*was actually being taught how to throw a senbon needle*

*then they went to a sky sight observatory*

Mitsuo; this is amazing.....*was looking at all the ancient star charts they were surrounded by*
Eric: now who's the one in awe

*then hari took them to one last destination.....his family home*

Kushinbo: hmmmm are friends agency is literally down the block from this place
*most of the students were in awe at the fact they were standing in a massive feudal Japan style mansion*
Romansu: this is where you grew up......
Hari: yeah why?
Eric: you realize your living in a feudal era mansion right.....
Hari: yeah so my family's lived here for generations
Rocky:*reading one of her many new books*
Ame: well looks like someone's more interesting in her reading then what's in front of us....

Hari:*went up and rang the door bell and the one who opened it was his father*old man.....
Supaiku: boy.....what brings you here I thought you decided to "betray the family and let them burn in hell"*most of the class looked at hari*
Hari; one I didn't even say that two I'm showing my class around and this place is nearby where we're gonna be staying so we're just here to view the museum and shop
Supaiku: sorry but hero's ain't allowed
The class:........huh?
Romansu: what kinda bullshit is that!

Supaiku; the same kinda bullshit you hero's spew about being here to protect us but hey people die more then you all think because of you hero's on purpose
Hora:*leaned to her husband nezu and aoyama*great an anti-hero person
Kushinbo: this is gonna be fun...*rolled his eyes*
Supaiku:*saw romansu*hey what's your name boy
Romansu: r-Romansu gogta!
Eric hari and Eri:*thought*really that's the last name you decide to go with......

Mitsuo: actually your last name is toga
Supaiku: TOGA!
Romansu;*shaking the hell outta Mitsuo before having a massive quill pointed in front of him*whoa there let's not get violent!
Supaiku; get off my property right now or else I'm reporting you all to the police YA HEAR ME AND HARI YOUR COMING WITH ME!!!!!

Hari: yeah no come on guys this was a waste of time*everyone walked away and romansu walked close to him*i thought you said your dad died because of my folks
Hari: he did that guy was my other dad
*then it occurred to everyone that hari had TWO dads*
Romansu: oh....OH!...oh...
Ame: you dads gay?
Hari: Yup my "mom" was his sister they choose her to have me so I'm still part of the family in a complete and whole sense

Romansu: Huh.....that explains a lot
Eric: very much so
Rocky:*poked her head out of her book and nodded*

Hora: well we're about to arrive to see friends place so everyone keep up!
Hari:*everyone kept quiet the rest of way but he began to think*damn still can't believe your dead pa wish you were still here you could've changed his mind........


And that's chapter 12! Bladed needles we got to see a bit of hari's past and him actually be nice shocker right!

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