Chapter 25-final stretch!

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*last chapter the sports festival began with a marathon to the usj and now Romansu Eric ashe and their new pal haze are being assaulted by three students from the General course!*

Horn???: GO TO HELL HERO COURSE!!!*launched himself at the small team and was about to hit them dead on*
Haze: oh no way in hell pal!!!!*put his hand behind them and fired a burst of steam to block horn???'s vision so he crashed next to them and kept going after them*

Romansu: the heck is up with this guy?!
Eric: this man seems like he wants to turn us to paste and he's quick so long range attacks are to risky
Ashe: <but the only way we could do close range is if he gets onto the scooter!>
Haze: no duh!

*the three look at haze*
Haze: what?
Eric and Romansu: you speak Russian?!
Haze: ya wait you can't understand her?
Ashe:<not in the slightest n->*threw up some blood that splattered against horn??'s face*<GODDAMNIT CAN MY BODY NOT HATE ME FOR ONE FUCKING MINUTE!!!!!>

Horn???:*wiped the blood off and growled and they saw him visibly get bigger and went from running on his legs to all fours*YOUR DEAD!!!!!

Yano akamura's quirk-minoram!-he can turn into man ram hybrid in his half form he's crazy strong and fast though he's not the best at keeping his temper when he's like this!

Romansu and Ashe: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!
Haze: that may be a problem
Eric; well bigger target for us to take down at least!
Romansu:*fired a surge of flames at Yano who barreled out of the way and bashed against them nearly knocking them over*

Eric; hey big guy how's this for ya!*threw an orbital into yano's face who got staggered by this and they managed to get some distance from them*thats for beating are pals to a pulp ya bastard!!!!
Romansu: doubt that's gonna keep him back for long

*then the group saw they were neck and neck with the forerunners*
Mitsuo: about time you guys caught up!
Rocheux: outta my way!
Romansu: whoa now before we go crazy here and start attacking us here if we don't stop that sheep guy
Ashe:<I think he's a ram>
Romansu: whatever she said we don't stop him I think he's gonna end up seriously hurting anyone who manages to get to the second round so we need to take him down before he can hurt anyone!

Haze: why should we?
Eric: the mans out of his bloody mind and he doesn't seem to care who he hurts as long as the hero course doesn't get to the finish line!
Mitsuo: considering that guy is coming after you four it be the wisest option to try and tire him out then

Haze: that guy is going at us full steam doubt we're gonna be able to take him down
Romansu: we gotta try something or else he's gonna end up probably killing us!
Eric: um guys we got incoming!!!!!*yona was charging at them full force without mercy knocking people out of his own course to get past them*

Student2: YONA YA GOTTA CALM DOWN!!!!!!!
Yona: GET OFF ME YOU SPINELESS COWARDS!!!!*threw the students off him hard enough into the ground to cause craters*
*the group rocheux and Mitsuo look at each other and all nod*
Eric: first things first we gotta slow the bugger down

Rocheux: leave that to me he won't be able to keep up with me
Eric: then we need to chip him down so we can take him out in one blow!
Ashe: I can do that my dust will only go off when I want it to!
Eric: that leaves the rest of us to make sure he doesn't hurt others
Romansu: hey Mitsuo think ya could portal anyone near him away that's not us?

Mitsuo: that shouldn't be an issue my only concern is that he will start noticing are plan and get more aggressive
Haze: well that's fucking great
Mitsuo: that would be the opposite of great that be very bad

Haze: this one not get sarcasm?
Romansu Ashe and Eric: you have no idea........
Rocheux:*rolled her eyes as she slowed down to be near Yano who was about to slam his fist into her but then mitsuo opened a portal above her and his fist slammed into his leg and he tripped for a second before going after mitsuo and rocheux*

Mitsuo: we have him distracted guys so finish him quick before he discovers are rouse

Haze:*sweatdropped*that big guy ain't to bright is he
Romansu: to be fair the guy is hyped on adrenaline and his own quirk so cant blame him entirely
Eric: FIRE!*blasted off two orbitals near yano's feet which caused him to slip*
Romansu:*threw a blast of fire at Yano which chased him to shield himself as he caught ablaze*hot enough for ya!!

Yano: RAAHHHHHH!!!!!*rolled on the ground and stopped the flames and charged headfirst at the scooter*
Romansu: oh crap?!
Haze: hold onto your asses!
Ashe:*leaped off the scooter and wrapped her arms around yanos neck and spun herself around and fired her quirk off making it look like there was a ring of fireworks around Yano's neck*

Yano: GAH MY EYES!*was being thrown around by his own weight as Ashe spun on him and threw herself off leaving patches of blazing thermite on him*
Ashe;<how ya like that you big bastard!>

Haze: I'm in the support course!
Eric: what even in fecking hell did we do to you!

