Chapter 31-wyvern v mimic

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Warning this chapter contains dark themes and mature themes such as self harm and slight nudity you have been warned

(Yeah and just to let ya readers know I for as long as I live will not make hyper lewd scenes so if your trying to find that here I recommend you leave because you won't find any!)

*last chapter Mitsuo had just finished a battle with class 1-B's capper don hitmen who gave him a worthy fight but now it's onto the next match of the day*

*in the locker rooms*

Rochuex:*tightening the bandages on her arms and legs and the ones on her back to and she heard a knock on the the door*come in
Romansu:*entered keeping his head turned away with a hand covering the side of his face*hey just wanted to wish you luck considering how tough Mitsuo's fight was

Rochuex:*turned her head away*tch I don't need luck I will win this
Romansu; ya know you keep saying that but every time you do there's this sorta fear in your eyes?
Romansu: sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I just wanted to let ya know me and others got your back-*he felt something he placed into his hand and when he looked down it was rochuexs cross earring and her beanie*

Romansu: ummmmmm your giving me your hat and earring?
Rochuex: keep those safe for me they mean a lot to me and if you lose them I will make sure you never have children C'est compris?
Romansu: I didn't understand that last bit but I'm just gonna assume it means got it and I answer no problem because I don't wanna invoke your wrath......

Rochuex: bon au moins vous avez des cellules cérébrales
Romansu: Huh......
Rochuex: gah never mind....*began to walk out of the locker room*just remember don't lose them
Romansu: you got it

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; GREHEH well folks that last fight is gonna be hard to live up to but I got a feeling these two lovely ladies aren't gonna have trouble doing that!
Hora: yup let's introduce them shall we!

Kushinbo: from class b born in the heart of Texas in America and considered the class mom of 1-B ITS MOLLY!!!!!

Molly: yeehaw let's get this ball rollin partner can't wait to see what y'all got in sto-WHO CALLS ME THE CLASS MOM!!!!

Hora; and from class 1-A the shut in and bookworm whos quirk is deadly like a wyverns it's rochuex onyx!!!!!!

Rochuex:*cracked her neck and knuckles*vous êtes donc américain devrait être intéressant mais vous n'avez aucune chance contre une wyverne!

(Translated-so you're American should be interesting but you got no chance against a wyvern!)

Kushinbo: lets begin the count down!
Hora: 3!
Kushinbo: 2!
Hora and kushinbo: 1 AND RUMBLE!!!!!!

*rochuex launched herself on all fours towards molly and fired her quirk off with afterburns jetting our from her elbow and forearm and swung a palm strike into mollys side which she grabbed*
Molly: holy hell that burn-wait why ain't it burnin?!*she threw rochuex to the other side of the arena and let out a beastly roar*

Rochuex: grrrrr I guess I will have to take this seriously*got back onto her feet and took a weird stance she had both her palms facing forward one arm was positioned behind her head while the other was directly in front of her and he legs were doing the same but reversed*

(Meaning one leg is directly behind her while the other is in front of her head)

Molly: heh guess we're gettin serious then alrigh partner guess I will to ya aren't gonna feel your jaw for the next couple a days though!*swung her arm forward at rochuex and she grabbed it and thrusted her palm into the side of mollys leg making her lose balance and then she let her arm go and palm striked her in the chest making her roll back*

*in the class 1-A stands*

Hari: the heck's she doing down there?
Ashe: <yeah she's not fighting like she usually is?>
Eric: or maybe it's just the first time we've seen her actually get serious*they all turned towards Eric*

Romansu: what do you mean?
Eric: well think about it we don't know a lot about her in the first place all we know is she likes reading sleeping and not being touched to a very large degree and the only one of us who really seen what she fights like are these three*pointed to noami Aiko and ame*

Ame: that's right! In Kyoto she just went hog wild on dipper and Mabel she wasn't fighting like this!
Noami: and when all those people starred at her she froze and passed out
Eric: right so she must be taking this fight seriously
Hari: well then I hope that girl she's fighting can handle it

Yuleong: oh don't worry molly can handle her just fine it's your friend who should be worried
Romansu:*looked down at rochuexs hat and earring and then to the fighting stage*

*back at the fighting stage*

Molly:*stood up and dusted her hat off*woohee! You got some moves girl but I ain't that big of a pushover!*she placed her hand down into the fighting stages floor and it began to turn into stone*alrigh let me show ya how we do things in Texas!

