Chapter 16-blood and stars!

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*last chapter hari and his group encountered Ashe who gave them one hell of a run for their money and now it's onto Rocky's group who are dealing with a pair of twins!*

Star???: ya know it would just be easy if you comply with us we won't need to get messy and no one here has to get hurt well you four will but small price to pay for the bigger picture right!

Rocky: grrrrrrrrrrr
Aiko: THATS WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!*lunged forward and was prepared to take a bite out of star??? But angry??? Stepped on me bashed Aiko into the side of a wall*
Angry???: you ain't getting anywhere near her you pieces of shit

Rocky:*thoughts*this is bad these two come outta nowhere and attacked us and we can't fight back because there's bystanders ugh I just wanna be in my blanket with a book and some sherbet........
Ame: Aiko! Grrrr take this!*made her cloud appear and shot a small barrage of hail pellets at star??? Angry??? saw this and his eyes went wide*

Angry???: MABEL LOOK OUT!!!!!!
Mabel(Star???): WHOA NOW!*her face went from shocked to a smug grin as the hail pellets stopped as they landed against a cartoon style Star with a little rainbow of purple red and light pink aura surrounding it*phew now that was close*winked*

Mabel's quirk-Star fall!-she can make stars with the ability to act as shields that float around her if she makes enough of them they can cause stuff to even come off the ground and circle them but she can make them sharp enough to be spinning blades! Though if she overuses this she gets a really bad headache and starts to go a bit loopy!

Ame: holy heck!
Noami; that must be her quirk
Mabel: bingo*made a finger gun and did the bang motion and the stars became sharper and begun to spin towards noami and ame*

*ame and noami managed to dodge but the stars weren't giving up as they chased them down like hounds on the hunt*
Noami: shit we need to close the distance on her!
Ame: how it's not like we can turn invisibl-*lightbulb*i got an idea!*made her cloud appear and it began to drizzle causing it to become a bit misty*

Noami: Huh that's actually a good idea
Ame: heheheh I did a smart!
Mabel:*thoughts*ok that's pretty clever I can't attack recklessly now or I might hit bro bro

*back over where Aiko rocky and Angry??? Were*
Angry???:*was throwing punch after punch at Aiko who was dodging thanks to her small frame and body*HOLD STILL!!!

Rocky:*thoughts*ugh just wanna sleep but this guy knows how to fight he's being reckless but trying to throw his hits against her bodies weak points I better help*sighed and launched forward and hit angry??? With a palm strike against his arms which caused him to change his focus to her*

Angry???:*threw a slugger style punch at rocky who blocked it and then countered with a pressure point palm strike and unleashed a barrage of these onto him and he did the same in return they were matched in terms of defense and offense*
Rocky:*got on her back and did a spinning leg sweep and did a accelerated leg strike with her quirk to his gut*

Angry???:*grabbed the arm and threw her against a wall and steam started to come off him and Mabel saw this*
Mabel: oh boy dippers getting angry.....
Dipper(angry???):*threw a punch to Rocky's gut that was twice as strong as his last punch which sent her back and knocked the wind outta her*
Rocky:*thoughts*the hell.....that hurt more then his previous punches and why did it fucking burn?!

Dipper:*had steam pouring outta his body cracking his knuckles*whos next!

Dippers quirk-blood rage!-the angrier he gets the more his blood heats up and circulates this would normally kill a regular person but his body is hardwired to handle this but if he goes to far he ends up going berserk and forcing his body to lock in place til he calms down!

Rocky:*thoughts*ok if that's how you wanna play*Aiko could see afterburns coming out the sides of Rocky's forearm and a large one coming from her elbow*wyvern boost-*her eyes went lifeless and were filled with pure predatory bloodlust*predators crush*launched forward and her arms unleashed a lethal barrage of palm strikes striking dipper at powerful speeds*

(Rocky's wyvern boost-predators crush is a fast barrage of palm strikes going at 45mph she lets her primal instincts take over to allow for the move to take on its brutal nature though she doesn't like using it in the first place)

Dipper:*thoughts*the hell is up with this girl?!
Mabel: DIPPER!*sent a star over to him which knocked rocky out of the way*
Rocky:*on all fours like some kinda animal*grrrrrrrr

Ame: uh guys I think Rocky's lost it!
Noami: yeah but we have to focus here!
Ame: r-right
Mabel: hey eyes on the prize*sent two small razor sharp stars at Naomi*
Naomi:*ducked outta the way and made his fingers tipped in something and slashed Mabel with them and she felt a lit dizzy*
Mabel: what the?......

Noami dokuzo's quirk-toxin!-he can secrete toxins from his body as a gas,liquid,or solid! Though he has to be carful since it can be pretty powerful!

