Chapter 35-class fun

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*last chapter the brutal fight between akumu and Romansu took place with akumu's quirk finally being revealed and Romansu using a powerful ultimate move to will the fight*

=five days after the sports festival=

Romansu:*still had his arm in a caste as he was sitting on the couch watching tv til he heard a knock on the door*hm?*went to open it only for it to be flung open to reveal the whole class of 1-B was there*GAH FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!

Molly: howdy fire rat!
Capper: the don and his pals have arrived!
Akumu:*grumbling as his face was covered in bandages*
Yuleong; where's the table we brought food
Mabel: hello!
Dipper:*rolled his eyes*

*all the commotion brought the rest of 1-A out who were equally as confused as romansu*
Hari: the actual fuck is going on here?
Eric: it's bloody 5 in the afternoon you bastards better have a good excuse for interrupting my homework......
Rochuex:*yawned as it appears she just woke up from a nap rubbing her eyes*
Shinpi: ah we have intruders I'll get my swords
Ashe: <Mabel!>*launched herself forward and collided into Mabel who fell backwards hugging ashe*

Eri: uhhhhh why is everyone here
Molly: we came to celebrate your little pals victory in the sport festival!
Romansu; that was five days ago.....
Capper: well the don and his pals had to drill some sense into the boogie man's skull

Mitsuo: you can't drill anything into a persons skull that's practically like killing someone
Ame: it's sarcasm learn it already!!!
Shinpi: hmmmm drills maybe I should look into learning how to fight with them
Ame: don't you go starting to!

Romansu:*facepalmed and saw capper shove akumu forward who took a very big sigh*
Akumu; I'm sorry
Romansu:*blinked a few times*...come again?

Akumu: I said I'm sorry!*takes a deep breath and looks away*during the sports festival I was dealing with emotions that were caused by some memories that I had suppressed and I'm here to formally apologize that what I did was wrong and I was being a total jackass.....
Romansu:........?*points to akumu as he looked at the whole class of 1-B*

Capper: the boogie man got a emergency session with his therapist
Hari; huh so the psychopath has a therapist figures
Akumu: who are you calling a psychopath!

Romansu: well you may have made up with me buuuuttt Ashe is different story
Akumu; who?*suddenly Ashe grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a dust cloud fight*OW-what the he-Gah!*looked at his classmates*help me you bastards!!!!!

Capper: your on your own boogie man
Molly: ya had this comin
Yuleong: don't worry if you die well give you a respectable funeral
Mabel: kick is ass ashe!
Akumu; YOU BASTARDS IM GONNA KI-*and Ashe grabbed his face*shit!*got pulled back into the dust cloud fight*

*a good ten minutes later*

Hari: better?
Ashe:*nodded as she stood next to a semi-unconscious akumu*
Akumu:*muttering what could only be assumed to be Dutch swear words as he laid on the ground in pain*
Romansu: can we not beat people up like that after we all just got almost a lifetimes worth of beating each other up five days ago!
Hyde: who cares let's party!

*soon everyone began to party with all the food 1-B brought with blod now cooking up an additional feast*

Molly: bring it on ya overgrown porcupine!*was arm wrestling hari*
Hari; I ain't going easy on you!
Ashe; <kick her ass hari->*puked up blood and it landed on capper*<sorry!>
Capper: oh don't worry firecracker!*patter Ashe on the head like a little animal*

Shinpi: I wouldn't if I were you
Capper; hm why's th-*was suddenly thrown into a body lock by Ashe with her legs wrapped around his neck and her arms keeping his arms pressed against his back*gah! The don calls uncle!
Ashe:*hissing like a snake*
Mabel: hahahahah!
Dipper: we did warn you*chuckled*

*slightly later*

Eric: their absolutely insane!!!!
Hari: how are they all still standing!?
Eri: I can't watch!
Molly: I can!
*in front of the class was Ashe,Romansu and a girl with lapis blue skin with a short chubby dragon tail she had teal blue eyes and agate blue hair and the three were eating wave after wave of spicy foods*

