Chapter 34-Blaze vs Shade

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*last chapter the semifinals were held with the defeats of mitsuo and molly leading to the long awaited finals with Romansu going against the monster of 1-B akumu*

*in the locker rooms*

Romansu:*getting ready to fight his opponent and looked at his hands*could thing I saved this as a trump card*heard the door open to see a bandaged up molly*holy fuck are you sure your ok to be standing?!
Molly: I'm fine ya little fire rat
Romansu: fire rat?
Molly: I'm here to warn ya that the clouds are finally passing over

Romansu: and why would I need that information
Molly: trust me when I say the second a pinch of sunlight hits em your gonna want to finish the fight quickly we clear?
Romansu: ok......hey I just wanna say I hope you don't blame yourself for what happened to rochuex

Molly:*sighs*it's definitely my blame I made her have a goddamn mental breakdown......
Romansu: honestly we don't know a lot about her to begin with so I can't say we would've warned you about it-*got a hard pat on the back that made him stumble forward*gah!
Molly: it's fine! Hell I'm hoping ya put that sonna of'a bitch in his place

Romansu: what is his deal anyway?
Molly:*put a hand to her chin*he did say awhile back that it's because of a villain he's like this or somethin along them lines
Romansu:*thoughts and sweatdropped*and because people see me as a villain he's gonna tear me apart like a chew toy.......

Molly: well me and the others gunna cheer ya on fire rat*gave a thumbs up*so give em hell!
Romansu:*smirks*oh don't worry I will

*in akumu's locker room*

Akumu:*was stretching and cracking his bones while chuckling to himself*clouds are finally moving about damn time let's get this slachten(slaughter) started zazazazazaza!

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: alright folks it's finally time for the moment we've all been waiting for!
Kushinbo: it's the final fight to determine who will be the champion of the UA sports festival!
Hora: that's right bastion there's gonna be a lot ridding on this fight so let's get it started!

Kushinbo: in one corner we have the kid who's brutally taken down his last two opponents in previous matches the monster of 1-B AKUMU NACHTEGAAL!
Akumu:*walked onto the fighting stage and gave Romansu a almost monstrous smile and gave a double slit throat motion with his hands and stuck his tongue out*bring it on you fucking villain!

Hora: and in the other corner the fiery kid who's beaten his opponents with crafty use of his flames the villain of 1-A ROMANSU TOGA!!!!!!!
Romansu:*set his palms ablaze and looked akumu dead in the eye*your really gonna wish you weren't such a jackass earlier

Hora: ok folks here we go the fight starts in 3!
Kushinbo: 2!
Hora and Kushinbo: 1 and rumble!

Akumu:*began to charge at Romansu cocking a fist back preparing to punch him*I've been waiting all fucking day for this villain!!!!!
Romansu:*as akumu launched his punch he ducked and grabbed akumu by the face and knee'd him hard*hows it feel to have a taste of your own medicine!
Akumu: gah!

*akumu stumbled back and began to throw powerful punches romansu's way only for Romansu to grab both his fists and blast fire onto them*
Akumu: GAH!!!!! You bastard!
Romansu: oh calling me that when you beat my classmate practically into a coma!*sent a wave of fire at akumu that caused him to be blasted back*

Akumu:*coughed as he looked up and began laughing*
Romansu: what's so funny?
Akumu:*stood up and stood still as he held his arms out and continued laughing*ZAZAZAZAZA
Romansu:*looked up to see the clouds were about to pass over*the clouds?
Akumu: well villain Je tijd zit erop, want het is verdomde middag!

(Translation-Your times up because it's high fucking noon!)

*as the clouds finally passed over and when the sunlight hits akumu his pitch black skin began to have shadowy wisps lift from him in long waving tendrils of darkness*
Romansu: what the?!
Akumu: zazazazazazazaza! Well villain it's been fun but now your screwed!!!!!!

Akumu Nachtegaal's quirk-nightshade-he can turn his body into sharp shadow whips that become more powerful when there's more light around though this means he's practically useless when it's cloudy or at night!

