Chapter 30-warp vs gaunlet

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*last chapter romansu and blod had a intense one on one battle with blod finally revealing her quirk along with romansu's name being revealed to and now its Mitsuo turn to show his skills against the now revealed capper of class 1-B*

*after a bit the crowd had calmed down everyone looked at the screen of the next match up*

Mitsuo:....hmmmmm capper who would that be?
Romansu; I think I know I saw him during the last minutes of the second round he had these crazy gauntlets for arms I don't know if that was part of his quirk but I'd be careful buddy
Hari: agreed remember that yuleong girl was from class b and she gave Eri a run for her money

Eri: yeah if anything he may actually be more skilled then her
Mitsuo; I'll keep this in mind*fixed his glasses and turned his hat backwards and began to make his way down to the fighting stage*

*in the class b stands*

Yuleong: hey capper be careful I think the guy your fighting is a teleporter
Mabel: yeah shinpi said he gave him a run for his money with all the crazy portals he made!
Capper: capapapa don't worry guys the don ain't gonna go down without a fight*he began to make his way to the fighting stage*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; ok folks glad to see everyone has calmed down now let's announced the next match!

Hora:*hard a large lump on her head*in one corner from class 1-A we got the kid who's making space tears and warping all over the place it's MITSUO AKIYAMA!!!!!!

Mitsuo:*taking his overcoat off and fixed his hat as he got ready to fight*well I guess I should say something witty but sadly that's not my thing

Kushinbo; and from class 1-b the kid who calls himself the don and also called by his classmates as the masochistic crusader it's CAPPER DON HITMEN!!!!!!!

Capper:*bashing his fists together and waved to the crowd laughing*capapapapapa thats what the don likes to hear!

Kushinbo: get ready to rumble in 3!
Hora: 2!
Kushinbo and hora: 1! And rumble!!!!!

Capper:*rushed towards Mitsuo with his fist cocked back with his other one behind him open*the dons coming full force at ya so get ready!
Mitsuo; oh I already am*opened a warp below him and fell through and then above and was prepared to drop kick capper on the head*

Capper:*turned and threw his fist upward and the arm extended a little smashing Mitsuo's leg upward causing him to spin mid air and then capper slammed his other arm into Mitsuo throwing him into the ground*
Mitsuo:*when he hit the ground he spun on his stomach and tripped capper by slamming his leg into cappers shin and it looked like his body glowed like green for a second*what the?

Capper:*face planted into the ground and his face glowed lime green and then he used his arms to push himself back up then swung his arms at Mitsuo full force*
Mitsuo:*began to be hit by the fists and tried to dodge as best he could and opened a portal below capper causing him to fall through in front of Mitsuo who threw a punch to his face launching him back to where he started on the stage*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: holy hell folks looks like capper isn't letting up this brutal assault with this fists of his
Kushinbo: yeah and Mitsuo seems to be in a tight spot since he can't get an opening to make his portals which are key to his fighting tactics!

*in the class 1-A stands*

Eri: whoa this guy isn't going down!*already writing down notes on capper*but I'm still worried about what those fists of his actually do
Ame: me to he isn't getting a chance to open his portals
Eric: yes they are vital for his ability to fight
Hari; I wouldn't be so sure look*pointed to the fighting stage and everyone looked down*

*back in the fighting stage*

Mitsuo:*began launching gracefully strong kicks to capper along with outboxing style punches as he was having trouble keeping up with the fast paced attacks*
Capper: who's the dons impressed what your doing got a name for those fancy moves space man!

Mitsuo; it's called savate and I noticed I goes toe to toe with my quirk*opened a portal in front of his fist which landed into cappers head as a second portal appeared*and it's quite effective if I may say so

(Savate, also known as boxe française, savate boxing, French boxing or French footfighting, is a French combat sport that uses the hands and feet as weapons combining elements of English boxing with graceful kicking techniques this information has been provided by Wikipedia)

Capper:*his head glowed lime green for a second and then he smirked*the don won't lie it's pretty fancy and got some power to it!*then Mitsuo saw cappers guanlets began to glow a bright pine green and he threw a punch to Mitsuo that caused him to be rocketed back by the sheer impact from it and he skidded against the stages floor when he stopped and looked up*but it's got nothin against the dons quirk!

