Chapter 22-gods hunter?

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*last chapter we left on class 1-A meeting a mysterious girl claiming to be their new classmate after returning from the hospital to recover from their battles in kyoto*

Romansu: ummmmmm who the fuck are you
Blod: I am blod hund but you all may call me bluud hounder
Hari: bit of a funny accent you have going on there?
Blod: ah you must be the tall spikey jerk I was told about I will say now I believe you are the last person here who would be blessed by the gods not even Loki would bless you

*the whole class went quiet when they heard that*
Hari:.......ooook then that happened
Eric: the bloody hell she just yap about
Sieon: she just mentioned Loki aka the Nordic god of mischief
Blod: indeed Loki is a clever god though he normally blesses those like these two*pointed to rocheux and Romansu*
Romansu: hey to break it to uhhh blod was it but I don't believe in no gods
Rocheux;*mumbled*neither do I

Blod: you don't have to believe in a god to be blessed by one they work in mysterious ways and the ones they bless work in mysterious ways to
Eri: so you were praying when we walked in?
Blod: yes I was I was asking for blessings for all of your safety and to grant divine protection to this dorm*closed her eyes and smiled a little*

Hari: ok she's a weird one
Akane: agreed so what's with the thing on your wrist?
Blod:*opened her eyes and held up her right arm*oh this it regulates my quirk
Bibi: regulates?

Blod: yes you see my quirk is normally to unstable for me to use without some form of regulator this device along with my collar send electrical charges throughout my body to keep it in check
Kakuji: so your basically being tasered constantly?
Blod: I don't see it as that more like the gods are making sure I don't harm my packmates

Romansu:*whispered to eri*and here I thought Eric was a weird one
Eri:*whispered back*agreed
Blod and Eric: I heard that
Eri and Romansu:!!!*both jumped when they heard that*

Rochuex: ugh...*began to walk to her dorm room and reached for one of the books she got in kyoto and began to read it*
Blod: is she ok?
Aiko: oh that's just rochuex she's always like that
Blod: hmmmm well I heard it's a ua tradition for us to see each other's rooms?

Eric: yes well mainly when we first in the dorms
Mitsuo: but she did just move in
Eric; hm got me there
Blod: come follow me!*she walked towards her dorm*here is my room I hope you all don't mind
Ame: how bad could it be!
Noami: wish you hadn't said that....

*blod opened her rooms door to show the walls were lined with different animal skulls and different small tapestries of different Nordic gods and a small alter with two battle axes hanging from a bear skulls mouth above it and her bed was covered in different animal pelt blankets*
Blod: your thoughts?

Class 1-A:.............
Eric: it's um?
Romansu: edgy?
Hari: creepy?
Ame: nightmare fuel worthy?
Eri: interesting?

Eric: I actually was gonna say artistic
Blod: I'm glad you all like it!
Romansu: well in any case welcome to see hellhole of a class*held out his hand*
Blod:*shook his hand with a lot of force*
Romansu: owowowowowowow easy barely out of the hospital!

=meanwhile across Tokyo in a hospital=

*a unit of riot and anti quirk officers were stationed in a whole hallway and in a room where dipper Ashe Mabel and Shinpi were staying at had an officer harshly interrogating them*

Ashe: w-we didn't h-have a-

Shinpi: she's trying to tell you we didn't have a choice because if we went against what we were told at that time more then likely we'd be dead all four of us
Shinpi:*glared at him*i recommend you stop yelling isn't it rude to talk this loudly in a place like this?

Dipper: and me my sis and the tall guy here aren't very hurt so we ain't afraid of fucking you and every cop out there up we ain't scared
Ashe:<and to be honest your harassing us......>
Officer: WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY!!!!!!

Dipper and Mabel: no clue
Officer:*turned to ashe and got right into her face*WHAT DID YOU SAY TELL ME DAMNIT!!!!
Ashe:<s-stop your scaring m-me!>*tried to curl into a ball but the officer held her arms in place and she began to whimper and shake in fear*

*then everyone in the room turned their heads when they heard a loud clap come from the most powerful former number one pro hero of Japan allmight*
Allmight: excuse me sir let's not let this escalate more then it needs to now unhand the young woman your scaring her
Officer:....tch*let ashe go and backed off seeming very annoyed*

Shinpi: who are you?
Allmight: oh that's right from what I was told you don't know a lot about are world
Mabel: if we're being honest we can barely write
Dipper: hate to say it but it's true...
Allmight: well I'm here to talk things out and feel free to ask questions to we're gonna be here for awhile

*the four looked at each other and then back at allmight and began to tell him things from what they were told to do on their "missions" to stuff that nearly caused them to have mental break downs*
Allmight: hmmm you all have truly been through a lot but what if I told you there was a way you can help people

Dipper: what do you mean?
Allmight: I'm saying what you went through is nothing no person child or adult should have to go through but what I'm saying is how would you like to become students at my school
Shinpi: school that ua place?
Mabel: even after all the stuff we've done?