Romansu: I give!!!!!!*fell backwards as visible steam was coming from his mouth*
Blod: heheheheh one down two left in the running better hope the gods have a little mercy fair maidens!*placed more spicy food in front of Ashe and the dragon girl*

Ashe:*held her hands over her mouth and made her way to a trash can and threw up and slowly sunk down to the floor*
Dragon???:*stood up victorious*I win!
Molly: atta girl smolder!
Capper: the don could have handled the challenge
Akumu: oh really?*grabbed a ghost pepper from the food*
Capper: yeah the don ain't gonna be bea-*the pepper was shoved in his mouth and he began to run around like a headless chicken*

*eventually the guys and girls split off into their own groups*

*with the guys*

Eric: I want it to be noted I didn't agree to this.....*was about to be used as a human cannonball*
Capper: swing batter batter!*was using one of Shinpi's kendo sticks*
Shinpi: if you break that I will take those arms of yours off

Capper: relax the don knows what he's doing!
Akane:*leaned to akumu and dipper*does he really?
Akumu: oh in no fucking way
Dipper: I'm staying out of th-*as Eric was thrown he hit dipper head on*THATS IT!!!!!!!

*with the girls*

Rochuex:*mumbling*why am I pulled into this I just wanna nap.....
Ame: you practically nap all day live a little!
Mabel: yeah it'll be fun!*was about to pat rochuex on the back but thankfully eri and ame stopped her*hey what's the matter?
Eri: she really doesn't like people touching her
Mabel: ah that's nonsense all she need is a h-

*two seconds later*
Mabel: bleh.....*was on the ground unconscious as rochuex was in the corner holding herself*
Eri: we tried to warn her*sighs*
Ame:*poking Mabel with a stick*Yup she's out cold

Molly: ha little things got some power in her!*looked over to rochuex who pulled her beanie over her eyes and muttered something in French*?
Yuleong: I don't mean to be a bore but how about we get some excitement going

Seion: what do you recommend?
Yuleong: measuring contest
*that caused every single girl to blush like all hell besides Mabel and molly*
Molly: really that's a bit immature
Yuleong: what's wrong molly worried someone may beat you in the running
Molly:*rolled her eyes*fine but I ain't gonna like it

*with the guys*

Shinpi: you know there is one game I want to try out
Romansu: and what would that be because this ones a lot more entertaining*points his pinky at hari having akumu in a headlock fighting over the last dango*
Hari: it's mine you sun burnt bastard!
Akumu: in your dreams you damn <briar bush bitch!!!!!>

Shinpi: how about we all play truth or dare
Eric: alright I'm game
Shinpi: ok Eric truth or dare
Eric: truth
Shinpi: what's the deal with your leg?
Eric: oh you mean this*pulled his leg off and bonked akumu on the head with it*

Akumu: the fuck!!!!
Eric: I was born without it and my other leg was <shit> to begin with so I got a prosthetic around when I got my quirk ok dear boogie man truth or dare
Akumu: dare I ain't scared of nothing!
Eric: I dare you to take a punch to the balls without flinching-
Akumu: ha! That's easy-
Eric: let me finish a punch to the balls by capper
Capper:*already cracking his knuckles*
Akumu: HELL NO!

Eric: to late ya already agreed to do a dare! Akane do your thing!
Akane: on it!*froze akumu in place with his quirk*
Akumu: you fuckers I'm going to kill you!!!!!!!
Capper: sorry in advance from the don boogie man*cocked back a fist*
Akumu: <capper I swear god if you throw that punch I will hang you by your feet!!!!!>

Capper:*punched akumu right in the jewels and akumu fell straight to the ground holding his privates in pain*capapapapa!
Akumu:<I'm going to kill you all.....>*sat up and looked capper dead in the eye*alright ya smug bastard truth or dare
Capper: the don shall take a dare!
Akumu: I dear you to eat a ghost pepper and not breath for ten full seconds
Capper: seems fair-*and suddenly five ghost peppers were put into his mouth by mitsuo and dipper held his mouth shut*!!!!