Mollys quirk-adaptor arms!-molly can change part of her arms into any material she touches they'll mimic the structure,style and even the abilities of the touched object completely if her arm gets severed she can even reattach it but the more complex the object structurally or chemically it can out a massive strain on her body!

Molly: hmmm stone not real fancy but it'll do the trick!*threw a punch to rochuexs gut before she had time to counter it and she slid back and rochuex looked at her and growled*awww didn't like that did ya don't worry I don't like hurting people more then I need to!

(I am a little ashamed to admit this but as a Texan myself I can't even write a Texan accent.....)

Rochuex: your.dead.bitch!!!!!*lunged at molly who copied the stone onto her other arm and soon the two began to go into a brutal blow for blow slug fest with rochuex palm striking and countering molly when she could and molly using any opening she could to pummel at rochuex*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: whos these two aren't getting an upper hand on each other huh!
Hora: Nope these feisty gals are not giving each other an inch it's a real cat fight or should I say dragon vs cat fight!
Kushinbo:*facepalmed at the comment*

*back in the fighting stage*

Rochuex: just give up already!!!*grabbed molly by the arm and threw her over her shoulder and launched a afterburn propelled kick to mollys neck causing the Texan to slid hard against the floor before standing up*
Molly: ugh damn that stung probably gonna feel that one fer awhile*turned to rochuex and tilted her hat downwards*alright then have it your way

*in the class 1-A stands*

Yuleong: Yup your friends gonna lose
Hari: what makes you say that?
Yuleong: molly tipped her hat down that's a sign she's gonna end this fight quickly
Eric: hmmm that's if she can land a hit on rochuex she's practically made it almost impossible for molly to land hits on her

Yuleong: that may be true but once molly goes on a war path uhhh how did she put it "it's gunna be like two bulls going at each other like pigs to slop" or something along those lines....
Hari: you think she'll be ok?
Yuleong: if you mean your friend*looked at the stage*that depends on how well she can take a hit

*back in the fighting stage*

Molly:*charged fill force at rochuex and grabbed her by both her legs and began to swing her around and threw her into the stage and then punched her hard in the arm to the point the bandages covering it unraveled and as rochuex stood up the arena went quiet*

Rochuex: what?*looked down at her arm and wide eyed*
*underneath her bandages revealed a scarred bone like arm with strange vents lining the outer sides from the elbow to her wrist her fingers seemed to be segmented and sharply pointed and rochuex looked down and began to growl*

Molly: whoa hey you ok I didn't mean to hit you tha-
Rochuex:*whispered*you saw my arm.....
Molly: what?
Rochuex:*looked up at molly her eyes were filled with pure anger as tears formed in them and her pupils became barely visible slits*YOU SAW MY ARM!!!!!!!!!*the vents lining her arm opened and blasted out after burns that took the shape of some sorta wing and the same went for her other arm and she lunged at molly*

Molly: what the heck?!*got slammed into the ground and began to be brutally slashed at but not before molly got rochuex into a head lock having her face the crowd*hey calm down I don't wanna have to hurt ya more then I already have!!!
Rochuex:*roared in fury and began to kick at molly while in the headlock but stopped when she saw everyone starring at her yelling for the fight to go on or to put her out of her misery and she began to hyperventilate*

Molly: whoa you ok there
Rochuex: maman je veux rentrer à la maison dans peur s'il vous plaît je veux rentrer à la maison s'il vous plaît!!!!*she kept repeating this over and over*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: ladies and gentlemen due to the circumstances at the moment we are calling for the match to end and for molly to be the victor due to rochuex having a mental breakdown we are sorry if this upsets you but are students physical and mental health comes first!!!!!!
Kushinbo:*talking into a radio*get medical personnel out here now before the poor girl ends up hurting herself!

(Translated-mommy I wanna go home I'm scared please I wanna go home please!!!!)

*soon rochuex was taken off the field and into the locker rooms where they managed to get her to calm down and left her alone when she asked them to*

Rochuex:........*shaking as she looked at her arm and hand and began to scratch and bite at it*I HATE MYSELF I HATE MY STUPID BODY IM NOTHING BUT A DISGUSTING FREAK!!!!*she began to slam her fist into the lockers and they got bloody*I SHOULD JUST RIP YOU OFF!!*was about to slam her arm into the locker before she looked up to see Kushinbo Romansu Eri and molly*

Kushinbo: you lady never say that to yourself no matter what ever happens you never say that
Rochuex: but it's true!!!!!
Eri: never say that I mean look what happened to me I almost bled out in the dorms if it weren't for aiko and her sense of smell I probably be dead!

