Chapter 29-hunter vs blaze!

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*last chapter the final round has begun with romansu vs blod as the starting match*

*romansu and blod charged each other head on and began to go at each other*
Blod:*was slashing at romansu like she was a animal trying to aim for a weak spot on their prey not giving romansu a second to breathe*
Romansu:*was shooting blasts of fire at blod while trying to keep his distance from her as best he could*

Blod: your holding your own very well romansu I commend you on that but your quirk relies on having oxygen in your blood stream meaning you need to be able to breathe to keep it fueled*grabbed romansu by the elbow and flipped him over and slammed her foot into his back throwing him towards the near edge of the fighting stage*

Romansu:*panted and took a deep breath*well your not wrong but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna go down without a fight!*set his whole arms ablaze and rushed her and used his flaming arms like whips keeping her at bay and at a distance*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; well folks looks like these two wasted no time going at it tooth and nail against each other both don't seem to have an upper hand in this fight!
Hora: well as blod said romansu's quirk needs constant oxygen supply to function properly so it's gonna be a battle of endurance!
Kushinbo; that I might be junkie that it might! But let's see how their fairing down there!

*back to romansu and blod*

Blod;*dodging romansu's flaming arms as she got onto her back and propelled herself into his face feet first then leaped back onto her feet causing him to stumble backwards losing the flames coated on his arms*
Romansu;*thoughts*damnit I can't keep this up I need to try and stop her before I end up to exhausted to fight back

Blod: I believe I've toyed with you long enough*stood still and held up her arm that had the strange device attached to it*
Romansu: what the?

*back in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; what's this folks seems blod has something in store for us we weren't expecting
Hora: for those of you who don't know what's happening we don't either!

*in the class 1-A stands*

Hari; the hell's she doing down there?*squinted his eyes*
Shinpi; I believe she's about to unleash her quirk on romansu if so this may not be pretty

*in the class 1-B stands*

Mabel; what do you mean this is gonna turn into a blood bath?
Cowgirl:*was sitting back with her arms behind her head*that gurl down thar is like a wild animal when we saw her unleash her quirk let me tell ya tha kid is in for a rodeo

*back in the fighting stage*

Blod; i beckon the gods to give strength to give me sight to give me wisdom to beat my foe and to give honor to my family*lifted a small cover on the device to reveal a small bright red switch*
Romansu:*thinking*whats she planning......
Blod: for I am the huntress the gods have sent*opened her eyes and flipped the switch and her eyes turned red and red energetic began to encase blods arm into a massive beastly claw*

Romansu: what the hell?!

Blod hunds quirk-beast of the hunt!-she can unleash a energy within her body that lets loose her predatory instincts or boost her senses she can even coat it around her body to form claws horns and all sorts of stuff though she has trouble keeping it in check so she wears a special arm mounted device to keep it in check!

Blod: you had your chance romansu but now your chance to beat me is gone*lunged forward at romansu swinging her massive claw wildly not even trying to aim like she was just a little while ago*
Romansu:*got the claw slammed into his chest and he rolled backwards in pain and then stood up*damnit how in hell can I even beat that?!

*back in the class 1-B stands*

Yuleong; holy shit she's like an animal down there......
Cowgirl; see what I tell ya'll gurls like a cat huntin varmints she ain't gonna stop til she gets her dues

*in the class 1-A stands*

Hari and ashe: HOLY SHIT!
Eric; our boyo's in deep shite here!
Shinpi: indeed he is I had to fight against blod during the second round she's merciless like a starved beast trying to get a meal she's going to attack romansu until she wins

*back in the fighting stage*

Romansu:*at this point romansu was just trying to keep his distance and dodge blods onslaught of frenzied attacks*the hell has gotten into you?!
Blod;*didn't respond she just kept attacking without mercy and then added a second claw into the mix and then grabbed romansu by the face with one of the claws and tossed him into the air then crashed the other claw down into him*

Romansu: GAH!*grabbed her claw before she could remove it*lets see how well you deal with this!*blasted flames from his hand full force causing the claw to be burned*
Blod; RAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!*she roared in pain and began to flail romansu against the ground ash he continued to blast his flames*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: oh my word folks blod has gone feral and doesn't seem to be letting up on romansu!
Kushinbo: yeah if I were him I would try and find a way to get out of the claws grasp instead of trying to toast it!
Hora: that's IF he can get out of that claw she's flailing him around like a piece of paper in a tornado I don't think he's gonna be able to last long unless he can get himself out of that right spot!

*back in the fighting stage*

Romansu:*thinking*ok think Romansu think think your being bashed around quicker then you can take in oxygen at most my flames might knock me out I need to try and get free and get some air into my lungs and blood but how am I going to do that?!*got slammed against the ground and his foot went against blods face*thats it! Hey blod
Blod;*looked at him*

Romansu: how about a game of hot foot! infernales sanguine-diabolus gradus/devil step!!*he blasted fire from the bottom of his feet into blods face causing her to let him go due to sudden burning sensation and he got back onto his feet as she patted her face then turned to growl at him*awwww what's the matter little to hot for ya-WHOA!*ducked as blod leaped directly at him then slammed her claws into the ground*

Blod: grrrrrrrrrr*turns at rom who had fire in his hands and she just started an onslaught of claw slashes and swipes at him while he countered with blasts of fire and flaming punches*

Romansu:*thoughts*damn ok got some breathing room but not enough I need to deal with those claws maybe I can use one of the new moves I've been working on no I need to save those for as long as I can
Blod:*was about to grab romansu by the face until he ducked and got an idea*
Romansu: if I can't beat you down I'll just ring you out!!*grabbed her by the waist and started charging fire from his feet*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: what's Romansu trying to do it looks like he's trying to suplex her?
Hora: I don't think that's what this is it looks like he's gonna try and push her out of the ring!
Kushinbo: well if that's the case I hope he knows that he's also risking throwing himself out of the fighting stage to!

