Chapter 33-semifinals!

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*last chapter Ashe suffered a brutal and devastating defeat against akumu now the semifinals are here with the first fight being mitsuo vs romansu*

Mitsuo:*rushed forward and began to throw kicks and boxer style jabs at romansu who grabbed his arm and set it ablaze and threw mitsuo into the air*
Romansu: infernales sanguine-diabolus gradus/devil step!!*launched himself upward and was about to hit mitsuo before he was thrown into a portal making him crash back into the ground*

Mitsuo; clever but a mid range fighter like you is at a serve disadvantage when fighting speed and close range quirks like  mine!*suddenly romansu was surrounded by multiple portals all closing and opening at different times and spots*
Romansu: what the?!

Mitsuo: endless cosmos-wormhole maze!*entered one of the portals and began to enter and exit at random slowly closing around romansu*
Romansu: holy shit gotta admit this is a clever move but!*made a blast of fire in his palm and shot it through the maze of space tears*i know ya a little to well!
Mitsuo: gah?!*came out of a portal and tried to drop kick Romansu but he rolled out of the way and launched a small fire burst at mitsuo*

Mitsuo:*was hit in the side by the flame but he grabbed romansu's arm and pulled him up and punched him in the face only for him to get kicked in the gut*gah!
Romansu:*launched himself free only to go through a wrap portal and end up back in front of mitsuo who threw a left hook to Romansu's shoulder sending him skidding across the ground*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: oh my word folks these two friends are going tooth and nail against each other!
Kushinbo: GRHEHEHEHE indeed they are junkie and let's remember the fact these kids also know each other's tricks but I bet mitsuo throwing out that ultimate move definitely surprised young Romansu!

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari: our villain ain't gonna last long in there unless he can do something about those portals
Eric:*looking at hari with the "really" look*
Eric: I get your something of an overprotective hedgehog-
Hari: hedgehog?!
Eric: -but don't you think that's a bit much?*pointed to a sleeping Ashe who was using hari like a living bed*
Hari: this is perfectly natural
Half of the class: no it isn't.....

*back on the fighting stage*

Romansu:*set his hands completely ablaze and began to unleash a devastating barrage of flaming punches and blasts of fire at mitsuo who was countering by throwing left hooks,counters, and kicks at Romansu*gah! Not gonna lie kinda glad I'm fighting you and not one of those 1-b kids
Mitsuo: how so?*got throw onto his back and was about to be hit by a wave of maroon colored flames if he didn't open a portal in front of him to take in the attack and redirect it back at Romansu who got hit full force*

Romansu: well that giant(molly) can copy stuff she touches so basically no telling how I can counter that*was thrown into a headlock by mitsuo*and that akumu bastard is still a wildcard in terms of his quirk*slammed the back of his head into mitsuo's face who made him let go disorienting him*
Mitsuo: I can see what you mean if anything-*was grabbed by the shirt by Romansu and was thrown through a portal where he sent a wave of his fire at him*

Mitsuo: GAH!-*landed on the ground and sat up fixing his glasses*-if anything I'd be a horrible match up against either of them from the looks of it so really this is a perfect match up
Romansu: hmmmm I don't think so-*fell through a portal mitsuo opened and was punched right in the jewels*AAAAAAH!!!!!

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo: oh he's gonna be feeling that one later........
Hora: hehehehehehe

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari,Eric,Shinpi:*hissed in discomfort as they looked away*
Eri: oh man up!

*back in the fighting stage*

Mitsuo: whoops....
Romansu:*grabbed both sides of mitsuo's head and fired a surge of flames at him point blank and kicked him in the jewels*call that payback for what you just did!
Mitsuo: I'm out.....*slowly fell backwards passing out*

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: and the winner is Romansu toga!
Kushinbo:*mumbles*not sure if I should be proud or feel bad for young mitsuo......
Hora: we're gonna take a small break folks for the next fight so that all those portals will clear up in the mean time we can announce the next fight!

:Next fight:
Akumu Nachtegaal vs Molly Rainra

*in the 1-b stands*

Molly: guess I get to teach that sonna of'a bitcha lesson*cracked her knuckles*
Yuleong: calm down big girl.....*sweatdropped as she inched away from molly*
Mabel: yeah kick is fucking ass!!!!*had the same raging aura Molly had at the moment*
Capper: capapapapa the don likes where this is going!

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari: hmmmmm how do you guys think this'll go?*looks at eri and Eric*
Eric: hmmmm considering we still haven't seen akumu's quirk I can't really say
Eri: Molly's quirk is a good close range counter though for any long range quirk
Shinpi:*leans back and puts a hand on his chin*hmmmm didnt that yuleong girl say Ashe stood a chance because it was cloudy?

Yuleong: indeed I did*was suddenly sitting in the middle of the group*
1-A; AH!
Capper: you folks sure are jumpy*eating popcorn before coughing*gah don got a burnt one....
1-A: AAH!
Hari: where do you people keep coming from!!!!
Yuleong: hey hedgehog be quiet or else your gonna wake up your girlfriend

Hari:*blushed heavily at the mention of Ashe being his girlfriend*hedgehog!!!!
Shinpi:*bonked hari with a kendo stick*calm down
Eri: so what brings you both over here*looked at yuleong who looked away from her with a frown*

Capper: the don and the ghost queen here*points to yuleong*came over to see the fight between moll's(Molly) and the boogie man*ate another handful of popcorn*
Scott: well that's kind of you lot
Hyde: so what's this akumu guys deal?
Capper: oh the boogie man hmmmmm the don really can't explain his quirk might leak that info to your buddy

Eri: well at least he's clever like that......but yuleong said that Ashe stood a chance because it was cloudy does the same go for Molly?
Capper: yup the boogie mans quirk is related to how sunny is-......the don should not have divulge that particular bit of information*got bonked by yuleongs "left guard" dropping his popcorn*the dons snack!

