Chapter 38-to dress nice!

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*after the parents had left for the evening the students began scrambling to find anything they could wear to a fancy party*

Hari: hmmmmmm*was looking at a ceremonial yukata*this will do
Ame: your gonna wear a yukata?
Hari: hey give me a break it's all I got
Romansu: meanwhile I have nothing......
Mitsuo: same here I don't really own any clothing that could count as formal wear
Eric: chechecheche
Seion: what has you laughing?

Eric: I may have just the thing to fix our problems everyone who doesn't have formal wear follow me into town tomorrow after school!
Everyone:*thoughts*he's planning something......

*the next day as everyone was walking to school*

Romansu; wonder what our class midget as planned
Hari: knowing him can't be good
Ashe:zzzzzzzz*was riding on hari's shoulders*
Shinpi: hmmmm I've never been to a party well at least one where we didn't have to kill so-*and eri jabbed him with her elbow*ow
Eri: I wouldn't talk about that stuff in public if I were you.....

Kumo: I don't think Eric would trick us like that
Eric: oh yes I would
Half of 1-A: AH!
Eric: what she's right I love pranks and love pulling them off
Romansu: well what are you dragging most of us into after school?
Eric: it's a secret dear boyo I can't say-
Akumu: what's going on
Eric: AH!

*some of 1-B was next to 1-A now as they were walking by*
Capper: the don hears you lot are missing some of the fancier duds that are required for this prestigious event we all have been invited to
Molly: yeah we're in the same situation well everyone one of us except these three.....*points to dipper,Mabel,and yuleong*
Romansu: wait you two have formal clothes?*points to dipper and mabel*
Dipper: yeah because of her*points to yuleong*

Yuleong: you can actually thank my grandparents for that they refused to leave without a gift to the both of them.....
Mabel: I think it was super sweet!
Eri:*rolls her eyes and walks ahead faster*

*out the corner of her eye molly saw rocheux with her headphones in reading a book as she walked*
Molly:*slowed down and looked down at the smaller girl*so wha ya reading little gir-
Rochuex:*mumbles*<quit calling me that....>
Molly; hm?
Rochuex:*sighs and looks up showing she had dark bags under her eyes*quit calling me that I'm not a little girl.....
Molly: well your a lot smaller then me so in my eyes your a little girl*smiles*

Rochuex: tch*went back into her book and molly noticed it was the same book Hyde tried stealing a few weeks ago*
Molly: so what's the book called?
Rochuex:.......*tried to place her face deeper into the book and walked faster*
Molly:*looks at some of the 1-A kids*she always this antisocial?

Kumo: sadly yes......
Ame: we try and get her out of her shell but she's constantly in her room and even when she does come out it's only to eat or go to school it's so frustrating!*her little cloud began to dark as she pouted with a huff*
Akane: it's not all bad though she does try and do chores around the dorms when we aren't there
Mitsuo: it is a little creepy though

Mabel:*looked back*creepy how?
Aiko: she acts like a freaking robot almost like she doesn't know any better
Molly:*thought back to last night*hmmmmm.....

*soon after school ended everyone who was lacking formal clothing met up at a shopping plaza*

Ashe: wwwooooowwwww!*was wearing a large sweater decorated in a orange and black snake scale pattern and under the sweater were a pair of shorts her feet were bandaged as usual along with her signature chocker*this place is amazing!
Shinpi: hmmmm it is interesting here*was wearing his petal cloak along with what appears to be a traditional cherry colored hidori like shirt with kendo slacks and wooden sandals with a mask over his mouth*
Romansu: you look way to natural in that......*sweatdropped at Shinpi's outfit*

Hari: where in hell is the midget he's supposed to be here by now......*was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves ripped off with a few needles woven into it he was wearing dark grey pants with a chain style belt*
Mabel: hey give him a break he did say he would take awhile*was wearing a white shirt and had a red pink sweater tied around her waist wearing shorts with stockings that reached up to her knees with bright red sneakers*

Dipper: and why did we get dragged along we already got clothes for this event!*was wearing a red and white varsity jacket with a black shirt and red shorts with similar red sneakers that Mabel was wearing*
Mabel: because I don't trust him alone with ashe*points to akumu*
Akumu: OI!!!!!*was wearing a orange tank top with tie on white sleeves he was wearing camo colored baggy pants with combat boots and had a pair of sunglasses hanging from his neck*

Molly:*bonked akumu on the head*ah shut up ya damn varmint*was wearing a plaid button up shirt and work jeans with cowboy boots along with her signature hat and had a piece of straw in her mouth*
Capper: capapapa the don likes where this is heading!*was wearing a dark and lime green jersey with the number eight on it with cargo shorts with what seemed to be a small backpack slung over his shoulder*