Akumu: and that's payback*capper broke free and ran to the fridge and downed a gallon of milk in less then ten seconds*zazazazazazaza
Capper: you know the don can't handle spicy food!
Romansu; this is only going to get crazier from here isn't it?

*back with the girls*

*they had all finished measuring some bigger then others expected some smaller*

Yuleong:*was deemed the smallest and was currently swearing to herself in Korean*
Molly:*was deemed the "largest" and didn't seem to care*I told ya this was a dumb idea
Rochuex:*deemed the second largest and was just cocooned in a blanket in the corner hissing at anyone who came to close*

Ashe; I don't get the point of this?*was the second smallest and looked at mabel*
Mabel: I don't either I mean who cares who has the bigger boobs
Ame: you both be amazed.....

(You honestly thought I would actually reveal their sizes well shame on most of you lovable psychopaths)

Rochuex:*exited her little cocoon and growled*alright if your all gonna be doing this <idiotic shit> in my room we get to play a game now
Molly: I think we woke the dragon ladies
Rochuex; wyvern I am a wyvern!!!!!
Molly; alright alright*backed away*

Smolder(dragon???): alright what's the game
Rochuex; it's simple I read a book of my choosing if you all can last as long as possible if you can't bear til I finish one chapter you have to tell a secret not a deeply private one but a secret
*half the girls gulped as rochuex pulled out a book with a pitch black cover titled "les fillies dernier cauchemar"*
Molly: meh how scary can I be*smirked*

Rochuex:*let out a dark disturbing chuckle as she grinned showing her dagger like teeth*oh trust me call it payback~
The girls;*thought at the same time*what did we just get ourselves into......
Rochuex:*chuckled and sat down with her legs crossed and opened the book*last chance to back out unless you all are <chicken>*gave a quick look around to see Ashe had fallen asleep on Blod*alright you've been warned ladies~

*back with the guys*

Capper; alright sword man(Shinpi) truth or dare!
Shinpi: hmmmm truth
Capper; so what's the deal with that fancy petal robe ya got there
Shinpi: ah right most of you are from 1-B so you wouldn't know when I'm not actively using my quirk my cherry blossom petals enter a sorta "resting" state the cloak is the byproduct of said resting state ok dipper truth or dare

Shinpi; I dare you to it get angry for the rest of the game
Dipper: shouldn't be to hard
Shinpi; oh we'll see how long you last
Dipper: alright*looks at Hyde and points to him*you truth or dare
Hyde: uhhhhh dare?
Dipper: I dare you to go into where the girls are and steal something from the room

*and that caused the guys if 1-A to freeze in place*
Dipper: what something wrong
Hyde: deal-*was suddenly tied up against the floor*oh come on!!!!!

Capper: what happened in Kyoto?
Guys of 1-A: you don't wanna know!!!!!!
Akumu: well to bad*pointed to the spot Hyde was and he was gone along with mitsuo*

Romansu&Hari: fuck......

*back with the girls*

Rochuex: and so the girl wept with tears of joy as her heart was shattered by her own handed bloodied and black still torn and beating yet whole and still she lifts her heart to bath her self it ins bl-
Molly: I CANT I JUST CANT!!!!!!*all round molly were girls either passed out from either fear or embarrassment*

Rochuex: oooooo and so the last domino falls~*closed the book as it is revealed every other girl besides those two were unconscious*well you know what must be done*seemed to be enjoying seeing the embarrassment and suffering of her classmates and the girls of 1-B*

