Chapter 32-snake vs shade

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*last chapter rochuex had fought against class 1-B's molly who ended up winning when rochuex had a devastating mental breakdown but now it's Ashes turn to fight against the mysterious akumu of class b*

Ashe:<akumu hmmm I wonder who that is>*tilted her head sideways in confusion*
Yuleong; I'll tell you who he is he's the monster of 1-B he's a monster in combat he never holds back so I recommend you be careful when you fight him

*yuleong looked up at the sky*
Yuleong: but since it's cloudy you should have a chance against him
Ashe:<thanks for the boost in confidence....>
Yuleong: what did she say?
Hari: uhhhhh*showed yuleong his Russian for beginners book and pointed to what she said*
Yuleong: oh wait hey!

*in the class 1-B stands*

Capper: hope that kid is gonna be ok against the boogeyman
Molly: me too poor thing must be scared out of their damn mind
Mabel: oh don't worry ashe can handle herself she may not look it but she's pretty strong
Dipper: and that's if akumu can land a hit on her her she's practically got the flexibility of a snake

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: ok folks let's back to it both fighters are making their way to the stage but as a friendly reminder this is the last round of the first bracket of the tournament after that it's onto the quarter finals!
Hora: that's right and boy is that gonna get crazy depending on who wins!

*in the entrance where Ashe was standing she was psyching herself up before she walked in*

Ashe: <ok ashe you got this your strong just don't hold back>*began to walk forward with a look of determination on her face*

*back in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: ok folks let's get this ball rolling in one corner we got the girl who's still new to UA but she's a Russian firecracker with power backing her up it's ASHE TOBI!!

Ashe:*cracked her knuckles and back*lets get going already I'm ready to brawl!*was already sparking*

Hora: and in the other corner we have the kid who's own classmates call him the monster of 1-B and whos skin is nearly pitch black it's AKUMU NACHTEGAL!!!!!

Akumu:*walked up to the stage and gave a smirk and put a thumb to his neck and gave a slow throat slitting motion*lets have some fun

Kushinbo: get ready to rumble in 3!
Kushinbo and hora: 1 AND RUMBLE!

Ashe:*got low to the ground and closed the distance between her and akumu and began slashing at him with her claws still keeping low to the ground trying to aim for his sides and legs*<bring it on fucker!!!!!!!!>

Akumu:*dodging the strikes with a annoyed faced and tried to throw a punch at her but she put her legs into a leg lock around his arm and swung herself up and began used his weight to push him down with an elbow to the face and jumped off*gah ok guess your better then you look

Ashe: hehehehehe I'm just getting warmed up!*soon thermite explosions were flaring off her body as her mouth began glowing blue and she rushed back at him*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: holy cow folks looks like ashe isn't letting up on the kid!
Kushinbo: seems she's using her small body and natural quickness to her advantage seem she's even fired off her quirk!
Hora: looks like akumu may be in for a rough ride!

*back to the fighting stage*

Akumu:*had begun taking the offensive and was throwing brutal punches at ashe barely dodging*stay still damnit!
Ashe:*smirked*<no dice!>*she wrapped her body around his waist and began spinning around him picking up speed causing him to sway around with his own body weight*

Akumu: what the?!*ashe continued spinning then moved up to his arm then neck and began spinning faster and began setting off massive explosions making him both dizzy and getting caught in the blast of thermite*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: holy heck folks! It seems ashe isn't letting up she's making the poor boy dizzy!
Hora: not to mention those explosions she's making have shrapnel in them to so that's gotta add pain to it!!

*back in the fighting stage*

Ashe: wanna give up or do you wanna keep suffering!!!!*still spinning around akumu's neck and making him dizzy*
Akumu: grrrrr get off!!!*grabbed Ashe by the arms and pulled her off and slammed her into the ground*
Ashe: ACK!*she broke free and spun on the ground trying to knock akumu to the ground with some success akumu braced his fall with his hand and then tried to grab Ashe by the wrists*<shit!!!>

Akumu: going up!*threw Ashe over his head then slammed her back down and then threw her away from him*
Ashe:*tumbled across the stage but stood up and growled as she began to spark more fiercely and seems to be prepping some sorta special attack*
Akumu: what the?

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari: the hell is she doing down there
Romansu: she looks like she's trying to make some sorta special attack happen
Shinpi: could be the only special move we've ever seen her use is her kamikaze one
Yuleong: well whatever it is she better hurry up

*back in the fighting stage*

Akumu; ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES!!!!!!*charged at ashe*
Ashe:*her whole body was sparking with thermite explosions   Her whole mouth was glowing cyan blue and she was smirking*<lets get wild!!!!!!!>*soon she launched her in a series of spiraling explosions bouncing off the ground whenever she crashed and get ramming herself into akumu* Boomslang hurricane/Бумсланг ураган!!!!!!!!!!

(Ashes Boomslang hurricane/Бумсланг ураган is a move where she unleashes a series of thermite explosions to propel herself through the air this can allow her to bounce off other surfaces to increase her speed and make it hard to hold her down)

Ashe:<awwwwww what's the matter can't handle one little girl!!>*she slammed straight into his body trying to push him out of the arena*

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: holy heck folks this just got intense!
Hora: yeah there's no telling if akumu can even get back from this
Kushinbo: I hate to say it but the poor boy is basically a human punching bag at this poi-Wait something's happening!