Akumu:*launched two tendrils at Romansu that slashed him across the chest before wrapping around him and being pulled towards akumu where her punched him hard in his fresh chest wounds*
Romansu: GAH!!!!

*in the announcers booth*

Hora: HOLY HELL FOLKS!*got bonked by Kushinbo*ow!
Kushinbo: language dear junkie but agreed it appears young akumu has finally unleashed his quirk in full force!
Hora:*rubbed her head where she was bonked*looks like Romansu is gonna have to be careful now!

*in the 1-A stands*

Hari&Eric: HOLY FUCK!!*got bonked by yuleongs "left guard"*ow!
Yuleong: will you both calm down!
Ashe: <w-what is h-he doing?!>*clung onto hari in fear*

Molly: his quirk*was sitting next to capper where she stole his popcorn*
Eric: ok where did you even come from?!
Capper: the dons snackage!
Eri: what do you mean his quirk*had pulled a notebook and pen out of nowhere with stars in her eyes*

Yuleong: nightshade his quirk basically weaponizes the light that comes into contact with his skin with those weird tendrils worst part is the only saving grace your villain had down there was the clouds stopping him from using it
Eri:*mutter*so he can only use his quirk when there's a source of light and the more*mutter*light the stronger*mutter*

Kumo: she's muttering again.....
Yuleong: I see she hasn't lost that habit....*sighs and looks back at the fight*worst part is he can keep fighting at a distance unlike me,molly,and capper since we're stuck with close range combat for the most part
Capper:*trying to steal back his popcorn from molly*unless the don takes enough of a pummeling

Akane: so your saying Romansu's screwed
Molly: not exactly he's just gotta hit him hard and quick but first he's gotta close the distance don't see how he can though.....

Blod: don't you remember my fight with Romansu he had a special move just to do that purpose
Eric: oh right! Devil step!
Hari: question is*looks to the fighting stage*can he get a chance to pull it off?

*back in the fighting stage*

Romansu;*went rolling back after another lashing from akumu's tendrils*gah those things sting like all hell.......
Akumu: what's the mater villain getting tired then again I guess the son of that league of vil-*suddenly Romansu was in front of him and he was slugged across the face with a flame laced palm causing akumu to hold his face in pain*gah!

Romansu: don't you ever talk about my mother that way!!!!!!
Akumu: zazazaza or what you'll sick her on me oh wait you can't she's in pri-oh oh zazazazaaa!!!!*held his sides as he laughed*
Romansu: what's so funny*set his arms ablaze*
Akumu: I just realized something you've actually never met her have you

Romansu:*went wide eyed and froze in place*
Akumu: oh wow this is just rich the villain of 1-A abandoned by his villainous parents how worthless could you fucking b-
Romansu:*whispers*shut up
Akumu; I'm sorry what was that I could t hear you
Romansu: I said-

*and suddenly his gym uniforms overcoat was incinerated in a blaze of fury as his right eye was coated with marroon flames*
Romansu: shut.the.fuck.up!!!!!!!!!!!!!*ran forward and began to relentlessly throwing punches and kicks at akumu who was taking advantage of his blind rage to dodge them and attack with his shadowy tendrils without mercy*GAH!!!!!

Romansu:*was sent flying back and landed hard against the ground and slowly stood up hissing as he felt his arm was broken from the impact*
Akumu: whoops guess I threw ya a little to hard villain*smirked and more shadowy tendrils came from his body*but I think it's about time we end this

Romansu:*thoughts*think Romansu how are you gonna beat this bastard your arms broken your practically at your quirks limit at most I can pull off two devil steps and maybe that one move at full blast but I'd need to practically need to be at point blank in front of him........ah fuck it if I lose I'm gonna at least go out trying to do my best

Akumu; alright let's get this going!*the multiple tendrils began to coil around each other and form into more whip like structures*Black light-holle ranken/hollow tendrils!*he launched them forward to start whipping and thrashing at Romansu who dodged them by firing off a "devil step" to close the distance from them*shit!

