Chapter 17-sakura slasher!

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*last we left off rocky and the others faced the devastating duo of Mabel and dipper and now romansu Eri mitsuo and Eric are facing a man with two wooden swords*

Blossom???:*swung his swords at romansu who fell through one of mitsuo's space tears*
Romansu: thanks for the save!
Mitsuo: well he had those kendo swords on him we should have suspected something right off the bat
Eri: he has ya there....

Blossom???: hmmmm you managed to dodge not a lot of people I've faced could even predict when I was gonna swing my blades
Romansu:*thought*this guy has weapons meaning he must be decent with them if he's confident enough to say that but what's worrying me is that cloak on him why does it look like it's made of cherry blossom petals..........*guys keep an eye on his cloak we got no idea what it may be

Eric: hmmmm lets see how he deals with some long range attacks*made an orbital and launched it at blossom and it lashed through him his body scattering like flower petals from the impact then it reformed*WHAT THE SHITE?!
Eri: it went through him??!!
Mitsuo: can he become intangible?????

Blossom???: predictable*flipped his kendo sticks so their facing downwards and rushed towards them*
Romansu: he's coming be on guard!*set his hands ablaze*
Eri:*began to spark up*
Eric:*made two orbitals and spun them around him*
Mitsuo:*cleaning his glasses and fixing his hat*

Blossom???:*swung one of the blades at romansu which he ducked and shot a blast of fire that blossom??? Backed away from and took another swing with his second blade*
Romansu:*got hit in his side and stumbled to his right then felt a slash wound on his back*ACK?!!*thoughts*that was on my back but he hit me in my side the hell?!

Eric: hold still chum!!*fired his orbitals and blossom??? Phased through them at the last second*oh so he has to make the conscious decision to do that fascinating!
Eri: which means hand to hand combat is useless against him unless we can get a jump on him

Mitsuo:*made a tear below blossom?? Which he fell through but landed on his feet next to a bench*hmmm has a sense of balance to
Romansu: well this fucking sucks
Eric: teach is seriously gonna have a field day if he finds out you've been swearing this much.....

Blossom???: hmmm you lot are better then the others I've killed well in terms of learning my quirk so I'll give you a demonstration and my name my name is shinpi obasabi and I will be your killer*his cloak scattered and he practically disappeared before he reappeared above them and slammed his blades into each of them*

Shinpi obasabi's quirk-Sakura storm!-he can turn his cloak into a storm of cherry blossom petals these can hide and cloak his movements and he can even turn his body into petals to avoid attacks but he mainly uses it to make his enemies think he's attacking from multiple directions quickly!

Eric:*thoughts*shit he's quick whatever his quirk is it must be tied to those cherry blossom petals his cloaks made of meaning if that's the case no wonder he's being carefully with romansu his fire must be able to burn them easily can also mean eri's quirk isn't gonna be useful against him unless we can get her to land a point blank hit on his body wait that's it!*OK FOLKS TIME FOR THE SHOW TO BEGIN!*stumbled forward and slammed his cane onto the ground*

Romansu: the hell is he going on about?
Eri; think he might have an idea
Mitsuo: it appears he does
Eric: mitsuo make as many rifts as you can around him then Eri go into those rifts then we move to phase two romansu use your flames to handle that bastard for as long as you can while we prepare phases two through five!

Eric: just do it!
Mitsuo: right*made rift after rift all around shinpi*cant hold them all for long just know that!
Eric: noted now Eri go through the portals!
Eri: right!*ran through the portals*
Eric: now romansu attack the bastard for as long as you can and stay close to the portals we have exactly two minutes before he starts catching on
Romansu: I die because of this my ghost is gonna haunt your ass*rushed at shinpi and began to throw fire and punches left and right whole shinpi was countering and slashing with his kendo sticks *

Shinpi:*thoughts*hmmm what are they trying at here it's no matter I have this in the bag*threw a downward slash at romansu who rocketed backwards at the last moment*what?!
Romansu; heh what do you think of my devil step!*smirked and landed on his feet and continued this and landed blasts of fire on shinpi trying to aim for his cloak*
Shinpi:*thoughts*he's aiming for my cloak I need to-

