Chapter 27-malice!

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*last chapter Romansu's team had managed to hold off an all out assault while his classmates had been defeated one by one by sleeve??? And red??? Of the General course*

Sleeve???: so we finally meet villainous scum

Romansu: who in hell are you guys?!
Eric: are you the lot who did this to haze!
Red???: anyone who says their "friends" with the hero course are nothing but trouble in the making!

Romansu:*turned to hari*and you call me a villain!
Hari: yeah may need to rethink that....
Ashe: to be fair romansu does do some weird things
Eric: yes like how his toast is always perfectly browned
Romansu: I'm just using my quirk damnit!!!!!

Red???: quiet talking like your all high and mi-
Hari: do you mind we're in the middle of a conversation
Sleeve???: you hero course students think your so great but some of us have worked all our lives to get into this school while a lot of you got lucky!

Romansu: I nearly got crushed by a robot!
Sleeve???: that's no excuse! Siren show them what we can do

Siren(red???): with pleasure*took a deep breath and her mouths lower jaw split open and was held together by skin and and the same with her top jaw happened to*
Ashe: <oh that's not right.....>

(For those of you who would need a reference try thinking the predators mouth from the predator movies look them up if you've never seen them)

Siren: go to hell hero course!*a large ball of what appeared to be sound formed in her mouth and she fired it at Hari who went flying back taking deep breaths after he was hit*
Hari:*thoughts*the hell.........

Siren yamashiro's quirk-screamer bomb-she can open her jaws up to make it into a cannon where she can fire powerful blasts of sound though she can end up hurting her throat if she does to many of them!

Siren:*closed her jaws and growled*damnit how are you still standing!!!!
Romansu: holy shit that looked like it hit hard?!
Hari: it did*moved his shirt to reveal to a huge bruise forming*felt like a bowling ball hit me

Eric:*looked at siren closely and then moved his eyes to sleeve???*well now we know why haze is all bruised up but I'm worried about what that other guy may be able to do
Sleeve???: oh look down
*the four look down to see a thick mist up to their knees well in Eric's case it's up to his hips*

Romansu: Wait where did all this mist come from?!
Ashe: who cares let's get them!*began to spark*
Eric:*sniffed the air and his eyes narrowed*DONT SET YOUR QUIRK O-*then the mist blew up causing the four to cough and stand up*the mist has sulfur in it highly reactive and highly explosive
Sleeve???: clever brat

Rook korosagi's quirk-mistify!-he can produce three different types of mist one of them he can make highly volatile though he can't produce his mist in small portions so it's always go big or go home with him!

Rook: not many people can figure out some of the reactive elements of my volatile mist
Eric: well when ya have people in your class who's whole quirk revolve around heat and or explosive properties best to remember those sorts things how you guys holding up

Hari: we're ok!*coated his side in needles to protect himself and ashe*
Romansu: ow......
Hari; the villain not so much
Romansu: one of these days I swear I'm gonna torch you.......

Rook: siren take them out while I find their tower
Siren; as long as I can tear these guys apart*split her jaws open*i don't care what you do
Ashe:<that's really unnerving>*sweatdropped*

Eric: Romansu go find their tower with ashe me and the pin cushion will handle the mouth girl
Hari: oh sure let's take on the girl who fires literal sonic nukes....

Ashe: don't worry we can handle taking on the tower gu-*threw up a lot of blood and it stained her mouth and teeth*d-damnit...*held her sides*
Rook: oh it appears your friend there has made herself a willing target!*fired a spiraling shot of light blue mist*this is my buster mist i don't exactly know how it works myself but this mist can physically touch you!

Romansu:*picked up Ashe and fire appeared at his feet* infernales sanguine-*blasted off from the ground dodging the mist*diabolus gradus/devil step!!
Rook; what?!
Romansu: bet you didn't see that coming huh!
Ashe: <t-t-thank you....>*clinging to Romansu*

Eric: oh ho someone seems jealous
Hari; SHUT UP!

Siren: hey pay attention to me!*fired a sound bomb at the two who managed to dodge out of the way*
Eric: the woman isn't wrong my friend let's get ready to rumble!