*everyone saw Romansu and mitsuo come back to sit down*
Romansu: so what we miss?
Eri: they announced the next fight its akumu versus Molly
Romansu: hope it ain't gonna be another slaughter like Ashe's fight wa-hari why are you letting her use you as a living bed?
Hari: it's completely normal!

The whole class: no it isn't
Capper&yuleong: agreed
Hari: shut up!
Ashe:*her eyes began to flutter open and yawned and saw hari's angry expression*ah!*punched him square in the jaw knocking him out*<whoops.....>
Capper: capapapappapa the don likes this little lady!

Romansu: anyway.....*looks at yuleong*who do you think is gonna win this?
Yuleong:*looks at the cloudy sky*hmmmmm honestly I can't say akumu isn't good at close range combat so the weather is favoring Molly but if he's on a warpath well....
Capper: moll's ain't gonna stand a chance

*in the announcers booth*

Kushinbo; alright folks were back and onto the last fight of the semifinals!
Hora: that's right people it's classmate versus classmate again!

Kushinbo: in one corner we got the Texan brawler who isn't afraid to throw her quirk around MOLLY RAINRA!
Molly:*cracked her neck and shoulders before tipping her hat downward*alrigh you sonna of'a bitch I'm going to enjoy pummeling you

Hora: and in the other corner the monster of 1-B who is as brutal a fighter as he appears AKUMU NACHTEGAAL!
Akumu: zazazazaza*looks at Molly before giving the same slip throat motion he did to Ashe before he fought her*is the foreigner mad I was just having fun*grinned*

Kushinbo: and the fight begins in!
Hora: 3!
Kushinbo: 2!
Hora and Kushinbo: 1 AND RUMBLE!

Molly:*placed both her hands against the ground turning them to stone and she began to charge akumu unleashing a seemingly relentless barrage of aimless punches*
Akumu:*was dodging with ease as he saw Molly was blind with rage and he grabbed her hair and slammed her face directly into the ground and then kicked her hard enough to launch her halfway across the fighting stage*that all you got cowgirl*smirked*

Molly: you are crazy that girl was mabels friend and warned us she can't take a beating and you went and threw her around like a rag doll!!!!!!!!*got back up and pulled out a small bag of marbles and reached into it and suddenly her fists were made of diamond!*and I'm gonna put you in yer place!!!!!
Akumu: hehehe <the bring it slut>

(When akumu is speaking with <> he is speaking Dutch)

Molly:*rushed forward and threw an uppercut that hit akumu square in his chin which sent him flying backwards only for him to land on his feet and run towards her where he covered her face with her hat and began to knee her in the stomach repeatedly before smashing her face into his knee as well then dropping her*
Molly: GASHHH!!!*laid there on the ground bloodied and shaking as she tried to sit up only for akumu to stomp on her head causing her to pass out*.........

Akumu: ZAZAZAZAZAZAZA is this really all this schools got for me Kom op, gooi me een uitdaging, klootzakken!

(Translation-come on throw me a challenge you bastards!)

*in the announcers booth*

Hora:*in horror at what she just saw*
Kushinbo: t-the winner of the f-final semifinals match is A-Akumu Nachtegaal...........

*in the 1-A stands*

Capper:*crushed the seat in front of him*she didn't deserve that beating boogie man!
Eri:*looks at yuleong who was holding her hands over her mouth gagging trying not to throw up at the slaughter they just witnessed*.....
Romansu: that bastard has gone to far......*looked down at akumu who saw him and in turn akumu grinned at him*

Ashe:*was hugging hari tightly as she was crying looking away*<i-i wanna g-go h-home......>
Hari: your ok Ashe he's not gonna hurt you it's ok*rubbing ashes back*
Blod: to think such a skapning(creature) is going to this school.....*had her hands together praying for molly*

*in the 1-b stands*

Mabel: LET ME AT HIM I DINT CARE THAT IM NOT IN THE TOURNAMENT ANYMORE IM KICKING HIS FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!!!*was being held back by dipper and a few other students*
Dipper; Mabel calm down!
*then they all saw akumu walk into the stands and sit down yawning*you have some goddamn nerve doing what you did!

Akumu; tch I just put her in her place after all she's the one who came charging at me without a second thought zazaza
Mabel: that gave you no excuse to practically assault her like that!
Akumu:*glared at mabel* oh and what are you going to do about it star bitch
Mabel:*growled as everyone looked to the monitor announcing the next fight*

:Next fight:
Akumu Nachtegaal vs Romansu Toga

*in the 1-A stands*

Romansu: that bastard is going to pay for what he did to Ashe and molly*stood up and his eyes looked like they were only filled with the rage to take on akumu*im going to-

*in the 1-B stands*

Akumu:*sprung to his feet and began laughing*about damn time I get to have a run at the villain of 1-A I'm going to-

"Slaughter/teach that Asshole a lesson he'll never forget!"


*climbing out a mountain of dust*GAH so much dust so many disappointed readers......*looks at everyone*ok I know you have every right to beat me the hell up for not updating the book in almost a year but to my defense have you seen all the crazy stuff that's been happening with the world?

But either way which if the two fights did you think was more brutal personally I think mitsuo vs Romansu was and time to put in your final guesses on what you think akumu's quirk is well until next time my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges I hope you enjoyed!

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