Romansu:*thoughts*one left*used the second "devil step" to get directly in front of him and looked him dead in the eye*ya know this is the first time I'm actually gonna use this move so sorry if it ends up hurting you more then I mean to*then akumu noticed in Romansu's still working arms hand palm there appeared to be a condensed ball of flame swirling violently*
Akumu: what are you fucking planning!!!!
Romansu: just a little ultimate move!

Romansu:*thoughts*I only have one shot so I better make it count!-*and suddenly Romansu remembered back to a memory he never knew he had*

~flashback to 14 years ago~

Dabi:*had a baby romansu in his lap as dabi sat bored watching the tv*
Bbromanus: ba ba*gently patted against dabi's hand with his tiny ones*
Dabi: oh you wanna see your old mans flames?
Bbromansu:*giggled excitedly*

Dabi:*made his blue flames appear on his hand as romansu watched with joy and tried to reach out dabi stopped him*easy little man can't touch these flames they'd hurt ya pretty bad
Bbromansu:*tilted his head in confusion*
Dabi: probably won't understand it but ya see these flames of mine guess you could say their from hell they'll burn just about anything away actually makes me wonder if you'll get flames like I did?*brought the flames just a little closer for Romansu to see*and remember this little man do better then the mistakes your old man did after all I just know those flames of yours will always burn

~flashback end~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play the song)

Romansu:*grabbed akumu by the face and thought*condense the flames into a single point then unleash it all at once!*infernales sanguine-
Akumu: what the fuck are you doing!!!!!!
Romansu:-IAM BLANK GEHÉNNAM/POIN BLANK HELLFIRE!!!!!!!!*launched a massive surge of marroon flames at akumu which nearly blasted akumu away*I may be the son of two villains but they already taught me that even if I go down my flames will always burn brighter!!!!!!!

*the crowd began to go wild as Romansu blasted akumu away with that attack*
Romansu:*took deep heavy breaths as he looked to stands and saw people cheering for him and smiled with his eyes closed*hows that for a damn villain......*passed out landing backwards still with the smile on his face*

*in the 1-A stands*

The class: YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!
Hari: way to go Romansu!
Ashe:<I have been avenged hehehe!>
Eric: way to go boyo!
Eri; that's how ya put a asshole in his place
Shinpi: good job
Mitsuo: nice work!

*in the announcers booth*

Hora:*shaking Kushinbo in absolute joy*
Kushinbo: we've just seen one heck of a fight folks the winner of the 1st year ua sports festival is the villain of 1-A ROMANSU TOGA!!!!!*pumped his fist into the air*

*later in the infirmary*

Romansu:*fluttered his eyes open and groaned as he sat up and was immediately near hugged by hora and Kushinbo*GAH!!!!
Kushinbo&Hora: WERE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!*both were crying a river of tears*
Romans: I love you guys to but your both crushing me........

*the two got off but were still crying rivers*
Romansu: ugh felt like I was hit by a truck what happened?
Kushinbo: hmmmmm how do we explain it?
Hora: you passed out from over using your quirk and you and akumu were taken to the infirmary for medical attention almost immediately
Kushinbo; there we go

Romansu: wait what about the medal ceremony?
Kushinbo; oh that was still held just not with you and akumu present speaking of which*tosses the medal onto Romansu*and there's one more surprise
Romansu: and that is?

*then they heard the door open to see allmight walk in*
Allmight: ah young toga glad to see your up
Romansu: who's the French fry?
*allmight froze and lost all color and hora was struggling not to burst out laughing*

Allmight:*regains his composure*well guess you wouldn't recognize me I'm the principal allmight
Romansu: oh right sorry about that I always figured you were like a counselor or something like that
Allmight: well I'm here to tell you that you have one personal request of me it can be anything-
Romansu: within reason?
Allmight: smart kid so what do you think you want
Romansu:......*looked down and smiled as he looked back to to say*-

"I wanna meet my parents"


And that's chapter 34-blaze vs shade what did you all think of akumu's quirk and Romansu's new special move I personally had a huge blast writing this chapter and the next chapter is gonna be even more fun for me to write well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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