Chapter 37-inviation!

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*it's been two weeks now since the sports festival all the students are healed up and are now preparing for a meet the parents day decorating the dorms and making tons of preparations*

Romansu: feels kinda crazy we're doing this
Eric: yeah we've already met hari's old man and your parents but I don't think we've met anyone else's
Eri: yeah my dad is pretty ummmm intense.....
Blod: my mother is very fun she'll probably bring more food then we need though

Mitsuo: my parents aren't to special they'll probably be more surprised at some of you people
Ame: my dad is the coolest you guys will love him!
Hyde: eh I'm hoping mine don't show up their a bit-
Seeke: uptight snobs!
Hyde: well put

Kumo: I'm so nervous what if you guys don't like my parents?!
Akane: I think your panicking to much....
Kayu: I don't think mine will come their pretty busy
Kenta; same as kayu doubt mine would want to show up here to begin with

Seion: hm my parents will probably bring bodyguards
Atsumi: this is gonna be so cool bet half of them are worried sick after what happened during the sports festival with some of us

Shiba: I know mine are.....
Bibi: my moms gonna give me an earful for losing to freaking aiko during the second round....
Aiko: hey not my fault you didn't stop my jaws!
Bibi: you fucking bit me!!!!!

Romansu: well we are overlooking the issue that two of us are actually orphans*and two large metaphorical arrows labeled "orphan" hit them square in the chest*
Ashe: <you don't have to remind us......>
Shinpi: meh I honestly don't care I know who my family is
Hari: besides weren't you an orphan not to long ago villain?
Romansu: gah!*was hit square in the face with the same metaphorical arrow Ashe and Shinpi were hit with*

Rochuex:*came out of her room rubbing her eyes and slowly waddled her way over to the kitchen wearing a her large signature "wyverns bleed cooler" shirt and slowly sat at the table reading a book half asleep*....
Eric: and so shut-in emerges*was using his orbitals to carry a box of stuff*care to pitch in?
Rochuex: hm?*looked around and yawned*what's going on....?

Romansu: oh the school allowed family to come over for the day so students could get checked up on making sure their ok honestly your one of the wildcards regarding everything
Rochuex:*the second she heard family she stood up and walked away with her book closed her door and then everyone heard what could only be described as a hurricane of chickens screaming their heads off and good few seconds later rochuex came out dressed in her normal clothes minus her earbuds*

Shinpi: that was disturbingly quick.....
Ame: wow your never this active!
Rochuex:*mumbled something in French before clawing at her arm*how long do we have til they get here
Hari:*looked at a clock on the wall*uhhh about three hours why?
Rochuex:*muttered*good gives me time to set my mind right......*walked over to the corner and seemed to began some sorta voice exercise*

Romansu: hmmmmm little weird but let's get moving people
Mitsuo; didn't 1-B say they we're g-
*and almost on cue 1-B opened the dorm doors and began to file in carrying additional stuff*
Akumu: ok you bastards where do you want us to put this stuff!
Capper: leave the heavy lifting to the don!
Molly:*rolling up her sleeves*ok y'all get to work we don't got time for this!
Yuleong: molly dear calm down not all of us are so gung-ho to do this
Dipper:*was holding Mabel back from tackle hugging Ashe*

Mitsuo: I retract what I was about to say...
Romansu: wise choice
Molly: so fire rat what needs to be done*smiled and saw rochuex in the corner who was still doing the voice exercises*what's she doin?
Romansu: no clue and all that's left really is to cook the food which Blod is already doing
Akumu; she's the only one aren't any of you fucks going to help?!

Eric: we would but
Hari: she has made it explicitly noted that the kitchen is her domain and no one else's......
Akumu: oh we'll <fucking> see about that*rolled up his shirt sleeves and went over to Blod who looked him dead in the eyes*
Blod: I assume you've been told that I handle the cooking so you can leave I ha-
Akumu: you aren't gonna do all this shit alone so your getting my fucking help whether you like it or not and your going to let some of the others help do are we fucking clear!!!!!!!!!
Blod:*shaking in fear and rapidly nodded*<y-yes sir>
Akumu: what was that!
Blod: yes sir!