Yuleong: can't believe I got dragged along as well*sighs she was wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt that had blue stripes on the sleeves and she was wearing a skirt with shorts underneath with knee high boots with her glasses now having a more circular shape to them*
Romansu: eh everyone else seemed to have family who could loan em clothes*was wearing a jacket similar to dabi's but more dark red in color with black paints and a shirt with a stitching pattern on it*

Hari: and how come you aren't letting your adopted parents help you with that
Romansu: oh I tried awhile back-

*flashback to last night five days before the sports festival*

Hora: IM TELLING YOU HE'D LOOK BETTER WITHOUT IT!!!!!the two were throwing random pieces of formal clothing at Romansu while also using him in a game of tug of war*
Romansu: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

*back to the present*

Romansu: -but I'd rather not make that mistake again
Akumu&dipper&shinpi:*struggling not to laugh*
Romansu: knew I shouldn't have flashbacked........

Eric: sorry my friends for the wait!*was wearing a formal button up with dress shorts held up by suspenders holding a folded up blazer under one of his arms as he fixed his glasses and was wearing his mini top hat*
Hari: about time what took you?
Eric: had to make a phone call to my folks took slightly longer then I had expected it to be

Akumu; let's just get going my goddamn legs are falling asleep.....
Eric: yes onward!
*soon everyone began to walk towards a small tailoring shop named "quill and thrift"*

Eric: well everyone welcome to my home!
Romansu: you lived in a tailoring shop?
Eric: yup family run since 1901!
Hari: guess that means it's ending with you becoming a hero then
Eric: oh heavens no I have a younger cousin who's better at this shite then m-*and suddenly he was hit square in the face and groin by balls of yarn*AIYEEEE!!!!
The guys:*hissed with a look of pain as they saw what just happened*

???: WHAT WAS THAT YOU SHRIMP!!!!!!!!*was about as tall as Romansu and had silver hair like Eric but her eyes were a deep ruby color and she had a beret on along with a tailors outfit*
Eric: <you heard me you bloody banshee!!!>
Beret???:<well at least I got two working legs!>
Eric:<say that again to my face!!!!>

Capper: someone mind explaining to the don what's happening?
Eric:*coughed to clear his throat and stood up dusting himself off*everyone meet my cousin Elise Vonhome aka a constant pain <in my fucking ass>
Elise: I heard that!*looks at everyone*your all not allowed in
Everyone: THE FUCK!!!!!!

Elise: you he-*was bonked hard on her head by a man who was honestly a behemoth of a man standing at 6'7 and appeared to be more muscular then a cheetahs heart(seriously look up how big a cheetah heart is you'll be amazed) and had a small mustache that covered his upper lip with blonde gold hair and two piercing emerald eyes dressed in clothing similar to elise*owie!!!!

Muscle???: Elise what have I said about turning down customers just because their associated with my son
Everyone: son?!*everyone took serval quick glances at both the giant man and eric*

Romansu: I don't see the resemblance.....
Capper: the don is quaking in his boots.....
Akumu: well ain't he a biggin
Molly: about as big as my pa
Yuleong:*lost all color along with mabel*
Dipper: hey mabel snap out of it!!!*shaking his sister*

Eric: oh we get that often everyone my father Edward Vonhome
Edward: pleasure to meet you all*bowed*im sorry for my nieces rudeness she and my son have a very bitter rivalry that runs in the family
Hari; apparently not the height though*dodged an orbital*hey now!

Elise:*rubbing the part of her head she got bonked on as Edward let everyone inside*ya bring one stray in it's bound to bring more.......

*inside the shop it was a very well stocked and rustic tailor parlor and at the corner was a woman with silver hair and soothing sapphire blue eyes and was covered in all sorts of bits and bobbins and saw Eric and practically blasted off like a rocket towards him and hugged him tightly*

Eric: mom your crushing my appendix!.....
Mom???: oh I'm sorry my dear boy but it's been so long!*she had a rather thick German accent and she saw the others*oh where are my manners*did a curtsy*hello my name is Elizabeth Vonhome
Romansu: it a tradition to have everyone in the family first name start with E?.....
The Vonhome's: no why do you ask?

Elizabeth: well it's a pleasure to meet you young-
Romansu: Romansu toga*was going to shake Elizabeth's hand but when he did her hands popped off*AH!!

Elizabeth: aahahahahaha!*held her sides laughing as her hands reattached*oh it never gets old*then everyone noticed she didn't have feet*
Shinpi; what sorta quirkcraft is this?
Hari; good wordplay
Shinpi: thank you I've been saving that one

Elizabeth; oh my quirk is called "rag doll" I can basically pull myself apart like a old rag doll and pull myself together as well it's quite handy when your a seamstress
Eric: agreed also saves my hide a few times when I was nothing but a wee thing
Elise&Hari; don't you mean now
Eric: oi no teaming up like that!!!!