Dipper: MABEL!!!!!!*felt something hard bite into his arm and saw aiko*
Aiko: RRRRRR!!!!!!

Aiko fujisawa's quirk-beast/jaw!-she has two different attributes to her quirk her jaw allows her to augment her bite force she can bite through steel with just one bite if she focuses hard enough her beast half allows her to have crazy powerful claws and horns her skeleton is even reinforced to handle her crazy quirk!

Dipper:*threw Aiko off*GRRR YOU LOT ARE ON MY LAST NERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mabel: with ya there bro bro!!!!!*they went back to back with each other and lunged at the people they fought*(meaning Mabel is going against rocky and Aiko and dipper is going against noami and ame)

Dipper:*threw a powerful heated punch against noami who managed to take it but was in a lot of pain*
Noami: ACK?!!!!!!!??!!*felt the punch burn against him*
Ame: hey leave him alon-*got slammed into a wall by dipper and she was angry her cloud turned from a fluffy white to a dark grey*grrrrr
Dipper: or what your gonna fire some hail at me?

Ame: I said LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!*her cloud doubled in size and crackled with lighting and boomed with thunder and fired a surge of lighting at dipper who was blasted to the side*
Dipper: oh it's on you bitch!*he was now pouring out even more steam they could see the veins in his body glowing from the heat*

Mabel:*sending star after star at Aiko and rocky who were dodging and countering as often as they can*take that and that! Hah!
Aiko: it's like it's nothing but a game to her?!
Rocky: out of my way!*shoved Aiko down and lunged at Mabel and sent a pressure point strike to Mabel's side which she used a star to block and thought*WHERE IN FUCK DO THESE KEEP COMING FROM!!!!!!!!!
Mabel: whoa your feisty huh!*pulled out a knife and tried to cut rocky but she rolled out of the way*

Rocky: rrrrrrrr
Mabel: haha no one expects the knife!
Aiko:*rammed against Mabel and pinned her to a wall*
Mabel: ACK?!
Dipper: MABEL!!!!*got struck by lighting*

Rocky:*saw all the people around her and began to hyperventilate*
*as the people panicked rocky felt her heart beating at an alarming rate and everything felt dizzy*

Rocky:*taking very deep breaths and thought*home...need home...mommy I wanna go home...I just wanna go ho-*passed out on the ground*
Naomi:*turned and saw rocky out like a light*GUYS ROCKY'S DOWN!!!!
Ame:*turned to rocky and rushed over to rocky and placed a hand against her wrist*shes just unconscious!

Noami: this isn't good!*thoughts*ok Rocky's down Aiko and me are the only two who can handle them both head on and it was a struggle just dealing with them on a 2v1 battle........
Ame: OUTTA MY WAY!!!!!*winied at noami and charged a huge blast of lightning from her cloud*
Aiko: wait I get it!*ran forward and slammed dipper to the side of a building and held his arm in her jaw and thought*hot hot hot hot!*
Mabel: DIPPER!

Ame: FIRE!*the lighting blasted forth and tasered Mabel who was distracted by her brother being pinned*
Mabel: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!*blacked out*
Dipper: MABEL!!!!!!*rushed forward and his body froze in place*s-shit
Naomi: his body must have reached its limit......ok talk who are you two
Dipper: I'm not talking to any of you unless you get away from my sister!
*the three looked at each other and backed away from Mabel*
Dipper: better we were sent to kill you four don't know why but if we didn't we'd get the noise
Aiko: the "noise"?

Dipper: lets just say it's something you wouldn't even wish against your worst enemies
Noami: well your coming with us I hope you realize that*slung dippers arm around his shoulder while Aiko picked up the still unconscious rocky and ame got mabel*
Dipper: just know I'm only being nice to you because my sister is in your grasp
Noami: noted her names Mabel right we won't let anything happen to her we're hero's in training after all*smiled*
Ame: yeah sorry for frying her*sweat dropped while she gave a nervous smile*

Dipper: tch*looked away*whatever bitch
Ame: Huh?!
Aiko and Noami:*thoughts*and I thought toga had a swearing issue.....

*soon the six began to walk away from the scene of the fight to see tons of pros and police swarming everywhere*
Dipper: we need to go through the alleys or else they'll spot us...
Mabel:*began to wake up*ugh.....bro bro what happened
Dipper: you got shit knocked out of you by the cold bitch
Ame:*sweatdrop*im right here you know..........

*the group went into the alleyway but in downtown romansu Eri Mitsuo and Eric were battling for their very lives against the sword wielder chapter 17 SAKURA SLASHER!*

That's chapter 16 I hope you all enjoyed it I won't lie I had a hard time writing this one up tell me what you thought of dipper and Mabel's quirks!

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