Allmight: you all were forced to do those things but when I look at you all I sense the making of four great professional hero's in the making so what do you say?
Ashe:....I'm in*looked at allmight*
Dipper: sure why not
Shinpi: count me in
Mabel: yeah let's be hero's!
Allmight: hm well then I welcome you to ua

=back with class 1-A=

*they were all chilling in the dorms relaxing and they smelled something cooking*
Romansu: anyone else smell that?
Eric: now that you mention it yeah
Aiko:*sniffed the air*smells good!

*soon they all saw in the kitchen they saw blod cooking something on and stuff and in the oven to and was singing something in Norwegian*

Blod: Åh lille jeger hvor rettferdig du er oh liten jeger hvor modig du jakter vidt og bredt å se verden fra de mektigste fjellene til de dypeste innsjøene og se hele verden på en måte som ingen mennesker vil tørre gudene vil synge av din nåde og se deg til himmelen når du endelig hviler~*kept singing this til she noticed her classmates*oh hello!

(Here's the translation-oh little hunter how fair you are oh little hunter how brave you are hunting far and wide seeing the world from the mightiest mountains to the deepest lakes and seeing all the world in a way no man would dare the gods will sing of your grace and see you to heaven when you finally lay rest )

Romansu: holy shit that was good...even though got no clue what you said
Eric: sounded heavenly!
Hari:*slow clap*
Sieon: it was rather beautiful
Blod: oh it's just a lullaby my father used to sing to me nothing special

Shiba: it was really good nice tempo and rhythm to it
Mitsuo; it is impressive
Aiko: yeah yeah but what ya cookin!
Blod: oh I'm making vilt(venison) stew with a urte(herbal) garish and I'm searing some fasan steaks with a spicy seasoning

Aiko:*was drooling and rochuex had come out to and was drooling to*
Romansu: wow even the shut in came out......
Blod: it's almost done so once we get the table set I can start plating!

*the next ten minutes the class had what had to be one of the best meals of their lives*
Hari: this is fuckin good!
Scott: easily the best meal I've ever had hands down
Rochuex:*had eaten enough for a family of five to eat and same was said for aiko*
Aiko: that was just good!

Blod: I am really glad you all liked it I truly am
Eric: yeah know I've got to ask why were you praying to those gods of yours when we first walked in?
Blod: oh well you see my family worships the gods I prayed to them for your safety and to keep this place safe to I'm here to become a hero but I'm truly trying to become a huntress the gods would ask to hunt their food for

Eric: a gods hunter interesting I myself consider myself a magician though not sure I'd be one worthy of the gods! Checheche!
Blod: oh but you could!
Eric: °u°.....huh?
Blod: a mage to the gods would be wonderful thing to accomplish
Eric: I'm joking I don't hon-
Blod: oh how exciting praise to the all father himself
Eric:*turned to the others*help me....

Romansu: nope your on your own
Hari: no dice midget
Mitsuo:*waved goodbye*
Ame: we knew him to little
Eric: IM NOT DEAD YOU IDIOTENS(idiots)!!!!!!!

Romansu: well I think we've all had enough surprises for one day let's get to bed I mean we do got school tomorrow
Hari: yeah villains right though got a feeling you just jinxed us.....
Romansu: oh come on I highly doubt that

*the next day*
Ashe: HELLO!
Shinpi: yo
Romansu,hari,eric and rochuex; you've got to be kidding me..............
Blod: oh new packmates hurray!

Kushinbo: GRHEHEHEHEHEHEHE new kiddies to teach and I've got big news class hora!
Hora:*slammed a giant sticker onto the board saying sports festival*

*ashe Shinpi have joined the class and they know more about blod but what's this on the horizon the ua sports festival all will be explained in chapter 23- festival?*


And that's all for this chapter how did you all like blod what do you think her quirk is gonna be art and info for her is gonna below and Ashe and Shinpi are in the class now the crazy only adds until then hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths!

Name-blod hunder
Likes-hunting fishing cooking
Dislikes-disrespect to her gods,people hurting her packmates

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