Chapter 26-seige

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*last chapter the first round of the ua sports festival has finished and now their onto the second round with a game called towers!*

*meanwhile with Romansu's team who have made it to the ruins zone*

Romansu: so this is the ruins zone now where are we gonna set the tower up?
Hari: well better hurry this things fucking heavy......*was carrying a box with the tower inside it*
Eric: hmmmm the question is how are we gonna set it up we don't exactly have a very balanced team here
Ashe: wait how?

Eric: I'm the only person here who can fight properly at long range your body has a limit to how long you can even use your quirk same goes for romansu guy uses his bloods oxygen to power it up and he along with the pin cushion they can only fight at close range

Hari; he's not wrong
Romansu: agreed we need to think of how we can fight properly as a team*rubbed the back of his head*
Hari: can I put this thing down it's to damn heavy!
Eric: just put it down if your tired
Hari:*dropped the tower and sat down*phew what's in that damn thing.....

Romansu; well let's find out then shall we?*began to open the box and inside the team saw the tower looked very similar to a rook chess piece*a giant chess piece?
Eric: well a rook is also called the tower sometimes
Ashe: uhhh what's a chess piece
Hari; I'll explain later

Eric: it's rather big but we can hide it easily
Hari: how the thing is nearly as tall as me midget
Ashe: <he makes a point....>
Eric: one not a midget two you'll see let's get to setting it up!

*meanwhile back in the stadium a group of pros were gathering up some that know this event very well*

Kushinbo: so when are "they" gonna arrive
Hora: they should be arriving right about now
???; uh hello?
*hora and kushinbo turned around to see the three of Japan's top hero's behind them*

Deku: how you guys doing been awhile!

Hero ranking-number 3

Bakugo: how in hell did you convince me to this shitty ass event DEKU!!!

Hero rank-number 2

Todoroki: it's considered nice to show up for events like this bakugo remember this was where we got a running start in some ways

Hero rank-6

Kushinbo: GRHEHEHEHEHEH certainly has been awhile old pals
Deku: I can't wait to see all the new quirks this year I hear there's some pretty interesting quirks!
Hora: yup this patch is pretty crazy well in more then one way

Bakugo: tch how good can they be!
Kushinbo; oh you'll be surprised dear bakugo! These kids are insane like are adopted son romansu toga!-............whoops
Bakugou: toga?!
Deku: she had a kid?!
Todoroki: does anyone know about this!?

Hora:*bonked her husband*thankfully no and we'd like it if you kept it secret only the staff along with his class know and we would prefer if it stayed that way......
Deku: don't worry we will I can't wait to see his quirk!

*back with Romansus team*

Romansu: ACHOO!!
Hari; catching a cold villain?
Romansu: someone's talking about me.....and I don't think it's gonna end well
Eric: oi! Hurry up the round is about to begin!

*meanwhile with red??? And sleeve???*
Sleeve???: be patient he was a fool either way and we were going to cut him off either way in this round
Red???:.......tch yeah your right are goal is still to take out the hero course right!
Sleeve???: indeed

*soon the PA system turned on and a count down began*


Romansu: ok guys lets do this!
Eric: yeah we're gonna show em all what we're made of!


Ashe:<yeah we're gonna win this no matter what>
Hari: uhhhhhhhh*looks at a book called "Russian for beginners"*yeah what she said



*soon everyone either began to charge at one another hoping to take down their enemies tower while keeping theirs safe and people were charging right at Romansu's team*

Romansu: ok guys lets show them what we got! Eric do your thing!
Eric: chechecheche!*made...four orbitals?!*eat this and smoke it!*fired them and they hit a group dead on blasting them out of the way*

Eric: hahahahaha now this is fun!*saw a person coming near him and swung his cane at their gut and knocked them to the ground then fired a orbital into another persons face*
Romansu:*firing blasts of fire into peoples sides and chests while firing small blasts of flames from his feet to get behind people and hit them on the back*

Student1: these guys are crazy!?
Student2: yeah are we sure their first years?!
Romansu: oh you better believe it!!!!*jumped and fire a stream of fire into a crowd of them*yo hari how are we doing!
Hari: the towers safe but these guys are starting to hit us hard!

*the three turned to see ame having a storm cloud above her head as she was above them*
Eric: holy shite?!
Hari; how in hell did she get up there!
Romansu: we gotta move out of the way

Ame: take this*the cloud began to crackle with lighting and she aimed directly at them* raging storm-pinpoint lighting!!!!!!*she fired a powerful lighting strike directly at the three and it hit them dead on but they managed to stand back up*heh!

Eric: bloody hell that hurt!
Hari: we got more incoming!*turned to point at kayu coming at them full force with a large spiked fist made from the sleeve of his gym uniform*
Kayu: fabricate-Titan fist!*three the punch at hari who managed to catch it but slid back leaving tracks in the ground*

Eric: pin cushion!*nearly got struck by lighting again*what the holy shit?!
Ame: sorry Eric but I'm making it to the last round!
Romansu: great who am I fighting then Mitsuo?!
???: nope me!*romansu turned to get blasted by a torrent of water and was thrown back by this to see a kid with white spiky hair with his arm....made of water?!*

Mizuki mirai's quirk-water torrent!-he can completely liquidate his body into water and control whatever shape it takes he can also control water if there's enough of it but he has to stay hydrated to use his quirk a lot!