*back in the announcers booth*

Hora: well folks looks like ashe of class 1-A is having some trouble and her teammate romansu saved her with some quick thinking!
Kushinbo: indeed! Looks like rook of the general course is gonna have a tough fight on his hands Same should go for siren if I must say!
Hora: yup it won't be easy dealing with two enemies at once!

*back in the USJ*

Siren:*sneezed*ugh someone's talking about me.....
Eric: eat this!*fired an orbital at her and she blasted a sound bomb at it and they collided and blew up against each other*damnit looks like my orbitals and her screams are evenly matched in terms of power!

Hari:well let's get serious then samurai discipline-needle Lance!*two long needles formed from his hands and he held them like swords ready to strike at siren*
Siren: you think you can beat me you fakes!!!!!
Eric: wow I guess being a loud mouth isn't just your quirk

Siren: THATS IT!!!!*fired a sound blast directly at Hari and Eric which caused them both to be launched back*

*back with romansu and ashe*

Rook: you think you two can honestly beat me?
Romansu: well considering you knocked out my friends without a second thought I don't think we really have a choice now do we?
Ashe: grrrrrr
Rook: what makes you think that a cripple and the villain of 1-A can beat me I've maximized by quirk to its fullest potential by the time I was in 6th grade!!!

Romansu:*set his hands ablaze and charged at rook who had created a barrier of his volatile mist and romansu backed off*tch!
Rook: well I guess your smarter then you appear villain but let's see how you handle my buster mist!!!!!*fired a stream of spiraling light blue mist at Romansu who took the force of the impact dead on*

Romansu:*thoughts*SHIT!!!! Feels like I'm being hit by a sac of bricks! He knows me and Ashes quirks are useless against that volatile mist of his guess that means we're gonna have to get clever
Rook: what's the matter villain to sc-*saw Ashe out of the corner in his eye lunge at him with her claws primed to slash at him he barely dodged out of the way before she landed on her hands and vaulted feet first against his chest knocking in back*YOU BITCH!!!

Ashe:*smiled and stretched as she looked at him*romansu you go ahead I can handle him don't worry
Romansu: not a ch-
Ashe: I know I don't seem like it but I can fight and keep myself save so go and <take down their ducking tower>

Romansu: no clue what that last bit was but fine just don't get yourself killed got it?
Ashe:*chuckled and got low to the ground her claws spread out hissing like a snake*

*back with hari and eric*

Hari: ugh you ok mi-*sees he was holding a severed leg that appeared to be Eric's*AHH!!!
Siren: what the fuck?!
Eric:*sat up out of the rubble and stood up on one leg using his cane to balance himself and saw hari's expression*what?

Hari: how are you not bleeding out from this?!*pointed to the leg.*
Eric: it's a prosthetic leg you nitwit your telling me you've never seen a prosthetic!*hoping his way over to Hari and grabbed the limb from his classmates hand*
Hari: well sorry but I thought she blasted your leg off because this really isn't normal!!!!!!!!*pointed to Eric who was casually putting his leg back on like it was nothing*especially considering the fact we're in a fight!!
Eric:*moving his leg back and forth to make sure it was ok*oh your just a worry w-LOOK OUT!*pointed to siren firing a barrage of sonic bombs at them*

Siren: DIE HERO COURSE!!!!!*hari and Eric dodged their way out of bombs paths and began to rush towards siren who was firing bomb after bomb*YOU DONT DESERVE BEING IN THIS SCHOOL YOUR ALL JUST FAKES TRYING TO GET FAMOUS!!!!!!
Eric; bloody hell woman you beat up a guy who wasn't even in our course for the simple fact he's just associated with us if anything you don't get to talk like this!

Hari: yeah we've never hurt you and just labeling us because you couldn't get in is just wrong!
Siren: shut up I don't care who I have to beat to get into the hero course but I will get in*opened her jaw to charge up what appeared to be the largest sonic bomb she's made yet*
Eric: holy shite how in hell are we supposed to get past that!