Rochuex:*began to cry as she yanked her arm away and began to bandage it tightly and molly tapped her on the shoulder*WHAT!!!
Molly:*held out her hat and earring*.......
Rochuex:.....*looked up at her tears still streaming down her face*

Molly: the shrimp there
Romansu: wow that's a new one...
Molly:*sighed*he said these belonged to ya I'm sorry for what I did out there I didn't realize it would cause something like this to happen
Rochuex:*looked down and took both the hat and earring and stormed out of the locker room*

Romansu: you think she's gonna be ok?
Kushinbo:*sighed* I don't know but I have a feeling there may be something deeper going on here then we think we'll contact her family about it but I want everyone here not to tell a word about what just happened to anyone other then your classmates

Molly: wait why are classmates because couple of mine are nothing but gossipers
Kushinbo; tell them this because if something like this happens again they need to know what to do and because of this we have put a delay in the next match so the crowds can calm down and so we can get the press to stop asking

Eri: that makes sense
Romansu: oh boy this is gonna get weird for us....
Molly: still sorry I caused all this trouble for y'all let me know if there's anything I can do for ya

*soon the four of them made their way back to their respective spots and places as the crowd began to quiet down and after romansu Eri and molly told their classmates what happened*

Ame: oh god.....
Hari: damn didn't think she's that mess-*romansu Shinpi and yuleong bonked him hard*ok ok yeah I deserved that!!
Eric: I hope she'll be ok.....
Romansu: me to

*in the class 1-B stands*

Capper: dang the don wishes he could take all that pain for her so she didn't have to take it....
Mabel: that's so sad!*crying a river*
Dipper: are we sure she's gonna be ok she did walk out on you guys
Molly: yeah we got told she went back to the dorms so she could relax....feel god awful for causing all this*tipped her hat down just enough so it blocked her eyes*

*meanwhile in the faculty stands*

Hora: Kushinbo is she gonna be ok?
Kushinbo: I honestly don't know
Surgey: this is being more difficult due to the fact her family won't let us see her medical records besides her immunization records it's making it hard as balls to get any thing for her mental health

Allmight: everyone let's give the young girl a little space that may be what she needs right now I did ask one of her classmates to go back to the dorms with her to make sure she doesn't end up hurting herself more then what she did during the locker room

*meanwhile in the class 1-A dorms*

Kayu: ya sure you don't need me to stick around?
Rochuex: no I'm good I just wanna be left alone in my room for a bit
Kayu: alright I'll be here with you the rest of the day so just come to the common room if you need me
Rochuex:*nodded and went into her room*

*in her room she changed into nothing but a large oversized t shirt that said "wyverns bleed cooler" and went against one of the many walls of books her room contained and found a little speaker and began to play music from it*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play the music if you want to)

Rochuex:*took a deep breath and cried as she curled into a ball*why do I always have to be a failure......*then she slowly cried herself to sleep*

*back at the sports festival in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: sorry about that folks but now we're back for the last fight of the first round for the fighting tournament!
Hora: Yup and we wanna repeat this to those just coming back or those who need a reminder the girl who had a mental breakdown is doing ok and is recovering thanks for understanding why we had to cut the last match short!

Kushinbo: but now it's time to see who the last fighters are!!!

:fourth match:
Ashe tobi vs Akumu nachtegaal

Ashe: I'm fighting someone named akumu?
Eric: it means nightmare in Japanese if I'm right
Ashe: oh boy.......

*in the class 1-B stands*

Capper: oh man the don feels bad for whoever's about to fight the boogeyman
Molly: yeah that ain't a joke
*the two turned along with the rest of their class to see the kid named akumu stand up and smirk*

Akumu(Dutch???): about time I got some fucking action now the fun part is whether I choose to toy with em or not*smirked even more*

*a chilling climax to the third match of the sports festival final round with rochuex having a mental breakdown but now ashe has to battle the mysterious Akumu nachtegaal of class b in next chapter chapter 31-shade vs snake!*


*has been sitting back eating popcorn*bravo bravo! Well that chapter was interesting to write to say the least and now ashe gets to have some spotlight but tell me what you all thought of molly and the bit of her quirk you got to see and tell me what you think akumu's quirk might be in the comments well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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