Eric: ERI NOW!
Eri:*came out of a rift and slammed her arm into Shinpi's back which caused him to be dilated*hes stuck for ten seconds!
Romansu: got it!*slammed a blast of fire into Shino is gut which lasted for the ten seconds then Shinpi did a leg sweep then smashed the hilts of the sticks into romansu's temples which caused him to get disoriented*

Eric: hmm seems my variables were correct mitsuo get romansu out of there Eri begin to barrage him at ever chance you get we have a minute and 20 seconds left before he catches on!
Romansu: owowowowowowow my he-*got grabbed by the collar of his shirt by mitsuo and was pulled through to where Eric was and nearly puked*fucking hell thats not right.....

Shinpi: grrrrrr-*got hit left and right from Eri being frozen in place and began to think*wait their trying to stop me from moving by holding me down and in place ohohohoho your dead*slammed his kendo sticks into Eri and kicked her out of the rift field* I'll admit small one that was clever but you won't survive this genjutsu-*positioned both the sticks facing down pointed towards to the back of his neck and his cloak began to swirl all around him into a massive flurrying storm of petals and he went hog wild looking as if he were phasing in and out of existence* Kieru sakura shūgeki!

(Shinpis Kieru sakura shūgeki allows him to both attack and confuse at the same time by using his cloak to cover a large area and make it seem like he's disappearing and reappearing at random while the petals slash at his enemies)

Eric:*thoughts*shit didn't account for something like this*got cuts all over his body along with the others*what the hell is causing all these cuts unless he's somehow turning invisible and managing to cut us with kendo sticks no that's doesn't make sense at all
Eric*muttering to himself seeming like he was trying to analyze what's happening*

*then the storm of petals stopped and Shinpi stood at the center of them and they all turned to face him*
Shinpi: now bleed*then cuts appeared on every inch of the fours body causing them to yell in pain*
Mitsuo: ACK?!
Eric: SHIT!!!!
Eri: AHHH!!!!
Romansu: RRRRR!!!*blasted fire at Shinpi who looked surprised and took it head on which caused his cloak to burn and he leaped out of the way and put the embers out*
Eric:*thoughts*wait that's it!*guys leave this to me stand back I now understand his quirk to its full extent and it seems my quirk is the only one we can use to beat the damn bastard!

Mitsuo: are you sure
Eric: positive took me a minute but I understand fully what's going on now*made two orbitals*now let me do this I'll let you know what to do when the time comes
*the three looked at their friend and nodded*

Shinpi: ha this will be easy*pointed a kendo stick towards eric*
Eric; ohhhhh bring it fucker
Shinpi:*rushed forward and slammed his kendo stick into Eric's side but Eric blocked with his cane*what?!
Eric: oh surprised buddy boy*flipped the cane and smashed it against shinpi's chest which caused him to stumble*checheche

Shinpi: your going to regret that*rushed forward and began to have what seemed to be a swordsmen match against Eric*why won't you give up!!!!!!!
Eric: because I'm a stubborn Irish magician*held up his free hand and snapped his fingers and he made two orbitals collide to form a gravitational surge which caused to pull Shinpi's cloak off*

Shinpi: NO!
Eric: checheche*slammed his cane into the side of Shinpi's head then jabbed it into his gut before putting him into a chokehold with it*YIELD YA FUCKER!!!!
Shinpi: how did you k-know*trying to break the chokehold*

Eric: it was easy really well not very easy if we had been near cherry blossom trees I might not have figured it out at all you see I noticed how we kept getting cut on places you weren't even landing hits on then it dawned on me you might have some sorta transparency quirk that allows you to make extra limbs but after that fancy move of yours I noticed those blossoms were your quirk they can be pretty unnoticeable but now I see why you went after romansu as soon as you saw his flames and then me since my quirk was the only other one that could take you down

