Chapter 21-shoguns honor!

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*last we left off Mitsuo had gotten everyone to a hospital to make sure ashe stayed alive and now we're back with hari Eric and Romansu who are fighting rengo*

Hari: I'm gonna fucking kill you son of a bitch!
Rengo: I'd like to see you try brat
Romansu: uhhh hari Care to give a little backstory?
Eric: yes I feel as though this may be pretty personal
Hari: short of it this bastards the reason my pa lost his hand and died!

Rengo: hah that man called himself a hero I just put him where that mind set belongs 6ft under
Hari; you bastard!!!!*rushed forward and swung his needle coated arm at rengo who leaped out of the way and fired a red cube into hari's back*ack?!

Rengo: don't try and fool yourself I've had years of experience fighting pros even other villains so what makes you think a school student can beat me?
Hari: grrrrr
Romansu:*blasted for at rengo*

Rengo:*held up a hand a huge blue cube appeared in front of him and it took the blast of flames with ease*ha! Don't you think that's enough really I'm surprised you tried some thing so si-*got hit by two orbitals that caused a implosion that blasted him into Romansu who blasted rengo in the back and threw Him over his back*

Hari:*smashed his needle covered arm into rengos gut*hows that!
Rengo: grr red cube!*fired a red cube at hari which caused him to be blasted into a wall*
Hari: ack?!
Rengo: face it kid your nothing more then worthless shit and don't forget it
Hari:*looked at the sky and began to think back*

~flashback to seven years ago~

*it was a cold fall morning as hari was walking around his family home and saw his pa fixing a door*
Inomaru:*he was a tall built man his hair held up in a large ponytail in a loose fashion his body wa covered in scars and he was missing his left hand*
Hari: hey pa!

Inomaru: AH hari my boy what has you up this early on a chilly morning?
Hari: woke up early you need help?
Inomaru: no need kiddo I've got it all finished u-*the door fell apart*p......well maybe I do

Hari: you are horrible with fixing stuff pa
Inomaru: now that ain't true! If it were I'd be breaking my bones faster then I can fix em
Hari:*sweatdrop*now your thinking to literal......
Inomaru: hahahaha im only joking boy! Now come on let's get inside before we both catch colds even though ya literally can't catch colds*placed hari on his shoulder and walked back inside and turned the tv on to show it was playing highlights from a hero battle specifically the number three hero ground zero(bakugou) taking down a group of villains*

Hari: whoa that's ground zero!
Inomaru: heh I'd be lying if I said that kid didn't look like he was enjoying beaten them villains up and can't blame him sometimes it's a good way to let off some steam*leaned back on the couch as hari watched the tv*
Hari; so pa when you were a hero did you ever have to fight guys like that?
Inomaru: oh all the time it was fun really was but then me and your dad had ya so I retired and lost meh hand soooo yeah*closed his eyes

Hari: you ever think I could be a hero?......
Inomaru:*opened and eye and sat up and looked at his son*and what gave you the idea you can't be?
Hari: dad says pros got no honor like samurai did
Inomaru: Eh samurai are cool But they were jackasses they only followed the orders of someone else and no one else if they were told to kill their wives by their lord they'd do it they'd hate it but they do it

Hari: whoa really?!
Inomaru: Yup that's why I prefer ronin true men of honor they just wandered helping those in need heck there are some pretty famous ronin
Hari: whoa.......*then the tv went out and hari and inomaru turned to see Supaiku pulled the plug on it*

Inomaru and hari: what the hell dad!/supaiku!
Supaiku: hari what the hell are you doing here you should be in the dojo training your kendo
Hari: but kendo's boring and it's freezing out ther-
Supaiku: no buts!
Hari:*grumbled and went to the dojo and inomaru looked at his husband*

Inomaru: Supaiku don't you your being to hard on hari he's still a kid
Supaiku: ino he cant be a strong man if he doesn't know discipline*crossed his quill covered arms*
Inomaru: and there's nothing wrong with that but making him doing it on a constant basis is just gonna burn him out

Supaiku: well it's only because he's spouting nonsense about-
Inomaru: becoming a pro?
Inomaru: Supaiku I was a pro to remember sure I got banged up here and there but I saved a lot of people every day when I was one you shouldn't stop hari from wanting to become one

Supaiku: but no other pro tried to help you when you were fighting the bastard who caused you to lose your arm!
Inomaru: because I fought alone remember my quirk wasn't made to fight with others but hari has a good soul and should make his own choices
Supaiku: tch fine but I still say lot of pros are to useless

*around the corner hari was listening in and looked down at his hands*
Hari: do I deserve to be a pro?*walked over to the family dojo and saw it was empty and sighed and began to practice his kendo techniques and yawned*this is so boring rather be throwing darts.......
*saw a small crack form in the wall*huh? The heck's that?*went closer and saw it was a huge crack upon further inspection*

Hari: that wasn't there yesterday*tapped it and saw an eye open*AH!