Akumu:*calmed down*good so what are you planning to make

*everyone else besides 1-b was kinda in shock at what just happened*
Romansu; what in fuck just happened....
Capper: the boogie man just happened

*soon everything was finished up with ten minutes to spare*
Hari:zzzzzzzzz*had Ashe sleeping on him sorta using his hair as a blanket*
Akumu:*points to the wholesome scene*this normal around here
1-A: like you wouldn't believe
Eri; well I better change my shirt got a stain on it when we were washing all the dishes earlier*saw yuleong come up to her and eri just walked passed her to her room*

Yuleong:*sighs*........*Mabel walked over and patted her on the shoulder*
Mabel; hey give her time she just needs a little time to get past the bad
Yuleong: well bad is an understatement I practically tortured her for years because of me being a brat in elementary school.......
Mabel: hey there's good in everyone she just needs some extra time to see it

Molly:*walked over to rochuex who hadn't moved from her spot at all*hey you ok you hav-*and then rochuex walked away scratching at her arm before muttering something no one could understand*hmmmm*thoughts*there's something off with that girl

*and soon parents began diving into the dorms looking to see their kids*

Supaiku: boy
Hari: dad
*the two gave a long hard stare at each other before rolling their eyes*
Supaiku: so saw you lost during the second round pretty disappointing
Hari: well if I didn't my friends probably would have gotten hurt or worse
Supaiku: big d-*saw Ashe hissing at him from behind hari*who's that
Hari: oh this is Ashe she's one of the people we met in Kyoto while back

Supaiku: why is she hissing she a cat or something
Hari: more like a snake
Ashe:<hari told me all about you you spiky asshole!!!!>
Supaiku:*a tick mark appeared on his head*what did she say
Hari: I don't feel like I have the obligation to let you know*smirked*

Supaiku:*growls then realizes something*wait is she one of those people who attacked you back in Kyoto why are you associating with a vill-*froze when hari glared him in the eyes needles slowly growing on his arm before Ashe held his hand calming him down*
Hari: dad I get your angry at the world but that doesn't give you the right to insult my friend for actions she had no choice over but if all your going to do is insult her and her friends along with mine I'm going to politely ask you to leave if that's all your going to do
Supaiku:*was taken aback and growled before walking to a different part of the dorm*

Hari:*sighs*that guys has got to learn someday he can't hold a grudge like that......

*over with eri*

Aizawa; so how's everything going heard this is a rather interesting lot in terms of classmates
Eri: yeah everyone's quirks are so cool though you should really see akanes his quirk is actually kinda sim-*felt someone tug her shirt and turned to see an old couple with teal blue hair they were rather small in terms of height*oh sorry didn't mean to be in your way
???:<it's ok Deary we're just wondering if you know our granddaughter>*she was a small lady wearing thick rimmed glasses and had her hair in multiple buns*
Eri: I'm sorry I don't understand-

Yuleong:*came running over*halmeoni(grandma) hal-abeoji(grandpa) I told you both not to run off from m-*saw eri and froze in place*......
Eri: oh yuleong
Hal-abeoji: yuleong so you do know this girl*was hunched over and had a cane and used it to whack yuleong in the knee and turned to aizawa an bowed*im sorry how my granddaughter treated your daughter during her years in middle school

Aizawa: it's ok we don't hold a grudge to it
Eri:*thoughts*and he's lying.....
Yuleong: ow!*held her knee*hal-abeoji wae gaseo geuleohgehaeya haess-eoyo!
Halmeoni: agassineun-i agassiege dangsin-i han il-e daehae sagwahabnida!

Yuleong: grandpa why did you do have to go and do that!
Halmeoni: young lady apologize to this young girl for what you did it's the least you can do after what you did!)

Eri; uhhhhhhhh?
Yuleong: joh-a joh-a joh-a!*looked at eri an aizawa and sighed*I'm sorry about my grandparents they primarily speak Korean and their Japanese is a little choppy-*got hit in the knee again*EEP!*held her knee*but eri I w-
Eri: don't worry it's water under the bridge hey dad how about we go talk to Ashe and Shinpi I think you'd like talking with them
Aizawa: hmmm alright been wanting to be those two either way

*as aizawa walked away eri gave yuleong a cold glance and followed*
Halmeoni:*patted yuleong on her side*gwaenchanh-a geunyeoneun sigan-i pil-yohae
Yuleong:myeoch nyeon jeon-e gajyeossdeon gihoeleul ilh-eoss-eul geos gat-ayo.....