Edward; well my son tells me some of you are in need of some formal attire for a gala hosted by a professional hero
Shinpi: that's correct though three of us present already have such clothing
Yuleong: we came along to make sure nothing ridiculous happened because knowing some people in my class and 1-A I'd rather not take risks

*soon everyone began to get fitted for suites and dresses things were going well til molly and Ashe were getting theirs fitted*

Elise: wow your flat......*had taken ashe's bust measurement*
Ashe: I still don't get it?
Molly: trust me your better off not knowing*blushing as hers was being finished taken*
Elizabeth: hmmmmm yeah we're going to need to special make you something with this size

Elise:*tried to take off ashe's chocker only for her hand to be slapped away*the hell?!
Ashe: don'*glared Elise with a stone cold emotionless look that made Elise take a few steps back*
Elise:tch anyway do you want a suit or dress
Ashe: hmmmmmm I'll take a dress please I've never worn one before I want to feel as pretty as possible!*smiled and had little orange and cyan sparks come off her*

Elizabeth: I think I'll take over her dress Elise come along child you can help me pick out some fabrics you want me to use
Ashe: ok!*followed Elizabeth to a different area of the shop as Elise began to eye up molly with eyes of disapproval*

Molly: wha you eyeing me up for ya pole cat?
Elise: your foreigner aren't you?
Molly: yeah ain't it obvious?
Elise:*rolled her eyes as she grabbed some needles and thread*knew you were a hill billy
Molly:*a tick mark appeared on her head*what was that?

Elise: I'm just wondering how you lot got invited to a gala Eric is about as useless as a rock,the son of two literal villains,a guy who has constant bed head,twins who look like they came out of 80's movie,jumbo arms, and then there's y-*she shut up the second she saw molly glaring down at her with the most intense glare she had ever seen*

Molly:<now I'm only gonna say this once ya little varmint I was born here in Japan and my folks are from the states but that doesn't mean I ain't gonna take your crap down talking your own family and my classmates so what you think would happen if I told em that you were saying this shit?>
Elise:*gulped*y-you w-wouldn't
Molly:<oh so you can speak English well here's your last warning talk like that about em again and I will tie you up like a whole hog about to go for a tip into a smoker are.we.clear?>
Elise:*slowly nodded*

Molly: good now ya got any suits I could try on wanna see what looks best on me
Elise: r-right t-this way

*with the guys*

Edward: apologies*had pressed a tape measure around akumu's arm to hard*
Capper: take it easy boogeyman sure big fella didn't mean no harm towards ya
Akumu:<coming from the guy who has practical tank shells for arms.......>

Edward: so how long have the two of you known each other
Capper: oh the don and the boogeyman have known each other since we were ankle bitters
Akumu: practically couldn't get the guy to leave me alone so ended up letting him follow me around
Capper: also helps the don saved the boogeyman's favorite toy when he and the don were in 3rd gra-
Akumu; OI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edward: well I have all the measurements I need would you like to me some suits I could fit you in until your actual suits are ready
Akumu: <eh why not>*got up and they heard cappers phone ring*
Capper:*looked at his phone*oh dang the don's gotta split sorry but the don has a prior engagement he has to attend
Edward: it's quite alright we were going to have to tailor make yours anyway so there's not anything in stock that we have that could fit around your arms

Capper: much obliged giant man*began to run off out of the shop*
Akumu:*sighs quietly and thought*still visiting her even after he got into UA.........

*soon everyone left back for the dorms some already with formal wear in toe others having to wait for theirs to be made*

Shinpi: hm that went a lot smoother then I excepted
Eric: I hardly call trying to bonk my father with a kendo stick smooth.....
Romansu: was pretty funny to see Shinpi get lifted up like a pen though
Hari: so how'd it go for you ashe?
Ashe: it was awesome!

Mabel: hey where's capper
Akumu; he had to leave early family stuff......
Dipper: what's got you down?
Akumu: just thinking on some shit.......*looked at the sky and thought*and that shit is never gonna leave me....

*little did they all know they were being tracked by someone in a alleyway who was taking down notes*
???: hmmmmm no wonder she wanted me to keep an eye on them this is gonna be one hell of a ball

*who is this mystery person and why are they tracking the kids of 1-A and 1-B find out next chapter chapter 39-family time*


And that was was chapter 38-to dress nice tell me what you all thought of Eric's family and who do you think this mystery man is that's stalking them near the end of the chapter well anyway I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time because it's time for 1-B to take the spotlight!

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