Mizuki: so your the villain of 1-A gotta say you don't seem to live up to the name?
Romansu: I'm not a villain!*thoughts*shit he has a water quirk how in hell am I gonna win against this guy if he can just turn his body into water?!

*meanwhile with Eri seion and noami*
Eri;*was heavily bruised and battered as she was barely standing up while seion and noami were on the ground unconscious*w-who are you two.....

Red???: we're gonna be your fucking replacements you fakes*held Eri up by her hair*
Sleeve???: leave them we destroyed their tower*kicked noami in the side before walking off*
Red???:dropped Eri and followed sleeve???*

*with shinpi fue and akane*
Shinpi:*panting as he was cornered by one of the class b students*
Cowgirl???: now why don't ya just go en give up be a lot easier if do pal*she sounded like she had a thick Texan accent*
Shinpi; never
Cowgirl???:*sighed*yer lose pal*clocked Shinpi in the head causing him to be knocked out cold*Hey fellas how ya doin over ther?

Gauntlet???:*holding akane by the head*capapapapa this guy gave the don a good brawl so he don is doing well!
Black???:*standing over a destroyed tower with fue next to him out cold*tch bastards could have done a lot better*he sounded like he had a Dutch accent*lets move hey you*turned to......blod?!*who's next on the list
Blod: just your classmates sadly
Black???: lets just get this over with*began to walk away from the tower along with everyone else*

*back with romansu's team*

Eric: the heck guys I thought we were a class!
Ame: yeah but people are dropping like flies so we gotta take our chances!
Kayu: yeah it's nothing personal!

Hari: well no offense but don't take this personal either!*grabbed kayu by the fist and threw him into ame*
Ame: ow!

Romansu:*he and mizuki were in a neck and neck battle both evenly matched*Your not half bad!
Mizuki: same for you!

PA system-team mizuki's tower has been destroyed by Ashe tobi of Team hari

Romansu: Wait Team hari!
Hari: hey it was the smarter move
Romansu: fair enough.....
Mizuki: what how?!
Hari: hey you heard the PA system you guys are out we just played a slightly smarter game

*meanwhile with ashe*
Ashe:*dusting off her hands as she made her way back to her teams tower*phew about time now who's next?

*meanwhile in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: oh my folks looks like things have gotten crazy in there seems Ashe of class 1-A has managed to destroy one of the two towers her team needs to win!
Hora: and her team is practically the most wanted target guess it was smart sending her out to take enemy towers ou-WHATS THIS?!
*the monitor screens change to show sleeve??? And red??? Surrounded by unconscious students with looks of nothing but bloodlust in their eyes*

Hora: those two just took out half the hero course students alone and didn't even care about their towers?!?!
Kushinbo: looks like troubles brewing for the remaining hero course kids because these two from the General course are on a war path!*backs away from the mike and talks into a radio*let insomer know he may need to get involved encase things get out of hand

*back with team Romansu they had managed to gain some breathing room*
Romansu:*panting*damn how many of these guys are there?!

Hari: yeah they don't stop coming.....
Eric: well we only need one tower left before we can move onto victor-*then they saw haze get brutally thrown into the wall next to them with his mask falling off his face to reveal he was heavily bruised*haze?!

Hari: holy shit what happened to him
Romansu: make sure he's breathing!
Haze: you guys need to run.....
Romansu:*helped haze sit up*what?
Haze: those General course guys got me off guard and took out half my class and yours I don't know how many people are left.....but they need to be stopped but I don't think anyone here can do that

Eric: sage your strength and don't worry we'll show em what for!
Hari: you realize your talking about taking on guys who managed to single handily take down nearly an entire course right?

Romansu: I just hope Ashe will be ok...
Hari; she's a big girl she can handle herself
Eric: and said girl has no experience dealing with other people has a VERY weak physical body and throws her own blood up on a near constant basis
Hari:*sweatdropped*yeah fair point.............

Romansu: look we just gotta make sure we can survive them before time runs out and hopefully we can get one last tower in before we have to deal with th-*then Ashe came flying towards them and landed in her feet sliding against the ground on all fours like a cat hissing*
Ashe: hsssssssss!!!!!!!!!*was sparking violently as everyone turned to see sleeve??? And red???*

Sleeve???: so we finally meet villainous scum

*romansu and the gang have just encountered the two responsible for taking out all their friends and fellow classmates will they manage to beat them in chapter 27-malice!*


And that's chapter 26-siege I hope you all liked it because I had a fun time coming up with this one even though it's coming out pretty late but other then that tell me your theories on who these mystery kids from class 1-b are and what sorta quirks sleeve??? And red??? May have in store well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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