*back in the fighting stage*

Akumu: OK.THATS.IT!*grabbed Ashe by the neck hard and then slugged her hard enough in the gut for her to puke up blood*
Ashe: GAH!
Akumu: not so cocky now are ya I heard from the star bitch(Mabel) you don't got a strong-*punched her in the gut again*BODY!
Ashe:*tried to fire off a thermite explosion in his face but he held her arms alway from him and just began to senselessly beat the hell out of her*

*in the 1-A stands*

Eri:*was in shock*whoa he's going to far.....
Hari:*growling*that bastard!
Yuleong:*had her hands covering her mouth*hes never been like this he's aggressive but he's never THIS aggressive........
Shinpi: he's gone to far.......*gripping one of his kendo sticks tightly*
Eric: this isn't a fight anymore it's just a beat down.....
Blod:*was praying for Ashe's safety*

*in the 1-B stands*

Molly: sweet hell boy the poor girls had enough!*was visibly angry*
Capper: the don ain't liking where this is going........
Mabel:*looking away crying while holding onto dipper*
Dipper: knew that bastard wasn't gonna fight fair!

*back in the fighting stage*

Ashe:*was shaking badly as blood stained her whole front though she still looked like she was going to put up a fight*..........
Akumu:*cracking his knuckles*tch go down already*grabbed her by the hair and just dragged her to the edge of the arena while she fired off small explosions to try and get him to let go*

Ashe: I....w-won't g-give up.........*looked at akumu with a last glimpse of fighting spirit*
Akumu: I'd say you were a good fight but*put his foot to her back and pushed her out of the arena*you weren't JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!*he just began laughing as a large amount of the crowd was cheering while some were just dead silent*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora:*just in shock at the brutality she just witnessed while Kushinbo was just mouth open trying to just form the words*
Kushinbo: t-the winner of the last fight of the first tournament round is akumu.............

*soon medics got Ashe off the field and brought her to the temporary nurses office where she was getting treatment*

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari: I'm gonna beat the shit outta that bastard!!!!!!!*he was being held back by akane Hyde and shinpi*
Eric: what was just barbaric is he always like this?!
Yuleong: no this is a whole new level of insanity.......*still in shock from what she saw*
Eri: is ashe even going to be ok?!

*in the 1-B stands*

Capper: CALM DOWN STAR CHILD!*was holding Mabel back along with dipper*
Mabel: I'm gonna kill that guy!!!!!!!
Dipper: will you calm down!
Capper: the don finds that ironic coming from you madman
Dipper: whatever!!!!
Molly: holy shit what in tarnashin is wrong with that guy tha' gurl was already keeling over he didn't gotta go that far!

*a bit later in the temporary nurses office*

Ashe:........*patched up but just sat there silently until yuleong came in*hm? Oh you.......
Yuleong:*sighs and sits next to ashe*how ya feeling your classmates sent me down here because their still calming down the pin cushion
Ashe: hari?

Yuleong; yeah I need to ask this how well did you take what Mabel told you?
Ashe:*looks down and clutched her sheets*how do you think.....
Yuleong:*sighs again and pats her on the back gently*look I'll be honest with you I was a complete bitch a few weeks back it took me getting my head slammed into the ground by the girl I bullied for most of my life to realize that.............

Ashe:*looked at yuleong*
Yuleong: and the more I looked back on it the more obvious it became that I was a bad person ironic considering I'm trying to be a pro hero in training but when Mabel came around she literally helped me see the world in a new perspective
Ashe: so did you?*whispered into yuleong dear which made the ghost eyed girl turn redder then fire*

Yuleong: WHAT NO!!!!!!!!! What in hells name gave you that idea!!!!!????
Ashe: uhhhhhh <beats me>
Yuleong:*sighs and rubs her temples*look I didn't make her date me she needed someone to show her how the world worked capper was really the only one along with another girl in our class who could handle her twin  so I got left with showing her things she needed to know and one thing led to another we started dating.....and for the record she made the first move

Ashe: <figured as much>*smiles and looks at yuleong*<ya know your actually pretty nice I'm glad I could meet you!>
Yuleong: <whatever you just said I'm just gonna assume it was something good>
Yuleong: never hear someone speak Korean?
Ashe: what's Korean
Yuleong:*facepalms and the two begin to talk with each other*

( did I or did I not Frozefas Say your gonna eat your own words about yuleong -u-?)

*back with class 1-A who had finally managed to calm down hari after akane using his quirk on him*

Hari:*grumbled in place as he slowly Unpetrified*
Romansu: so who's fighting next is my question the way ya think it was a good idea to send yuleong to see ashe?
Eri: hmmmmm I trust her call it hunch but see seems different then the last time I saw her

Kushinbo:*on the speakers clearing his throat*ok folks after that we're now moving onto the next round and the first fight is!

:Romansu toga vs Mitsuo akiyama:

*the two look at each other and smirked*
Romansu: so you and me huh well better hope those fancy new moves of yours can handle me
Mitsuo: hmmmm smack talk huh well your gonna need to try harder then that

*a bit later both began to walk into the arena*

Kushinbo: OK FOLKS WE'RE BACK! In one corner we've got the flaming underdog and the villain of 1-A romansu toga!
Romansu:*sighed and rubbed his head*I'm never gonna ditch that name huh.....

Hora: and in the other corner we have hammer space genius Mitsuo akiyama!
Mitsuo:*took his over shirt off and rolled his shoulders*bring it

*the two got into fighting stances as they waited for the count down in next chapter chapter 33-semifinals!*


Jeez it's been way to long since this updated but I won't lie this is gotta be one if darker character introductions I've done but other then that what do you guys actually think of akumu and the bit of character development shown with yuleong I definitely know someone's gonna eat their own words for it well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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