*back in the fighting stage*

Blod: RAAAAAAHHHH*slamming her fists into romansus back as a storm of fire was at his feet*
Romansu: infernales sanguine-*he launched himself with a massive blaze of fire into the air with blod grappled in his arms as she kept trying to beat him into submission*DIABOLUS GRADUS/DEVIL STEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*then romansu did a nose dive towards the stage below them and then let blod go and shove his foot into her gut and blasted her towards the outside of the stage they fought on and she crashed just outside the stage out cold as romansu landed in the middle of the stage panting heavily*

Romansu: ok note to self don't use that move in rapid succession.......*then noticed how hard he made blod crash into the ground*OH SHIT!*he ran over to her and helped her up*you ok blod I didn't mean to throw ya down that hard?!
Blod:*shook her head as she flipped the switch off and looked at him*that was an amazing battle may the gods praise your glorious victory!!!! know I could have possibly broke your spine right?!
Blod: oh no my body is used to this sorta thing I did used to hunt bears with my father and grandfather with nothing but are bare hands!
Romansu: not sure if that's something you need to gloat about...........

*then Romansu saw the stands cheering for him chanting his name and he couldn't believe it*
Romansu: their.....their cheering for me
Blod; of course they are you managed to win a tough battle you should be proud
Romansu:......HELL YEAH!!!!!!*threw his arms up in joy*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: GREHEHEHEHE well folks that HAD to be the most out of the box ring out I've ever seen the winner is-*hora shoved him down and grabbed the mic from her husband*
Hora: THE WINNER IS ROMANSU TOGA!!!!!!!-.............whoops*her face sweatdropped at her mistake*
Kushinbo:*facepalmed*smooth hora smooth......

*in the class 1-a stands*

Class 1-A:*facepalmed or sighed heavily*Smooth teach real smooth.........

*in the ua factually stands*

Allmight:*slumped over with a deadpan expression*well guess the cats out of the bag now........

*the crowd began to mutter amongst themselves from what they just heard*
Citizen1: toga like the villain?
Citizen2: who else could it be
Citizen3: who in their right mind let a villain into ua
*the crow began to go into an uproar as Romansu began to look down gritting his teeth and clenching his fists as people began to boo him*

Citizen4; HE MUST HAVE CHEATED!!!!!!
Citizen5: yeah the kid must have made the poor girl throw the match!!!!!!
Citizen6: someone disqualify him!!!!

Romansu:........*walked off the stage as people began to throw things at him he didn't even care they were hitting him he just walked off*

*in the class 1-A stands*

Eric: bloody hell these people are just going to far......
Akane: yeah even the stuff we do isn't this harsh
Kumo: poor Romansu........
Eri: it's not his fault his names that why are they even doing this!
Hari; because people will try and take their anger and fear out on anyone they can remember a few days just before the ua sports festival started

~flash back to five days ago~

*all of class 1-A was in their dorms common room with romansu in the center of it*
Hari; so why did ya call use here villain?
Kakuji; yeah it's pretty late
Sieon; I'm sure he wouldn't call us all into the common room if it wasn't important

Romansu: yeah it's pretty important I'm sure you guys are well aware of my last name
Eric: yeah toga right
Romansu; yeah and just like the first day of school I said my moms himiko toga

Ashe; I don't get it why's that so important
Shinpi: yes we don't understand
Eri:*turned to Shinpi and ashe*she was a villain who along with a few others managed to land themselves in the history books of Japan

Romansu;*sighed*thats right I got a call from the principal himself saying their gonna keep my last name a secret for the sports festival and for my safety since there are some people who's lives were heavily impacted by my parents and their friends
Hari: so why tell us this?

Eric; so we won't spill the beans am I correct?
Romansu: Yup
Ashe: but why?
Mitsuo; view it like this Romansu is the the product of two of this countries worst villains to put it simply if the public were to find that out it could be disastrous for him

Romansu: yeah so I want you all to keep quiet on that because I got a feeling once the public finds out their gonna do everything they honestly can to try and get me out of ua.....

~flashback over~

*inside the locker room Romansu pounded the door of a locker*

Romansu: damnit.........JUST DAMNIT!!!!!!*he soon went to the stands where his class was and sat down and they all gave him some much needed empathy and he broke down into tears*
Hari: don't worry villain we got your back
Ame; yeah those jerks don't know who their talking about
Eric; hey fellas their announcing the next match!

*in the announcers booth where hora has a huge lump on her head from a bonk*

Kushinbo: ok folks settle down we implore you to not label this child just due to his name but it's time for the next match! And let's see who it is!

:second match:
Mitsuo vs capper

Mitsuo: looks like I'm next but who's my opponent

*in the class 1-B stands*

Gauntlet???: CAPAPAPAPA
Cowgirl???: well aren't you happier then a pig with slop capper
Capper(gauntlet???): the dons gonna be able to show off his stuff of course I'm happy cause the don isn't gonna hold back!

Mitsuo and capper: this is the most important fight of my/the dons life

*romansu won his battle but will have to face a tougher one while his friend is going against what may end up being the most dangerous fight he will ever experience in the next chapter chapter 30-gauntlet vs portal*


And that was chapter 29-hunt vs blaze! I will admit this was a pretty intense fight chapter and the next one will be probably if not more intense here's a regret photo for capper down below but i hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

Name-capper don hitmen
Likes-mafia movies,boxing,pork
Dislikes-seeing others in pain,equations,sloppy work

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