Capper don hitmens quirk-kinetic powerhouse-capper can take in Kinetic energy to strength his own punches though this means the more power he wants behind his punches the more he's got to get beat up and he still feels the pain though he has a certain threshold he can't go over unless he risks overloading himself!

Mitsuo:*panting heavily as he regains his composure and thought*that punch had much more force behind it is his quirk similar to mister Kushinbo's no if that were the case I wouldn't be feeling pain
Capper: confused don't be a lot of people get confused by the dons quirk ya see the more ya hit me the more power I hit back with!

*in the class 1-A stands*

Romansu; so this guy can take the damage he gets and make his own attacks more powerful?!
Eric: hmmmmm that means Mitsuo is at a disadvantage since he can't risk taking too many hits like the one he just took and that barely seems to be from just a few  punches

Eri; I don't think so if that were the case he would still have a ton left over from the last round right
Yuleong: THATS because he doesn't have any*everyone jumped when they saw yuleong sitting next to them*
Hari; when did you get here!!!!

Yuleong; I've been here since the fight started but luckily for your friend down there capper can't keep the kinetic energy he stores up once he fires his quirk off he burns through it like a furnace when you put coals into it
Hari; so your telling me he he needs to recharge?

Yuleong; basically but the more he does end up getting hit the more powerful he will become like the midget-
Eric; I'm not a midget!!!!*got bonked by hari*ow
Yuleong; as I was saying your midget of a friend is right the more your friend attacks the more power he adds to capper in the long run

*back in the fighting stage where Mitsuo is losing quickly due to the devastating punches from cappers fists and quirk*

Mitsuo:*landed a punch against capper but not before capper grabbed him by the leg and threw him into the air luckily Mitsuo made a portal above him so he landed back onto a stage without taking any damage he would have from the fall*i need to do something I'm getting no where like this I need to try and take this guy down before he knocks me out cold.....

Capper: capapapap don't worry space man your having the don give you his all not a lot of folks even the dons own can keep him on his toes like this!
Mitsuo:*stood up and got a good look at capper now his arms were now glowing a bright lime green and parts of his hair were glowing to even the irises of his eyes*

Capper: but the don doesn't like to make his enemies suffer so the don is gonna take ya out with one move

Mitsuo:*went wide eyed as he saw capper lunge at him and punch his glasses and hat off his face and he began to barrage him with an endless assault of punches keeping Mitsuo in place*
Capper: capapapapapapapa!!!!*laughing as he continued his assault until Mitsuo opened a portal below him and another behind capper making Mitsuo crash feet first into capper causing him to stumble forward he used his hands as support and threw a surprise kick to Mitsuo's jaw throwing him back*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora; these two are just not giving up their practically both beaten to pulp at this point
Kushinbo; yes dear junkie they are at this point it seems to be a battle of endurance for who can stand the longest from each other's attacks!!!!
Hora: well in that case I hope these two don't end up seriously hurting each other more then they already have!

*in the class 1-A stands*

Romansu; shit is Mitsuo even gonna be able to keep on his feet?!
Eric: that's a good question this capper fellow keeps taking in around twenty hits before he fires his quirk off and unleashes onto him but he's taken in around fifty hits so he must be planning something
Yuleong; he is.....

Eri: what do you mean
Yuleong; capper warned us of this before hand encase he ended up fighting one of us in the last round if any of us made it this far he has an attack that can practically destroy anyone in one move
Hari: Wait then hes?!
Yuleong: yup*looked at hari and took her glasses off*hes about to unleash that attack

*back in the fighting stage*

Capper: it's been fun space man really it has but the don doesn't want ya to suffer any longer*put one of his hands forward and extended another one to the ground and gripped it as energy began to swell within the hand pointed at Mitsuo*

Mitsuo:*looked up at capper with blurred vision*do your worst class b......
Capper: heh been an honor*soon the energy swelled into a massive sphere*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; holy heck folks looks like capper is preparing an attack of your close to the stage I recommend ya back aware!!!!
Hora: yeah looks like things are about to get absolutely crazy!!!