*back with Supaiku and inomaru they heard hari scream and ran towards where he was and he was unconscious in a floating blue cube to see a younger rengo without his visor or mouth guard to show he had dull lifeless black eyes and was smirking as he slowly made the cube turn*

yRengo: so your one of the ones that got away heh boss is gonna give me a lot of cash for bringing you in
Supaiku: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!!!!!
Inomaru: put me and my husband's son down now!!!!!!
yRengo: oh you want the brat back try and get em old men*snapped his fingers and the cube blasted out the wall of the dojo and stopped in the courtyard*

Inomaru:*was right next to yRengo and slammed his knee into them and pinned him to the ground*SUPAIKU GET HARI!
Supaiku: on it!*rushed outside to get their son*
Inomaru: now your gonna tell me why you tried to kidnap my son and maybe just maybe I won't impale you with a kendo sword

yRengo; awwww does the big bad wolf want his pup*made a red cube in his hand fired it at inomaru who barely managed to dodge in time as yRengo leg sweeped him and caused inomaru to trip and he rushed outside*

Inomaru: SUPAIKU!
Supaiku:*had been trying to free hari for the past few minutes*damnit what's this stu-*he saw yRengo and raised his quills to act like a display of defense to yRengo which he stopped before reaching Supaiku*dont come anywhere near my son!!!!!!

yRengo: ok old man I'll admit you got balls but there's only one way your gonna get him out of that cube and that's by either beating the shit out of me or killing me your pick really but let's be honest your not gonna be able to do either-*got smashed in the side by inomaru who was holding a katana blade with no handle or hilt with strange sparks coming from it*

Inomaru:*face was shadowed with only his eyes visible and glared at yRengo*release my son or else I won't hesitate to kill you
yRengo: hahaha oh bring it on*made four red cubes and fired them at inomaru who ducked and slid and slashed yRengo with the Katana and the sparks grew brighter as they made contact with yRengo and it looked like his body had locked into place*

yRengo: the fuck?!
Inomaru: what's the matter can't move

Inomaru inshu's quirk-nervelock-inomaru can cause peoples body to lock into place if he or an object he's holding make physical contact though it's only temporary but extremely potent!

yRengo: blue cube!*made two blue cubes that blocked the next two slashes inomaru launched onto him and*
*then used the cubes to push him back and then fired a series of red cube laser shots which inomaru slid and dodged through as he made his way closer to yRengo who slowly unfroze and began to control the cubes more precisely and fired a red cube at inomaru as soon as he got in range with his katana to slash him soon it was a battle between blade and lights*

Inomaru:*thought*i got to get Supa(Supaiku) and hari our of here but he's still in that cube I need to do something before he tries and use them as hostages*SUPA GET OUT OF HERE CALL HEROS I CAN HANDLE THIS GU-

*in that exact second the cube hari was in vanished and he dropped to the ground which caused yRengo to turn and lose focus on inomaru who slashed down the entire left side of his face causing him to lose his left eye and part of jaw and yRengo in a lapse of pain shit inomaru directly through the heart with a red cube and ran off as some form of portal appeared and he exited through it but not before turning to them*

Hari:*opened his eyes and puked up some sorta dark red blood like substance(it's not blood that was just the best way I could describe it) and saw his pa on the ground*PA!
Supaiku: Ino no!*the two ran over and carefully turned inomaru onto his back*inomaru are you ok?!