(Oooooh Frozefas ya sure you aren't ready to eat your words =u=?)

*over with Romansu who was actually talking with Blod as they waited for her family*
Romansu: any idea what's taking your family so long?
Blod: oh my mother is uhhhh what's the word
*then suddenly everyone saw a woman standing at 12'1 with large deer antlers carrying a large cooking tray with a full roasted pig in it*
Romansu: O_O.......................
Eric: that's uh she's um-wha I mean is ummmm......
Shinpi: that is a lot of woman.........

Mom???: <my little huntress sorry I took so long I got lost on my way here you know I'm not good with directions>*saw everyone else staring at her some in awe and some in shock*<oh my it seems I'm already popular!>
Blod: mama welcome everyone this is my mother psykopat(psychopath) hund!

Eric:*whisper yells to Blod*you could have mentioned she's a giant!!!!
Blod: oh yes I guess I should have hehehe
Psykopat: <now where should I put this?>*held up the whole roasted pig*
Blod: <oh follow me!>*led her mother towards where all the food was*

Romansu;......ok then that happened
Eric: soooo I'm gonna go check on my folks
Romansu: I'm gonna join you.....

*with molly*
Molly: mama!*was hugged by a woman who was easily 7'2 and behind her was a man around the same height*I missed you guys so much!
M-mom: oh baby girl me and her pa were so worried after you got the hell beaten outta ya durin the sport festival!

Akumu:*shaking in literal fear*<holy shit I'm fucked.....>
Dipper:*patting akumu on the back*welp it's been nice knowing you

Molly; it's alright mama I'm fine besides he already got taught a lesson
M-mom: well golly I'm glad someone out that little asshole in his place ain't that right hun
M-mom: but where's that little thin you fought in the first round I heard she didn't do so hot after words
Molly: oh I'm not sure I haven't had a chance to talk with he-*and suddenly the whole dorm felt like it got colder*

*some of the students and parents turned to see a woman wearing a ice blue dress that reached down to her thighs wearing a dark blue leather jacket over her arms her brown hair was tied into a massive braided ponytail that reached down to her hips and on her feet were high heels her skin was pale disturbingly pale her eyes were a chilling blue and there were even streaks of blue in her hair was well*

???: bonjour everyone I have arrived~
Rochuex:*froze in place and stood still keeping her eyes to the ground*
Romansu: why does she look familiar......
Eri: that's the frost heroine-friodeur she's practically known giving villains she brings in with bad cases of frostbite due to her quirk.......
???: my my someone's done their research I'm flattered~ but you can just call me Roxie~

Molly:*her eyes glanced over to rochuex who was obviously struggling not to fall into a panic attack and thought*what is going on here this woman suddenly showed up and she froze up like a deer in headlights?
Roxie:*saw rocheux and gasped*Roxanne my darling little sister!~*went over and pulled her into a hug*oh it's been to long since I saw you

Rocheux: w-what brings you h-here?
Roxie: aren't I allowed to visit my baby sister
Capper: uhhh pardon for the don for intervening but the don doesn't see the family resemblance between you both?
Roxie: we're half sisters different mothers same dad oh rocheux have you told them yet

Rochuex: n-no I didn't i-I wasn't s-sure if they'd be interested-*almost flinched as Roxie placed a ice cold grip on her shoulder and gripped tightly and slowly looked into her eyes*
Roxie: don't be ridiculous darling sister I'm sure they would all be more then happy to attend!

Romansu: attend what?
Roxie: oh excuse me everyone if I can have your attention please*everyone turned towards her*I would like to cordially to invite you all to the Galla being thrown by our father the fortress hero-obsidian this week!
*some people nearly fainted on the spot while others jaw dropped*

Molly:*saw rochuex was visibly holding back some tears and then she noticed there was frost forming on her shoulder where Roxie was holding it and thought*I don't like this somethin's off.....

Roxie: remember everyone the parties next week-

"So you better dress up~"

*the stage is set who is this mysterious woman who claims to be rochuex's older sister and what's this supposed party that's being thrown find out next time in chapter 38-to dress nice!*


And that was chapter 37-invitation! and boy this was a joy to write particularly hari and his dad's interaction tell me what was your favorite interaction between the students and parents personally I loved the one I did for blod's mom well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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