*back in the fighting stage*

Mitsuo:*braced himself for what's to happen*bring it
Capper: heh get ready then*the energy mass blasted forward towards Mitsuo with devastating force even though capper had made himself immovable he was struggling to hold himself in place as he shouted* K.C.O(Kinetic cannon obliteration)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*in the class 1-A stands*

Romansu,Ashe,Hari and ame; HOLY SHIT!!!!*kayu bonked them all*ow!
Kayu; sorry:...
Eric; that has to have enough mass behind it to launch Mitsuo out of the arena heck it might even break a few bones!
Yuleong: damn he told us it was gonna be big and powerful but I didn't think it be like this!

*back in the fighting stage*

Mitsuo:*closed his eyes and as the blast hit him he opened himself as a warp portal and took in every single ounce of the blast and yelled in pain*AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Capper: your crazy for doing that your gonna end up hurting yourself more then if ya just let the blast hit you!

Mitsuo; I'm part of class 1-A*looked at capper dead in the eye as he took in the last of the blast*crazy is part of are whole fucking deal

*then mitsuo opened a portal directly next to capper as he continued to look him in the eye and as the blast began to come through capper looked at the man he was fighting as if time slowed down*

Capper:*thought*he took in the dons attack so he could get me while I had nothing left to attack with and considering the blast is gonna be right next to me I won't have time to dodge well played.....mitsuo akiyama*the blast hit capper full force launching him off the stage and into the wall of the arena itself knocking him out*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: since he's also out of the arena the clear victor of this fight is!
Kushinbo: mitsuo akiyama of class 1-a!!!

*the crowd roared in excitement as they just saw a brutal but epic battle before them end with mitsuo putting his arms to his side looking up at his class*

Mitsuo; looks like I did pretty well guys.....*then he passed out on the spot as medical personal came in to get them some much needed medical attention*

*after a little bit Mitsuo cake into his class's stand as they cheered for him*
Romansu: dude that was Insane!!!!!!
Eric: we thought you were gonna bite the bucket there buddy!
Ame: yeah you were so cool with that last line ya did!
Mitsuo:*fixed his glasses*it was nothing really though I will admit I feel exhausted from that long fight*sat down

Ashe; I wonder who's gonna be next
Rocheux:*looked up at the board*well we're about to find out*everyone soon looked at the board*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; alright folks I hope your as pumped as I am after watching that slug fest!
Hora: I'm sure they are and now to find out the third match of the day!

:third match:
Rochuex vs molly

Rochuex:*her eyes turned lifeless as she looked at the board with a a scorn and said in French*<who ever this molly is I will rip her to shreds.....>

*in the class 1-B stands*

Molly(cowgirl???): YEEHAW! Looks like it's my time to shine hope this rochuex gal got some fightin in her*slammed her fist against the palm of her hand*
Capper:*came back all patched up and sat next to her*i wouldn't underestimate them class 1-A guys they managed to do a number on the don
Molly; ah whatever ya big baby I'm gunna show em why ya should never mess with a Texan in a bare knuckle brawl!

*the stage has been set for the next match after the intense battle everyone just witnessed who will come out on top rochuex or molly find out next chapter chapter 31-wyvern vs mimic!*


Dear god that was an awesome fight to write I won't lie I feel
Some of the paragraph were a bit redundant but over all I think this was a pretty epic fight all and all what did you all think of cappers quirk and what do you think Molly's quirk is gonna be well and below will be some art and info for molly I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time

Likes-playing guitar,her pet parakeet
Dislikes-disrespect towards her friends,very very rude people

This character was provided to me by my friend brokenbanette

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