Hari; we rush her this may take us out of the festival but we gotta stop her
Eric: agreed let's do this*made four orbitals and launched them directly at siren*now stop!*snapped his fingers and the orbitals converted into two gravitational surges that held siren in place*

Siren: what do you fools think your doing!!!!!
Hari: taking you out!*closed her jaws shut just as he bomb went off and the massive cloud of dust erupted from the enclosed blast*

*back in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: OH MY folks looks like Eric and Hari if class 1-A have sacrificed themselves to save their friends I hope their ok!
Hora: after a blast like that I'd be amazed if they didn't end up in a lot pain! But what's this!

*we cut to ashe and rook*

Ashe:*was low to the ground throwing slashing at rook who was trying to use his buster mist to pin her down but she was twisting and turning to much to be hit by it*

Ashe: hehe ya know your not the first person to compare me to one!*stood on one of her hands with her legs bending over her head and she launched herself with an explosion grabbed onto his arm and began spinning him around with his own weight*

Rook: let me go fake!*ashe then got onto his back and threw her arm under just and used it to put him into a headlock as she twined one of her legs with his and used her other arm to keep both his arms in place while using her other leg to wrap it around his waist then put her head in the crook of his neck*what the?!

*back in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; oh my folks Ashe has gotten rook into a complete body lock!
Hora: she's practically made it impossible for him to move unless she wants him to what's she planning!

*back to ashe and rook*

Rook: let me go this instant!!!!
Ashe: sorry pal but*she began sparking and her mouth began glowing blue*<I'm taking you out with a bang!!!!> Kamikaze cobra/Камикадзе кобра!!!!!!*soon she began sparking to the point it looked like she was about to explode*
Rook: kamikaze your going to commit suicide someone help me she's insa-*then they were caught in a massive blast of cyan thermite explosions and when it cleared rook was on the ground with ashe standing supreme*

Ashe: hehehehe man what a lo-*puked up a lot of blood onto rook*<AH DAMNIT IM SORRY!!!>

(Ashe's Kamikaze cobra/Камикадзе кобра is a special move where she throws her enemy into a body lock where the enemy can't pry her off without risk of hurting themselves then she begins to prime her quirk for a massive explosion resulting in a devastating attack that will usually leave her enemies on the ground unconscious)

*with romansu who saw the explosion in the distance*

Romansu: why do I have a bad feeling she just did something crazy where's that-*saw siren and rook's tower in the distance*TOWER!*he began race towards the tower and saw three people on his right closing in*shit
Cowgirl???: hey ain't that the villain kid from class A?
Gauntlet???: the don thinks so!
Blod: yes that's him we must hurry before he gets to that tower

Romansu: well at least blods alright but crap!*rolled out of the way as the gauntlet kid was about to slam him with both his fists into the ground* infernales sanguine-diabolus gradus/devil step!!!*he blasted a surge of fire from his feet and launched himself at the tower and managed to close to it and blasted it apart with a surge of fire causing a siren to blar*

Romansu: holy shit we won it!
Cowgirl???;*went over to romansu*good job there pal your more like a bronco then a villain with moves like those!
Romansu: uhhhhh guessing your a foreigner
Cowgirl???: yup Texan born and proud partner

Romansu: well nice to m-*then he got clocked in the side of his face by hari who was covered in bruises with ashe in his back laughing*WHAT THE HELL PIN CUSHION!!!!!!
Hari: yeah left Ashe for dead out there!
Ashe: oh please I beat that guy easily
Romansu: yeah I saw the explo-why is Eric missing a leg?!
Eric: why are you all surprised I have a prosthetic it's not that uncommon to have one!

*soon the four began to argue leaving the other three students to watch what was happening*
Cowgirl???:*sighed<and here I was hoping the other hero class was sans.........>
Gauntlet???; the don likes these guys their the dons kinda crazy!
Blod: yes my class is very much insane may the gods bless them for theirs and our victory!

*soon the remaining students from the round gathered up in the plaza of the usj with insomer standing in front of them*
Insomer: ok so-*yawned*-the remaining lot of ya are moving to the final round we're gonna take a break to round everyone up so take the time to relax and prepare

*all that was left of the students were Dutch??? Gauntlet???? Cowgirl??? Blod romansu rocheux ashe and Mitsuo these eight will be the finalists of the sports festival what will happen find out in chapter 28-last round!*


Well that was one action packed chapter I do say so tell me what you guys thought of siren and rooks quirks and what you think these three mystery students quirks might be well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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