Mitsuo: wait a minute think I recognize you
Romansu:*looked at mitsuo*you know this guy?
Mitsuo: no but I remember him when I was taking the entrance exam he went out of his way to break a guys leg to make sure he didn't get hit by an attack from one of those robots they used and didn't care he could have killed them

Yano: all that guy was good for was being nothing but a shield so the real HEROS could get into this school
Eric: you broke a mans leg just to pass you should actually be lucky that you even got into the General course

Yano: this course is nothing but failures that don't give a shit they could've been better but they knew they'd only fail their all cowards!!!!!
Mitsuo: just because they didn't want to join the hero course doesn't mean you should force that ideology on them

Romansu: that's more of a villain then a hero
Yano: SHUT UP!!!!!!!*about to slam his fist into the scooter when it went through a portal and he knocked himself out from his own punch*
Mitsuo: you sir aren't a hero

Rocheux:*looked forward and saw the usj in sight*there it is!*began to go faster*
Romansu:*turned to see rochuex going quicker*haze step on it!
Haze: Roger that!*made the scooter go as fast as it could*
Mitsuo:*went through a portal and began to tail the other head runners*

*back in the stadium*
Kushinbo: it's the final leg folks and the head runners are neck and neck with each other!
Hora: looks like it's gonna be hard to tell who's gonna end up first!
Kushinbo: this is about to get insane!

*back at the race*
Eric: we ain't gonna make it!
Ashe: ahhhh!!*holding onto the scooter for dear life*
Romansu: not if I have anything to say about it*leaped off the scooter and blasted flames from his feet and soon it was him Mitsuo haze and rocheux each next to each other about to reach the finish line*

*then as if time slowed down each of them about to cross the finish line romansu's hand managed to cross it first and then trumpets blared when they landed*

Romansu: holy shit I'm first?!
Rocheux:*growled and slammed her fist against the ground*
Mitsuo: aw man was hoping to be first but third place is good to
Eric: bloody hell how am I alive from that
Ashe:*clinging to the scooter as haze was trying to pry her off*

*soon everyone except for Yano hyde kumo and aiko were across the finish line waiting for the next event to begin*
Romansu: well things certainly got crazy towards the end there
Hari: just can't believe you came in first place villain

Romansu: can you give it a rest for one day you over grown pin cushion!
Eri: both of you stop arguing for once!
Hari and Romansu: make me!
Sieon :*grabbed them both by The ear and bashed their heads Together and sighed heavily*stuck with a bunch of idiots sometimes

Eri: ahhh guys their about to announce the next event
Insomer:*got up on small stage and looked at them all*ok glad to see everyone here made it to the next event but this next one will get your money's worth the next event is

*the screen behind him did the same roulette slot thing it did before and landed on three towers*
Insomer: oh towers that's a surprise well here are rules you'll each make teams four or less even can do this solo but the name of the game is to make sure your tower doesn't fall as you can see we're surrounded by different areas so choose a place to make your tower and defend it well you have to at least destroy two towers to make it to the next round any questions

Romansu: hmmmm so I gotta make a team this should get interesting
Insomer: oh before I forget the person who came in first in the last round aka mister romansu's team tower will be worth four towers

*everyone looked at romansu with either looks of rage or sadistic pleasure in the fact their gonna be able to win if they beat him*
Insomer: ya got an hour to make your teams and find a place to build your tower so get to it

*soon everyone scattered to find teammates and places for their towers while Romansu was just trying to figure out who would even team up with him*

Romansu:*thoughts*ok I need at least three people on my team but who in hell would join my team?! Think Romansu thi-*then there was a tap on his shoulder*
Eric: oi
Romansu: Eric what do you want
*romansu saw that Eric hari and Ashe were next to him*
Hari: ain't it obvious we wanna team up
Ashe:<yeah this is gonna be fun!>*was literally sparking with excitement*

Eric: lets be honest here boyo your gonna need all the help ya got and considering the amount of people who hate ya fecking guts ya don't have a lot of options
Hari: besides ya don't have a lot of options either way
Romansu: you've got me there.......

Ashe; where should we set up the tower though?
Eric: considering your quirk is basically explosions and mine is long range we're gonna need an open area
Hari: hmmmmm how about the ruins then
Romansu: did you not here what he just said......

Eric: actually that would be the best place for us since we can hide the tower and make the perfect ambush encase anyone tries to mess with us
Romansu:*stood there for a second trying to process what Eric just said along with ashe*

Romansu: alright guys to the ruins zone and let's just hope we survive!
Eric: their not gonna kill us
Romansu; either way lets head over
*soon the group began making their way to the ruins zone of the usj little did they know their trouble with the General course is just beginning find out next time chapter 26-siege!*


And that's chapter 25 final stretch I hope you all enjoyed it things certainly have gotten crazy and now Romansu has a target on his head well a bigger target I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths!

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