Chapter 28-last round!

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*last chapter second round of sports festival has ended with blod romansu ashe Dutch??? Gauntlet??? Cowgirl??? Rochuex and Mitsuo have made it to the last round of the sports festival*

*at the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; GREHEHEHEH well folks looks like the last round of the sports festival is gonna be jammed packed full of action considering the power these lot have now for those of you who are watching this for the first time al-*got smacked to the side by hora*
Hora; allow me to explain the rules!

Hora; the last round of the sports festival is bracket style tournament brawl where the ones who managed to make it to this round will show off their combat skills an-*got shoved by kushinbo*
Kushinbo: and to show all their hard work they've made up until this point but until then we're gonna take a break so they can all recharge their quirks and get some rest themselves and it's still a sports festival so enjoy any of the other events that come up to!

*meanwhile in the stands class 1-A were giving the others a pep talk*

Ame: that was so cool what you did out there guys!
Hyde: yeah sucks me aiko and kumo May have been taken out in the first round but that was awesome what you did!
Bibi; make sure you show our class with pride you five!

Romansu;*sighed*if I'm honest I don't like my chances since there's no telling who's gonna end up fighting who
Ashe:*puking blood up in a bucket before lifting her head*<yeah besides I don't think I'll probably last long in the fights myself>
Mitsuo; that's a little obvious

Hari: if I were you guys though I'd be worrying about those class b kids we don't know a lot about them I'm getting a bad vibe from that shadow looking guy
Eric: agreed Eri you have any info on them?
Eri:*shook her head no*i really don't since we've barely seen them since today I haven't had a chance to gather their quirk data....

Romansu; so we're flying in blind then
Blod; well the gods are surely watching this wondrous event I praise them for the success we've had thus far
Rochuex:*rolled her eyes and said something in what sounded like french*

Kayu: well we got a chance to relax for a little bit
Ashe:<Wait Mabel is in class b I can ask her if she knows anything about her classmates quirks before we start!>*ran off to find Mabel*
Hari; Ashe Wait!*ran after her*

Eric:well I'm gonna grab a bite to eat I'm fuckin starv-*got bonked by kayu*ow what the shite kayu!
Kayu; uhhh mister kushinbo asked me to bonk anyone who swore
Romansu: yeah that's something he would definitely do.....

*meanwhile in the stands specifically where the staff were*

Allmight; I'm impressed at how well the hero course is doing this year
Surgey: yeah but those general course kids went a bit over board we may need to have a talk with them
Nezu: well I'm glad that a few of the star pupils of both hero classes are getting a chance to fight
Aoyama: oui it will be mag~ni~fient!

*then kushinbo and hora entered the stand*
Allmight: ah bastion junkie come on sit down with us where is the support course teacher?
Hora; the nut said she's helping fix her students "babies" whatever that means
Allmight: well I'm glad she's taking an interest in her job but how's the young man you've adopted romansu toga?

Kushinbo: well we had a small slip up of where ground zero deku and todoroki hear his last name but their promising to keep it quiet no matter what
Hora: yeah but I'm more concerned that he's accidentally going to get revealed in this round

Allmight; don't worry encase things go soul we're here to handle the damage
Kushinbo: I hope so kids had enough on his plate lately the whole school getting a chance to hate him is gonna make it worse on him and class 1-A I just hope it won't come to that.....

*meanwhile with ashe who was wandering around the sports festival trying to find mabel*

Ashe:*turning left and right to find her friend*ugh where could she be.........*saw Mabel in the distance*MABEL!*rushed over*
Mabel:*turned to see ashe and she smiled*ashe!*hugged her as Ashe leaped into her arms hugging back*i haven't seen you in weeks how have you been!

Ashe: I've been doing well I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the class b students
Mabel: oh su-*she was interrupted when she heard a loud cough and turned to see none other then yuleong*yulie!

Yuleong: Mabel how many times do I have to remind don't call me that in public and who's that your hugging?
Mabel: oh this is ashe! I told you about her remember*put Ashe down*
Yuleong: ashe you mean you-*mabel covered yuleongs mouth and she gave a look of confusion*

Mabel:*whispered yuleong*i haven't told her yet can you help me break the news to her....
Yuleong:*sighed and nodded*fine let's get it over with
Mabel: ok ashe there's something I need to tell you
Ashe: sure what is it?*tilted her head smiling*

(Oooohhhhhh I'm gonna get so much hate for this but for the sake of plot and some character development I must do so!)