Inomaru:*coughed*heh Supaiku to be honest I'm probably gonna die here in a minute or two*looked up at the early morning sky and then to hari*hari come here for a second
Hari: y-yeah pa.....
Inomaru:*took a deep breath and sat up and pulled him into a hug*

Inomaru: hari i dont got long left but I want you to realize something even if these are e last words I'll say to you everyone in this world has some form of honor and some will fight to protect it whether their a samurai ronin or pro hero as long as you have honor you'll make it far in this world and I can't wait for you to choose the path you want so you can show the world that you have the honor of a shogun*looked at his son and pulled him into one last hug and smiled before slowly falling to his side his eyes cloudy and devoid of life*

Hari: SAY SOMETHING PLEASE!*began to cry as the pros arrived*i swear to the gods of this world I'll find the bastard who did this and make him pay for what he did!

~flash back over~

Hari:*sat up and spat out a bit of blood and looked rengo dead in the eye as romansu and Eric were blasted back by two powerful red cube blasts*
Rengo: oh so the brat lives!
Hari: you and I have a settle to score you bastard

Rengo: oh and how are you going to do that your practically on deaths door and the more I think about it if I bring you back in the boss will be overjoyed especially since I remember who you are now
Hari: whoever you think I am I can tell you now I'm not*slowly grew two long needle like blades on his arms and rushed forward and began to slash at rengo who was side stepping and turning away from the slashes and hari slammed smaller needles into rengo aside which he grunted in pain from and began to freeze up around that spot*WHAT?!

Hari: heh my needles have paralytics in them their not very potent but the more I pump into is gonna make em more effective!*slammed the two long needles into rengos arms and ripped the needles off*

Hari:*had backed up and began to grow needles on his chest and stomach and the undersides of his arms and began to run behind rengo and shot off two needles into his feet to plant him in place*
Hari: awwww what's the matter pal are you feeling scared*was right behind rengo and gave a monstrous grin as he held his arms out like he was going to hug rengo*let ol hari-

Hari: give you a big ol hug!!!!!!*pulled rengo into a nearly suffocating hug chasing the needles on his chest stomach and arms to pierce through rengos body making him yell in pain*samurai discipline-IRON MAIDEN HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Hari's samurai discipline-iron maiden hug is where he throws his enemies into a powerful grapple and makes his needles pierce their body causing the needles paralytics to take hold along with the mass amount of pain to defeat them)

Hari: how's it feel to be in the same pain you put me through when I was just a kid you bastard!!!!!!!!!!
Rengo: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*soon hari let go causing rengo finally unconscious to drop onto the ground and hari just stood there looking at the sky smiling*
Hari: did it pa got your honor back for ya heh dads gonna kick my ass if he hears about this......*fell backwards and passed out cold*

*soon paramedics officers arrived on the scene and took hari Romansu and Eric to the hospital where their friends were and the news stations were already reporting what happened the field trip the class was looking forward to had ended and they were now on their way back to the ua dorms and were told the school was going to have the next day off so they can recover from their traumatic experience and get The press off their back*

Romansu:*had a patch on his cheek and his arm in a sling*ugh I don't know about you guys but I'm glad we're heading back
Eric: yes a shame we had to end the trip*had his leg in a caste and was using a pair of crutches to walk*
Rochuex:*nodded having a bit of limp*
Hari:*was completely bandaged up and kinda laughed*

Ame: what's so funny
Aiko: yeah half of us nearly died!
Noami: and remember they said we were getting a new student since one us got transferred to another school

Romansu: yeah so what's funny pin cushion
Hari: just the fact I can't believe I finally got a huge weight off my shoulders I won't lie feels good to have it gone....
Romansu: well glad your doing better pin cushion
Hari: never asked you villain

Romansu: yeah walked into that one...*opened the door to the dorms for everyone to see a girl with dark brown braided hair ending in grey tips with fair skin with some sorta device mounted to her wrist wearing a heavy looking shirt with tunic patterns woven into the sleeves collar and ends of it her other hand was placed against her eyes as she sat on the common areas coffee table her legs crossed and her hand with the device mounted to her wrist held what seemed to be a ceremonial dagger of sorts and on her neck was a fancy collar with the skull of a bat on it and she turned to them to reveal she had bright scarlet red eyes and a few freckles*

???: hello are you my new packmates?


SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE my phone has been buggy lately so it took a while to finish this but hari has got his vengeance on rengo for killing his father and now there's apparently a new girl to class 1-A who could she be all will be revealed in chapter 22-GODS HUNTER?

Until then I hope you enjoy this my lovely psychopaths!

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