Shinpi: you bastard
Eric: ha! And people call us Irish nothing but drunks now how about this we help you you help us why are you doing this?
Shinpi: the guy who sent us wanted us to cause panic and chaos in the city but then he must have seen you lot then told us to kill you

Romansu: well that's fucking great......
Mitsuo: that's the opposite of great
Shinpi: he realizes that was sarcasm right?
Eri: he doesn't get those sorta things.....
Eric: look help us get to our pals and we let you and your buddies go

*soon the five went back to where the others were trying to get to but it was swarmed with police closing roads and setting up riot squads*
Eri; those are riot squads what the hells happening?
Eric: nothing good from what it seems
Romansu: something happen here
Shinpi:*looked around and froze when he saw a huge cube shaped crater*
Mitsuo: something wrong?

Shinpi: the guy who send me after you is nearby we need to hide and find your friends and my allies
Eric: how they blocked off every exit
Romansu: they didn't block the alleys
*they all turned to Romansu who was pointing to a alleyway and they all entered to see their friends*

Romansu: BASTARD!
Rocky:*thoughts*too loud....

Mabel: you guys are ok!
Ashe:*hopped out of hari's arms into Mabel's who was crying as she hugged her*
Mabel: I'm so glad your all ok!
Dipper: who are these guys?*pointed to everyone else*
Shinpi: I assume forced alliances

Ame: you guys ok
Romansu: oh yeah me Eric Mitsuo and Eri are just covered in cut wounds NO WE ARE NOT!!!
Hari: seems fitting for a freak like you

Shinpi:*he and his group sweatdropped*
Eri: before you say their always like this
Akane: practically on a daily basis
Dipper: not-*got hit by a rouge needle*OI THATS IT!*joined the small brawl*

Ashe:*coughed up some blood*
Mabel: oh ashe have you had your medicine?
Ashe:*shook her head no*
Mabel: I should still have some on me here*pulled out a small case of pills and gave Ashe some*there you go better
Ashe: much
Eri: are they?*turned to shinpi*

Shinpi; a couple yes
Hari:*froze when he heard that*
Shinpi: though Ashe says she's a polysexual whatever that means
Hari:*sigh of relief*
Kakuji: whoa talk about a lucky break
Bibi: yeah*sweatdropped*

Romansu: anyway so I'm guessing you guys were attacked by these idiots to?
Hari: yeah tough let me tell you
Ashe: s-Sorry
Mabel: hey it's ok we didn't have a choice right?*held Ashe close*also*glared at hari*try anything with her and I will
Hari:*gulped*u-uh she always this protective
Dipper: you have no idea

(For those of you who are confused Mabel now thinks hari is a threat to ashe and is gonna try and protect her as much as possible)

Romansu: wait if you guys went after us then where's the guy who brought you here
Dipper: don't know
Shinpi: he's nearby I saw an aftermath of his quirk
Ashe: w-what*seemed panicked by that*
Mabel: we need to get out of here!*held Ashe closer*
Dipper: lets move hurry before he finds us
Romansu: whoa calm down! Who's this person exactly

Shinpi: he's the reason we're here and if he finds us we get the button which lets loose the noise!
Noami: from what we've been told it's basically a dog whistle but that's all we got out of them
Shinpi: a dog whistle that's how you explained it?
Mabel; hey give us a break
Ashe:*seemed to mortified to talk right now*
Mabel: besides we need to get her outta here you know what happens if she hears it
Shinpi: right

Hari: hey let us help you if anything he's up against our teachers
Romansu: two of which are insane as fuck
Ame: another ones a weird bear dog mouse super genius
Noami: and we think his teaching assistant may be gay
Eric: then we have a hyper sonic octopus!

*the group of four kids just sweatdrop at this*
Hari: just take our word for it

*but little did these kids know they were missing what may be the battle of the century here in Kyoto between the man who brought Ashe dipper Shinpi and Mabel here vs kushinbo hora koro nezu and aoyama in chapter 18-mayhem!*


And that's chapter 17 I hope you all enjoyed it tell me what you thought of Shinpi and his quirk I say it's the most creative of the four by far if you ask me!

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