Mabel;*sighs sadly and then looks at ashe with a look of sadness and holds yuleongs hand who was looking away with a bit of hurt for what's about to happen in her eyes*ashe yuleong is my girlfriend now I......I'm sorry
Ashe: I don't understand?.....*her smile turned to one of confusion*

Mabel:*went closer to ashe and looked ready to cry and placed her hands on Ashe's shoulders*ashe I'm not your girlfriend anymore
Mabel: it's just I haven't seen you for nearly a month and I was so lonely without you there and yuleong was there for me but don't get me wrong you'll always be close and special to me do you understand?
Ashe:*looked up at mabel with a smile but Mabel knew she was trying to hide her pain behind it*yeah I'm fine I'm glad for you well it's been nice catching up with you I better get going......*gave mabel one last hug and ran off back into the stadium*

Mabel:*began to cry and yuleong patted her on the back*im a horrible person
Yuleong: no your not you answered the best you could it's just gonna take time for her to understand what happened to her.....

*meanwhile with ashe who was in the bathroom crying her eyes out*
Ashe:*sobbing as she leaned against one of the bathroom stales wiping her tears away with her hands*<idiot idiot idiot!!!!>*she puked up some blood that covered her lower jaw and she began punching herself*<why did I ever think she wouldn't leave me of course she would leave me I'm useless I'm completely useless!!!!!!!!!>

*soon ashe left the restroom wiping the blood off her mouth and noticed it had gotten very cloudy and went back to the class 1-A stands*

*back at the stands romansu was trying to remember all he could ok ashe's Mitsuo's and rocheux's quirks*
Romansu;*thinking*hmmmmm I don't know a lot about their quirks but barely on those three from class b and blod's that's gonna be my biggest concern in the end I guess

Hari: yo villian*romansu looked up from his daze and he got tossed a blood orange*
Romansu: a blood orange?*gave Hari a look of confusion*
Hari: I heard ya liked them so I got one for ya
Romansu: don't you usually hate me?
Hari: yeah your a villain alright but your the class villain I don't hate you well not anymore

Romansu:*had begun eating his orange*what changed your mind?
Hari:*sat down*after Kyoto I had time to think back and think some things through that bastard with the cubes is the one I will hate no matter what happens to me but you all you really have ever done is exist you've never done anything wrong to me but when I heard your last name for the first time I guess something in my brain just decided to make ya think your folks were the ones who did kill my pa

Romansu: yeah to be honest with ya....*looked up at the cloudy sky*ive never even met them so I wouldn't even know what to say if I got the chance to meet them.....but I have a feeling they did regret everything they did because it meant i would end up being hated for my name but I think I'd tell them that they shouldn't if anything I should be sorry I even couldnt write them a letter so they would know what I've been through

Hari: that was a little deep there vi-*smiled*romansu that was a little deep romansu
Romansu;*ate the last of his orange and sat up*it was wasn't it but I still got a ways to go I guess
*soon the speaker system turned on*

*in the announcers booth*
Hora; the arena for the tournament is done we aren't gonna reveal the whole bracket that way the competitors don't get a leg up on the other by asking their classmates about them!

:First match:
Romansu vs blod

Romansu: so I'm up against blod.....
Hari: well good luck villain I'll be rooten for ya both
Romansu:*gave a deadpan expression*whos side are you on hers or mine....

Hari: Eh I really don't got a dog in this fight so I ain't pickin a side*began to walk to his seat*knock em dead romansu show these guys what villain of 1-A is capable of
Romansu:*smiled*oh don't worry I won't

*soon the crowd began cheering as blod and Romansu made their way to the stage*

Kushinbo: ok folks let's get this started in one corner we have a girl straight from the land of the Vikings praying to the gods of her homeland BLOD HUND!!!!!!
Blod:*was holding her hands together and her eyes closed as she was praying before opening them*may the gods bless this battle!

Hora: and in the other corner the blazing hero in training who's own classmates call the villain of 1-A but is a real hero in the making ROMANSU!!!!!
Romansu:*walked up onto the stage and set surge of fire of his signature maroon flames in his hand then crushing it giving a sly grin*lets give em a show they ain't gonna forget blod!

Hora: 2!
Kushinbo: 1!
Kushinbo and hora: AND BATTLE!
*soon blod and romansu entered battle stances and charged each other*

*classmate vs classmate will Romansu manage to beat blod in next chapter chapter 29-hunter vs blaze!*


Well my lovable psychopaths looks like the sports festival is truly about to kick off now I want you all to tell me your theories on what blod's quirk might actually be since I've kept I a secret up until this point but I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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