Molly:*took a deep breath and looked down*I'm scared of sleeping.....
Rochuex:*was actually surprised*
Molly: I know it sounds silly but every time I went to sleep as a little girl I'd always have nightmares they just kept gettin worse and worse until I was to scared to even close my eyes and the worse part is I can't even remember anything before I was-*and suddenly the heard a large amount of books fall and saw Hyde on his face holding a book labeled "a little dragons first star" and when he saw every single girl was looking at him*

Hyde: oh fuck.....
Ame: well looks like someone didn't learn their lesson back in Kyoto*made her cloud appear and it was as dark as night*
Seion: it seems so perhaps it's time to teach him another lesson*her tail stood up flaring outwards*
Yuleong: oh this will be fun to release some stress*made her "mad right" appear*

Rochuex:*saw the book and her eyes pupils turned to near invisible slits*you.are.dead!!!!!!!
Hyde: AHHHH!!!!*ran out the door and began high tailing it as the girls rushed after him*

*with the guys who were all trying to hide as best they could*

Romansu: I think Hyde was just found out*was hiding under the couch with eric*
Eric: shhhhh be quiet do you want to d-*and suddenly molly lifted the couch and she looked ready to break someone in half*-eath wish......
Molly: howdy boys I can already guess you both are ready for a world of hurt*she had on a smile that was more malicious then mercies*
Romansu: SCATTER!!!!!!!

*and with that every single guy began to bolt for a place to either hopefully hide or try and survive til the anger died down*

The girls of 1-A an B: YOU DICKS ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!!
Akumu: we're not the ones who did it you crazy bitches!!!!!!
Hari: yeah blame Hyde not us!
Eri: oh don't worry he's currently hanging by his feet already!

*as the chaos continued the doors to the dorms were opened to reveal Kushinbo and hora who were both dumbfounded at the sight they saw*
Kushinbo: what the heck is going on in here?!
*everyone stopped when they saw the two teachers*
Hora; did we interrupt something or?

*one explanation later resulting in every student getting a bonk on the head*
Kushinbo: so let me get this straight young dipper made a dare to young Hyde to take something from young onyx's room but while that was happening she was reading a book that scared the heck out of everyone

Hora: and when they all saw Hyde you all immediately assumed the guys were there to get a peek of some sorta secret dirty party?
*the girls nodded while the boys were currently turned face first to the wall holding their hands up out of fear*
Kushinbo; sounds about right for a student party but any way we're here to give something to young Romansu!

Romansu: say what now?
Kushinbo: you heard me*handed him a letter*recommend reading that in private but for now I'll show you boys how to do a real run for your lives GET EM HONEY!

Hora: oh with pleasure!*smiled as he pulled a taser out of nowhere as the other girls got behind her*oh that includes you by the way Kushinbo
Kushinbo: yeah-wait what.........

*and so for the rest of the night til 3 am rolled around chaos ensued of singing dancing fighting and eating until only hora Kushinbo and Romansu were the only ones left awake*

Romansu:.....*looking at the letter*
Kushinbo: ya nervous about it kiddo?
Romansu: well one one hand I'm anxious on the other I can't wait to open it.....but what if they don't even remember me
Hora: oh hush your their son practically pried from them when you were a baby I doubt they'd forget you

Romansu:*takes a deep breath and opens the letter to reveal a small hologram disk he placed it down and a little allmight hologram appeared*
Holomight: hello young toga I hope you are in good spirits for I have exciting news regarding your request you made a few days ago and I'm proud to say your request as been granted

Holomight: now there are a few conditions but we can go over those tomorrow along with a guest who will be in attendance he's part of said conditions but until then get some rest you'll have a busy day tomorrow*with that the hologram turned off*'s finally happening

*romansu received a letter he's been waiting years for what will happen tomorrow who's this mysterious guest find out next time in chapter 36-long overdue*


And that's chapter 35-class fun it sure did get crazy now didn't it bet some of you weren't expecting akumu to apologize now did ya but it was fun just writing up some fun chaos with the last couple of chapters being mostly action chapters but hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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